mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 09:05:53 +00:00
(merged from branches/gsoc) git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@42059 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
762 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
762 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
class NewsletterAdmin extends LeftAndMain {
static $subitem_class = "Member";
static $template_path = null; // defaults to (project)/templates/email
public function init() {
// Check permissions
// if(!Member::currentUser() || !Member::currentUser()->isAdmin()) Security::permissionFailure($this);
if(!$this->can('AdminCMS')) {
$messageSet = array(
'default' => "Please choose an authentication method and enter your credentials to access the CMS.",
'alreadyLoggedIn' => "I'm sorry, but you can't access that part of the CMS. If you want to log in as someone else, do so below",
'logInAgain' => "You have been logged out of the CMS. If you would like to log in again, enter a username and password below.",
Security::permissionFailure($this, $messageSet);
Requirements::javascript(MCE_ROOT . "tiny_mce_src.js");
// We don't want this showing up in every ajax-response, it should always be present in a CMS-environment
if(!Director::is_ajax()) {
Requirements::javascriptTemplate("cms/javascript/tinymce.template.js", array(
"ContentCSS" => project() . "/css/editor.css",
"BaseURL" => Director::absoluteBaseURL(),
// needed for MemberTableField (Requirements not determined before Ajax-Call)
public function remove() {
$ids = explode( ',', $_REQUEST['csvIDs'] );
$count = 0;
foreach( $ids as $id ) {
if( preg_match( '/^mailtype_(\d+)$/', $id, $matches ) )
$record = DataObject::get_by_id( 'NewsletterType', $matches[1] );
else if( preg_match( '/^[a-z]+_\d+_(\d+)$/', $id, $matches ) )
$record = DataObject::get_by_id( 'Newsletter', $matches[1] );
if($record) {
FormResponse::add("removeTreeNodeByIdx(\$('sitetree'), '$id' );");
// Don't allow a deleted draft to be edited
FormResponse::status_message('Deleted '.$count.' items','good');
return FormResponse::respond();
public function getformcontent(){
Session::set('currentPage', $_REQUEST['ID']);
Session::set('currentType', $_REQUEST['type']);
Session::set('currentOtherID', $_REQUEST['otherID']);
SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false);
$result = $this->renderWith($this->class . "_right");
return $this->getLastFormIn($result);
* Called when a mailing list is clicked on the left menu
public function showrecipients($params) {
return $this->showWithEditForm( $params, $this->getMailingListEditForm( $params['ID'] ) );
* Called when a draft or sent newsletter is clicked on the left menu and when a new one is added
public function shownewsletter($params) {
return $this->showWithEditForm( $params, $this->getNewsletterEditForm( $params['ID'] ) );
* Called when a newsletter type is clicked on the left menu
public function showmailtype($params) {
return $this->showWithEditForm( $params, $this->getNewsletterTypeEditForm( $params['ID'] ) );
* Called when a 'Drafts' folder is clicked on the left menu
public function showdrafts($params) {
return $this->ShowNewsletterFolder($params, 'Draft');
* Called when a 'Sent Items' folder is clicked on the left menu
public function showsent($params) {
return $this->ShowNewsletterFolder($params, 'Sent');
* Shows either the 'Sent' or 'Drafts' folder using the NewsletterList template
public function ShowNewsletterFolder($params, $type) {
$id = $params['ID'];
if(!is_numeric($id)) {
$id = Session::get('currentPage');
if( is_a( $id, 'NewsletterType' ) ) {
$mailType = $id;
$id = $mailType->ID;
} else {
if($id && is_numeric($id)) {
$mailType = DataObject::get_by_id( 'NewsletterType', $id );
$draftList = new NewsletterList($type, $mailType, $type);
return $draftList->renderWith("NewsletterList");
public function removenewsletter($params) {
if( !is_numeric( $params['ID'] ) )
return '';
$newsletter = DataObject::get_by_id( 'Newsletter', $params['ID'] );
return 'letter-' . $params['ID'];
private function showWithEditForm( $params, $editForm ) {
if(isset($params['ID'])) {
Session::set('currentPage', $params['ID']);
if(isset($params['OtherID'])) {
Session::set('currentMember', $params['OtherID']);
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false);
return $editForm->formHtmlContent();
} else {
return array();
public function getEditForm( $id ) {
return $this->getNewsletterTypeEditForm( $id );
* Get the EditForm
public function EditForm() {
if((isset($_REQUEST['ID']) && isset($_REQUEST['Type']) && $_REQUEST['Type'] == 'Newsletter') || isset($_REQUEST['action_savenewsletter'])) {
return $this->NewsletterEditForm();
} else {
// If a mailing list member is being added to a group, then call the Recipient form
if (isset($_REQUEST['fieldName']) && 'Recipients' == $_REQUEST['fieldName']) {
return $this->MailingListEditForm();
} else {
return $this->TypeEditForm();
public function NewsletterEditForm() {
$id = $_REQUEST['ID'] ? $_REQUEST['ID'] : $this->currentPageID();
if(!is_numeric($id)) {
$id = 0;
return $this->getNewsletterEditForm($id);
public function TypeEditForm() {
$id = isset($_REQUEST['ID']) ? $_REQUEST['ID'] : $this->currentPageID();
if(!is_numeric($id)) {
$id = 0;
return $this->getNewsletterTypeEditForm($id);
public function MailingListEditForm() {
$id = isset($_REQUEST['ID']) ? $_REQUEST['ID'] : $this->currentPageID();
return $this->getMailingListEditForm($id);
public function getNewsletterTypeEditForm($id) {
if(!is_numeric($id)) {
$id = Session::get('currentPage');
if( is_a( $id, 'NewsletterType' ) ) {
$mailType = $id;
$id = $mailType->ID;
} else {
if($id && is_numeric($id)) {
$mailType = DataObject::get_by_id( 'NewsletterType', $id );
if(isset($mailType) && is_object($mailType) && $mailType->GroupID) {
$group = DataObject::get_one("Group", "ID = $mailType->GroupID");
if(isset($mailType)) {
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TabSet("Root",
new Tab("Newsletter Settings",
new TextField("Title", "Newsletter Type"),
new TextField("FromEmail", "From email address"),
$templates = new TemplateList("Template","Template", $mailType->Template, self::template_path())
$fields->push($idField = new HiddenField("ID"));
$fields->push( new HiddenField( "executeForm", "", "TypeEditForm" ) );
$actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction('save','Save'));
$form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions);
'Title' => $mailType->Title,
'FromEmail' => $mailType->FromEmail
} else {
$form = false;
return $form;
public function getMailingListEditForm($id) {
if(!is_numeric($id)) {
$id = Session::get('currentPage');
if( is_a( $id, 'NewsletterType' ) ) {
$mailType = $id;
$id = $mailType->ID;
} else {
if($id && is_numeric($id)) {
$mailType = DataObject::get_by_id( 'NewsletterType', $id );
if(isset($mailType) && is_object($mailType) && $mailType->GroupID) {
$group = DataObject::get_one("Group", "ID = $mailType->GroupID");
if(isset($mailType) && is_object($mailType)) {
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TabSet("Root",
new Tab( "Recipients",
$recipients = new MemberTableField(
new Tab( "Import",
$importField = new RecipientImportField("ImportFile","Import from file", $group )
new Tab("Unsubscribers",
$unsubscribedList = new UnsubscribedList("Unsubscribed", $mailType)
new Tab("Bounced", $bouncedList = new BouncedList("Bounced", $mailType )
$importField->setTypeID( $id );
$fields->push($idField = new HiddenField("ID"));
$fields->push( new HiddenField( "executeForm", "", "MailingListEditForm" ) );
// Save button is not used in Mailing List section
$actions = new FieldSet(new HiddenField("save"));
$form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions);
'Title' => $mailType->Title,
'FromEmail' => $mailType->FromEmail
} else {
$form = false;
return $form;
* Removes a bounced member from the mailing list
* @return String
function removebouncedmember($urlParams) {
// First remove the Bounce entry
$id = Convert::raw2sql($urlParams['ID']);
if (is_numeric($id)) {
$bounceObject = DataObject::get_by_id('Email_BounceRecord', $id);
if($bounceObject) {
// Remove this bounce record
$memberObject = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $bounceObject->MemberID);
$groupID = Convert::raw2sql($_REQUEST['GroupID']);
if(is_numeric($groupID) && is_object($memberObject)) {
// Remove the member from the mailing list
} else {
user_error("NewsletterAdmin::removebouncedmember: Bad parameters: Group=$groupID, Member=".$bounceObject->MemberID, E_USER_ERROR);
FormResponse::status_message($memberObject->Email.' was removed from the mailing list', 'good');
FormResponse::add("$('Form_EditForm').getPageFromServer($('Form_EditForm_ID').value, 'recipients');");
return FormResponse::respond();
} else {
user_error("NewsletterAdmin::removebouncedmember: Bad parameters: Group=$groupID, Member=".$bounceObject->MemberID, E_USER_ERROR);
* Reloads the "Sent Status Report" tab via ajax
function getsentstatusreport($params) {
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
$newsletter = DataObject::get_by_id( 'Newsletter', $params['ID'] );
$sent_status_report = $newsletter->renderWith("Newsletter_SentStatusReport");
return $sent_status_report;
public static function template_path() {
if(self::$template_path) return self::$template_path;
else return self::$template_path = project() . '/templates/email';
/* Does not seem to be used
public function showdraft( $params ) {
return $this->showWithEditForm( $params, $this->getNewsletterEditForm( $params['ID'] ) );
public function getNewsletterEditForm($myId){
$email = DataObject::get_by_id("Newsletter", $myId);
if($email) {
$fields = $email->getCMSFields($this);
$fields->push($idField = new HiddenField("ID"));
$fields->push($ParentidField = new HiddenField("ParentID"));
$fields->push($typeField = new HiddenField("Type"));
//$fields->push(new HiddenField("executeForm", "", "EditForm") );
$actions = new FieldSet();
if( $email->SentDate )
$actions->push(new FormAction('send','Resend'));
$actions->push(new FormAction('send','Send...'));
$actions->push(new FormAction('save','Save'));
$form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions);
if($email->Status != 'Draft') {
// user_error( $form->FormAction(), E_USER_ERROR );
return $form;
} else {
user_error( 'Unknown Email ID: ' . $myId, E_USER_ERROR );
public function SendProgressBar() {
$progressBar = new ProgressBar( 'SendProgressBar', 'Sending emails...' );
return $progressBar->FieldHolder();
public function sendnewsletter( /*$data, $form = null*/ ) {
$id = isset($_REQUEST['ID']) ? $_REQUEST['ID'] : $_REQUEST['NewsletterID'];
if( !$id ) {
FormResponse::status_message('No newsletter specified','bad');
return FormResponse::respond();
$newsletter = DataObject::get_by_id("Newsletter", $id);
$nlType = $newsletter->getNewsletterType();
$e = new Newsletter_Email($nlType);
$e->Body = $body = $newsletter->Content;
$e->Subject = $subject = $newsletter->Subject;
// TODO Make this dynamic
if( $nlType && $nlType->FromEmail )
$e->From = $from = $nlType->FromEmail;
$e->From = $from = Email::getAdminEmail();
if(isset($_REQUEST['TestEmail'])) $e->To = $_REQUEST['TestEmail'];
$e->setTemplate( $nlType->Template );
$messageID = base64_encode( $newsletter->ID . '_' . date( 'd-m-Y H:i:s' ) );
switch($_REQUEST['SendType']) {
case "Test":
if($_REQUEST['TestEmail']) {
$e->To = $_REQUEST['TestEmail'];
$e->setTemplate( $nlType->Template );
self::sendToAddress( $e, $_REQUEST['TestEmail'], $messageID );
FormResponse::status_message('Sent test to ' . $_REQUEST['TestEmail'],'good');
} else {
FormResponse::status_message('Please enter an email address','bad');
case "List":
// Send to the entire mailing list.
$groupID = $nlType->GroupID;
echo self::sendToList( $subject, $body, $from, $newsletter, $nlType, $messageID,
DataObject::get( 'Member', "`GroupID`='$groupID'", null, "INNER JOIN `Group_Members` ON `MemberID`=`Member`.`ID`" )
case "Unsent":
// Send to only those who have not already been sent this newsletter.
$only_to_unsent = 1;
echo self::sendToList( $subject, $body, $from, $newsletter, $nlType, $messageID, $newsletter->UnsentSubscribers());
return FormResponse::respond();
static function sendToAddress( $email, $address, $messageID = null ) {
$email->To = $address;
static function sendToList( $subject, $body, $from, $newsletter, $nlType, $messageID = null, $recipients) {
$emailProcess = new NewsletterEmailProcess( $subject, $body, $from, $newsletter, $nlType, $messageID, $recipients);
return $emailProcess->start();
public function save($urlParams, $form) {
// Both the Newsletter type and the Newsletter draft call save() when "Save" button is clicked
if( isset($_REQUEST['Type']) && $_REQUEST['Type'] == 'Newsletter' )
return $this->savenewsletter( $urlParams, $form );
$id = $_REQUEST['ID'];
$className = 'NewsletterType';
$record = DataObject::get_one($className, "`$className`.ID = $id");
// Is the template attached to the type, or the newsletter itself?
$record->Template = addslashes( $_REQUEST['Template'] );
FormResponse::set_node_title("mailtype_$id", $record->Title);
FormResponse::status_message('Saved', 'good');
$result = $this->getActionUpdateJS($record);
return FormResponse::respond();
public function savenewsletter($urlParams, $form) {
$id = $_REQUEST['ID'];
$className = 'Newsletter';
$record = DataObject::get_one($className, "`$className`.ID = $id");
// Is the template attached to the type, or the newsletter itself?
$type = $record->getNewsletterType();
$record->Subject = $urlParams['Subject'];
$record->Content = $urlParams['Content'];
$id = 'draft_'.$record->ParentID.'_'.$record->ID;
FormResponse::set_node_title($id, $record->Title);
FormResponse::status_message('Saved', 'good');
// Get the new action buttons
$actionList = '';
foreach($form->Actions() as $action) {
$actionList .= $action->Field() . ' ';
FormResponse::add("$('Form_EditForm').loadActionsFromString('" . Convert::raw2js($actionList) . "');");
return FormResponse::respond();
* Saves the settings on the 'Bounced' tab of the 'Mailing List' allowing members to be added to Email_BlackList
public function memberblacklisttoggle($urlParams) {
$id = $urlParams['ID'];
$bounceObject = DataObject::get_by_id('Email_BounceRecord', $id);
$memberObject = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $bounceObject->MemberID);
// If the email is currently not blocked, block it
if (FALSE == $memberObject->BlacklistedEmail) {
FormResponse::status_message($memberObject->Email.' was added to blacklist', 'good');
} else {
// Unblock the email
FormResponse::status_message($memberObject->Email.' was removed from blacklist', 'good');
return FormResponse::respond();
function NewsletterAdminSiteTree() {
return $this->getsitetree();
function getsitetree() {
return $this->renderWith('NewsletterAdmin_SiteTree');
public function AddRecordForm() {
$m = new MemberTableField($this,"Members", $this->currentPageID());
return $m->AddRecordForm();
* Ajax autocompletion
public function autocomplete() {
$fieldName = $this->urlParams['ID'];
$fieldVal = $_REQUEST[$fieldName];
$matches = DataObject::get("Member","$fieldName LIKE '" . addslashes($fieldVal) . "%'");
if($matches) {
echo "<ul>";
foreach($matches as $match) {
$data = $match->FirstName;
$data .= ",$match->Surname";
$data .= ",$match->Email";
$data .= ",$match->Password";
echo "<li>" . $match->$fieldName . "<span class=\"informal\">($match->FirstName $match->Surname, $match->Email)</span><span class=\"informal data\">$data</li>";
echo "</ul>";
function savemember() {
$data = $_REQUEST;
$className = $this->stat('subitem_class');
$id = $_REQUEST['ID'];
if($id == 'new') $id = null;
if($id) {
$record = DataObject::get_one($className, "`$className`.ID = $id");
} else {
// send out an email to notify the user that they have been subscribed
$record = new $className();
$record->ID = $id;
$FirstName = Convert::raw2js($record->FirstName);
$Surname = Convert::raw2js($record->Surname);
$Email = Convert::raw2js($record->Email);
$Password = Convert::raw2js($record->Password);
$response = <<<JS
$('MemberList').setRecordDetails($record->ID, {
FirstName : "$FirstName",
Surname : "$Surname",
Email : "$Email"
FormResponse::status_message('Saved', 'good');
return FormResponse::respond();
public function NewsletterTypes() {
return DataObject::get("NewsletterType","");
public function addgroup() {
$parent = $_REQUEST['ParentID'] ? $_REQUEST['ParentID'] : 0;
$p = new Group();
$p->Title = "New Group";
$p->Code = "new-group";
$p->ParentID = $parent;
* Called by AJAX to create a new newsletter type
public function addtype( $params ) {
$form = $this->getNewsletterTypeEditForm( $this->newNewsletterType() );
return $this->showWithEditForm( $_REQUEST, $form );
* Called by AJAX to create a new newsletter draft
public function adddraft( $data) {
$draftID = $this->newDraft( $_REQUEST['ParentID'] );
// Needed for shownewsletter() to work
$_REQUEST['ID'] = $draftID;
return $this->shownewsletter($_REQUEST);
* Create a new newsletter type
private function newNewsletterType() {
// create a new group for the newsletter
$newGroup = new Group();
$newGroup->Title = "New mailing list";
$newGroup->Code = "new-mailing-list";
// create the new type
$newsletterType = new NewsletterType();
$newsletterType->Title = 'New newsletter type';
$newsletterType->GroupID = $newGroup->ID;
// BUGFIX: Return only the ID of the new newsletter type
return $newsletterType->ID;
private function newDraft( $parentID ) {
if(!$parentID || !is_numeric( $parentID)) {
$parent = DataObject::get_one("NewsletterType");
$parentID = $parent->ID;
if( $parentID && is_numeric( $parentID ) ) {
$newsletter = new Newsletter();
$newsletter->Status = 'Draft';
$newsletter->Title = $newsletter->Subject = 'New draft newsletter';
$newsletter->ParentID = $parentID;
} else {
user_error( "You must first create a newsletter type before creating a draft", E_USER_ERROR );
return $newsletter->ID;
public function newmember() {
$newMemberForm = array(
"MemberForm" => $this->getMemberForm('new'),
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false);
$customised = $this->customise($newMemberForm);
$result = $customised->renderWith($this->class . "_rightbottom");
$parts = split('</?form[^>]*>', $result);
echo $parts[1];
} else {
return $newMemberForm;
public function EditedMember() {
return DataObject::get_by_id("Member", Session::get('currentMember'));
public function Link($action = null) {
if(!$action) $action = "index";
return "admin/newsletter/$action/" . $this->currentPageID();
public function displayfilefield() {
$id = $this->urlParams['ID'];
return $this->customise( array( 'ID' => $id, "UploadForm" => $this->UploadForm() ) )->renderWith('Newsletter_RecipientImportField');
function UploadForm( $id = null ) {
if( !$id )
$id = $this->urlParams['ID'];
$fields = new FieldSet(
new FileField( "ImportFile", "" ),
//new HiddenField( "action_import", "", "1" ),
new HiddenField( "ID", "", $id )
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction( "action_import", "Show contents" )
return new RecipientImportField_UploadForm( $this, "UploadForm", $fields, $actions );