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Field types

Checkbox Field

Selecting a checkbox field adds a single checkbox to a form, along with a place to store a label for that checkbox. This is useful for getting information that has a "Yes or No" answer, such as "Would you like to be contacted?" or "Have you understood the Terms and Conditions?"

Marking this field as required will require it to be checked.

Checkbox Group

Selecting a checkbox group adds a field for multiple checkboxes to a form, along with a place to store a label for the group. This is useful for getting information that has multiple discrete answers, such as "Which continents have you visited?" or "Which software programs do you use on a daily basis?" You will need to click on the "Show options" link to add user-selectable options.

Marking this field as required will require at least one option to be checked.

Country Dropdown

A list of all countries drawn from the internal list of known countries.

Date Field

Selecting a date field adds a field for a date in a form. The time of day is not selectable, however.

If your theme enables it, a date picker popup will be displayed to the user on the frontend.

Dropdown Field

Selecting a drop-down field adds a dropdown field to a form. This is useful for getting information that has only one answer among several discrete choices, for example, "Which region do you live in?" or "What subject is your question about?" You will need to click on the "Show options" link to add user-selectable options.

Email Field

Selecting an Email field adds a textbox where an email address can be entered. Using the Email field, instead of a normal text field, to store email addresses, allows you to use that email address in many automated tasks. For example, it allows the CMS to send reply email automatically when a form is filled out.

File Upload Field

Selecting a File Upload Field adds a field where users can upload a file from their computers. This is useful for getting documents and media files.

The folder that this field uploads to can be customised by selecting "Show Options" and then selecting a new folder from the "Select upload folder" option. If no folder is selected it will upload by default to the "Uploads" folder.

Only certain file extensions are considered safe for upload, e.g. webserver script files will be denied but images will be allowed. The webserver environment also imposes a limit on file size by default.


Selecting a Heading allows adds a place where you can put a heading for a form, or for a section of your form. You can choose which level of heading to use (from 1-6) from the "Show options" link.

If you do not check the "Hide from reports" checkbox then this field will be displayed in submission reports.

HTML Block

Selecting an HTML block allows you to add any HTML code you wish into your form. You can edit the HTML blog from the "Show options" link.

If you do not check the "Hide from reports" checkbox then this field will be displayed in submission reports.

If you check the "Hide 'Title' label on frontend" checkbox then the title of this field will be hidden on the form. This is useful when you want to output specific HTML code and add your own headings within the content of this field.

Note: Take care not to allow input from unauthorised sources or users, as custom script or code could be injected into your form.

Member List Field

Selecting a Member List Field adds a dropdown field which includes various groups of website members (such as administrators or forum members) to the form. You can choose which group of members from the "Show Options" link.

Note: Take care that you do not expose confidential or personal information about your CMS or front end users as these names will become publicly visible.

Numeric Field

A basic text field that will only accept numeric values (numbers and decimals only).

Radio Field

Selecting a Radio field adds a field filed with "Radio button" options to a form. Radio buttons are similar to checkboxes, except that only one button in a radio field can be checked at a time. This is useful for getting information that has only one answer among several discrete choices, for example, "What country do you live in?" or "What subject is your question about?" It is similar to a dropdown field, but it is more useful for providing larger labels to responses. For example, a dropdown field may have one or two-word inputs, while a radio button may have choices that are paragraphs in length. You will need to click on the "Show options" link to add user-selectable options.

Text Field

Selecting a Text field adds a text field to the form. You can click on "Show options" to determine the size and the number of rows in a text field.

Put another way, if you'd like to create a question that...

Or perhaps you'd like to add informational content to your form?