jump-ball/09.09 Less_unity/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualscripting@1.9.1/Documentation~/vs-update.md
2024-09-09 11:07:16 +03:00

988 B

Update Visual Scripting


Back up your data before you update to a new version of Visual Scripting. For more information on how to back up your Visual Scripting assets and settings, see Create or restore a backup.

Before you update, confirm that the version of Visual Scripting is compatible with your current project and needs. For example, you shouldn't use a Preview version of Visual Scripting in a production environment. For more information on package states and the package lifecycle in Unity, see the Package state and lifecycle in the Unity User Manual.

To update your current version of Visual Scripting:

  1. Go to Window > Package Manager.
  2. In the Packages drop-down menu, select In Project.
  3. In your list of packages, select Visual Scripting.
  4. Select Update to X.X.X, where X.X.X is the newest available version of Visual Scripting.