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Static Exporter
StaticExporter allows you to export a static copy of your website either as a tar.gz archive or to a separate folder. It does this by saving every page and other registered URL to the file system. You can then server the exported website on your production server or use it as a back up system.
- Unix filesystem
- Tar installed
There are three ways the StaticExporter can be invoked depending on your use case.
If you're logged into your site as an administrator or your website is in development mode, you can access the GUI for generating the export at: http://yoursite.com/StaticExporter/. The GUI allows you to select a few configuration options then will generate a tar.gz archive of the website.
Accessing http://yoursite.com/dev/tasks/StaticExporterTask will generate the export of the website and save it to a folder on your filesystem. Unlike the GUI option this does not allow you to configure options in the browser, instead it relies on the developer setting the options via statics (as deploy)
To generate the export via command line (sake)
sake dev/tasks/StaticExporterTask