Ingo Schommer a56657fb83 elofgren: NEW FEATURE: When 'Search' button is clicked show a simple search text input and button which allow for filtering the Site Tree by searching the URL, Title, Menu Title, and Content.
Also show an 'Add criteria...' drop-down with 'Page Type', 'Status', 'Description', and 'Keywords' options which allow for more fine grained filtering based on columns in the SiteTree? table. 
In addition add an 'Edited Since' option which uses a CalendarDatePicker? which allows for filtering pages based on when they were last edited. 
NOTE: Pages that have children will always be shown whether they match the filter or not, in case one of their children matches the filter. It would probably be better to switch to a flat 
display of the results. 
More info: 
(merged from branches/gsoc)

git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2007-09-16 15:19:17 +00:00

164 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File

<!-- <div class="title"><div style="background-image : url(cms/images/panels/MySite.png)">My Site</div></div> -->
<div id="treepanes">
<h2 id="heading_sitetree" class="selected">
<img id="sitetree_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('OPENBOX','click to open this box'); %>" />
<img id="sitetree_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX','click to close box'); %>" />
<% _t('SITECONTENT TITLE','Site Content and Structure',PR_HIGH); %>
<div id="sitetree_holder">
<ul id="TreeActions">
<li class="action" id="addpage"><button><% _t('CREATE','Create',PR_HIGH); %></button></li>
<li class="action" id="search"><button><% _t('SEARCH','Search',PR_HIGH); %></button></li>
<li class="action" id="batchactions"><button><% _t('BATCHACTIONS','Batch Actions',PR_HIGH); %></button></li>
<!-- <li class="action" id="duplicate"><a href="#">Duplicate</a></li>
Sam: this should be put into the Create area, I think, so we don't stuff up the layout -->
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<% control AddPageOptionsForm %>
<form class="actionparams" id="$FormName" style="display: none" action="$FormAction">
<% control Fields %>
<% end_control %>
<select name="Type">
<% control PageTypes %>
<option value="$ClassName">$AddAction</option>
<% end_control %>
<input type="hidden" name="ParentID" />
<input class="action" type="submit" value="Go" />
<div class="field dropdown nolabel" style="margin-top: 4px;">
<span class="middleColumn">
<input type="checkbox" id="sortitems" /> <label for="sortitems"><% _t('ENABLEDRAGGING','Allow drag &amp; drop reordering', PR_HIGH); %></label>
<% end_control %>
<form class="actionparams" style="display: none" id="search_options" action="admin/filterSiteTree">
<input type="hidden" id="SiteTreeIsFiltered" value="0" />
<input type="text" id="SiteTreeSearchTerm" name="SiteTreeSearchTerm" />
<input type="submit" id="SiteTreeSearchButton" value="<% _t('SEARCH','Search'); %>" title="<% _t('SEARCHTITLE','Search through URL, Title, Menu Title, &amp; Content'); %>" />
<div style="display:none" id="TextSiteTreeFilterDate" class="SearchCriteria"><b><% _t('EDITEDSINCE','Edited Since'); %>:</b></div>
<div style="display:none" id="InputSiteTreeFilterDate">$SiteTreeFilterDateField</div>
<% control SiteTreeFilterOptions %>
<div style="display:none" id="Text$Column" class="SearchCriteria"><b>$Title:</b></div>
<input style="display:none" id="Input$Column" name="$Column" class="SearchCriteria" />
<% end_control %>
<select id="SiteTreeFilterAddCriteria">
<option><% _t('ADDSEARCHCRITERIA','Add Criteria...'); %></option>
<option value="SiteTreeFilterDate"><% _t('EDITEDSINCE','Edited Since'); %></option>
<% control SiteTreeFilterOptions %>
<option value="$Column">$Title</option>
<% end_control %>
<div id="batchactionsforms" style="display: none">
<form class="actionparams" style="border:0" id="deletepage_options" action="admin/deleteitems">
<p><% _t('SELECTPAGESACTIONS','Select the pages that you want to change &amp; then click an action:'); %></p>
<input type="hidden" name="csvIDs" />
<input type="submit" id="action_delete_selected" value="<% _t('DELETECONFIRM','Delete the selected pages'); %>" />
<form class="actionparams" style="border:0" id="publishpage_options" action="admin/publishitems">
<input type="hidden" name="csvIDs" />
<input type="submit" id="action_publish_selected" value="<% _t('PUBLISHCONFIRM','Publish the selected pages'); %>" />
<% control DuplicatePagesOptionsForm %>
<form class="actionparams" id="duplicate_options" style="display: none" action="admin/duplicateSiteTree">
<p><% _t('SELECTPAGESDUP','Select the pages that you want to duplicate, whether it\'s children should be included, and where you want the duplicates placed'); %></p>
<input type="hidden" name="csvIDs" />
<input type="submit" value="Duplicate" />
<% end_control %>
<div id="publication_key" style="border-bottom: 1px #CCC solid; background-color: #EEE; padding: 3px;">
<% _t('KEY','Key:'); %>
<ins style="cursor: help" title="<% _t('ADDEDNOTPUB','Added to the draft site and not published yet'); %>"><% _t('NEW','new'); %></ins>
<del style="cursor: help" title="<% _t('DELETEDSTILLLIVE','Deleted from the draft site but still on the live site'); %>"><% _t('DEL','deleted'); %></del>
<span style="cursor: help" title="<% _t('EDITEDNOTPUB','Edited on the draft site and not published yet'); %>" class="modified"><% _t('CHANGED','changed'); %></span>
<div id="sitetree_ul">
<!--<div id="search_holder" style="display:none">
<div class="unitBody">
<% if EnterpriseCMS %>
<h2 id="heading_tasklist">
<img id="tasklist_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
<img id="tasklist_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" />
<% _t('TASKLIST','Tasklist'); %>
<div class="listpane" id="tasklist_holder" style="display:none">
<div class="unitBody">
<h2 id="heading_waitingon">
<img id="waitingon_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
<img id="waitingon_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" />
<% _t('WAITINGON','Waiting on'); %>
<div class="listpane" id="waitingon_holder" style="display:none">
<div class="unitBody">
<% end_if %>
<h2 id="heading_versions">
<img id="versions_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
<img id="versions_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" />
<% _t('PAGEVERSIONH','Page Version History'); %>
<div class="listpane" id="versions_holder" style="display:none">
<p class="pane_actions" id="versions_actions">
<input type="checkbox" id="versions_comparemode" /> <label for="versions_comparemode"><% _t('COMPAREMODE','Compare mode (click 2 below)'); %></label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="versions_showall" /> <label for="versions_showall"><% _t('SHOWUNPUB','Show unpublished versions'); %></label>
<div class="unitBody">
<% if EnterpriseCMS %>
<h2 id="heading_comments">
<img id="comments_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
<img id="comments_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" />
<% _t('COMMENTS','Comments'); %>
<div class="listpane" id="comments_holder" style="display:none">
<div class="unitBody">
<% end_if %>
<h2 id="heading_reports">
<img id="reports_toggle_closed" src="sapphire/images/toggle-closed.gif" alt="+" title="<% _t('OPENBOX'); %>" />
<img id="reports_toggle_open" src="sapphire/images/toggle-open.gif" alt="-" style="display:none;" title="<% _t('CLOSEBOX'); %>" />
<% _t('SITEREPORTS','Site Reports'); %>
<div class="listpane" id="reports_holder" style="display:none">
<p id="ReportSelector_holder">$ReportSelector <input class="action" type="submit" id="report_select_go" value="<% _t('GO','Go'); %>" /></p>
<div class="unitBody">