Ingo Schommer 1ba1c563a8 ENHANCEMENT Making setting optional in MemberTableField. Field instances without will list all members unfiltered, and remove members from the database rather than the group relation.
ENHANCEMENT Allow disabling of 'inline add' formfields in a MemberTableField through setPermissions(array('inlineadd'))

git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2010-02-11 21:55:33 +00:00

457 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

* Enhances {ComplexTableField} with the ability to list groups and given members.
* It is based around groups, so it deletes Members from a Group rather than from the entire system.
* In contrast to the original implementation, the URL-parameters "ParentClass" and "ParentID" are used
* to specify "Group" (hardcoded) and the GroupID-relation.
* @todo write a better description about what this field does.
* Returns either:
* - provided members
* - members of a provided group
* - all members
* - members based on a search-query
* @package cms
* @subpackage security
class MemberTableField extends ComplexTableField {
protected $members;
protected $hidePassword;
protected $detailFormValidator;
protected $group;
protected $template = 'MemberTableField';
public $popupClass = 'MemberTableField_Popup';
public $itemClass = 'MemberTableField_Item';
static $data_class = 'Member';
* Set the page size for this table.
* @var int
public static $page_size = 20;
protected $permissions = array(
* Constructor method for MemberTableField.
* @param Controller $controller Controller class which created this field
* @param string $name Name of the field (e.g. "Members")
* @param mixed $group Can be the ID of a Group instance, or a Group instance itself
* @param DataObjectSet $members Optional set of Members to set as the source items for this field
* @param boolean $hidePassword Hide the password field or not in the summary?
function __construct($controller, $name, $group = null, $members = null, $hidePassword = true) {
$sourceClass = self::$data_class;
$SNG_member = singleton($sourceClass);
$fieldList = $SNG_member->summaryFields();
$memberDbFields = $SNG_member->db();
$csvFieldList = array();
foreach($memberDbFields as $field => $dbFieldType) {
$csvFieldList[$field] = $field;
if($group) {
if(is_object($group)) {
$this->group = $group;
} elseif(is_numeric($group)) {
$this->group = DataObject::get_by_id('Group', $group);
} else if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]["ID"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]["ID"])) {
$this->group = DataObject::get_by_id('Group', $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]["ID"]);
if(!$hidePassword) {
$fieldList["SetPassword"] = "Password";
$this->hidePassword = $hidePassword;
// @todo shouldn't this use $this->group? It's unclear exactly
// what group it should be customising the custom Member set with.
if($members && $group) {
$this->setCustomSourceItems($this->memberListWithGroupID($members, $group));
parent::__construct($controller, $name, $sourceClass, $fieldList);
$SQL_search = isset($_REQUEST['MemberSearch']) ? Convert::raw2sql($_REQUEST['MemberSearch']) : null;
if(!empty($_REQUEST['MemberSearch'])) {
$searchFilters = array();
foreach($SNG_member->searchableFields() as $fieldName => $fieldSpec) {
if(strpos($fieldName, '.') === false) $searchFilters[] = "\"$fieldName\" LIKE '%{$SQL_search}%'";
$this->sourceFilter[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $searchFilters) . ')';
$this->sourceJoin = " INNER JOIN \"Group_Members\" ON \"MemberID\"=\"Member\".\"ID\"";
function FieldHolder() {
$ret = parent::FieldHolder();
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/thirdparty/scriptaculous/controls.js");
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . '/javascript/MemberTableField.js');
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/javascript/MemberTableField_popup.js");
return $ret;
function sourceID() {
return ($this->group) ? $this->group->ID : 0;
function AddLink() {
return $this->Link() . '/add';
function SearchForm() {
$groupID = (isset($this->group)) ? $this->group->ID : 0;
$query = isset($_GET['MemberSearch']) ? $_GET['MemberSearch'] : null;
$searchFields = new FieldGroup(
new TextField('MemberSearch', _t('MemberTableField.SEARCH', 'Search'), $query),
new HiddenField("ctf[ID]", '', $groupID),
new HiddenField('MemberFieldName', '', $this->name),
new HiddenField('MemberDontShowPassword', '', $this->hidePassword)
$actionFields = new LiteralField('MemberFilterButton','<input type="submit" class="action" name="MemberFilterButton" value="'._t('MemberTableField.FILTER', 'Filter').'" id="MemberFilterButton"/>');
$fieldContainer = new FieldGroup(
return $fieldContainer->FieldHolder();
* Add existing member to group rather than creating a new member
function addtogroup() {
$data = $_REQUEST;
$ctfID = isset($data['ctf']) ? $data['ctf']['ID'] : null;
if(!is_numeric($ctfID)) {
FormResponse::status_messsage(_t('MemberTableField.ADDINGFIELD', 'Adding failed'), 'bad');
$className = self::$data_class;
$record = new $className();
$valid = $record->validate();
if($valid->valid()) {
// TODO add javascript to highlight added row (problem: might not show up due to sorting/filtering)
FormResponse::update_dom_id($this->id(), $this->renderWith($this->template), true);
'MemberTableField.ADDEDTOGROUP','Added member to group'
} else {
$message = sprintf(
'There was an error adding the user to the group: %s'
FormResponse::status_message($message, 'bad');
return FormResponse::respond();
* Custom delete implementation:
* Remove member from group rather than from the database
function delete() {
$groupID = Convert::raw2sql($_REQUEST['ctf']['ID']);
$memberID = Convert::raw2sql($_REQUEST['ctf']['childID']);
if(is_numeric($groupID) && is_numeric($memberID)) {
$member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $memberID);
} else {
user_error("MemberTableField::delete: Bad parameters: Group=$groupID, Member=$memberID", E_USER_ERROR);
return FormResponse::respond();
* #################################
* Utility Functions
* #################################
function getParentClass() {
return 'Group';
function getParentIdName($childClass, $parentClass) {
return 'GroupID';
* #################################
* Custom Functions
* #################################
* Customise an existing DataObjectSet of Member
* objects with a GroupID.
* @param DataObjectSet $members Set of Member objects to customise
* @param Group $group Group object to customise with
* @return DataObjectSet Customised set of Member objects
function memberListWithGroupID($members, $group) {
$newMembers = new DataObjectSet();
foreach($members as $member) {
$newMembers->push($member->customise(array('GroupID' => $group->ID)));
return $newMembers;
function setGroup($group) {
$this->group = $group;
* @return Group
function getGroup() {
return $this->group;
function setController($controller) {
$this->controller = $controller;
function GetControllerName() {
return $this->controller->class;
* Add existing member to group by name (with JS-autocompletion)
function AddRecordForm() {
$fields = new FieldSet();
foreach($this->FieldList() as $fieldName => $fieldTitle) {
// If we're adding the set password field, we want to hide the text from any peeping eyes
if($fieldName == 'SetPassword') {
$fields->push(new PasswordField($fieldName));
} else {
$fields->push(new TextField($fieldName));
if($this->group) {
$fields->push(new HiddenField('ctf[ID]', null, $this->group->ID));
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction('addtogroup', _t('MemberTableField.ADD','Add'))
return new TabularStyle(
new NestedForm(
new Form(
* Same behaviour as parent class, but adds the
* member to the passed GroupID.
* @return string
function saveComplexTableField($data, $form, $params) {
$className = $this->sourceClass();
$childData = new $className();
$closeLink = sprintf(
'<small><a href="' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '" onclick="; return false;">(%s)</a></small>',
_t('ComplexTableField.CLOSEPOPUP', 'Close Popup')
$message = sprintf(
_t('ComplexTableField.SUCCESSADD', 'Added %s %s %s'),
'<a href="' . $this->Link() . '">' . $childData->Title . '</a>',
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good');
* Cached version for getting the appropraite members for this particular group.
* This includes getting inherited groups, such as groups under groups.
function sourceItems() {
// Caching.
if($this->sourceItems) {
return $this->sourceItems;
// Setup limits
$limitClause = '';
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'])) {
$limitClause = ($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) . ", {$this->pageSize}";
} else {
$limitClause = "0, {$this->pageSize}";
// We use the group to get the members, as they already have the bulk of the look up functions
$start = isset($_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start']) ? $_REQUEST['ctf'][$this->Name()]['start'] : 0;
$this->sourceItems = false;
if($this->group) {
$this->sourceItems = $this->group->Members(
$this->pageSize, // limit
$start, // offset
} else {
$this->sourceItems = DataObject::get(self::$data_class,
array('limit' => $this->pageSize, 'start' => $start)
// Because we are not used $this->upagedSourceItems any more, and the DataObjectSet is usually the source
// that a large member set runs out of memory. we disable it here.
//$this->unpagedSourceItems = $this->group->Members('', '', $this->sourceFilter, $this->sourceSort);
$this->totalCount = ($this->sourceItems) ? $this->sourceItems->TotalItems() : 0;
return $this->sourceItems;
function TotalCount() {
$this->sourceItems(); // Called for its side-effect of setting total count
return $this->totalCount;
* Handles item requests
* MemberTableField needs its own item request class so that it can overload the delete method
function handleItem($request) {
return new MemberTableField_ItemRequest($this, $request->param('ID'));
* Popup window for {@link MemberTableField}.
* @package cms
* @subpackage security
class MemberTableField_Popup extends ComplexTableField_Popup {
function forTemplate() {
$ret = parent::forTemplate();
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . '/javascript/MemberTableField.js');
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . '/javascript/MemberTableField_popup.js');
return $ret;
class MemberTableField_Item extends ComplexTableField_Item {
function Actions() {
$actions = parent::Actions();
foreach($actions as $action) {
if($action->Name == 'delete') {
if($this->parent->getGroup()) {
$action->TitleText = _t('MemberTableField.DeleteTitleText',
'Delete from this group',
'Delete button hover text'
} else {
$action->TitleText = _t('MemberTableField.DeleteTitleTextDatabase',
'Delete from database and all groups',
'Delete button hover text'
return $actions;
class MemberTableField_ItemRequest extends ComplexTableField_ItemRequest {
* Deleting an item from a member table field should just remove that member from the group
function delete() {
if($this->ctf->Can('delete') !== true) {
return false;
// if a group limitation is set on the table, remove relation.
// otherwise remove the record from the database
if($this->ctf->getGroup()) {
$groupID = $this->ctf->sourceID();
} else {