Ingo Schommer 5aef49a0a7 API CHANGE Removed ChangeTracker javascript class, superseded by jquery.changetracker
API CHANGE Removed autoSave() javascript logic in CMS, superseded by custom code in LeftAndMain.EditForm.js
ENHANCEMENT Using jquery.changetracker in LeftAndMain.EditForm.js, and overhauled window.unload logic to automatically trigger ajax saving after a user confirmation
MINOR Changed unload confirmation text in CMS logic to adapt to new behaviour

git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-11-21 03:14:08 +00:00

539 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

* LeftAndMain_left.js
* Code for supporting the left-hand panel of all the 2-pane admin windows
* This includes code for the action panel at the top, and the draggable, ajax-linked tree.
if(typeof SiteTreeHandlers == 'undefined') SiteTreeHandlers = {};
SiteTreeHandlers.parentChanged_url = 'admin/ajaxupdateparent';
SiteTreeHandlers.orderChanged_url = 'admin/ajaxupdatesort';
SiteTreeHandlers.showRecord_url = 'admin/show/';
SiteTreeHandlers.controller_url = 'admin';
addpage : 'Form_AddPageOptionsForm',
batchactions : 'batchactionsforms',
search : 'search_options'
* Overload this with a real context menu if necessary
var TreeContextMenu = null;
* Extra methods for the tree when used in the LHS of the CMS
TreeAPI = Class.create();
TreeAPI.prototype = {
setCustomURL: function(url, arguments) {
this.customURL = url;
this.customArguments = $H(arguments);
clearCustomURL: function() {
this.customURL = this.customArguments = null;
url: function(args) {
var args = $H(args).merge(this.customArguments);
var url = this.customURL ? this.customURL : SiteTreeHandlers.loadTree_url;
url = url + (url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + args.toQueryString();
return url;
reload: function(options) {
this.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
var args = {ajax:1, ID:0};
if ($('LangSelector')) args.locale = $('LangSelector').value;
url = this.url(args);
var self = this;
new Ajax.Request(url, {
onSuccess: function(response){
self.innerHTML = response.responseText;
if (options.onSuccess) options.onSuccess(response);
onFailure: function(response){
errorMessage('error loading tree', response);
if (options.onFailure) options.onFailure(response);
* Perform the given code on the each tree node with the given index.
* There could be more than one :-)
* @param idx The index of the tree node
* @param code A method to be executed, that will be passed the tree node
performOnTreeNode: function(idx, code) {
var treeNode = this.getTreeNodeByIdx(idx);
if(!treeNode) return;
if(treeNode.className.indexOf('manyparents') == -1) {
} else {
var i,item,allNodes = this.getElementsByTagName('li');
for(i=0;item=allNodes[i];i++) {
if( == code(item);
getTreeNodeByIdx : function(idx) {
if(!idx) idx = "0";
var node = document.getElementById('record-' + idx);
if(idx == "0" && !node) node = document.getElementById('record-root');
return node;
getIdxOf : function(treeNode) {
if(treeNode && &&[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+)$/))
return RegExp.$1;
createTreeNode : function(idx, title, pageType) {
var i;
var node = document.createElement('li'); = 'record-' + idx;
node.className = pageType;
var aTag = document.createElement('a');
aTag.href = SiteTreeHandlers.showRecord_url + idx;
aTag.title = 'Page type: ' + pageType;
aTag.innerHTML = title;
SiteTreeNode.create(node, this.options);
return node;
setNodeIdx : function(idx, newIdx) {
this.performOnTreeNode(idx, function(treeNode) { = 'record-' + newIdx;
var aTag = treeNode.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
aTag.href = aTag.href.replace(idx, newIdx);
var treeNode = this.getTreeNodeByIdx(idx);
setNodeTitle : function(idx, title) {
this.performOnTreeNode(idx, function(treeNode) {
var aTag = treeNode.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
aTag.innerHTML = title;
setNodeIcon: function(idx, newClassName) {
this.performOnTreeNode(idx, function(treeNode) {
treeNode.className = treeNode.className.replace(/(class-)[^\s]*/,'$1' + newClassName);
treeNode.aSpan.className = 'a ' + treeNode.className.replace('closed','spanClosed');
var aTag = treeNode.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
aTag.title = 'Page type: ' + newClassName;
* Set the parent ID of a tree node
setNodeParentID: function (idx, parentID) {
var treeNode = this.getTreeNodeByIdx(idx);
var parentNode = this.getTreeNodeByIdx(parentID);
var currentParentNode = jQuery(treeNode).parents('li')[0];
// Only change parent node if its different than the current,
// otherwise we affect the sort order unnecessarily due to
// appendTreeNode() not looking at existing sorts
if(!currentParentNode || parentNode != currentParentNode) parentNode.appendTreeNode(treeNode);
setCurrentByIdx : function(idx) {
if(this.selected) {
var i,item;
for(i=0;item=this.selected[i];i++) {
__tree = this;
__tree.selected = [];
this.performOnTreeNode(idx, function(treeNode) {
changeCurrentTo : function(newNode) {
if(this.selected) {
var i,item;
for(i=0;item=this.selected[i];i++) {
this.selected = [newNode];
firstSelected : function() {
if(this.selected) return this.selected[0];
* Extra methods for the tree node when used in the LHS of the CMS
TreeNodeAPI = Class.create();
TreeNodeAPI.prototype = {
selectTreeNode : function() {
if(this.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href) {
if($('sitetree').notify('SelectionChanged', this)) {
jQuery('#Form_EditForm').concrete('ss').ajaxSubmit(null, this.getPageFromServer.bind(this));
getPageFromServer : function() {
var self = this;
function(response) {
var pageID = jQuery(this).find(':input[name=ID]').val();
if(pageID) {
_AJAX_LOADING = false;
ajaxExpansion : function() {
var ul = this.treeNodeHolder(false);
ul.innerHTML = 'loading...';
// Any attempts to add children to this page should, in fact, cue them up for insertion later
ul.cuedNewNodes = [];
ul.appendTreeNode = function(node) {
this.cuedNewNodes[this.cuedNewNodes.length] = node;
var args = {ajax:1, ID:this.getIdx()};
// Add current locale for any subtree selection
if ($('LangSelector')) args.locale = $('LangSelector').value;
// If the tree is selectable, we have to show all available children without
// artificial limitations from the serverside (minNodeCount). This is a measure
// to ensure no unexpanded nodes are missed in batch selection
if(Element.hasClassName('sitetree', 'multiselect')) args.minNodeCount = 0;
url = this.tree.url(args);
new Ajax.Request(url, {
onSuccess : this.installSubtree.bind(this),
onFailure : this.showSubtreeLoadingError
showSubtreeLoadingError: function(response) {
errorMessage('error loading subtree', response);
* Context menu
oncontextmenu: function(event) {
if(TreeContextMenu) {
if(!event) event = window.event;
createContextMenu(event, this, TreeContextMenu);
return false;
duplicatePage: function() {
// Pass the parent ID to the duplicator, which helps ensure that multi-parent pages are duplicated into the node that the user clicked
var parentClause = "";
if(this.parentTreeNode && this.parentTreeNode.getIdx) {
parentClause = "&parentID=" + this.parentTreeNode.getIdx();
new Ajax.Request(jQuery('base').attr('href') + 'admin/duplicate/' + this.getIdx() + '?ajax=1' + parentClause, {
method : 'get',
onSuccess : Ajax.Evaluator,
onFailure : function(response) {
errorMessage('Error: ', response);
duplicatePageWithChildren: function() {
new Ajax.Request(jQuery('base').attr('href') + 'admin/duplicatewithchildren/' + this.getIdx() + '?ajax=1', {
method : 'get',
onSuccess : Ajax.Evaluator,
onFailure : function(response) {
errorMessage('Error: ', response);
* In the case of Tree & DraggableTree, the root tree and the sub-trees all use the same class.
* In this case, however, SiteTree has a much bigger API and so SiteSubTree is smaller.
SiteSubTree = Class.extend('Tree').extend('TreeAPI');
SiteSubTree.prototype = {
castAsTreeNode: function(li) {
behaveAs(li, SiteTreeNode, this.options);
* Our SiteTree class extends the tree object with a richer manipulation API.
* The server will send a piece javascript that uses these functions. In this way, the server
* has flexibility over its operation, but the Script->HTML interface is kept client-side.
SiteTree = Class.extend('SiteSubTree');
SiteTree.prototype = {
initialize : function() {
if(!this.tree.selected) this.tree.selected = [];
var els = this.getElementsByTagName('li');
for(var i=0;i<els.length;i++) if(els[i].className.indexOf('current') > -1) {
this.observeMethod('SelectionChanged', this.interruptLoading.bind(this) );
jQuery('#Form_EditForm').bind('loadnewpage', this.onLoadNewPage.bind(this));
destroy: function () {
if(this.Tree) this.Tree.destroy();
this.Tree = null;
this.SiteSubTree = null;
this.TreeAPI = null;
this.selected = null;
* Stop the currently loading node from loading.
interruptLoading: function( newLoadingNode ) {
if( this.loadingNode ) this.loadingNode.removeNodeClass('loading');
this.loadingNode = newLoadingNode;
onLoadNewPage: function(e, eventData) {
// finds a certain value in an array generated by jQuery.serializeArray()
var findInSerializedArray = function(arr, name) {
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if(arr[i].name == name) return arr[i].value;
return false;
var id = jQuery(;
// check if a form with a valid ID exists
if(id) {
// set current tree element
// set correct parent (only if it has changed)
var parentID = jQuery(;
if(parentID) this.setNodeParentID(id, jQuery(;
// set title (either from TreeTitle or from Title fields)
// Treetitle has special HTML formatting to denote the status changes.
var title = jQuery(( ? :;
if(title) this.setNodeTitle(id, title);
// update icon (only if it has changed)
var className = jQuery(;
if(className) this.setNodeIcon(id, className);
} else {
if(typeof eventData.origData != 'undefined') {
var node = this.getTreeNodeByIdx(eventData.origData.ID);
if(node && node.parentTreeNode) node.parentTreeNode.removeTreeNode(node);
SiteTreeNode = Class.extend('TreeNode').extend('TreeNodeAPI');
SiteTreeNode.prototype = {
initialize: function(options) {
if(this.className && this.className.match(/ *([^ ]+)( +|$)/)) {
if((typeof siteTreeHints != 'undefined') && siteTreeHints[ RegExp.$1 ]) {
this.hints = siteTreeHints[ RegExp.$1 ];
this.dropperOptions = {
accept : (this.hints.allowedChildren && (this.className.indexOf('nochildren') == -1))
? this.hints.allowedChildren : 'none'
if(this.className.indexOf('current') > -1) {
if(!this.tree.selected) this.tree.selected = [];
if(!this.hints) this.hints = {}
destroy: function () {
if(this.TreeNode) this.TreeNode.destroy();
this.TreeNode = null;
this.TreeNodeAPI = null;
castAsTree: function(childUL) {
behaveAs(childUL, SiteSubTree, this.options);
if(this.draggableObj) childUL.makeDraggable();
onselect: function() {
return false;
* Drag'n'drop handlers - Ajax saving
onParentChanged : function(node, oldParent, newParent) {
if(^record-new/)) {
alert("You must save the page before dragging children into it");
return false;
if( node == newParent || node.getIdx() == newParent.getIdx() ) {
alert("You cannot add a page to itself");
return false;
if(node.innerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf('<del') > -1) {
alert("You can't moved deleted pages");
return false;
if( Element.hasClassName( newParent, 'nochildren' ) ) {
alert("You can't add children to that node");
return false;
var currentlyOpenPageID = 0;
if($('Form_EditForm').elements.ID) currentlyOpenPageID = $('Form_EditForm').elements.ID.value;
statusMessage(ss.i18n._t('CMSMAIN.SAVING'), '', true);
new Ajax.Request(SiteTreeHandlers.parentChanged_url, {
method : 'post',
postBody : 'ID=' + node.getIdx() + '&ParentID=' + newParent.getIdx() + '&CurrentlyOpenPageID=' + currentlyOpenPageID,
onSuccess : Ajax.Evaluator,
onFailure : function(response) {
errorMessage('error saving parent', response);
return true;
* Called when the tree has been resorted
* nodeList is a list of all the nodes in the correct rder
* movedNode is the node that actually got moved to trigger this resorting
onOrderChanged : function(nodeList, movedNode) {
statusMessage(ss.i18n._t('CMSMAIN.SAVING'), '', true);
var i, parts = Array();
sort = 0;
for(i=0;i<nodeList.length;i++) {
if(nodeList[i].getIdx && nodeList[i].getIdx()) {
parts[parts.length] = 'ID[]=' + nodeList[i].getIdx();
// Ensure that the order of new records is preserved when they are moved THEN saved
if( nodeList[i].id.indexOf("record-new") == 0 )
if( $('Form_EditForm_ID') && ( 'record-' + $('Form_EditForm_ID').value == nodeList[i].id ) )
if( $('Form_EditForm_Sort') )
$('Form_EditForm_Sort').value = ++sort;
if(movedNode.getIdx && movedNode.getIdx()) {
parts[parts.length] = 'MovedNodeID=' + movedNode.getIdx();
var currentlyOpenPageID = 0;
if($('Form_EditForm').elements.ID) currentlyOpenPageID = $('Form_EditForm').elements.ID.value;
if(parts) {
new Ajax.Request(SiteTreeHandlers.orderChanged_url, {
method : 'post',
postBody : parts.join('&') + '&CurrentlyOpenPageID=' + currentlyOpenPageID,
/*onSuccess : function(response) {
// statusMessage(response.responseText, 'good');
onSuccess: Ajax.Evaluator,
onFailure : function(response) {
errorMessage('error saving order', response);
return true;
// Build the site tree
* Reorganise action checkbox
ReorganiseAction = Class.create();
ReorganiseAction.prototype = {
initialize: function () {
onclick : function() {
if ($('sitetree').isDraggable == false) {
} else {