mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 09:05:53 +00:00
2. Make MainMenu? links call LeftAndMain?_window_unload() to check for unsaved changes before loading new page. Don't register LeftAndMain?_window_unload with window 'beforeunload' event because it cannot stop the page unload and the save check is now done via links (where stopping the unload works). 3. Make external Logo link open in a new window like the Menu-help link to prevent unsaved changes being lost. More info: http://www.elijahlofgren.com/silverstripe/alert-users-when-leaving-tab-with-unsaved-changes/ (merged from branches/gsoc) git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@41798 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
472 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
472 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
CMSForm = Class.extend('ChangeTracker').extend('Observable');
CMSForm.prototype = {
initialize : function(fn) {
this.formName = fn;
* Processing called whenever a page is loaded in the right - including the initial one
prepareForm : function() {
ajaxActionsAtTop(this.id, 'form_actions_' + this.formName, this.formName);
* Load actions from a string containing the HTML content
loadActionsFromString : function(actionHTML) {
var actionHolder = $('form_actions_' + this.formName);
actionHolder.innerHTML = actionHTML;
prepareAjaxActions(actionHolder, this.id, this.formName);
* Close the form down without any corrective action, after its been deleted.
closeIfSetTo: function(id) {
if(this.elements.ID && this.elements.ID.value == id) {
this.innerHTML = "<p>This page was deleted. To edit a page, select it from the left.</p>";
if(typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') tinyMCE.instances = [];
* Reload lose the form if the current page is open.
reloadIfSetTo: function(id) {
if(this.elements.ID && this.elements.ID.value == id) {
close: function() {
this.innerHTML = "<p> </p>";
var actions;
if(actions = $('form_actions_' + this.formName)) {
updateStatus: function( newStatus ) {
if( $('Form_EditForm_Status') )
$('Form_EditForm_Status').innerHTML = "STATUS: " + newStatus;
* Load a new page into the right-hand form.
* @param formContent string
* @param response object (optional)
* @param evalResponse boolean (optional)
loadNewPage : function(formContent, response, evalResponse) {
//alert('here: ' + formContent);
var rightHTML = formContent;
// Rewrite # links
rightHTML = rightHTML.replace(/href *= *"#/g, 'href="' + window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/,'') + '#');
// Rewrite iframe links (for IE)
rightHTML = rightHTML.replace(/(<iframe[^>]*src=")([^"]+)("[^>]*>)/g, '$1' + baseHref() + '$2$3');
// Prepare iframes for removal, otherwise we get loading bugs
var i, allIframes = this.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
if(allIframes) for(i=0;i<allIframes.length;i++) {
allIframes[i].contentWindow.location.href = 'about:blank';
if(response && evalResponse) {
} else {
this.innerHTML = rightHTML;
// Get the form attributes from embedded fields
var attr;
for(attr in {'action':true ,'method':true,'enctype':true,'name':true}) {
if(this.elements['_form_' + attr]) {
this[attr] = this.elements['_form_' + attr].value;
this.elements['_form_' + attr].parentNode.removeChild(this.elements['_form_' + attr]);
allIframes = this.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
if(allIframes) for(i=0;i<allIframes.length;i++) {
try {
allIframes[i].contentWindow.location.href = allIframes[i].src;
} catch(er) {alert(er.message);}
try {
var tabs = document.getElementsBySelector('#' + this.id + ' ul.tabstrip');
} catch(er) { /*alert('a: '+ er.message + '\n' + er.line);*/ }
try {
for(var i=0;i<tabs.length;i++) if(tabs[i].tagName) initTabstrip(tabs[i]);
} catch(er) { /*alert('b: '+ er.message + '\n' + er.line);*/ }
if((typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') && tinyMCE.instances) {
tinyMCE.instances = [];
tinyMCE.isLoaded = false;
if(this.prepareForm) this.prepareForm();
if(this.resetElements) this.resetElements();
* Save the contens of the form, by submitting it and resetting is changed checker
* on success.
save: function(ifChanged, callAfter, action) {
if(typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') tinyMCE.triggerSave();
if(!action) action = "save";
var __callAfter = callAfter;
var __form = this;
if(__form.notify) __form.notify('BeforeSave', __form.elements.ID.value);
// validate if required
if(this.validate && !this.validate()) {
// TODO Automatically switch to the tab/position of the first error
statusMessage("Validation failed.", "bad");
return false;
var success = function(response) {
if(__callAfter) __callAfter();
if(__form.notify) __form.notify('PageSaved', __form.elements.ID.value);
_AJAX_LOADING = false;
if(ifChanged) {
var data = this.serializeChangedFields('ID') + '&ajax=1&action_' + action + '=1';
} else {
var data = this.serializeAllFields() + '&ajax=1&action_' + action + '=1';
statusMessage("Saving...", null, true);
new Ajax.Request(this.action, {
method : this.method,
postBody: data,
onSuccess : success,
onFailure : function(response) {
errorMessage('Error saving content', response);
_AJAX_LOADING = false;
loadPage_url : 'admin/getpage'
CMSRightForm = Class.extend('CMSForm');
CMSRightForm.prototype = {
intialize: function() {
* Load the given URL (with &ajax=1) into this form
loadURLFromServer : function(url) {
var urlParts = url.match( /ID=(\d+)/ );
var id = urlParts ? urlParts[1] : null;
if( !url.match( /^https?:\/\/.*/ ) )
url = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href + url;
new Ajax.Request( url + '&ajax=1', {
asynchronous : true,
onSuccess : function( response ) {
onFailure : function(response) {
errorMessage('error loading page',response);
successfullyReceivedPage : function(response,pageID) {
var loadingNode = $('sitetree').loadingNode;
if( loadingNode && pageID && parseInt( $('sitetree').getIdxOf( loadingNode ) ) != pageID ) {
// must wait until the javascript has finished
document.body.style.cursor = 'wait';
var subform;
if(subform = $('Form_MemberForm')) subform.close();
if(subform = $('Form_SubForm')) subform.close();
if(this.elements.ID) {
this.notify('PageLoaded', this.elements.ID.value);
if(this.receivingID) {
// Treenode might not exist if that part of the tree is closed
var treeNode = loadingNode ? loadingNode : $('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx(this.receivingID);
if(treeNode) {
// must wait until the javascript has finished
document.body.style.cursor = 'default';
didntReceivePage : function(response) {
errorMessage('error loading page', response);
* Request a page from the server via Ajax
getPageFromServer : function(id, treeNode) {
// if(id && id.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/)) {
if(id && (id == 'root' || parseInt(id) == id || (id.substr && id.substr(0,3) == 'new') )) {
this.receivingID = id;
// Treenode might not exist if that part of the tree is closed
if(!treeNode) treeNode = $('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx(id);
if(treeNode) {
$('sitetree').loadingNode = treeNode;
url = treeNode.aTag.href + (treeNode.aTag.href.indexOf('?')==-1?'?':'&') + 'ajax=1';
if(SiteTreeHandlers.loadPage_url) {
var sep = (SiteTreeHandlers.loadPage_url.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&';
url = SiteTreeHandlers.loadPage_url + sep + 'ID=' + id;
} else {
throw("getPageFromServer: Bad page ID: " + id);
* Set the status field
setStatus: function(newStatus) {
var statusLabel = document.getElementsBySelector('label.pageStatusMessage')[0];
if(statusLabel) statusLabel.innerHTML = "STATUS: " + newStatus;
CMSForm.applyTo('#Form_SubForm', 'rightbottom');
CMSRightForm.applyTo('#Form_EditForm', 'right');
function action_save_right() {
ActionPropertiesForm = Class.create();
ActionPropertiesForm.prototype = {
* Open the form
open : function() {
var allInputs = this.getElementsByTagName('input');
this.submitButton = allInputs[allInputs.length-1];
this.submitButton.onclick = this.send.bind(this);
this.style.display = '';
// This detects whether we've opened a new page
if($('Form_EditForm').elements.ID.value != this.elements.ID.value) {
this.elements.ID.value = $('Form_EditForm').elements.ID.value;
new Ajax.Updater(
'admin/getpagemembers/' + this.elements.ID.value + '?SecurityLevel=' + this.securityLevel
close : function() {
this.style.display = 'none';
toggle : function() {
if(this.style.display == '') this.close();
else this.open();
* Submit the option form and carry out the action
send : function() {
// Show a "submitting..." box
if(!this.sendingText) {
this.sendingText = document.createElement('div');
this.sendingText.innerHTML = 'Submitting...';
this.sendingText.className = 'sendingText';
Element.setOpacity(this.sendingText, 0.9);
this.sendingText.style.display = '';
// Send the request
var buttons = document.getElementsBySelector('#' + this.id + ' p.Actions input');
var actionButton = null;
if( buttons )
actionButton = buttons[0];
ajaxSubmitForm(false, this.onComplete.bind(this), this, actionButton ? actionButton.name : '', 'submit');
return false;
* Process the action's Ajax response
onComplete: function() {
this.sendingText.style.display = 'none';
if(this.elements.Message) this.elements.Message.value = '';
* Handle auto-saving. Detects if changes have been made, and if so save everything on the page.
* If confirmation is true it will ask for confirmation.
function autoSave(confirmation, callAfter) {
if(typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') tinyMCE.triggerSave();
var __forms = []
if($('Form_EditForm')) __forms.push($('Form_EditForm'));
if($('Form_SubForm')) __forms.push($('Form_SubForm'));
if($('Form_MemberForm')) __forms.push($('Form_MemberForm'));
var __somethingHasChanged = false;
var __callAfter = callAfter;
__forms.each(function(form) {
if(form.isChanged && form.isChanged()) {
__somethingHasChanged = true;
if(__somethingHasChanged) {
// Note: discard and cancel options are no longer used since switching to confirm dialog.
// save is still used if confirmation = false
var options = {
save: function() {
statusMessage('saving...', '', true);
var i;
for(i=0;i<__forms.length;i++) {
if(__forms[i].isChanged && __forms[i].isChanged()) {
if(i == 0) __forms[i].save(true, __callAfter);
else __forms[i].save(true);
discard: function() {
__forms.each(function(form) { form.resetElements(false); });
if(__callAfter) __callAfter();
cancel: function() {
if(confirmation ) {
if(confirm("Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\n\nWARNING: Your changes have not been saved.\n\nPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page."))
// OK was pressed, call function for what was clicked on
if(__callAfter) __callAfter();
} else {
// Cancel was pressed, stay on the current page
return false;
} else {
} else {
if(__callAfter) __callAfter();
StageLink = Class.create();
StageLink.prototype = {
initialize: function(getVars, urlField) {
this.getVars = getVars;
this.urlField = urlField;
var boundNewPage = this.newPage.bind(this);
$('Form_EditForm').observeMethod('PageLoaded', boundNewPage);
$('Form_EditForm').observeMethod('PageSaved', boundNewPage);
$('Form_EditForm').observeMethod('PagePublished', boundNewPage);
$('Form_EditForm').observeMethod('PageUnpublished', boundNewPage);
newPage : function() {
var linkField = $('Form_EditForm').elements[this.urlField];
var linkVal = linkField ? linkField.value : null;
if(linkVal) {
if(this.id != 'viewArchivedSite') this.style.display = '';
this.href = linkVal + this.getVars;
} else {
if(this.id != 'viewArchivedSite') this.style.display = 'none';
onclick : function() {
var w = window.open(this.href, windowName('site'));
return false;
baseURL : function() {
return document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href;
StageLink.applyTo('#viewStageSite', '?stage=Stage', 'StageURLSegment');
StageLink.applyTo('#viewLiveSite', '?stage=Live', 'LiveURLSegment');
StageLink.applyTo('#viewArchivedSite', '', 'URLSegment');
window.name = windowName('cms');
* Return a unique window name that contains the URL
function windowName(suffix) {
var base = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href.replace('http://','').replace(/\//g,'_').replace(/\./g,'_');
return base + suffix;
} |