mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 09:05:53 +00:00
Enforced the published/draft selection for SS reports, which was being ignored due to previous code refactoring.
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ class BrokenLinksReport extends SS_Report {
$sort = '';
if (!isset($_REQUEST['CheckSite']) || $params['CheckSite'] == 'Published') $ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', '("SiteTree"."HasBrokenLink" = 1 OR "SiteTree"."HasBrokenFile" = 1)', $sort, $join, $limit);
else $ret = DataObject::get('SiteTree', '("SiteTree"."HasBrokenFile" = 1 OR "HasBrokenLink" = 1)', $sort, $join, $limit);
$ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', ((!isset($params['CheckSite']) || ($params['CheckSite'] == 'Published')) ? 'Live' : 'Stage'), '("SiteTree"."HasBrokenLink" = 1 OR "SiteTree"."HasBrokenFile" = 1)', $sort, $join, $limit);
$returnSet = new ArrayList();
if ($ret) foreach($ret as $record) {
@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ class BrokenLinksReport extends SS_Report {
return $returnSet;
public function columns() {
if(isset($_REQUEST['CheckSite']) && $_REQUEST['CheckSite'] == 'Draft') {
if(isset($_REQUEST['filters']['CheckSite']) && $_REQUEST['filters']['CheckSite'] == 'Draft') {
$dateTitle = _t('BrokenLinksReport.ColumnDateLastModified', 'Date last modified');
} else {
$dateTitle = _t('BrokenLinksReport.ColumnDateLastPublished', 'Date last published');
@ -200,8 +200,7 @@ class SideReport_BrokenLinks extends SS_Report {
$classes = array_diff(ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SiteTree'), ClassInfo::subclassesFor('VirtualPage'), ClassInfo::subclassesFor('RedirectorPage'));
$classNames = "'".join("','", $classes)."'";
if (isset($_REQUEST['OnLive'])) $ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
else $ret = DataObject::get('SiteTree', "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
$ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', ((isset($params['OnLive']) && $params['OnLive']) ? 'Live' : 'Stage'), "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
return $ret;
public function columns() {
@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ class SideReport_BrokenLinks extends SS_Report {
public function getParameterFields() {
public function parameterFields() {
return new FieldList(
new CheckboxField('OnLive', _t('SideReport.ParameterLiveCheckbox', 'Check live site'))
@ -238,8 +237,7 @@ class SideReport_BrokenFiles extends SS_Report {
$classes = array_diff(ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SiteTree'), ClassInfo::subclassesFor('VirtualPage'), ClassInfo::subclassesFor('RedirectorPage'));
$classNames = "'".join("','", $classes)."'";
if (isset($_REQUEST['OnLive'])) $ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenFile\" = 1");
else $ret = DataObject::get('SiteTree', "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenFile\" = 1");
$ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', ((isset($params['OnLive']) && $params['OnLive']) ? 'Live' : 'Stage'), "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenFile\" = 1");
return $ret;
public function columns() {
@ -251,7 +249,7 @@ class SideReport_BrokenFiles extends SS_Report {
public function getParameterFields() {
public function parameterFields() {
return new FieldList(
new CheckboxField('OnLive', _t('SideReport.ParameterLiveCheckbox', 'Check live site'))
@ -271,8 +269,8 @@ class SideReport_BrokenVirtualPages extends SS_Report {
public function sourceRecords($params = null) {
$classNames = "'".join("','", ClassInfo::subclassesFor('VirtualPage'))."'";
if (isset($_REQUEST['OnLive'])) $ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
else $ret = DataObject::get('SiteTree', "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
$ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', ((isset($params['OnLive']) && $params['OnLive']) ? 'Live' : 'Stage'), "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
return $ret;
@ -285,7 +283,7 @@ class SideReport_BrokenVirtualPages extends SS_Report {
public function getParameterFields() {
public function parameterFields() {
return new FieldList(
new CheckboxField('OnLive', _t('SideReport.ParameterLiveCheckbox', 'Check live site'))
@ -306,8 +304,7 @@ class SideReport_BrokenRedirectorPages extends SS_Report {
public function sourceRecords($params = null) {
$classNames = "'".join("','", ClassInfo::subclassesFor('RedirectorPage'))."'";
if (isset($_REQUEST['OnLive'])) $ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
else $ret = DataObject::get('SiteTree', "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
$ret = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', ((isset($params['OnLive']) && $params['OnLive']) ? 'Live' : 'Stage'), "\"ClassName\" IN ($classNames) AND \"HasBrokenLink\" = 1");
return $ret;
@ -320,7 +317,7 @@ class SideReport_BrokenRedirectorPages extends SS_Report {
public function getParameterFields() {
public function parameterFields() {
return new FieldList(
new CheckboxField('OnLive', _t('SideReport.ParameterLiveCheckbox', 'Check live site'))
@ -2,6 +2,33 @@
class ReportTest extends SapphireTest {
* ASSERT whether a report is returning the correct results, based on a broken "draft" and/or "published" page, both with and without the "reason".
* @parameter ss_report
* @parameter boolean
* @parameter boolean
* @parameter string
public function isReportBroken($report, $isDraftBroken, $isPublishedBroken, $reason) {
$class = get_class($report);
$parameters = array();
// ASSERT that the "draft" report is returning the correct results, both with and without the "reason".
$parameters['CheckSite'] = 'Draft';
$results = (count($report->sourceRecords($parameters, null, null)) > 0) && (count($report->sourceRecords(array_merge($parameters, array('Reason' => $reason)), null, null)) > 0);
$isDraftBroken ? $this->assertTrue($results, "{$class} has NOT returned the correct DRAFT results, as NO pages were found.") : $this->assertFalse($results, "{$class} has NOT returned the correct DRAFT results, as pages were found.");
// ASSERT that the "published" report is returning the correct results, both with and without the "reason".
$parameters['CheckSite'] = 'Published';
$results = (count($report->sourceRecords($parameters, null, null)) > 0) && (count($report->sourceRecords(array_merge($parameters, array('Reason' => $reason)), null, null)) > 0);
$isPublishedBroken ? $this->assertTrue($results, "{$class} has NOT returned the correct PUBLISHED results, as NO pages were found.") : $this->assertFalse($results, "{$class} has NOT returned the correct PUBLISHED results, as pages were found.");
public function testGetReports() {
$reports = SS_Report::get_reports();
$this->assertNotNull($reports, "Reports returned");
@ -52,6 +79,218 @@ class ReportTest extends SapphireTest {
'ReportTest_FakeTest_Abstract is NOT in reports list as it is abstract');
* Test the broken links report.
public function testBrokenLinksReport() {
// ---
// ---
// Create a "draft" page with a broken link.
$page = Page::create();
$page->Content = "<a href='[sitetree_link,id=987654321]'>This</a> is a broken link.";
// Retrieve the broken links report.
$reports = SS_Report::get_reports();
$brokenLinksReport = null;
foreach($reports as $report) {
if($report instanceof BrokenLinksReport) {
$brokenLinksReport = $report;
// Determine that the report exists, otherwise it has been excluded.
if($brokenLinksReport) {
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link, as the page has not been "published" yet.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, false, 'BROKENLINK');
// Make sure the page is now "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, true, 'BROKENLINK');
// Correct the "draft" broken link.
$page->Content = str_replace('987654321', $page->ID, $page->Content);
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link, as the previous content remains "published".
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, true, 'BROKENLINK');
// Make sure the change has now been "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, false, 'BROKENLINK');
// ---
// ---
// Create a "draft" page with a broken file.
$page = Page::create();
$page->Content = "<a href='[file_link,id=987654321]'>This</a> is a broken file.";
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken file.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken file, as the page has not been "published" yet.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, false, 'BROKENFILE');
// Make sure the page is now "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken file.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken file.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, true, 'BROKENFILE');
// Correct the "draft" broken file.
$file = File::create();
$file->Filename = 'name.pdf';
$page->Content = str_replace('987654321', $file->ID, $page->Content);
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken file.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken file, as the previous content remains "published".
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, true, 'BROKENFILE');
// Make sure the change has now been "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken file.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken file.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, false, 'BROKENFILE');
// ---
// ---
// Create a "draft" virtual page with a broken link.
$page = VirtualPage::create();
$page->CopyContentFromID = 987654321;
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link, as the page has not been "published" yet.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, false, 'VPBROKENLINK');
// Make sure the page is now "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, true, 'VPBROKENLINK');
// Correct the "draft" broken link.
$contentPage = Page::create();
$contentPage->Content = 'This is some content.';
$page->CopyContentFromID = $contentPage->ID;
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link, as the previous content remains "published".
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, true, 'VPBROKENLINK');
// Make sure the change has now been "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, false, 'VPBROKENLINK');
// ---
// ---
// Create a "draft" redirector page with a broken link.
$page = RedirectorPage::create();
$page->RedirectionType = 'Internal';
$page->LinkToID = 987654321;
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link, as the page has not been "published" yet.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, false, 'RPBROKENLINK');
// Make sure the page is now "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, true, 'RPBROKENLINK');
// Correct the "draft" broken link.
$contentPage = Page::create();
$contentPage->Content = 'This is some content.';
$page->LinkToID = $contentPage->ID;
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link, as the previous content remains "published".
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, true, 'RPBROKENLINK');
// Make sure the change has now been "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, false, 'RPBROKENLINK');
class ReportTest_FakeTest extends SS_Report implements TestOnly {
@ -24,6 +24,31 @@ class SideReportTest extends SapphireTest {
DB::query("UPDATE \"SiteTree\" SET \"Created\"='2009-01-01 00:00:00', \"LastEdited\"='".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $beforeThreshold)."' WHERE \"ID\"='".$before->ID."'");
* ASSERT whether a report is returning the correct results, based on a broken "draft" and/or "published" page.
* @parameter ss_report
* @parameter boolean
* @parameter boolean
public function isReportBroken($report, $isDraftBroken, $isPublishedBroken) {
$class = get_class($report);
// ASSERT that the "draft" report is returning the correct results.
$results = count($report->sourceRecords(array())) > 0;
$isDraftBroken ? $this->assertTrue($results, "{$class} has NOT returned the correct DRAFT results, as NO pages were found.") : $this->assertFalse($results, "{$class} has NOT returned the correct DRAFT results, as pages were found.");
// ASSERT that the "published" report is returning the correct results.
$results = count($report->sourceRecords(array(
'OnLive' => 1
))) > 0;
$isPublishedBroken ? $this->assertTrue($results, "{$class} has NOT returned the correct PUBLISHED results, as NO pages were found.") : $this->assertFalse($results, "{$class} has NOT returned the correct PUBLISHED results, as pages were found.");
public function testRecentlyEdited() {
SS_Datetime::set_mock_now('31-06-2009 00:00:00');
@ -39,4 +64,265 @@ class SideReportTest extends SapphireTest {
* Test the broken links side report.
public function testBrokenLinks() {
// Create a "draft" page with a broken link.
$page = Page::create();
$page->Content = "<a href='[sitetree_link,id=987654321]'>This</a> is a broken link.";
// Retrieve the broken links side report.
$reports = SS_Report::get_reports();
$brokenLinksReport = null;
foreach($reports as $report) {
if($report instanceof SideReport_BrokenLinks) {
$brokenLinksReport = $report;
// Determine that the report exists, otherwise it has been excluded.
if($brokenLinksReport) {
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link, as the page has not been "published" yet.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, false);
// Make sure the page is now "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, true, true);
// Correct the "draft" broken link.
$page->Content = str_replace('987654321', $page->ID, $page->Content);
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link, as the previous content remains "published".
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, true);
// Make sure the change has now been "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenLinksReport, false, false);
* Test the broken files side report.
public function testBrokenFiles() {
// Create a "draft" page with a broken file.
$page = Page::create();
$page->Content = "<a href='[file_link,id=987654321]'>This</a> is a broken file.";
// Retrieve the broken files side report.
$reports = SS_Report::get_reports();
$brokenFilesReport = null;
foreach($reports as $report) {
if($report instanceof SideReport_BrokenFiles) {
$brokenFilesReport = $report;
// Determine that the report exists, otherwise it has been excluded.
if($brokenFilesReport) {
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken file.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken file, as the page has not been "published" yet.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenFilesReport, true, false);
// Make sure the page is now "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken file.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken file.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenFilesReport, true, true);
// Correct the "draft" broken file.
$file = File::create();
$file->Filename = 'name.pdf';
$page->Content = str_replace('987654321', $file->ID, $page->Content);
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken file.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken file, as the previous content remains "published".
$this->isReportBroken($brokenFilesReport, false, true);
// Make sure the change has now been "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken file.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken file.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenFilesReport, false, false);
* Test the broken virtual pages side report.
public function testBrokenVirtualPages() {
// Create a "draft" virtual page with a broken link.
$page = VirtualPage::create();
$page->CopyContentFromID = 987654321;
// Retrieve the broken virtual pages side report.
$reports = SS_Report::get_reports();
$brokenVirtualPagesReport = null;
foreach($reports as $report) {
if($report instanceof SideReport_BrokenVirtualPages) {
$brokenVirtualPagesReport = $report;
// Determine that the report exists, otherwise it has been excluded.
if($brokenVirtualPagesReport) {
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link, as the page has not been "published" yet.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenVirtualPagesReport, true, false);
// Make sure the page is now "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenVirtualPagesReport, true, true);
// Correct the "draft" broken link.
$contentPage = Page::create();
$contentPage->Content = 'This is some content.';
$page->CopyContentFromID = $contentPage->ID;
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link, as the previous content remains "published".
$this->isReportBroken($brokenVirtualPagesReport, false, true);
// Make sure the change has now been "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenVirtualPagesReport, false, false);
* Test the broken redirector pages side report.
public function testBrokenRedirectorPages() {
// Create a "draft" redirector page with a broken link.
$page = RedirectorPage::create();
$page->RedirectionType = 'Internal';
$page->LinkToID = 987654321;
// Retrieve the broken redirector pages side report.
$reports = SS_Report::get_reports();
$brokenRedirectorPagesReport = null;
foreach($reports as $report) {
if($report instanceof SideReport_BrokenRedirectorPages) {
$brokenRedirectorPagesReport = $report;
// Determine that the report exists, otherwise it has been excluded.
if($brokenRedirectorPagesReport) {
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link, as the page has not been "published" yet.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenRedirectorPagesReport, true, false);
// Make sure the page is now "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenRedirectorPagesReport, true, true);
// Correct the "draft" broken link.
$contentPage = Page::create();
$contentPage->Content = 'This is some content.';
$page->LinkToID = $contentPage->ID;
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has detected the page having a broken link, as the previous content remains "published".
$this->isReportBroken($brokenRedirectorPagesReport, false, true);
// Make sure the change has now been "published".
// ASSERT that the "draft" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
// ASSERT that the "published" report has NOT detected the page having a broken link.
$this->isReportBroken($brokenRedirectorPagesReport, false, false);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user