jump-ball/09.09 Less_unity/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualscripting@1.9.1/Documentation~/vs-create-restore-backups.md
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Create or restore a backup

If you don't use a version control system, such as Unity Collaborate, Git, or Subversion, it's a good practice to create backups of your Visual Scripting assets and settings. Create a backup at any time from your Project Settings.

Back up your data before you update Visual Scripting to a new version. For more information on the update process, see Update Visual Scripting.

Create a new backup

To create a new backup of your Visual Scripting assets and settings:

  1. [!includeopen-project-settings]
  2. Select Visual Scripting.
  3. Select Create Backup, then select OK.

Visual Scripting creates a .zip file, with a name in the format Assets_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS, in a Backups folder inside the Unity Project.

Restore an existing backup

To restore an existing backup of your Visual Scripting assets and settings:

  1. [!includeopen-project-settings]
  2. Select Visual Scripting.
  3. Select Restore Backup.

Visual Scripting opens your Backups folder in your system's file explorer. You can extract a .zip back-up file and import graphs and settings back into Unity.

For more information on how to import assets into Unity, see Importing assets in the Unity User Manual.