Specifically, the change removed the "add page" panel padding,
because it moved padding from .cms-panel-padded into
commonly contained elements, like .ui-tabs-panel.
Apart from breaking layouts, it makes the class meaningless,
since its only padded depending on which elements it contains.
In order to rectify some introduced inconsistencies,
much too complex were required, e.g.
.ui-tabs .cms-edit-form, .ui-tabs .cms-content-fields {...}.
Was originally added for CMS grouped actions,
but can't see any effect. Probably related to the unreleased
changes around the new "batch actions" and "add page" panel styling.
It breaks button height in the top toolbar, by shifting from jQuery
UI's (well tested) mode of applying padding to the container,
to applying padding to the contained text instead. This
conflicts with the line-height set on many buttons.
BUG Issue with deleted records not being queried properly.
API DataQuery::expressionForField no longer requires a second parameter. Rather the query object is inferred from the DataQuery itself. This should improve consistency of use of this function.
The new 'liszt:ready' handler is called late enough to trigger the
update, whereas the redraw is called to early for IE8 to pick up the
class change. The class property is changed correcly though, it looks
like an IE8 rendering issue.
Move onresize handler from entwine to regular event for IE8. The
fromWindow::onresize does not trigger otherwise.
Refer to http://open.silverstripe.org/ticket/8095
Although PGSQL build will still be executed, a failure of that build won't registre as a Travis failure. This is a workaround until the PGSQL build has been fixed.
Introduced new FormField->castedCopy() method
which tries to replicate the existing form field instance
as closely as possible.
Primarily, the fix was targeted at consistently passing
through FormField->description to all of its variations.
In 3.0 there was some confusion about whether DataLists and ArrayLists
were mutable or not. If DataLists were immutable, they'd return the result, and your code
would look like
$list = $list->filter(....);
If DataLists were mutable, they'd operate on themselves, returning nothing, and your code
would look like
This makes all DataLists and ArrayList immutable for all _searching_ operations.
Operations on DataList that modify the underlying SQL data store remain mutating.
- These functions no longer mutate the existing object, and if you do not capture the value
returned by them will have no effect:
DataList#dataQuery (use DataList#alterDataQuery to modify dataQuery in a safe manner)
- DataList#setDataQueryParam has been added as syntactic sugar around the most common
cause of accessing the dataQuery directly - setting query parameters
- RelationList#setForeignID has been removed. Always use RelationList#forForeignID
when querying, and overload RelationList#foreignIDList when subclassing.
- Relatedly,the protected variable RelationList->foreignID has been removed, as the ID is
now stored on a query parameter. Use RelationList#getForeignID to read it.