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# Create and assign a graph to an existing GameObject
You can use the empty graph creation flow to create a new graph file and assign it to an existing GameObject in your project.
![The Empty Graph Creation Flow window](images\vs-empty-graph-create-flow.png)
For more information on other ways to create a graph file, see [Create a new graph file](vs-create-graph.md).
## Create a Script Graph
To create a new Script Graph and assign it to an existing GameObject:
1. [!include[open-hierarchy-window](./snippets/vs-open-hierarchy-window.md)]
1. In the Hierarchy window, select the GameObject where you want to assign the new graph.
2. [!include[visual-scripting-window](./snippets/vs-visual-scripting-window.md)]
3. Expand **Create new Script Graph**.
1. Select **on selected game object**.
4. Choose a location to save the new graph file.
1. Enter a name for the graph.
1. Select **Save**.
The new graph file automatically opens in a new window.
![A new Script Graph, created with the empty graph creation flow with starter On Update and On Start Event nodes.](images\vs-new-graph-starter-nodes.png)
## Create a State Graph
To create a new State Graph and assign it to an existing GameObject:
1. [!include[open-hierarchy-window](./snippets/vs-open-hierarchy-window.md)]
1. In the Hierarchy window, select the GameObject where you want to assign the new graph.
2. [!include[visual-scripting-window](./snippets/vs-visual-scripting-window.md)]
3. Expand **Create new State Graph**.
1. Select **on selected game object**.
4. Choose a location to save the new graph file.
1. Enter a name for the graph.
1. Select **Save**.
The new graph file automatically opens in a new window.
## Next steps
After you create a new graph, attach it to a Script Machine or State Machine to use it in your application. For more information, see [Attach a graph file to a Script Machine or State Machine](vs-attach-graph-machine.md).