Chris Penny 0c09eec6f8
DOC Add docs around creating custom fields. Fixed #928 (#932)
* Add docs around creating custom fields
* Update docs/en/
Co-authored-by: Steve Boyd <>
2020-07-06 08:41:59 +12:00

2.2 KiB

Creating custom fields

To create and use your own custom fields, depending on what you want to accomplish, you may need to create two new classes subclassed from the following:

  • EditableFormField - this Field represents what will be seen/used in the CMS userforms interface
  • FormField - this Field represents what will be seen/used in the frontend user form when the above field has been added

How (without the "why")

You need to create your own subclass of EditableFormField (the field which will be used in the CMS). This class needs to implement the method getFormField(), which will need to return an instantiated FormField to be used in the frontend form.

EditableTextField and TextField are two existing classes and probably the best example to look in to.

Why two different Fields?

Consider the following example (EditableTextField and TextField).

We have a field type that allows us to (optionally) set a minimum and maximum number of characters that can be input into that particular field.

As an author, when I create this field in the CMS, I want the ability to specify what those min/max settings are. As a developer, I want to be able to add validation to make sure that these min/max values are valid (EG: min is less than max). So, this class is going to need DB fields to store these min/max values, and it's going to need some validation for when an author fills in those fields.

As a frontend user, I want to fill in the field, and be notified when the value I have entered does not meet the requirements. As a developer, I need to now compare the value entered by the user with the min/max values that the author specified.

So, we have two fields, with two different concerns.

The subclass of EditableFormField is what you want to create to represent the field as it is used in the CMS. Its validation should be based on what you require your content authors to enter.

The subclass of FormField is what you want to create to represent the field as it is used on the frontend. Its validation should be based on what you require your frontend users to enter.

The subclass of EditableFormField is in charge of instantiating its FormField with any/all information the FormField requires to perform its duty.