Ingo Schommer 5aef49a0a7 API CHANGE Removed ChangeTracker javascript class, superseded by jquery.changetracker
API CHANGE Removed autoSave() javascript logic in CMS, superseded by custom code in LeftAndMain.EditForm.js
ENHANCEMENT Using jquery.changetracker in LeftAndMain.EditForm.js, and overhauled window.unload logic to automatically trigger ajax saving after a user confirmation
MINOR Changed unload confirmation text in CMS logic to adapt to new behaviour

git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-11-21 03:14:08 +00:00

399 lines
11 KiB

* @type jquery.layout Global variable so layout state management
* can pick it up.
var ss_MainLayout;
(function($) {
* @class Layout handling for the main CMS interface,
* with tree on left and main edit form on the right.
* @name ss.CMSMain
$('body.CMSMain').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.CMSMain */{
* Reference to jQuery.layout element
* @type Object
MainLayout: null,
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
// Layout
ss_MainLayout = this._setupLayout();
layoutState.options.keys = "west.size,west.isClosed";
// artificially delay the resize event 200ms
// to avoid overlapping height changes in different onresize() methods
$(window).resize(function () {
var timerID = "timerCMSMainResize";
if (window[timerID]) clearTimeout(window[timerID]);
window[timerID] = setTimeout(function() {self._resizeChildren();}, 200);
// If tab has no nested tabs, set overflow to auto
$(this).find('.tab').not(':has(.tab)').css('overflow', 'auto');
_resizeChildren: function() {
$("#treepanes", this).accordion("resize");
$('#sitetree_and_tools', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form fieldset', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#contentPanel form fieldset .content', this).fitHeightToParent();
* Initialize jQuery layout manager with the following panes:
* - east: Tree, Page Version History, Site Reports
* - center: Form
* - west: "Insert Image", "Insert Link", "Insert Flash" panes
* - north: CMS area menu bar
* - south: "Page view", "profile" and "logout" links
_setupLayout: function() {
var self = this;
// layout containing the tree, CMS menu, the main form etc.
var savedLayoutSettings = layoutState.load('ss_MainLayout');
var layoutSettings = jQuery.extend({
defaults: {
// TODO Reactivate once we have localized values
togglerTip_open: '',
togglerTip_closed: '',
resizerTip: '',
sliderTip: '',
onresize: function() {self._resizeChildren();},
onopen: function() {self._resizeChildren();}
north: {
slidable: false,
resizable: false,
size: 35,
togglerLength_open: 0
south: {
slidable: false,
resizable: false,
size: 23,
togglerLength_open: 0
west: {
size: 225,
fxName: "none"
east: {
initClosed: true,
// multiple panels which are triggered through tinymce buttons,
// so a user shouldn't be able to toggle this panel manually
initHidden: true,
fxName: "none",
size: 250
center: {}
}, savedLayoutSettings);
var layout = $('body').layout(layoutSettings);
// Adjust tree accordion etc. in left panel to work correctly
// with jQuery.layout (see
fillSpace: true,
animated: false
return layout;
* @class CMS-specific form behaviour
* @name ss.EditForm
$('#Form_EditForm').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.EditForm */{
onmatch: function() {
// Alert the user on change of page-type - this might have implications
// on the available form fields etc.
function() {
alert('The page type will be updated after the page is saved');
* @class ParentID field combination - mostly toggling between
* the two radiobuttons and setting the hidden "ParentID" field
* @name ss.EditForm.parentTypeSelector
$('#Form_EditForm .parentTypeSelector').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.EditForm.parentTypeSelector */{
onmatch : function() {
var self = this;
this.find(':input[name=ParentType]').bind('click', function(e) {self._toggleSelection(e);});
_toggleSelection: function(e) {
var selected = this.find(':input[name=ParentType]:checked').val();
// reset parent id if 'root' radiobutton is selected
if(selected == 'root') this.find(':input[name=ParentID]').val(0);
// toggle tree dropdown based on selection
this.find('#ParentID').toggle(selected != 'root');
* @class Toggle display of group dropdown in "access" tab,
* based on selection of radiobuttons.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm.Access
$('#Form_EditForm #CanViewType, #Form_EditForm #CanEditType').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm.Access */{
onmatch: function() {
// TODO Decouple
var dropdown;
if(this.attr('id') == 'CanViewType') dropdown = $('#ViewerGroups');
else if(this.attr('id') == 'CanEditType') dropdown = $('#EditorGroups');
this.find('.optionset :input').bind('change', function(e) {
dropdown.toggle( == 'OnlyTheseUsers');
// initial state
var currentVal = this.find('input[name=' + this.attr('id') + ']:checked').val();
dropdown.toggle(currentVal == 'OnlyTheseUsers');
* @class Email containing the link to the archived version of the page.
* Visible on readonly older versions of a specific page at the moment.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm_action_email
$('#Form_EditForm .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_email').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm_action_email */{
onclick: function(e) {
+ $('input[name=ArchiveEmailSubject]', this[0].form).val()
+ '&body='
+ $(':input[name=ArchiveEmailMessage]', this[0].form).val(),
return false;
* @class Open a printable representation of the form in a new window.
* Used for readonly older versions of a specific page.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm_action_print
$('#Form_EditForm .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_print').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm_action_print */{
onclick: function(e) {
var printURL = $(this[0].form).attr('action').replace(/\?.*$/,'')
+ '/printable/'
+ $(':input[name=ID]',this[0].form).val();
if(printURL.substr(0,7) != 'http://') printURL = $('base').attr('href') + printURL;, 'printable');
return false;
* @class A "rollback" to a specific version needs user confirmation.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm_action_rollback
$('#Form_EditForm .Actions #Form_EditForm_action_rollback').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm_action_rollback */{
onclick: function(e) {
// @todo i18n
return confirm("Do you really want to copy the published content to the stage site?");
* @class All forms in the right content panel should have closeable jQuery UI style titles.
* @name ss.contentPanel.form
$('#contentPanel form').concrete('ss', function($){
return/** @lends ss.contentPanel.form */{
onmatch: function() {
// Style as title bar
// The close button should close the east panel of the layout
this.find(':header:first .ui-dialog-titlebar-close').bind('click', function(e) {
return false;
* @class Control the site tree filter.
* Toggles search form fields based on a dropdown selection,
* similar to "Smart Search" criteria in iTunes.
* @name ss.Form_SeachTreeForm
$('#Form_SearchTreeForm').concrete('ss', function($) {
return/** @lends ss.Form_SeachTreeForm */{
* @type DOMElement
SelectEl: null,
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
// TODO Cant bind to onsubmit/onreset directly because of IE6
this.bind('submit', function(e) {return self._submitForm(e);});
this.bind('reset', function(e) {return self._resetForm(e);});
// only the first field should be visible by default
// generate the field dropdown
this.setSelectEl($('<select name="options" class="options"></select>')
.bind('change', function(e) {self._addField(e);})
_setOptions: function() {
var self = this;
// reset existing elements
// add default option
// TODO i18n
jQuery('<option value="0">Add Criteria</option>').appendTo(self.SelectEl());
// populate dropdown values from existing fields
this.find('.field').each(function() {
$('<option />').appendTo(self.SelectEl())
* Filter tree based on selected criteria.
_submitForm: function(e) {
var self = this;
var data = [];
// convert from jQuery object literals to hash map
$(this.serializeArray()).each(function(i, el) {
data[] = el.value;
// Set new URL
$('#sitetree')[0].setCustomURL(this.attr('action') + '&action_getfilteredsubtree=1', data);
// Disable checkbox tree controls that currently don't work with search.
// @todo: Make them work together
if ($('#sitetree')[0].isDraggable) $('#sitetree')[0].stopBeingDraggable();
this.find('.checkboxAboveTree :checkbox').val(false).attr('disabled', true);
// disable buttons to avoid multiple submission
//this.find(':submit').attr('disabled', true);
return false;
_resetForm: function(e) {
// Reset URL to default
// Enable checkbox tree controls
this.find('.checkboxAboveTree :checkbox').attr('disabled', 'false');
// reset all options, some of the might be removed
return false;
_addField: function(e) {
var $select = $(;
// show formfield matching the option
this.find('#' + $select.val()).show();
// remove option from dropdown, each field should just exist once
this.find('option[value=' + $select.val() + ']').remove();
// jump back to default entry
return false;
_reloadSitetree: function() {
var self = this;
onSuccess : function(response) {
self.find(':submit').attr('disabled', false).removeClass('loading');
self.find('.checkboxAboveTree :checkbox').attr('disabled', 'true');
statusMessage('Filtered tree','good');
onFailure : function(response) {
self.find(':submit').attr('disabled', false).removeClass('loading');
self.find('.checkboxAboveTree :checkbox').attr('disabled', 'true');
errorMessage('Could not filter site tree<br />' + response.responseText);