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synced 2024-10-22 09:05:53 +00:00
Wrapping in a step to capture cases where the ErrorPage defaults haven't been generated, and the default ModelAsController message shows which is slightly different wording.
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Feature: Publish a page
As a site owner
I want content to go to a draft site before being published
So that only high quality changes are seen by our visitors
Given a "page" "My Page" with "URLSegment"="my-page" and "Content"="initial content"
And the "page" "My Page" is not published
Scenario: I can have a unpublished version of a page that is not publicly available
Given I go to "/my-page"
Then the page can't be found
Scenario: I can publish a previously never published page
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I should see "My Page" in the tree
And I click on "My Page" in the tree
And I press the "Publish" button
Then I press the "Log out" button
And I go to "/my-page"
Then I should see "initial content"
Scenario: I will get different options depending on the current publish state of the page
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I should see "My Page" in the tree
And I click on "My Page" in the tree
When I click "More options" in the "#ActionMenus" element
Then I should not see "Unpublish" in the "#ActionMenus_MoreOptions" element
And I should see "Not published" in the "#ActionMenus_MoreOptions" element
And I should see "Delete draft" in the "#ActionMenus_MoreOptions" element
And I should see a "Save & publish" button
And I should see a "Saved" button
When I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "my new content"
And I click "More options" in the "#ActionMenus" element
Then I should not see "Unpublish" in the "#ActionMenus_MoreOptions" element
And I should see a "Save & publish" button
And I should see a "Save draft" button
When I press the "Publish" button
And I click "More options" in the "#ActionMenus" element
Then I should see "Unpublish" in the "#ActionMenus_MoreOptions" element
And I should see "Delete draft" in the "#ActionMenus_MoreOptions" element
And I should see a "Published" button
And I should see a "Saved" button
Scenario: I can unpublish a page
Given a "page" "Hello" with "URLSegment"="hello" and "Content"="hello world"
And I go to "/hello"
Then I should see "hello world"
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I should see "Hello" in the tree
And I follow "Hello"
When I click "More options" in the "#ActionMenus" element
And I press the "Unpublish" button
Then I press the "Log out" button
And I go to "/hello"
Then the page can't be found
Scenario: I can delete a page from live and draft stage to completely remove it
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I should see "My Page" in the tree
When I follow "My Page"
And I press the "Publish" button
And I click "More options" in the "#ActionMenus" element
Then I should see "Unpublish" in the "#ActionMenus_MoreOptions" element
When I press the "Unpublish" button
And I click "More options" in the "#ActionMenus" element
Then I should see "Delete draft" in the "#ActionMenus_MoreOptions" element
When I press the "Delete draft" button
Then I should see a "Restore" button
And I should not see a "Published" button
And I should not see a "Save & publish" button
And I should not see a "Saved" button
And I should not see a "Save draft" button
When I press the "Restore" button
Then I should see a "Save & publish" button