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synced 2024-10-22 09:05:53 +00:00
ENHANCEMENT Namespaced tree search parameters in CMSMain, in order to detect more reliably if a filter has been applied. Changing page search form to standard pushState behaviour, same as ModelAdmin (for both tree and list view). MINOR Refactored list view loading
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145 lines
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class CMSPageAddController extends CMSPageEditController {
static $url_segment = 'pages/add';
static $url_rule = '/$Action/$ID/$OtherID';
static $url_priority = 42;
static $menu_title = 'Add page';
static $required_permission_codes = 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain';
static $allowed_actions = array(
* @return Form
function AddForm() {
// If request send from rightclick-submenu, directly add Page
if(($pageType = $this->request->getVar('Type')) && ($parentID = $this->request->getVar('ParentID'))) {
$data = array(
"PageType" => (string)$pageType,
"ParentID" => $parentID,
"ParentModeField" => "child"
$this->doAdd($data, null);
$record = $this->currentPage();
$pageTypes = array();
foreach($this->PageTypes() as $type) {
$html = sprintf('<span class="icon class-%s"></span><strong class="title">%s</strong><span class="description">%s</span>',
$pageTypes[$type->getField('ClassName')] = $html;
// Ensure generic page type shows on top
if(isset($pageTypes['Page'])) {
$pageTitle = $pageTypes['Page'];
$pageTypes = array_merge(array('Page' => $pageTitle), $pageTypes);
$numericLabelTmpl = '<span class="step-label"><span class="flyout">%d</span><span class="arrow"></span><span class="title">%s</span></span>';
$topTitle = _t('CMSPageAddController.ParentMode_top', 'Top level');
$childTitle = _t('CMSPageAddController.ParentMode_child', 'Under another page');
$fields = new FieldList(
// new HiddenField("ParentID", false, ($this->parentRecord) ? $this->parentRecord->ID : null),
// TODO Should be part of the form attribute, but not possible in current form API
$hintsField = new LiteralField('Hints', sprintf('<span class="hints" data-hints="%s"></span>', $this->SiteTreeHints())),
new LiteralField('PageModeHeader', sprintf($numericLabelTmpl, 1, _t('CMSMain.ChoosePageParentMode', 'Choose where to create this page'))),
$parentModeField = new SelectionGroup(
"top//$topTitle" => null, //new LiteralField("Dummy", ''),
"child//$childTitle" => $parentField = new TreeDropdownField(
$typeField = new OptionsetField(
sprintf($numericLabelTmpl, 2, _t('CMSMain.ChoosePageType', 'Choose page type')),
$parentModeField->setValue($this->request->getVar('ParentID') ? 'child' : 'top');
// CMSMain->currentPageID() automatically sets the homepage,
// which we need to counteract in the default selection (which should default to root, ID=0)
$homepageSegment = RootURLController::get_homepage_link();
if($record && $record->URLSegment != $homepageSegment) {
$actions = new FieldList(
// $resetAction = new ResetFormAction('doCancel', _t('CMSMain.Cancel', 'Cancel')),
FormAction::create("doAdd", _t('CMSMain.Create',"Create"))
->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept')
$this->extend('updatePageOptions', $fields);
$form = new Form($this, "AddForm", $fields, $actions);
$form->addExtraClass('cms-add-form stacked cms-content center cms-edit-form ' . $this->BaseCSSClasses());
if($parentID = $this->request->getVar('ParentID')) {
return $form;
public function doAdd($data, $form) {
$className = isset($data['PageType']) ? $data['PageType'] : "Page";
$parentMode = isset($data['ParentModeField']) ? $data['ParentModeField'] : "top";
$parentID = isset($data['ParentID']) ? (int)$data['ParentID'] : 0;
if ($parentMode == "top") $parentID = 0;
$suffix = isset($data['Suffix']) ? "-" . $data['Suffix'] : null;
if(!$parentID && isset($data['Parent'])) {
$page = SiteTree:: get_by_link(Convert::raw2sql($data['Parent']));
if($page) $parentID = $page->ID;
if(is_numeric($parentID) && $parentID > 0) $parentObj = DataObject::get_by_id("SiteTree", $parentID);
else $parentObj = null;
if(!$parentObj || !$parentObj->ID) $parentID = 0;
if($parentObj) {
if(!$parentObj->canAddChildren()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
if(!singleton($className)->canCreate()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
} else {
return Security::permissionFailure($this);
$record = $this->getNewItem("new-$className-$parentID".$suffix, false);
if(class_exists('Translatable') && $record->hasExtension('Translatable')) $record->Locale = $data['Locale'];
$editController = singleton('CMSPageEditController');
return $this->redirect(Controller::join_links(singleton('CMSPageEditController')->Link('show'), $record->ID));