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Previously by setting the response status code inside the action, this prevented response bodies from being included due to 403/401 being matched by SS_HTTPResponse::isFinished() (which stops popular I assume SS_HTTPResponse::isFinished() is valid for the permission error use case (and I would be hesitant to change it) so this simply moves the declaration of the response status code till after the parent has populated the body of the response.
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* ErrorPage holds the content for the page of an error response.
* Renders the page on each publish action into a static HTML file
* within the assets directory, after the naming convention
* /assets/error-<statuscode>.html.
* This enables us to show errors even if PHP experiences a recoverable error.
* ErrorPages
* @see Debug::friendlyError()
* @package cms
class ErrorPage extends Page {
private static $db = array(
"ErrorCode" => "Int",
private static $defaults = array(
"ShowInMenus" => 0,
"ShowInSearch" => 0
private static $allowed_children = array();
private static $description = 'Custom content for different error cases (e.g. "Page not found")';
* @config
private static $static_filepath = ASSETS_PATH;
* @param $member
* @return boolean
public function canAddChildren($member = null) {
return false;
* Get a {@link SS_HTTPResponse} to response to a HTTP error code if an
* {@link ErrorPage} for that code is present. First tries to serve it
* through the standard SilverStripe request method. Falls back to a static
* file generated when the user hit's save and publish in the CMS
* @param int $statusCode
* @return SS_HTTPResponse
public static function response_for($statusCode) {
// first attempt to dynamically generate the error page
$errorPage = ErrorPage::get()->filter(array(
"ErrorCode" => $statusCode
if($errorPage) {
return ModelAsController::controller_for($errorPage)->handleRequest(
new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', ''), DataModel::inst()
// then fall back on a cached version
$cachedPath = self::get_filepath_for_errorcode(
class_exists('Translatable') ? Translatable::get_current_locale() : null
if(file_exists($cachedPath)) {
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
return $response;
* Ensures that there is always a 404 page by checking if there's an
* instance of ErrorPage with a 404 and 500 error code. If there is not,
* one is created when the DB is built.
public function requireDefaultRecords() {
if ($this->class == 'ErrorPage' && SiteTree::config()->create_default_pages) {
// Ensure that an assets path exists before we do any error page creation
if(!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) {
$defaultPages = $this->getDefaultRecords();
foreach($defaultPages as $defaultData) {
$code = $defaultData['ErrorCode'];
$page = DataObject::get_one(
sprintf("\"ErrorPage\".\"ErrorCode\" = '%s'", $code)
$pageExists = ($page && $page->exists());
$pagePath = self::get_filepath_for_errorcode($code);
if(!($pageExists && file_exists($pagePath))) {
if(!$pageExists) {
$page = new ErrorPage($defaultData);
$page->publish('Stage', 'Live');
// Ensure a static error page is created from latest error page content
$response = Director::test(Director::makeRelative($page->Link()));
$written = null;
if($fh = fopen($pagePath, 'w')) {
$written = fwrite($fh, $response->getBody());
if($written) {
sprintf('%s error page created', $code),
} else {
'%s error page could not be created at %s. Please check permissions',
* Returns an array of arrays, each of which defines properties for a new
* ErrorPage record.
* @return array
protected function getDefaultRecords() {
$data = array(
'ErrorCode' => 404,
'Title' => _t('ErrorPage.DEFAULTERRORPAGETITLE', 'Page not found'),
'Content' => _t(
'<p>Sorry, it seems you were trying to access a page that doesn\'t exist.</p>'
. '<p>Please check the spelling of the URL you were trying to access and try again.</p>'
'ErrorCode' => 500,
'Title' => _t('ErrorPage.DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGETITLE', 'Server error'),
'Content' => _t(
'<p>Sorry, there was a problem with handling your request.</p>'
$this->extend('getDefaultRecords', $data);
return $data;
* @return FieldList
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
new DropdownField(
400 => _t('ErrorPage.400', '400 - Bad Request'),
401 => _t('ErrorPage.401', '401 - Unauthorized'),
403 => _t('ErrorPage.403', '403 - Forbidden'),
404 => _t('ErrorPage.404', '404 - Not Found'),
405 => _t('ErrorPage.405', '405 - Method Not Allowed'),
406 => _t('ErrorPage.406', '406 - Not Acceptable'),
407 => _t('ErrorPage.407', '407 - Proxy Authentication Required'),
408 => _t('ErrorPage.408', '408 - Request Timeout'),
409 => _t('ErrorPage.409', '409 - Conflict'),
410 => _t('ErrorPage.410', '410 - Gone'),
411 => _t('ErrorPage.411', '411 - Length Required'),
412 => _t('ErrorPage.412', '412 - Precondition Failed'),
413 => _t('ErrorPage.413', '413 - Request Entity Too Large'),
414 => _t('ErrorPage.414', '414 - Request-URI Too Long'),
415 => _t('ErrorPage.415', '415 - Unsupported Media Type'),
416 => _t('ErrorPage.416', '416 - Request Range Not Satisfiable'),
417 => _t('ErrorPage.417', '417 - Expectation Failed'),
500 => _t('ErrorPage.500', '500 - Internal Server Error'),
501 => _t('ErrorPage.501', '501 - Not Implemented'),
502 => _t('ErrorPage.502', '502 - Bad Gateway'),
503 => _t('ErrorPage.503', '503 - Service Unavailable'),
504 => _t('ErrorPage.504', '504 - Gateway Timeout'),
505 => _t('ErrorPage.505', '505 - HTTP Version Not Supported'),
return $fields;
* When an error page is published, create a static HTML page with its
* content, so the page can be shown even when SilverStripe is not
* functioning correctly before publishing this page normally.
* @param string|int $fromStage Place to copy from. Can be either a stage name or a version number.
* @param string $toStage Place to copy to. Must be a stage name.
* @param boolean $createNewVersion Set this to true to create a new version number. By default, the existing version number will be copied over.
public function doPublish() {
// Run the page (reset the theme, it might've been disabled by LeftAndMain::init())
$oldEnabled = Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme_enabled');
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme_enabled', true);
$response = Director::test(Director::makeRelative($this->Link()));
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme_enabled', $oldEnabled);
$errorContent = $response->getBody();
// Make the base tag dynamic.
// $errorContent = preg_replace('/<base[^>]+href="' . str_replace('/','\\/', Director::absoluteBaseURL()) . '"[^>]*>/i', '<base href="$BaseURL" />', $errorContent);
// Check we have an assets base directory, creating if it we don't
if(!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) {
mkdir(ASSETS_PATH, 02775);
// if the page is published in a language other than default language,
// write a specific language version of the HTML page
$filePath = self::get_filepath_for_errorcode($this->ErrorCode, $this->Locale);
if($fh = fopen($filePath, "w")) {
fwrite($fh, $errorContent);
} else {
$fileErrorText = _t(
"Error opening file \"{filename}\" for writing. Please check file permissions.",
array('filename' => $errorFile)
$this->response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode($fileErrorText));
return $this->httpError(405);
* @param boolean $includerelations a boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields
* @return array
public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) {
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels['ErrorCode'] = _t('ErrorPage.CODE', "Error code");
return $labels;
* Returns an absolute filesystem path to a static error file
* which is generated through {@link publish()}.
* @param int $statusCode A HTTP Statuscode, mostly 404 or 500
* @param String $locale A locale, e.g. 'de_DE' (Optional)
* @return string
public static function get_filepath_for_errorcode($statusCode, $locale = null) {
if (singleton('ErrorPage')->hasMethod('alternateFilepathForErrorcode')) {
return singleton('ErrorPage')-> alternateFilepathForErrorcode($statusCode, $locale);
if(class_exists('Translatable') && singleton('SiteTree')->hasExtension('Translatable') && $locale && $locale != Translatable::default_locale()) {
return self::config()->static_filepath . "/error-{$statusCode}-{$locale}.html";
} else {
return self::config()->static_filepath . "/error-{$statusCode}.html";
* Set the path where static error files are saved through {@link publish()}.
* Defaults to /assets.
* @deprecated 3.2 Use "ErrorPage.static_file_path" instead
* @param string $path
static public function set_static_filepath($path) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use "ErrorPage.static_file_path" instead');
self::config()->static_filepath = $path;
* @deprecated 3.2 Use "ErrorPage.static_file_path" instead
* @return string
static public function get_static_filepath() {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use "ErrorPage.static_file_path" instead');
return self::config()->static_filepath;
* Controller for ErrorPages.
* @package cms
class ErrorPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
* Overload the provided {@link Controller::handleRequest()} to append the
* correct status code post request since otherwise permission related error
* pages such as 401 and 403 pages won't be rendered due to
* {@link SS_HTTPResponse::isFinished() ignoring the response body.
* @param SS_HTTPRequest
* @param DataModel
public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model = NULL) {
$body = parent::handleRequest($request, $model);
return $this->response;