Improved spam protection question updating. Now refreshes immediately after posting the form, no matter if you get it right or wrong. More consistent notification if you get the question wrong (same box used as other notifications).

git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Shipman 2007-08-14 04:40:14 +00:00
parent c0f872b8fe
commit 8c8d1986e0

View File

@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ PageCommentInterface.prototype = {
loadSpamQuestion: function(response) {
var spamQuestionDiv = $('Math');
var mathLabel = spamQuestionDiv.getElementsByTagName('label')[0];
mathLabel.innerHTML = response.responseText;
postComment: function() {
var form = $("PageCommentInterface_Form_PageCommentsPostCommentForm");
var message = $("PageCommentInterface_Form_PageCommentsPostCommentForm_error");
@ -44,28 +50,57 @@ PageCommentInterface.prototype = {
var pageComments = $('PageComments').getElementsByTagName('li');
var __newComment = document.createElement('li');
// Add it to the list with a 'loading' message
// Add it to the list with a 'loading' message
$('PageComments').insertBefore(__newComment, pageComments[0]);
__newComment.innerHTML = '<p><img src="cms/images/network-save.gif" /> Loading...</p>';
__newComment.className ="even";
// Submit the form via ajax
Ajax.SubmitForm(form, "action_postcomment", {
onSuccess : function(response) {
// Load the response into the new <li>
__newComment.innerHTML = response.responseText;
// Flash it using Scriptaculous
new Effect.Highlight(__newComment, { endcolor: '#e9e9e9' } );
if(response.responseText.match('<b>Spam detected!!</b>')) {
__newComment.className = 'spam';
// Create an Ajax request to regenerate the spam protection question
//need to check if there is actually a spam question to change first
new Ajax.Request(document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href+'PageCommentInterface_Controller/newspamquestion', {
onSuccess: loadSpamQuestion,
onFailure: Ajax.Evaluator
if(response.responseText != "spamprotectionfalied"){
// Load the response into the new <li>
__newComment.innerHTML = response.responseText;
// Flash it using Scriptaculous
new Effect.Highlight(__newComment, { endcolor: '#e9e9e9' } );
if(response.responseText.match('<b>Spam detected!!</b>')) {
__newComment.className = 'spam';
__newComment.innerHTML = "";
Behaviour.apply(__newComment); = '';
message.innerHTML = "You got the spam question wrong.";
onFailure : function(response) {
onFailure : function(response) {
// Clear the fields
// form.elements.Name.value = "";
@ -214,3 +249,8 @@ PageCommentInterface.prototype = {
function loadSpamQuestion(response) {
var spamQuestionDiv = $('Math');
var mathLabel = spamQuestionDiv.getElementsByTagName('label')[0];
mathLabel.innerHTML = response.responseText;