Minor Moved from RedirectorPageTest, SiteTreeActionsTest, SiteTreeBackLinksTest, SiteTreePermissionsTest, SiteTreeTest, WidgetAreaTest /Sites/cgps/sapphire/tests to cms module cms/tests/

This commit is contained in:
Paul Meyrick 2011-03-18 16:23:47 +13:00 committed by Ingo Schommer
parent e280929b29
commit d4af221e0a
12 changed files with 2688 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
class RedirectorPageTest extends FunctionalTest {
static $fixture_file = 'sapphire/tests/RedirectorPageTest.yml';
static $use_draft_site = true;
function testGoodRedirectors() {
/* For good redirectors, the final destination URL will be returned */
$this->assertEquals("http://www.google.com", $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage','goodexternal')->Link());
$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . "redirection-dest/", $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage','goodinternal')->redirectionLink());
$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . "redirection-dest/", $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage','goodinternal')->Link());
function testEmptyRedirectors() {
/* If a redirector page is misconfigured, then its link method will just return the usual URLSegment-generated value */
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage','badexternal');
$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'bad-external/', $page1->Link());
/* An error message will be shown if you visit it */
$content = $this->get(Director::makeRelative($page1->Link()))->getBody();
$this->assertContains('message-setupWithoutRedirect', $content);
/* This also applies for internal links */
$page2 = $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage','badinternal');
$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'bad-internal/', $page2->Link());
$content = $this->get(Director::makeRelative($page2->Link()))->getBody();
$this->assertContains('message-setupWithoutRedirect', $content);
function testReflexiveAndTransitiveInternalRedirectors() {
/* Reflexive redirectors are those that point to themselves. They should behave the same as an empty redirector */
$page = $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage','reflexive');
$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'reflexive/', $page->Link());
$content = $this->get(Director::makeRelative($page->Link()))->getBody();
$this->assertContains('message-setupWithoutRedirect', $content);
/* Transitive redirectors are those that point to another redirector page. They should send people to the URLSegment
* of the destination page - the middle-stop, so to speak. That should redirect to the final destination */
$page = $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage','transitive');
$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'good-internal/', $page->Link());
$this->autoFollowRedirection = false;
$response = $this->get(Director::makeRelative($page->Link()));
$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . "redirection-dest/", $response->getHeader("Location"));
function testExternalURLGetsPrefixIfNotSet() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('RedirectorPage', 'externalnoprefix');
$this->assertEquals($page->ExternalURL, 'http://google.com', 'onBeforeWrite has prefixed with http');
$this->assertEquals($page->ExternalURL, 'http://google.com', 'onBeforeWrite will not double prefix if written again!');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Title: Redirection Dest
URLSegment: redirection-dest
Title: Good External
URLSegment: good-external
RedirectionType: External
ExternalURL: http://www.google.com
Title: Good Internal
URLSegment: good-internal
RedirectionType: Internal
LinkTo: =>Page.dest
Title: Bad External
RedirectionType: External
URLSegment: bad-external
Title: External no prefix
RedirectionType: External
URLSegment: external-no-prefix
ExternalURL: google.com
Title: Bad Internal
RedirectionType: Internal
URLSegment: bad-internal
Title: Reflexive
RedirectionType: Internal
LinkTo: =>RedirectorPage.reflexive
URLSegment: reflexive
Title: Transitive
RedirectionType: Internal
LinkTo: =>RedirectorPage.goodinternal
URLSegment: transitive

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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
* Possible actions:
* - action_save
* - action_publish
* - action_unpublish
* - action_delete
* - action_deletefromlive
* - action_rollback
* - action_revert
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
class SiteTreeActionsTest extends FunctionalTest {
static $fixture_file = 'cms/tests/SiteTreeActionsTest.yml';
static function set_up_once() {
static function tear_down_once() {
function testActionsReadonly() {
if(class_exists('SiteTreeCMSWorkflow')) return true;
$readonlyEditor = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'cmsreadonlyeditor');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $readonlyEditor->ID);
$page = new SiteTreeActionsTest_Page();
$page->CanEditType = 'LoggedInUsers';
$actionsArr = $page->getCMSActions()->column('Name');
function testActionsNoDeletePublishedRecord() {
if(class_exists('SiteTreeCMSWorkflow')) return true;
$page = new SiteTreeActionsTest_Page();
$page->CanEditType = 'LoggedInUsers';
$pageID = $page->ID;
// Get the live version of the page
$page = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("SiteTree", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $pageID");
$this->assertType("SiteTree", $page);
// Check that someone without the right permission can't delete the page
$editor = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'cmsnodeleteeditor');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $editor->ID);
$actionsArr = $page->getCMSActions()->column('Name');
// Check that someone with the right permission can delete the page
$this->objFromFixture('Member', 'cmseditor')->logIn();
$actionsArr = $page->getCMSActions()->column('Name');
function testActionsPublishedRecord() {
if(class_exists('SiteTreeCMSWorkflow')) return true;
$author = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'cmseditor');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $author->ID);
$page = new Page();
$page->CanEditType = 'LoggedInUsers';
$actionsArr = $page->getCMSActions()->column('Name');
function testActionsDeletedFromStageRecord() {
if(class_exists('SiteTreeCMSWorkflow')) return true;
$author = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'cmseditor');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $author->ID);
$page = new Page();
$page->CanEditType = 'LoggedInUsers';
$pageID = $page->ID;
// Get the live version of the page
$page = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("SiteTree", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $pageID");
$this->assertType('SiteTree', $page);
$actionsArr = $page->getCMSActions()->column('Name');
function testActionsChangedOnStageRecord() {
if(class_exists('SiteTreeCMSWorkflow')) return true;
$author = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'cmseditor');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $author->ID);
$page = new Page();
$page->CanEditType = 'LoggedInUsers';
$page->Content = 'Changed on Stage';
$actionsArr = $page->getCMSActions()->column('Name');
function testActionsViewingOldVersion() {
$p = new Page();
$p->Content = 'test page first version';
$p->Content = 'new content';
// Looking at the old version, the ability to rollback to that version is available
$version = DB::query('SELECT "Version" FROM "SiteTree_versions" WHERE "Content" = \'test page first version\'')->value();
$old = Versioned::get_version('Page', $p->ID, $version);
$actions = $old->getCMSActions()->column('Name');
$this->assertNotContains('action_save', $actions);
$this->assertNotContains('action_publish', $actions);
$this->assertNotContains('action_unpublish', $actions);
$this->assertNotContains('action_delete', $actions);
$this->assertContains('action_email', $actions);
$this->assertContains('action_rollback', $actions);
class SiteTreeActionsTest_Page extends Page implements TestOnly {
function canEdit($member = null) {
return Permission::checkMember($member, 'SiteTreeActionsTest_Page_CANEDIT');
function canDelete($member = null) {
return Permission::checkMember($member, 'SiteTreeActionsTest_Page_CANDELETE');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Code: SiteTreeActionsTest_Page_CANDELETE
Code: SiteTreeActionsTest_Page_CANEDIT
Code: SiteTreeActionsTest_Page_CANEDIT
Title: CMS Editors
Permissions: =>Permission.cmsmain1,=>Permission.canedit1,=>Permission.candelete
Title: CMS Readonly
Permissions: =>Permission.cmsmain2
Title: CMS No Delete
Permissions: =>Permission.cmsmain3,=>Permission.canedit2
Email: cmseditor@test.com
Groups: =>Group.cmseditors
Email: cmsreadonlyeditor@test.com
Groups: =>Group.cmsreadonly
Email: cmsnodeleteeditor@test.com
Groups: =>Group.cmsnodelete

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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
class SiteTreeBacklinksTest extends SapphireTest {
static $fixture_file = "cms/tests/SiteTreeBacklinksTest.yml";
protected $requiredExtensions = array(
'SiteTree' => array('SiteTreeBacklinksTest_DOD'),
static function set_up_once() {
static function tear_down_once() {
function setUp() {
// Log in as admin so that we don't run into permission issues. That's not what we're
// testing here.
function testSavingPageWithLinkAddsBacklink() {
// load page 1
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
// assert backlink to page 2 doesn't exist
$page2 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page2');
$this->assertFalse($page1->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page2->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 2 doesn\'t exist');
// add hyperlink to page 1 on page 2
$page2->Content .= '<p><a href="[sitetree_link id='.$page1->ID.']">Testing page 1 link</a></p>';
// load page 1
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
// assert backlink to page 2 exists
$this->assertTrue($page1->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page2->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 2 exists');
function testRemovingLinkFromPageRemovesBacklink() {
// load page 1
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
// assert backlink to page 3 exits
$page3 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page3');
$this->assertTrue($page1->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page3->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 3 exists');
// remove hyperlink to page 1
$page3->Content = '<p>No links anymore!</p>';
// load page 1
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
// assert backlink to page 3 exists
$this->assertFalse($page1->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page3->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 3 doesn\'t exist');
function testChangingUrlOnDraftSiteRewritesLink() {
// load page 1
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
// assert backlink to page 3 exists
$page3 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page3');
$this->assertTrue($page1->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page3->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 3 exists');
// assert hyperlink to page 1's current url exists on page 3
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'page1/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s current url exists on page 3');
// change url of page 1
$page1->URLSegment = 'new-url-segment';
// load page 3
$page3 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page3');
// assert hyperlink to page 1's new url exists
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'new-url-segment/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s new url exists on page 3');
function testChangingUrlOnLiveSiteRewritesLink() {
// publish page 1 & 3
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
$page3 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page3');
// load pages from live
$page1live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('Page', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $page1->ID);
$page3live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('Page', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $page3->ID);
// assert backlink to page 3 exists
$this->assertTrue($page1live->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page3live->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 3 exists');
// assert hyperlink to page 1's current url exists on page 3
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3live->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'page1/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s current url exists on page 3');
// change url of page 1
$page1live->URLSegment = 'new-url-segment';
// load page 3 from live
$page3live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('Page', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $page3->ID);
// assert hyperlink to page 1's new url exists
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3live->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'new-url-segment/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s new url exists on page 3');
function testPublishingPageWithModifiedUrlRewritesLink() {
// publish page 1 & 3
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
$page3 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page3');
// load page 3 from live
$page3live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('Page', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $page3->ID);
// assert hyperlink to page 1's current url exists
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3live->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'page1/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s current url exists on page 3');
// rename url of page 1 on stage
$page1->URLSegment = 'new-url-segment';
// assert hyperlink to page 1's current publish url exists
$page3live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('Page', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $page3->ID);
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3live->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'page1/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s current published url exists on page 3');
// publish page 1
// assert hyperlink to page 1's new published url exists
$page3live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('Page', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $page3->ID);
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3live->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'new-url-segment/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s new published url exists on page 3');
function testPublishingPageWithModifiedLinksRewritesLinks() {
// publish page 1 & 3
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
$page3 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page3');
// assert hyperlink to page 1's current url exists
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'page1/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s current published url exists on page 3');
// change page 1 url on draft
$page1->URLSegment = 'new-url-segment';
// save page 1
// assert page 3 on draft contains new page 1 url
$page3 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page3');
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'new-url-segment/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s current draft url exists on page 3');
// publish page 3
// assert page 3 on published site contains old page 1 url
$page3live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('Page', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $page3->ID);
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3live->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'page1/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s current published url exists on page 3');
// publish page 1
// assert page 3 on published site contains new page 1 url
$page3live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('Page', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $page3->ID);
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($page3live->obj('Content')->forTemplate());
$this->assertContains(Director::baseURL().'new-url-segment/', $links, 'Assert hyperlink to page 1\'s current published url exists on page 3');
function testLinkTrackingOnExtraContentFields() {
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
$page2 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page2');
// assert backlink to page 2 doesn't exist
$this->assertFalse($page1->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page2->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 2 doesn\'t exist');
// add hyperlink to page 1 on page 2
$page2->ExtraContent .= '<p><a href="[sitetree_link id='.$page1->ID.']">Testing page 1 link</a></p>';
// assert backlink to page 2 exists
$this->assertTrue($page1->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page2->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 2 exists');
// update page1 url
$page1 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page1');
$page1->URLSegment = "page1-new-url";
// confirm that draft link on page2 has been rewritten
$page2 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'page2');
$this->assertEquals('<p><a href="'.Director::baseURL().'page1-new-url/">Testing page 1 link</a></p>', $page2->obj('ExtraContent')->forTemplate());
// confirm that published link hasn't
$page2Live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("Page", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $page2->ID");
$this->assertEquals('<p><a href="'.Director::baseURL().'page1/">Testing page 1 link</a></p>', $page2Live->obj('ExtraContent')->forTemplate());
// publish page1 and confirm that the link on the published page2 has now been updated
$page2Live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("Page", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $page2->ID");
$this->assertEquals('<p><a href="'.Director::baseURL().'page1-new-url/">Testing page 1 link</a></p>', $page2Live->obj('ExtraContent')->forTemplate());
// remove hyperlink to page 1
$page2->ExtraContent = '<p>No links anymore!</p>';
// assert backlink to page 2 no longer exists
$this->assertFalse($page1->BackLinkTracking()->containsIDs(array($page2->ID)), 'Assert backlink to page 2 has been removed');
class SiteTreeBacklinksTest_DOD extends DataObjectDecorator implements TestOnly {
function extraStatics() {
return array(
'db' => array(
'ExtraContent' => 'HTMLText',
function updateCMSFields(&$fields) {
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Main", new HTMLEditorField("ExtraContent"));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
ID: 1
Title: page1
URLSegment: page1
Title: page2
URLSegment: page2
Title: page3
URLSegment: page3
Content: '<p><a href="[sitetree_link id=1]">Testing page 1 link</a></p>'
LinkTracking: =>Page.page1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
class SiteTreeBrokenLinksTest extends SapphireTest {
static $fixture_file = 'cms/tests/SiteTreeBrokenLinksTest.yml';
static function set_up_once() {
static function tear_down_once() {
function testBrokenLinksBetweenPages() {
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('Page','content');
$obj->Content = '<a href="[sitetree_link id=3423423]">this is a broken link</a>';
$this->assertTrue($obj->HasBrokenLink, 'Page has a broken link');
$obj->Content = '<a href="[sitetree_link id=' . $this->idFromFixture('Page','about') .']">this is not a broken link</a>';
$this->assertFalse($obj->HasBrokenLink, 'Page does NOT have a broken link');
function testBrokenVirtualPages() {
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('Page','content');
$vp = new VirtualPage();
$vp->CopyContentFromID = $obj->ID;
$this->assertFalse($vp->HasBrokenLink, 'Working virtual page is NOT marked as broken');
$vp->CopyContentFromID = 12345678;
$this->assertTrue($vp->HasBrokenLink, 'Broken virtual page IS marked as such');
function testBrokenInternalRedirectorPages() {
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('Page','content');
$rp = new RedirectorPage();
$rp->RedirectionType = 'Internal';
$rp->LinkToID = $obj->ID;
$this->assertFalse($rp->HasBrokenLink, 'Working redirector page is NOT marked as broken');
$rp->LinkToID = 12345678;
$this->assertTrue($rp->HasBrokenLink, 'Broken redirector page IS marked as such');
function testBrokenAssetLinks() {
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('Page','content');
$obj->Content = '<a href="assets/nofilehere.pdf">this is a broken link to a pdf file</a>';
$this->assertTrue($obj->HasBrokenFile, 'Page has a broken file');
$obj->Content = '<a href="assets/privacypolicy.pdf">this is not a broken file link</a>';
$this->assertFalse($obj->HasBrokenFile, 'Page does NOT have a broken file');
function testDeletingFileMarksBackedPagesAsBroken() {
// Test entry
$file = new File();
$file->Filename = 'test-file.pdf';
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('Page','content');
$obj->Content = '<a href="assets/test-file.pdf">link to a pdf file</a>';
// Confirm that it isn't marked as broken to begin with
$obj = DataObject::get_by_id("SiteTree", $obj->ID);
$this->assertEquals(0, $obj->HasBrokenFile);
$liveObj = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("SiteTree", "Live","\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $obj->ID");
$this->assertEquals(0, $liveObj->HasBrokenFile);
// Delete the file
// Confirm that it is marked as broken in both stage and live
$obj = DataObject::get_by_id("SiteTree", $obj->ID);
$this->assertEquals(1, $obj->HasBrokenFile);
$liveObj = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("SiteTree", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $obj->ID");
$this->assertEquals(1, $liveObj->HasBrokenFile);
function testDeletingMarksBackLinkedPagesAsBroken() {
// Set up two published pages with a link from content -> about
$linkDest = $this->objFromFixture('Page','about');
$linkSrc = $this->objFromFixture('Page','content');
$linkSrc->Content = "<p><a href=\"[sitetree_link id=$linkDest->ID]\">about us</a></p>";
// Confirm no broken link
$this->assertEquals(0, (int)$linkSrc->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT \"HasBrokenLink\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\"
WHERE \"ID\" = $linkSrc->ID")->value());
// Delete page from draft
$linkDestID = $linkDest->ID;
// Confirm draft has broken link, and published doesn't
$linkSrc = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'content');
$this->assertEquals(1, (int)$linkSrc->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT \"HasBrokenLink\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\"
WHERE \"ID\" = $linkSrc->ID")->value());
// Delete from live
$linkDest = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("SiteTree", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $linkDestID");
// Confirm both draft and published have broken link
$linkSrc = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'content');
$this->assertEquals(1, (int)$linkSrc->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(1, DB::query("SELECT \"HasBrokenLink\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\"
WHERE \"ID\" = $linkSrc->ID")->value());
function testPublishingSourceBeforeDestHasBrokenLink() {
// Set up two draft pages with a link from content -> about
$linkDest = $this->objFromFixture('Page','about');
// Ensure that it's not on the published site
$linkSrc = $this->objFromFixture('Page','content');
$linkSrc->Content = "<p><a href=\"[sitetree_link id=$linkDest->ID]\">about us</a></p>";
// Publish the source of the link, while the dest is still unpublished.
// Verify that the link isn't broken on draft but is broken on published
$this->assertEquals(0, (int)$linkSrc->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(1, DB::query("SELECT \"HasBrokenLink\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\"
WHERE \"ID\" = $linkSrc->ID")->value());
function testRestoreFixesBrokenLinks() {
// Create page and virutal page
$p = new Page();
$p->Title = "source";
$pageID = $p->ID;
// Content links are one kind of link to pages
$p2 = new Page();
$p2->Title = "regular link";
$p2->Content = "<a href=\"[sitetree_link id=$p->ID]\">test</a>";
// Virtual pages are another
$vp = new VirtualPage();
$vp->CopyContentFromID = $p->ID;
// Redirector links are a third
$rp = new RedirectorPage();
$rp->Title = "redirector";
$rp->LinkType = 'Internal';
$rp->LinkToID = $p->ID;
// Confirm that there are no broken links to begin with
// Unpublish the source page, confirm that the page 2 and RP has a broken link on published
$p2Live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $p2->ID);
$rpLive = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $rp->ID);
$this->assertEquals(1, $p2Live->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(1, $rpLive->HasBrokenLink);
// Delete the source page, confirm that the VP, RP and page 2 have broken links on draft
$vp = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $vp->ID);
$p2 = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $p2->ID);
$rp = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $rp->ID);
$this->assertEquals(1, $p2->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(1, $vp->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(1, $rp->HasBrokenLink);
// Restore the page to stage, confirm that this fixes the links
$p = Versioned::get_latest_version('SiteTree', $pageID);
$p2 = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $p2->ID);
$vp = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $vp->ID);
$rp = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $rp->ID);
// Publish and confirm that the p2 and RP broken links are fixed on published
$p2Live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $p2->ID);
$rpLive = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $rp->ID);
function testRevertToLiveFixesBrokenLinks() {
// Create page and virutal page
$p = new Page();
$p->Title = "source";
$pageID = $p->ID;
// Content links are one kind of link to pages
$p2 = new Page();
$p2->Title = "regular link";
$p2->Content = "<a href=\"[sitetree_link id=$p->ID]\">test</a>";
// Virtual pages are another
$vp = new VirtualPage();
$vp->CopyContentFromID = $p->ID;
// Redirector links are a third
$rp = new RedirectorPage();
$rp->Title = "redirector";
$rp->LinkType = 'Internal';
$rp->LinkToID = $p->ID;
// Confirm that there are no broken links to begin with
// Delete from draft and confirm that broken links are marked
$pID = $p->ID;
$vp = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $vp->ID);
$p2 = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $p2->ID);
$rp = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $rp->ID);
$this->assertEquals(1, $p2->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(1, $vp->HasBrokenLink);
$this->assertEquals(1, $rp->HasBrokenLink);
// Call doRevertToLive and confirm that broken links are restored
$pLive = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $pID);
$p2 = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $p2->ID);
$vp = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $vp->ID);
$rp = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $rp->ID);
// However, the page isn't marked as modified on stage
// This is something that we know to be broken

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Title: ContentPage
Content: This is some happy content.
Title: About
URLSegment: about
Content: about us here
RedirectionType: Internal
Title: RedirectorPageToBrokenInteralPage
LinkToID: 0
RedirectionType: Internal
Title: RedirectorPageToBrokenInteralPage
LinkTo: =>Page.content
Name: privacypolicy.pdf
Title: privacypolicy.pdf
Filename: assets/privacypolicy.pdf
Title: Page not Found
ErrorCode: 404

tests/SiteTreePermissionsTest.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
* @todo Test canAddChildren()
* @todo Test canCreate()
class SiteTreePermissionsTest extends FunctionalTest {
static $fixture_file = "cms/tests/SiteTreePermissionsTest.yml";
protected $illegalExtensions = array(
'SiteTree' => array('SiteTreeSubsites')
static function set_up_once() {
static function tear_down_once() {
function setUp() {
// we're testing HTTP status codes before being redirected to login forms
$this->autoFollowRedirection = false;
function testAccessingStageWithBlankStage() {
$this->autoFollowRedirection = false;
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'draftOnlyPage');
if($member = Member::currentUser()) {
$response = $this->get($page->URLSegment . '?stage=Live');
$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), '404');
$response = $this->get($page->URLSegment . '?stage=');
$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), '404');
// should be prompted for a login
$response = $this->get($page->URLSegment . '?stage=Stage');
$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), '302');
$response = $this->get($page->URLSegment . '?stage=Live');
$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), '404');
$response = $this->get($page->URLSegment . '?stage=Stage');
$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), '200');
$response = $this->get($page->URLSegment . '?stage=');
$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), '404');
function testPermissionCheckingWorksOnDeletedPages() {
// Set up fixture - a published page deleted from draft
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page','restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup');
$pageID = $page->ID;
// Re-fetch the page from the live site
$page = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $pageID");
// subadmin has edit rights on that page
$member = $this->objFromFixture('Member','subadmin');
// Test can_edit_multiple
array($pageID => true),
SiteTree::can_edit_multiple(array($pageID), $member->ID)
// Test canEdit
function testPermissionCheckingWorksOnUnpublishedPages() {
// Set up fixture - an unpublished page
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page','restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup');
$pageID = $page->ID;
// subadmin has edit rights on that page
$member = $this->objFromFixture('Member','subadmin');
// Test can_edit_multiple
array($pageID => true),
SiteTree::can_edit_multiple(array($pageID), $member->ID)
// Test canEdit
function testCanEditOnPageDeletedFromStageAndLiveReturnsFalse() {
// Find a page that exists and delete it from both stage and published
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page','restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup');
$pageID = $page->ID;
// We'll need to resurrect the page from the version cache to test this case
$page = Versioned::get_latest_version('SiteTree', $pageID);
// subadmin had edit rights on that page, but now it's gone
$member = $this->objFromFixture('Member','subadmin');
function testCanViewStage() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'standardpage');
$editor = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'editor');
$websiteuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'websiteuser');
$this->assertTrue($page->canViewStage('Live', $websiteuser));
$this->assertFalse($page->canViewStage('Stage', $websiteuser));
$this->assertTrue($page->canViewStage('Live', $editor));
$this->assertTrue($page->canViewStage('Stage', $editor));
function testAccessTabOnlyDisplaysWithGrantAccessPermissions() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'standardpage');
$subadminuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subadmin');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $subadminuser->ID);
$fields = $page->getCMSFields();
'Users with SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS permission can change "view" permissions in cms fields'
'Users with SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS permission can change "edit" permissions in cms fields'
$editoruser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'editor');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $editoruser->ID);
$fields = $page->getCMSFields();
'Users without SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS permission cannot change "view" permissions in cms fields'
'Users without SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS permission cannot change "edit" permissions in cms fields'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
function testRestrictedViewLoggedInUsers() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'restrictedViewLoggedInUsers');
// unauthenticated users
'Unauthenticated members cant view a page marked as "Viewable for any logged in users"'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
$response = $this->get($page->RelativeLink());
'Unauthenticated members cant view a page marked as "Viewable for any logged in users"'
// website users
$websiteuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'websiteuser');
'Authenticated members can view a page marked as "Viewable for any logged in users" even if they dont have access to the CMS'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $websiteuser->ID);
$response = $this->get($page->RelativeLink());
'Authenticated members can view a page marked as "Viewable for any logged in users" even if they dont have access to the CMS'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
function testRestrictedViewOnlyTheseUsers() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'restrictedViewOnlyWebsiteUsers');
// unauthenticcated users
'Unauthenticated members cant view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups"'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
$response = $this->get($page->RelativeLink());
'Unauthenticated members cant view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups"'
// subadmin users
$subadminuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subadmin');
'Authenticated members cant view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups" if theyre not in the listed groups'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $subadminuser->ID);
$response = $this->get($page->RelativeLink());
'Authenticated members cant view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups" if theyre not in the listed groups'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
// website users
$websiteuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'websiteuser');
'Authenticated members can view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups" if theyre in the listed groups'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $websiteuser->ID);
$response = $this->get($page->RelativeLink());
'Authenticated members can view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups" if theyre in the listed groups'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
function testRestrictedEditLoggedInUsers() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'restrictedEditLoggedInUsers');
// unauthenticcated users
'Unauthenticated members cant edit a page marked as "Editable by logged in users"'
// website users
$websiteuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'websiteuser');
'Authenticated members cant edit a page marked as "Editable by logged in users" if they dont have cms permissions'
// subadmin users
$subadminuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subadmin');
'Authenticated members can edit a page marked as "Editable by logged in users" if they have cms permissions and belong to any of these groups'
function testRestrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup');
// unauthenticated users
'Unauthenticated members cant edit a page marked as "Editable by these groups"'
// subadmin users
$subadminuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subadmin');
'Authenticated members can view a page marked as "Editable by these groups" if theyre in the listed groups'
// website users
$websiteuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'websiteuser');
'Authenticated members cant edit a page marked as "Editable by these groups" if theyre not in the listed groups'
function testRestrictedViewInheritance() {
$parentPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'parent_restrictedViewOnlySubadminGroup');
$childPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'child_restrictedViewOnlySubadminGroup');
// unauthenticated users
'Unauthenticated members cant view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups" by inherited permission'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
$response = $this->get($childPage->RelativeLink());
'Unauthenticated members cant view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups" by inherited permission'
// subadmin users
$subadminuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subadmin');
'Authenticated members can view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups" if theyre in the listed groups by inherited permission'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $subadminuser->ID);
$response = $this->get($childPage->RelativeLink());
'Authenticated members can view a page marked as "Viewable by these groups" if theyre in the listed groups by inherited permission'
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
function testRestrictedEditInheritance() {
$parentPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'parent_restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup');
$childPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'child_restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup');
// unauthenticated users
'Unauthenticated members cant edit a page marked as "Editable by these groups" by inherited permission'
// subadmin users
$subadminuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subadmin');
'Authenticated members can edit a page marked as "Editable by these groups" if theyre in the listed groups by inherited permission'
function testDeleteRestrictedChild() {
$parentPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'deleteTestParentPage');
$childPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'deleteTestChildPage');
// unauthenticated users
'Unauthenticated members cant delete a page if it doesnt have delete permissions on any of its descendants'
'Unauthenticated members cant delete a child page marked as "Editable by these groups"'
function testRestrictedEditLoggedInUsersDeletedFromStage() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'restrictedEditLoggedInUsers');
$pageID = $page->ID;
// Get the live version of the page
$page = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("SiteTree", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $pageID");
$this->assertTrue(is_object($page), 'Versioned::get_one_by_stage() is returning an object');
// subadmin users
$subadminuser = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'subadmin');
'Authenticated members can edit a page that was deleted from stage and marked as "Editable by logged in users" if they have cms permissions and belong to any of these groups'
function testInheritCanViewFromSiteConfig() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'inheritWithNoParent');
$siteconfig = $this->objFromFixture('SiteConfig', 'default');
$editor = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'editor');
$editorGroup = $this->objFromFixture('Group', 'editorgroup');
$siteconfig->CanViewType = 'Anyone';
$this->assertTrue($page->canView(FALSE), 'Anyone can view a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canView set to LoggedInUsers');
$siteconfig->CanViewType = 'LoggedInUsers';
$this->assertFalse($page->canView(FALSE), 'Anonymous can\'t view a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canView set to LoggedInUsers');
$siteconfig->CanViewType = 'LoggedInUsers';
$this->assertTrue($page->canView($editor), 'Users can view a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canView set to LoggedInUsers');
$siteconfig->CanViewType = 'OnlyTheseUsers';
$this->assertTrue($page->canView($editor), 'Editors can view a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canView set to OnlyTheseUsers');
$this->assertFalse($page->canView(FALSE), 'Anonymous can\'t view a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canView set to OnlyTheseUsers');
function testInheritCanEditFromSiteConfig() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'inheritWithNoParent');
$siteconfig = $this->objFromFixture('SiteConfig', 'default');
$editor = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'editor');
$user = $this->objFromFixture('Member', 'websiteuser');
$editorGroup = $this->objFromFixture('Group', 'editorgroup');
$siteconfig->CanEditType = 'LoggedInUsers';
$this->assertFalse($page->canEdit(FALSE), 'Anonymous can\'t edit a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canEdit set to LoggedInUsers');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $editor->ID);
$this->assertTrue($page->canEdit(), 'Users can edit a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canEdit set to LoggedInUsers');
$siteconfig->CanEditType = 'OnlyTheseUsers';
$this->assertTrue($page->canEdit($editor), 'Editors can edit a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canEdit set to OnlyTheseUsers');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
$this->assertFalse($page->canEdit(FALSE), 'Anonymous can\'t edit a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canEdit set to OnlyTheseUsers');
$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $user->ID);
$this->assertFalse($page->canEdit($user), 'Website user can\'t edit a page when set to inherit from the SiteConfig, and SiteConfig has canEdit set to OnlyTheseUsers');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Title: My test site
Tagline: There is no doubt this is a great test site
CanViewType: Anyone
CanEditType: LoggedInUsers
Title: Create, edit and delete pages
Code: subadmingroup
Permissions: =>Permission.cmsmain1,=>Permission.grantaccess
Title: Edit existing pages
Code: editorgroup
Permissions: =>Permission.cmsmain2
Title: View certain restricted pages
Email: subadmin@test.com
Password: test
Groups: =>Group.subadmingroup
Email: editor@test.com
Password: test
Groups: =>Group.editorgroup
Email: websiteuser@test.com
Password: test
Groups: =>Group.websiteusers
URLSegment: standardpage
CanViewType: LoggedInUsers
URLSegment: restrictedViewLoggedInUsers
CanViewType: OnlyTheseUsers
ViewerGroups: =>Group.websiteusers
URLSegment: restrictedViewOnlyWebsiteUsers
CanViewType: OnlyTheseUsers
ViewerGroups: =>Group.subadmingroup
URLSegment: restrictedViewOnlySubadminGroup
CanEditType: LoggedInUsers
URLSegment: restrictedEditLoggedInUsers
CanEditType: OnlyTheseUsers
EditorGroups: =>Group.subadmingroup
URLSegment: restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup
CanEditType: Inherit
CanViewType: Inherit
URLSegment: inheritWithNoParent
CanViewType: OnlyTheseUsers
ViewerGroups: =>Group.subadmingroup
URLSegment: parent-restrictedViewOnlySubadminGroup
CanViewType: Inherit
Parent: =>Page.parent_restrictedViewOnlySubadminGroup
URLSegment: child-restrictedViewOnlySubadminGroup
CanEditType: OnlyTheseUsers
EditorGroups: =>Group.subadmingroup
URLSegment: parent-restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup
CanEditType: Inherit
Parent: =>Page.parent_restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup
URLSegment: child-restrictedEditOnlySubadminGroup
CanEditType: Inherit
URLSegment: deleteTestParentPage
CanEditType: OnlyTheseUsers
EditorGroups: =>Group.subadmingroup
URLSegment: deleteTestChildPage
CanViewType: Anyone
URLSegment: draft-only

tests/SiteTreeTest.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
class SiteTreeTest extends SapphireTest {
static $fixture_file = 'cms/tests/SiteTreeTest.yml';
protected $illegalExtensions = array(
'SiteTree' => array('SiteTreeSubsites')
* @todo Necessary because of monolithic Translatable design
static protected $origTranslatableSettings = array();
static function set_up_once() {
// needs to recreate the database schema with language properties
// store old defaults
self::$origTranslatableSettings['has_extension'] = singleton('SiteTree')->hasExtension('Translatable');
self::$origTranslatableSettings['default_locale'] = Translatable::default_locale();
// overwrite locale
// refresh the decorated statics - different fields in $db with Translatable enabled
if(self::$origTranslatableSettings['has_extension']) {
Object::remove_extension('SiteTree', 'Translatable');
Object::remove_extension('SiteConfig', 'Translatable');
// recreate database with new settings
$dbname = self::create_temp_db();
static function tear_down_once() {
if(self::$origTranslatableSettings['has_extension']) {
Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'Translatable');
Object::add_extension('SiteConfig', 'Translatable');
function testCreateDefaultpages() {
$remove = DataObject::get('SiteTree');
if($remove) foreach($remove as $page) $page->delete();
// Make sure the table is empty
$this->assertEquals(DB::query('SELECT COUNT("ID") FROM "SiteTree"')->value(), 0);
// Disable the creation
// The table should still be empty
$this->assertEquals(DB::query('SELECT COUNT("ID") FROM "SiteTree"')->value(), 0);
// Enable the creation
// The table should now have three rows (home, about-us, contact-us)
$this->assertEquals(DB::query('SELECT COUNT("ID") FROM "SiteTree"')->value(), 3);
* Test generation of the URLSegment values.
* - Turns things into lowercase-hyphen-format
* - Generates from Title by default, unless URLSegment is explicitly set
* - Resolves duplicates by appending a number
* - renames classes with a class name conflict
function testURLGeneration() {
$expectedURLs = array(
'home' => 'home',
'staff' => 'my-staff',
'about' => 'about-us',
'staffduplicate' => 'my-staff-2',
'product1' => '1-1-test-product',
'product2' => 'another-product',
'product3' => 'another-product-2',
'product4' => 'another-product-3',
'object' => 'object',
'controller' => 'controller-2',
'numericonly' => '1930',
foreach($expectedURLs as $fixture => $urlSegment) {
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('Page', $fixture);
$this->assertEquals($urlSegment, $obj->URLSegment);
* Test that publication copies data to SiteTree_Live
function testPublishCopiesToLiveTable() {
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('Page','about');
$obj->publish('Stage', 'Live');
$createdID = DB::query("SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\" WHERE \"URLSegment\" = '$obj->URLSegment'")->value();
$this->assertEquals($obj->ID, $createdID);
* Test that field which are set and then cleared are also transferred to the published site.
function testPublishDeletedFields() {
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$obj->MetaTitle = "asdfasdf";
$this->assertEquals('asdfasdf', DB::query("SELECT \"MetaTitle\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\" WHERE \"ID\" = '$obj->ID'")->value());
$obj->MetaTitle = null;
$this->assertNull(DB::query("SELECT \"MetaTitle\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\" WHERE \"ID\" = '$obj->ID'")->value());
function testParentNodeCachedInMemory() {
$parent = new SiteTree();
$parent->Title = 'Section Title';
$child = new SiteTree();
$child->Title = 'Page Title';
$this->assertType("SiteTree", $child->Parent);
$this->assertEquals("Section Title", $child->Parent->Title);
function testParentModelReturnType() {
$parent = new SiteTreeTest_PageNode();
$child = new SiteTreeTest_PageNode();
$this->assertType('SiteTreeTest_PageNode', $child->Parent);
* Confirm that DataObject::get_one() gets records from SiteTree_Live
function testGetOneFromLive() {
$s = new SiteTree();
$s->Title = "V1";
$s->URLSegment = "get-one-test-page";
$s->publish("Stage", "Live");
$s->Title = "V2";
$oldMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
$checkSiteTree = DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "\"URLSegment\" = 'get-one-test-page'");
$this->assertEquals("V1", $checkSiteTree->Title);
function testChidrenOfRootAreTopLevelPages() {
$pages = DataObject::get("SiteTree");
foreach($pages as $page) $page->publish('Stage', 'Live');
/* If we create a new SiteTree object with ID = 0 */
$obj = new SiteTree();
/* Then its children should be the top-level pages */
$stageChildren = $obj->stageChildren()->toDropDownMap('ID','Title');
$liveChildren = $obj->liveChildren()->toDropDownMap('ID','Title');
$allChildren = $obj->AllChildrenIncludingDeleted()->toDropDownMap('ID','Title');
$this->assertContains('Home', $stageChildren);
$this->assertContains('Products', $stageChildren);
$this->assertNotContains('Staff', $stageChildren);
$this->assertContains('Home', $liveChildren);
$this->assertContains('Products', $liveChildren);
$this->assertNotContains('Staff', $liveChildren);
$this->assertContains('Home', $allChildren);
$this->assertContains('Products', $allChildren);
$this->assertNotContains('Staff', $allChildren);
function testCanSaveBlankToHasOneRelations() {
/* DataObject::write() should save to a has_one relationship if you set a field called (relname)ID */
$page = new SiteTree();
$parentID = $this->idFromFixture('Page', 'home');
$page->ParentID = $parentID;
$this->assertEquals($parentID, DB::query("SELECT \"ParentID\" FROM \"SiteTree\" WHERE \"ID\" = $page->ID")->value());
/* You should then be able to save a null/0/'' value to the relation */
$page->ParentID = null;
$this->assertEquals(0, DB::query("SELECT \"ParentID\" FROM \"SiteTree\" WHERE \"ID\" = $page->ID")->value());
function testStageStates() {
// newly created page
$createdPage = new SiteTree();
// published page
$publishedPage = new SiteTree();
// published page, deleted from stage
$deletedFromDraftPage = new SiteTree();
$deletedFromDraftPageID = $deletedFromDraftPage->ID;
// published page, deleted from live
$deletedFromLivePage = new SiteTree();
// published page, modified
$modifiedOnDraftPage = new SiteTree();
$modifiedOnDraftPage->Content = 'modified';
* Test that a page can be completely deleted and restored to the stage site
function testRestoreToStage() {
$page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$pageID = $page->ID;
$this->assertTrue(!DataObject::get_by_id("Page", $pageID));
$deletedPage = Versioned::get_latest_version('SiteTree', $pageID);
$resultPage = $deletedPage->doRestoreToStage();
$requeriedPage = DataObject::get_by_id("Page", $pageID);
$this->assertEquals($pageID, $resultPage->ID);
$this->assertEquals($pageID, $requeriedPage->ID);
$this->assertEquals('About Us', $requeriedPage->Title);
$this->assertEquals('Page', $requeriedPage->class);
$page2 = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'products');
$page2ID = $page2->ID;
// Check that if we restore while on the live site that the content still gets pushed to
// stage
$deletedPage = Versioned::get_latest_version('SiteTree', $page2ID);
$this->assertTrue(!Versioned::get_one_by_stage("Page", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = " . $page2ID));
$requeriedPage = DataObject::get_by_id("Page", $page2ID);
$this->assertEquals('Products', $requeriedPage->Title);
$this->assertEquals('Page', $requeriedPage->class);
public function testGetByLink() {
$home = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'home');
$about = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$staff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff');
$product = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'product1');
$notFound = $this->objFromFixture('ErrorPage', '404');
$this->assertEquals($home->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link('/', false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($home->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link('/home/', false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($about->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link($about->Link(), false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($staff->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link($staff->Link(), false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($product->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link($product->Link(), false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($notFound->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link($notFound->Link(), false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($home->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link('/', false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($home->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link('/home/', false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($about->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link($about->Link(), false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($staff->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link($staff->Link(), false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($product->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link($product->Link(), false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals($notFound->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link($notFound->Link(), false)->ID);
$this->assertEquals (
$staff->ID, SiteTree::get_by_link('/my-staff/', false)->ID, 'Assert a unique URLSegment can be used for b/c.'
function testRelativeLink() {
$about = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$staff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff');
$this->assertEquals('about-us/', $about->RelativeLink(), 'Matches URLSegment on top level without parameters');
$this->assertEquals('about-us/my-staff/', $staff->RelativeLink(), 'Matches URLSegment plus parent on second level without parameters');
$this->assertEquals('about-us/edit', $about->RelativeLink('edit'), 'Matches URLSegment plus parameter on top level');
$this->assertEquals('about-us/tom&jerry', $about->RelativeLink('tom&jerry'), 'Doesnt url encode parameter');
function testDeleteFromStageOperatesRecursively() {
$pageAbout = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$pageStaff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff');
$pageStaffDuplicate = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staffduplicate');
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageAbout->ID));
$this->assertTrue(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaff->ID) instanceof Page);
$this->assertTrue(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaffDuplicate->ID) instanceof Page);
function testDeleteFromStageOperatesRecursivelyStrict() {
$pageAbout = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$pageStaff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff');
$pageStaffDuplicate = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staffduplicate');
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageAbout->ID));
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaff->ID));
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaffDuplicate->ID));
function testDeleteFromLiveOperatesRecursively() {
$pageAbout = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$pageStaff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff');
$pageStaffDuplicate = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staffduplicate');
$parentPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageAbout->ID));
$this->assertTrue(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaff->ID) instanceof Page);
$this->assertTrue(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaffDuplicate->ID) instanceof Page);
function testUnpublishDoesNotDeleteChildrenWithLooseHierachyOn() {
$pageAbout = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$pageStaff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff');
$pageStaffDuplicate = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staffduplicate');
$parentPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageAbout->ID));
$this->assertTrue(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaff->ID) instanceof Page);
$this->assertTrue(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaffDuplicate->ID) instanceof Page);
function testDeleteFromLiveOperatesRecursivelyStrict() {
$pageAbout = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$pageStaff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff');
$pageStaffDuplicate = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staffduplicate');
$parentPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageAbout->ID));
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaff->ID));
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $pageStaffDuplicate->ID));
* Simple test to confirm that querying from a particular archive date doesn't throw
* an error
function testReadArchiveDate() {
Versioned::reading_archived_date('2009-07-02 14:05:07');
DataObject::get('SiteTree', "\"ParentID\" = 0");
function testEditPermissions() {
$editor = $this->objFromFixture("Member", "editor");
$home = $this->objFromFixture("Page", "home");
$products = $this->objFromFixture("Page", "products");
$product1 = $this->objFromFixture("Page", "product1");
$product4 = $this->objFromFixture("Page", "product4");
// Can't edit a page that is locked to admins
// Can edit a page that is locked to editors
// Can edit a child of that page that inherits
// Can't edit a child of that page that has its permissions overridden
function testEditPermissionsOnDraftVsLive() {
// Create an inherit-permission page
$page = new Page();
$page->CanEditType = "Inherit";
$pageID = $page->ID;
// Lock down the site config
$sc = $page->SiteConfig;
$sc->CanEditType = 'OnlyTheseUsers';
$sc->EditorGroups()->add($this->idFromFixture('Group', 'admins'));
// Confirm that Member.editor can't edit the page
// Change the page to be editable by Group.editors, but do not publish
$page->CanEditType = 'OnlyTheseUsers';
$page->EditorGroups()->add($this->idFromFixture('Group', 'editors'));
// Confirm that Member.editor can now edit the page
// Publish the changes to the page
// Confirm that Member.editor can still edit the page
function testCompareVersions() {
$page = new Page();
$this->assertEquals(1, $page->Version);
$page->Content = "<p>This is a test</p>";
$this->assertEquals(2, $page->Version);
$diff = $page->compareVersions(1, 2);
$processedContent = trim($diff->Content);
$processedContent = preg_replace('/\s*</','<',$processedContent);
$processedContent = preg_replace('/>\s*/','>',$processedContent);
$this->assertEquals("<ins><p>This is a test</p></ins>", $processedContent);
function testAuthorIDAndPublisherIDFilledOutOnPublish() {
// Ensure that we have a member ID who is doing all this work
$member = Member::currentUser();
if($member) {
$memberID = $member->ID;
} else {
$memberID = $this->idFromFixture("Member", "admin");
Session::set("loggedInAs", $memberID);
// Write the page
$about = $this->objFromFixture('Page','about');
$about->Title = "Another title";
// Check the version created
$savedVersion = DB::query("SELECT \"AuthorID\", \"PublisherID\" FROM \"SiteTree_versions\"
WHERE \"RecordID\" = $about->ID ORDER BY \"Version\" DESC")->first();
$this->assertEquals($memberID, $savedVersion['AuthorID']);
$this->assertEquals(0, $savedVersion['PublisherID']);
// Publish the page
$publishedVersion = DB::query("SELECT \"AuthorID\", \"PublisherID\" FROM \"SiteTree_versions\"
WHERE \"RecordID\" = $about->ID ORDER BY \"Version\" DESC")->first();
// Check the version created
$this->assertEquals($memberID, $publishedVersion['AuthorID']);
$this->assertEquals($memberID, $publishedVersion['PublisherID']);
public function testLinkShortcodeHandler() {
$aboutPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$errorPage = $this->objFromFixture('ErrorPage', '404');
$parser = new ShortcodeParser();
$parser->register('sitetree_link', array('SiteTree', 'link_shortcode_handler'));
$aboutShortcode = sprintf('[sitetree_link id=%d]', $aboutPage->ID);
$aboutEnclosed = sprintf('[sitetree_link id=%d]Example Content[/sitetree_link]', $aboutPage->ID);
$aboutShortcodeExpected = $aboutPage->Link();
$aboutEnclosedExpected = sprintf('<a href="%s">Example Content</a>', $aboutPage->Link());
$this->assertEquals($aboutShortcodeExpected, $parser->parse($aboutShortcode), 'Test that simple linking works.');
$this->assertEquals($aboutEnclosedExpected, $parser->parse($aboutEnclosed), 'Test enclosed content is linked.');
$this->assertEquals($aboutShortcodeExpected, $parser->parse($aboutShortcode), 'Test that deleted pages still link.');
$this->assertEquals($aboutEnclosedExpected, $parser->parse($aboutEnclosed));
$aboutShortcode = '[sitetree_link id="-1"]';
$aboutEnclosed = '[sitetree_link id="-1"]Example Content[/sitetree_link]';
$aboutShortcodeExpected = $errorPage->Link();
$aboutEnclosedExpected = sprintf('<a href="%s">Example Content</a>', $errorPage->Link());
$this->assertEquals($aboutShortcodeExpected, $parser->parse($aboutShortcode), 'Test link to 404 page if no suitable matches.');
$this->assertEquals($aboutEnclosedExpected, $parser->parse($aboutEnclosed));
$this->assertEquals('', $parser->parse('[sitetree_link]'), 'Test that invalid ID attributes are not parsed.');
$this->assertEquals('', $parser->parse('[sitetree_link id="text"]'));
$this->assertEquals('', $parser->parse('[sitetree_link]Example Content[/sitetree_link]'));
public function testIsCurrent() {
$aboutPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$errorPage = $this->objFromFixture('ErrorPage', '404');
$this->assertTrue($aboutPage->isCurrent(), 'Assert that basic isSection checks works.');
$this->assertTrue($errorPage->isCurrent(), 'Assert isSection works on error pages.');
$this->assertTrue (
DataObject::get_one('SiteTree', '"Title" = \'About Us\'')->isCurrent(),
'Assert that isCurrent works on another instance with the same ID.'
Director::set_current_page($newPage = new SiteTree());
$this->assertTrue($newPage->isCurrent(), 'Assert that isCurrent works on unsaved pages.');
public function testIsSection() {
$about = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$staff = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'staff');
$ceo = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'ceo');
* @covers SiteTree::validURLSegment
public function testValidURLSegmentURLSegmentConflicts() {
$sitetree = new SiteTree();
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'home';
$this->assertFalse($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'URLSegment conflicts are recognised');
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'home-noconflict';
$sitetree->ParentID = $this->idFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'home';
$this->assertFalse($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'Conflicts are still recognised with a ParentID value');
$sitetree->ParentID = 0;
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'home';
$this->assertFalse($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'URLSegment conflicts are recognised');
$sitetree->ParentID = $this->idFromFixture('Page', 'about');
$this->assertTrue($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'URLSegments can be the same across levels');
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'my-staff';
$this->assertFalse($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'Nested URLSegment conflicts are recognised');
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'my-staff-noconflict';
* @covers SiteTree::validURLSegment
public function testValidURLSegmentClassNameConflicts() {
$sitetree = new SiteTree();
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'Controller';
$this->assertFalse($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'Class name conflicts are recognised');
* @covers SiteTree::validURLSegment
public function testValidURLSegmentControllerConflicts() {
$sitetree = new SiteTree();
$sitetree->ParentID = $this->idFromFixture('SiteTreeTest_Conflicted', 'parent');
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'index';
$this->assertFalse($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'index is not a valid URLSegment');
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'conflicted-action';
$this->assertFalse($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'allowed_actions conflicts are recognised');
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'conflicted-template';
$this->assertFalse($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'Action-specific template conflicts are recognised');
$sitetree->URLSegment = 'valid';
$this->assertTrue($sitetree->validURLSegment(), 'Valid URLSegment values are allowed');
public function testVersionsAreCreated() {
$p = new Page();
$p->Content = "one";
$this->assertEquals(1, $p->Version);
// No changes don't bump version
$this->assertEquals(1, $p->Version);
$p->Content = "two";
$this->assertEquals(2, $p->Version);
// Only change meta-data don't bump version
$p->HasBrokenLink = true;
$p->HasBrokenLink = false;
$this->assertEquals(2, $p->Version);
$p->Content = "three";
$this->assertEquals(3, $p->Version);
function testPageTypeClasses() {
$classes = SiteTree::page_type_classes();
$this->assertNotContains('SiteTree', $classes, 'Page types do not include base class');
$this->assertContains('Page', $classes, 'Page types do contain subclasses');
* @ignore
class SiteTreeTest_PageNode extends Page implements TestOnly { }
class SiteTreeTest_PageNode_Controller extends Page_Controller implements TestOnly {
class SiteTreeTest_Conflicted extends Page implements TestOnly { }
class SiteTreeTest_Conflicted_Controller extends Page_Controller implements TestOnly {
public static $allowed_actions = array (
public function hasActionTemplate($template) {
if($template == 'conflicted-template') {
return true;
} else {
return parent::hasActionTemplate($template);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
* @package cms
* @subpackage tests
class WidgetAreaEditorTest extends SapphireTest {
* This is the widget you want to use for your unit tests.
protected $widgetToTest = 'WidgetAreaEditorTest_TestWidget';
protected $extraDataObjects = array(
protected $usesDatabase = true;
function testFillingOneArea() {
$oldRequest = $_REQUEST;
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'BottomBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidget',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$editorSide = new WidgetAreaEditor('SideBar');
$editorBott = new WidgetAreaEditor('BottomBar');
$page = new WidgetAreaEditorTest_FakePage();
$this->assertEquals($page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($page->SideBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 0);
$_REQUEST = $oldRequest;
function testFillingTwoAreas() {
$oldRequest = $_REQUEST;
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$editorSide = new WidgetAreaEditor('SideBar');
$editorBott = new WidgetAreaEditor('BottomBar');
$page = new WidgetAreaEditorTest_FakePage();
// Make sure they both got saved
$this->assertEquals($page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($page->SideBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$this->assertEquals($sideWidgets[0]->Title(), 'MyTestWidgetSide');
$this->assertEquals($bottWidgets[0]->Title(), 'MyTestWidgetBottom');
$_REQUEST = $oldRequest;
function testDeletingOneWidgetFromOneArea() {
$oldRequest = $_REQUEST;
// First get some widgets in there
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$editorSide = new WidgetAreaEditor('SideBar');
$editorBott = new WidgetAreaEditor('BottomBar');
$page = new WidgetAreaEditorTest_FakePage();
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
// Save again (after removing the SideBar's widget)
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
'BottomBar' => array(
$bottWidgets[0]->ID => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$this->assertEquals($page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($bottWidgets[0]->Title(), 'MyTestWidgetBottom');
$this->assertEquals($page->SideBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 0);
$_REQUEST = $oldRequest;
function testDeletingAWidgetFromEachArea() {
$oldRequest = $_REQUEST;
// First get some widgets in there
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$editorSide = new WidgetAreaEditor('SideBar');
$editorBott = new WidgetAreaEditor('BottomBar');
$page = new WidgetAreaEditorTest_FakePage();
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
// Save again (after removing the SideBar's widget)
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
'BottomBar' => array(
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$this->assertEquals($page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 0);
$this->assertEquals($page->SideBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 0);
$_REQUEST = $oldRequest;
function testEditingOneWidget() {
$oldRequest = $_REQUEST;
// First get some widgets in there
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$editorSide = new WidgetAreaEditor('SideBar');
$editorBott = new WidgetAreaEditor('BottomBar');
$page = new WidgetAreaEditorTest_FakePage();
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
// Save again (after removing the SideBar's widget)
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
$sideWidgets[0]->ID => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide-edited',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
$bottWidgets[0]->ID => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$this->assertEquals($page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($page->SideBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($bottWidgets[0]->Title(), 'MyTestWidgetBottom');
$this->assertEquals($sideWidgets[0]->Title(), 'MyTestWidgetSide-edited');
$_REQUEST = $oldRequest;
function testEditingAWidgetFromEachArea() {
$oldRequest = $_REQUEST;
// First get some widgets in there
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$editorSide = new WidgetAreaEditor('SideBar');
$editorBott = new WidgetAreaEditor('BottomBar');
$page = new WidgetAreaEditorTest_FakePage();
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
// Save again (after removing the SideBar's widget)
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
$sideWidgets[0]->ID => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide-edited',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
$bottWidgets[0]->ID => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom-edited',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$this->assertEquals($page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($page->SideBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($bottWidgets[0]->Title(), 'MyTestWidgetBottom-edited');
$this->assertEquals($sideWidgets[0]->Title(), 'MyTestWidgetSide-edited');
$_REQUEST = $oldRequest;
function testEditAWidgetFromOneAreaAndDeleteAWidgetFromAnotherArea() {
$oldRequest = $_REQUEST;
// First get some widgets in there
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
'new-1' => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetBottom',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
$editorSide = new WidgetAreaEditor('SideBar');
$editorBott = new WidgetAreaEditor('BottomBar');
$page = new WidgetAreaEditorTest_FakePage();
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
// Save again (after removing the SideBar's widget)
$_REQUEST = array(
'Widget' => array(
'SideBar' => array(
$sideWidgets[0]->ID => array(
'Title' => 'MyTestWidgetSide-edited',
'Type' => $this->widgetToTest,
'Sort' => 0
'BottomBar' => array(
$sideWidgets = $page->SideBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$bottWidgets = $page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->toArray();
$this->assertEquals($page->BottomBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 0);
$this->assertEquals($page->SideBar()->Widgets()->Count(), 1);
$this->assertEquals($sideWidgets[0]->Title(), 'MyTestWidgetSide-edited');
$_REQUEST = $oldRequest;
class WidgetAreaEditorTest_FakePage extends Page implements TestOnly {
public static $has_one = array(
"SideBar" => "WidgetArea",
"BottomBar" => "WidgetArea",
class WidgetAreaEditorTest_TestWidget extends Widget implements TestOnly {
static $cmsTitle = "Test widget";
static $title = "Test widget";
static $description = "Test widget";
static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Varchar'
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = new FieldSet();
$fields->push(new TextField('Title'));
return $fields;
function Title() {
return $this->Title ? $this->Title : self::$title;