parentField = $parentField;
$this->updateMethod = $updateMethod;
function ParentField() {
return $this->form->FormName() . '_' . $this->parentField;
function FieldHolder() {
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . '/javascript/ThumbnailStripField.js');
return $this->renderWith('ThumbnailStripField');
function Images() {
//return DataObject::get("Image", "Paretn);
function UpdateMethod() {
return $this->updateMethod;
* Populate the Thumbnail strip field, by looking for a folder,
* and the descendants of this folder.
function getimages() {
$result = '';
$folder = DataObject::get_by_id('Folder', (int) $_GET['folderID']);
if(!$folder) return _t('ThumbnailStripField.NOTAFOLDER', 'This is not a folder');
$folderList = $folder->getDescendantIDList("Folder");
array_unshift($folderList, $folder->ID);
$images = DataObject::get('Image', 'ParentID IN (' . implode(', ', $folderList) . ')', 'Title');
if($images) {
$result .= '
foreach($images as $image) {
$thumbnail = $image->getFormattedImage('StripThumbnail');
// Constrain the output image to a 600x600 square. This is passed to the destwidth/destheight in the class, which are then used to
// set width & height properties on the
tag inserted into the CMS. Resampling is done after save
$width = $image->Width;
$height = $image->Height;
if($width > 600) {
$height *= (600/$width);
$width = 600;
if($height > 600) {
$width *= (600/$height);
$height = 600;
$result .=
'- ' .
'' .
' .
'' .
' ';
$result .= '
} else {
$result = '' . _t('ThumbnailStripField.NOIMAGESFOUND', 'No images found in') . ' ' . $folder->Title . '
return $result;
function getflash() {
$folder = DataObject::get_by_id("Folder", (int) $_GET['folderID']);
if(!$folder) return _t('ThumbnailStripField.NOTAFOLDER', 'This is not a folder');
$folderList = $folder->getDescendantIDList('Folder');
array_unshift($folderList, $folder->ID);
$width = Image::$strip_thumbnail_width - 10;
$height = Image::$strip_thumbnail_height - 10;
$flashObjects = DataObject::get("File", "ParentID IN (" . implode(', ', $folderList) . ") AND Filename LIKE '%.swf'");
$result = '';
if($flashObjects) {
$result .= '';
foreach($flashObjects as $flashObject) {
$result .= <<
$result .= '
return $result;