2015-08-28 10:11:43 +12:00

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Installation can be done either by composer or by manually downloading a release.

Via composer

composer require "silverstripe/userforms:*"


  1. Download the module from the releases page.
  2. Extract the file (if you are on windows try 7-zip for extracting tar.gz files
  3. Make sure the folder after being extracted is named 'userforms'
  4. Place this directory in your sites root directory. This is the one with framework and cms in it.


After installation, make sure you rebuild your database through dev/build.

You should see a new PageType in the CMS 'User Defined Form'. This has a new 'Form' tab which has your form builder.

File Uploads and Security

The module allows adding a "File Upload Field" to a form, which enables users of this form to upload files to the website's assets so they can be viewed later by CMS authors. Small files are also attached to the (optional) email notifications to any configured recipients.

Allowed file extensions can be configured globally through File.allowed_extensions, and default to a safe set of files (e.g. disallowing *.php uploads). The allowed upload size is determined by PHP configuration for this website (the smaller value of upload_max_filesize or post_max_size).

Since uploaded files are kept in assets/ folder of the webroot, there is no built-in permission control around who can view them. It is unlikely that website users guess the URLs to uploaded files unless they are specifically exposed through custom code.

Nevertheless, you should think carefully about the use case for file uploads. Unauthorised viewing of files might be desired, e.g. submissions for public competitions. In other cases, submissions could be expected to contain private data. Please consider securing these files, e.g. through the secureassets module.

Custom email templates

If you want to use custom email templates set the following config option.

  email_template_directory: your/template/path/

Any SilverStripe templates placed in your email_template_directory directory will be available for use with submission emails.