Ingo Schommer 1427ae3523 BUGFIX: if moderation on comments is enabled then redirect the user back down to the comment section to view the message rather than trying to direct to selector which doesnt exist (from r105514)
git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2010-10-15 02:32:38 +00:00

379 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

* Represents an interface for viewing and adding page comments
* Create one, passing the page discussed to the constructor. It can then be
* inserted into a template.
* @package cms
* @subpackage comments
class PageCommentInterface extends RequestHandler {
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Item!' => '$Item',
static $allowed_actions = array(
protected $controller, $methodName, $page;
* If this is true, you must be logged in to post a comment
* (and therefore, you don't need to specify a 'Your name' field unless
* your name is blank)
* @var bool
static $comments_require_login = false;
* If this is a valid permission code, you must be logged in
* and have the appropriate permission code on your account before you can
* post a comment.
* @var string
static $comments_require_permission = "";
* If this is true it will include the javascript for AJAX
* commenting. If it is set to false then it will not load
* the files required and it will fall back
* @var bool
static $use_ajax_commenting = true;
* If this is true then we should show the existing comments on
* the page even when we have disabled the comment form.
* If this is false the form + existing comments will be hidden
* @var bool
* @since 2.4 - Always show them by default
static $show_comments_when_disabled = true;
* Define how you want to order page comments by. By default order by newest
* to oldest.
* @var String - used as $orderby in DB query
* @since 2.4
static $order_comments_by = "\"Created\" DESC";
* Create a new page comment interface
* @param controller The controller that the interface is used on
* @param methodName The method to return this PageCommentInterface object
* @param page The page that we're commenting on
function __construct($controller, $methodName, $page) {
$this->controller = $controller;
$this->methodName = $methodName;
$this->page = $page;
function Link() {
return Controller::join_links($this->controller->Link(), $this->methodName);
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$comments_require_login}
* @param boolean state The new state of this static field
static function set_comments_require_login($state) {
self::$comments_require_login = (boolean) $state;
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$comments_require_permission}
* @param string permission The permission to check against.
static function set_comments_require_permission($permission) {
self::$comments_require_permission = $permission;
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$show_comments_when_disabled}
* @param bool - show / hide the existing comments when disabled
static function set_show_comments_when_disabled($state) {
self::$show_comments_when_disabled = $state;
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$order_comments_by}
* @param String
static function set_order_comments_by($order) {
self::$order_comments_by = $order;
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$use_ajax_commenting}
* @param bool
static function set_use_ajax_commenting($state) {
self::$use_ajax_commenting = $state;
function forTemplate() {
return $this->renderWith('PageCommentInterface');
* @return boolean true if the currently logged in user can post a comment,
* false if they can't. Users can post comments by default, enforce
* security by using
* @link PageCommentInterface::set_comments_require_login() and
* @link {PageCommentInterface::set_comments_require_permission()}.
static function CanPostComment() {
$member = Member::currentUser();
if(self::$comments_require_permission && $member && Permission::check(self::$comments_require_permission)) {
return true; // Comments require a certain permission, and the user has the correct permission
} elseif(self::$comments_require_login && $member && !self::$comments_require_permission) {
return true; // Comments only require that a member is logged in
} elseif(!self::$comments_require_permission && !self::$comments_require_login) {
return true; // Comments don't require anything - anyone can add a comment
return false;
* if this page comment form requires users to have a
* valid permission code in order to post (used to customize the error
* message).
* @return bool
function PostingRequiresPermission() {
return self::$comments_require_permission;
function Page() {
return $this->page;
function PostCommentForm() {
return false;
$fields = new FieldSet(
new HiddenField("ParentID", "ParentID", $this->page->ID)
$member = Member::currentUser();
if((self::$comments_require_login || self::$comments_require_permission) && $member && $member->FirstName) {
// note this was a ReadonlyField - which displayed the name in a span as well as the hidden field but
// it was not saving correctly. Have changed it to a hidden field. It passes the data correctly but I
// believe the id of the form field is wrong.
$fields->push(new ReadonlyField("NameView", _t('PageCommentInterface.YOURNAME', 'Your name'), $member->getName()));
$fields->push(new HiddenField("Name", "", $member->getName()));
} else {
$fields->push(new TextField("Name", _t('PageCommentInterface.YOURNAME', 'Your name')));
// optional commenter URL
$fields->push(new TextField("CommenterURL", _t('PageCommentInterface.COMMENTERURL', "Your website URL")));
$fields->push(new TextField("Math", sprintf(_t('PageCommentInterface.SPAMQUESTION', "Spam protection question: %s"), MathSpamProtection::getMathQuestion())));
$fields->push(new TextareaField("Comment", _t('PageCommentInterface.YOURCOMMENT', "Comments")));
$form = new PageCommentInterface_Form($this, "PostCommentForm", $fields, new FieldSet(
new FormAction("postcomment", _t('PageCommentInterface.POST', 'Post'))
// Set it so the user gets redirected back down to the form upon form fail
// Optional Spam Protection.
if(class_exists('SpamProtectorManager')) {
SpamProtectorManager::update_form($form, null, array('Name' => 'author_name', 'CommenterURL' => 'author_url', 'Comment' => 'post_body'));
// Shall We use AJAX?
if(self::$use_ajax_commenting) {
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/behaviour/behaviour.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/prototype/prototype.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/scriptaculous/effects.js');
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . '/javascript/PageCommentInterface.js');
// Load the data from Session
"Name" => Cookie::get("PageCommentInterface_Name"),
"Comment" => Cookie::get("PageCommentInterface_Comment"),
"CommenterURL" => Cookie::get("PageCommentInterface_CommenterURL")
return $form;
function Comments() {
// Comment limits
$limit = array();
$limit['start'] = isset($_GET['commentStart']) ? (int)$_GET['commentStart'] : 0;
$limit['limit'] = PageComment::$comments_per_page;
$spamfilter = isset($_GET['showspam']) ? '' : "AND \"IsSpam\" = 0";
$unmoderatedfilter = Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CommentAdmin') ? '' : "AND \"NeedsModeration\" = 0";
$order = self::$order_comments_by;
$comments = DataObject::get("PageComment", "\"ParentID\" = '" . Convert::raw2sql($this->page->ID) . "' $spamfilter $unmoderatedfilter", $order, "", $limit);
if(is_null($comments)) {
// This allows us to use the normal 'start' GET variables as well (In the weird circumstance where you have paginated comments AND something else paginated)
return $comments;
function CommentRssLink() {
return Director::absoluteBaseURL() . "PageComment/rss?pageid=" . $this->page->ID;
* A link to PageComment_Controller.deleteallcomments() which deletes all
* comments on a page referenced by the url param pageid
function DeleteAllLink() {
if(Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CommentAdmin')) {
return Director::absoluteBaseURL() . "PageComment/deleteallcomments?pageid=" . $this->page->ID;
* @package cms
* @subpackage comments
class PageCommentInterface_Form extends Form {
function postcomment($data) {
// Spam filtering
Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Name", $data['Name']);
Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_CommenterURL", $data['CommenterURL']);
Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Comment", $data['Comment']);
if(SSAkismet::isEnabled()) {
try {
$akismet = new SSAkismet();
if($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
if(SSAkismet::getSaveSpam()) {
$comment = Object::create('PageComment');
$comment->setField("IsSpam", true);
echo "<b>"._t('PageCommentInterface_Form.SPAMDETECTED', 'Spam detected!!') . "</b><br /><br />";
printf("If you believe this was in error, please email %s.", ereg_replace("@", " _(at)_", Email::getAdminEmail()));
echo "<br /><br />"._t('PageCommentInterface_Form.MSGYOUPOSTED', 'The message you posted was:'). "<br /><br />";
echo $data['Comment'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Akismet didn't work, continue without spam check
//check if spam question was right.
if(!$this->controller->isAjax()) {
return "spamprotectionfailed"; //used by javascript for checking if the spam question was wrong
// If commenting can only be done by logged in users, make sure the user is logged in
$member = Member::currentUser();
if(PageCommentInterface::CanPostComment() && $member) {
$this->Fields()->push(new HiddenField("AuthorID", "Author ID", $member->ID));
} elseif(!PageCommentInterface::CanPostComment()) {
echo "You're not able to post comments to this page. Please ensure you are logged in and have an appropriate permission level.";
$comment = Object::create('PageComment');
// Store the Session ID if needed for Spamprotection
if($session = Session::get('mollom_user_session_id')) {
$comment->SessionID = $session;
$comment->IsSpam = false;
$comment->NeedsModeration = PageComment::moderationEnabled();
Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Comment", '');
$moderationMsg = _t('PageCommentInterface_Form.AWAITINGMODERATION', "Your comment has been submitted and is now awaiting moderation.");
if($this->controller->isAjax()) {
echo $moderationMsg;
} else{
echo $comment->renderWith('PageCommentInterface_singlecomment');
} else {
$this->sessionMessage($moderationMsg, 'good');
if($comment->ParentID) {
$page = DataObject::get_by_id("Page", $comment->ParentID);
if($page) {
// if it needs moderation then it won't appear in the list. Therefore
// we need to link to the comment holder rather than the individual comment
$url = ($comment->NeedsModeration) ? $page->Link() . '#PageComments_holder' : $page->Link() . '#PageComment_' . $comment->ID;
return Director::redirect($url);
return $this->controller->redirectBack(); // worst case, just go back to the page
* @package cms
* @subpackage comments
class PageCommentInterface_Controller extends ContentController {
function __construct() {
function newspamquestion() {
if($this->isAjax()) {
echo Convert::raw2xml(sprintf(_t('PageCommentInterface_Controller.SPAMQUESTION', "Spam protection question: %s"),MathSpamProtection::getMathQuestion()));