2007-07-19 10:40:05 +00:00
< ? php
* The main " content " area of the CMS .
* This class creates a 2 - frame layout - left - tree and right - form - to sit beneath the main
* admin menu .
* @ todo Create some base classes to contain the generic functionality that will be replicated .
class CMSMain extends LeftAndMain implements CurrentPageIdentifier , PermissionProvider {
static $tree_class = " SiteTree " ;
static $subitem_class = " Member " ;
public function init () {
parent :: init ();
Requirements :: javascript ( MCE_ROOT . " tiny_mce_src.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " jsparty/tiny_mce_improvements.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " jsparty/hover.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " jsparty/scriptaculous/controls.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/MemberList.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/CMSMain.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/CMSMain_left.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/CMSMain_right.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/ForumAdmin.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/SideTabs.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/TaskList.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/CommentList.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " cms/javascript/SideReports.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/UpdateURL.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/UniqueFields.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/RedirectorPage.js " );
Requirements :: css ( " sapphire/css/FieldEditor.css " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/FieldEditor.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/TableListField.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/TableField.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/ComplexTableField.js " );
2007-09-04 03:42:59 +00:00
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/RelationComplexTableField.js " );
2007-07-19 10:40:05 +00:00
Requirements :: javascript ( " survey/javascript/SurveyResponses.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " survey/javascript/FormResponses.js " );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'sapphire/javascript/DataReport.js' );
Requirements :: css ( " survey/css/SurveyFilter.css " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/SelectionGroup.js " );
// For Parents
Requirements :: javascript ( " parents/javascript/NotifyMembers.js " );
// For Tourism
Requirements :: css ( " tourism/css/SurveyCMSMain.css " );
Requirements :: javascript ( " tourism/javascript/QuotasReport.js " );
// For Mikano
Requirements :: javascript ( " sapphire/javascript/ReportField.js " );
// For Ptraining
Requirements :: javascript ( " ptraining/javascript/BookingList.js " );
// For Forum
Requirements :: javascript ( " forum/javascript/ForumAccess.js " );
// For Gallery
Requirements :: javascript ( 'gallery/javascript/GalleryPage_CMS.js' );
2007-09-04 03:42:59 +00:00
2007-07-19 10:40:05 +00:00
// We need a better way of including all of the CSS that *might* be used by this application.
// Perhaps the ajax responses can include some instructions to go get more CSS / JavaScript?
if ( Director :: fileExists ( 'mot' )) {
Requirements :: css ( " mot/css/WorkflowWidget.css " );
// We don't want this showing up in every ajax-response, it should always be present in a CMS-environment
if ( ! Director :: is_ajax ()) {
Requirements :: javascriptTemplate ( " cms/javascript/tinymce.template.js " , array (
2007-07-19 23:45:53 +00:00
" ContentCSS " => ( SSViewer :: current_theme () ? " themes/ " . SSViewer :: current_theme () : project ()) . " /css/editor.css " ,
2007-07-19 10:40:05 +00:00
" BaseURL " => Director :: absoluteBaseURL (),
// Main controllers
// Main UI components
* Return the entire site tree as a nested set of ULs
public function SiteTreeAsUL () {
$this -> generateDataTreeHints ();
$this -> generateTreeStylingJS ();
return $this -> getSiteTreeFor ( " SiteTree " );
public function generateDataTreeHints () {
$classes = ClassInfo :: subclassesFor ( $this -> stat ( 'tree_class' ) );
$def [ 'Root' ] = array ();
foreach ( $classes as $class ) {
$obj = singleton ( $class );
if ( $obj instanceof HiddenClass ) continue ;
$allowedChildren = $obj -> allowedChildren ();
if ( $allowedChildren != " none " ) $def [ $class ][ 'allowedChildren' ] = $allowedChildren ;
$def [ $class ][ 'defaultChild' ] = $obj -> defaultChild ();
$def [ $class ][ 'defaultParent' ] = isset ( DataObject :: get_by_url ( $obj -> defaultParent ()) -> ID ) ? DataObject :: get_by_url ( $obj -> defaultParent ()) -> ID : null ;
if ( is_array ( $allowedChildren )) foreach ( $allowedChildren as $allowedChild ) {
$def [ $allowedChild ][ 'allowedParents' ][] = $class ;
if ( $obj -> stat ( 'can_be_root' )) {
$def [ 'Root' ][ 'allowedChildren' ][] = $class ;
// Put data hints into a script tag at the top
Requirements :: customScript ( " siteTreeHints = " . $this -> jsDeclaration ( $def ) . " ; " );
public function generateTreeStylingJS () {
$classes = ClassInfo :: subclassesFor ( 'SiteTree' );
foreach ( $classes as $class ) {
$obj = singleton ( $class );
if ( $obj instanceof HiddenClass ) continue ;
if ( $icon = $obj -> stat ( 'icon' )) $iconInfo [ $class ] = $icon ;
$iconInfo [ 'BrokenLink' ] = 'cms/images/treeicons/brokenlink' ;
$js = " var _TREE_ICONS = []; \n " ;
foreach ( $iconInfo as $class => $icon ) {
// SiteTree::$icon can be set to array($icon, $option)
// $option can be "file" or "folder" to force the icon to always be the file or the folder form
$option = null ;
if ( is_array ( $icon )) list ( $icon , $option ) = $icon ;
$fileImage = ( $option == " folder " ) ? $icon . '-openfolder.gif' : $icon . '-file.gif' ;
$openFolderImage = $icon . '-openfolder.gif' ;
if ( ! Director :: fileExists ( $openFolderImage ) || $option = " file " ) $openFolderImage = $fileImage ;
$closedFolderImage = $icon . '-closedfolder.gif' ;
if ( ! Director :: fileExists ( $closedFolderImage ) || $option = " file " ) $closedFolderImage = $fileImage ;
$js .= <<< JS
_TREE_ICONS [ '$class' ] = {
fileIcon : '$fileImage' ,
openFolderIcon : '$openFolderImage' ,
closedFolderIcon : '$closedFolderImage'
JS ;
Requirements :: customScript ( $js );
* Return a javascript instanciation of this array
protected function jsDeclaration ( $array ) {
if ( is_array ( $array )) {
$object = false ;
foreach ( array_keys ( $array ) as $key ) {
if ( ! is_numeric ( $key )) {
$object = true ;
break ;
if ( $object ) {
foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
$parts [] = " $k : " . $this -> jsDeclaration ( $v );
return " { \n " . implode ( " , \n " , $parts ) . " } \n " ;
} else {
foreach ( $array as $part ) $parts [] = $this -> jsDeclaration ( $part );
return " [ " . implode ( " , " , $parts ) . " ] \n " ;
} else {
return " ' " . addslashes ( $array ) . " ' " ;
* Populates an array of classes in the CMS which allows the
* user to change the page type .
public function PageTypes () {
$classes = ClassInfo :: getValidSubClasses ();
array_shift ( $classes );
$result = new DataObjectSet ();
$kill_ancestors [] = null ;
// figure out if there are any classes we don't want to appear
foreach ( $classes as $class ) {
$instance = singleton ( $class );
// do any of the progeny want to hide an ancestor?
if ( $ancestor_to_hide = $instance -> stat ( 'hide_ancestor' )){
// note for killing later
$kill_ancestors [] = $ancestor_to_hide ;
// If any of the descendents don't want any of the elders to show up, cruelly render the elders surplus to requirements.
if ( $kill_ancestors ) {
foreach ( $kill_ancestors as $mark ) {
// unset from $classes
unset ( $classes [ $mark ]);
foreach ( $classes as $class ) {
$instance = singleton ( $class );
if ( $instance instanceof HiddenClass ) continue ;
if ( ! $instance -> canCreate () ) continue ;
// skip this type if it is restricted
if ( $instance -> stat ( 'need_permission' ) && ! $this -> can ( singleton ( $class ) -> stat ( 'need_permission' ) ) ) continue ;
$addAction = $instance -> uninherited ( 'add_action' , true );
if ( ! $addAction ) $addAction = " a $class " ;
$result -> push ( new ArrayData ( array (
" ClassName " => $class ,
" AddAction " => " Create $addAction " ,
return $result ;
* Get a databsae record to be managed by the CMS
public function getRecord ( $id ) {
$treeClass = $this -> stat ( 'tree_class' );
if ( $id && is_numeric ( $id )) {
$record = DataObject :: get_one ( $treeClass , " ` $treeClass `.ID = $id " );
if ( ! $record ) {
// $record = Versioned::get_one_by_stage($treeClass, "Live", "`$treeClass`.ID = $id");
Versioned :: reading_stage ( 'Live' );
singleton ( $treeClass ) -> flushCache ();
$record = DataObject :: get_one ( $treeClass , " ` $treeClass `.ID = $id " );
if ( $record ) {
$record -> DeletedFromStage = true ;
} else {
Versioned :: reading_stage ( null );
return $record ;
} else if ( substr ( $id , 0 , 3 ) == 'new' ) {
return $this -> getNewItem ( $id );
public function getEditForm ( $id ) {
$record = $this -> getRecord ( $id );
if ( $record ) {
if ( $record -> DeletedFromStage ) $record -> Status = " Removed from the draft site " ;
$fields = $record -> getCMSFields ( $this );
$fields -> push ( $idField = new HiddenField ( " ID " ));
$fields -> push ( $liveURLField = new HiddenField ( " LiveURLSegment " ));
$fields -> push ( $stageURLField = new HiddenField ( " StageURLSegment " ));
/*if( substr($record->ID, 0, 3 ) == 'new' )*/
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( 'Sort' , '' , $record -> Sort ));
$idField -> setValue ( $id );
if ( $record -> ID && is_numeric ( $record -> ID ) ) $liveURLField -> setValue ( DB :: query ( " SELECT URLSegment FROM SiteTree_Live WHERE ID = $id " ) -> value ());
if ( ! $record -> DeletedFromStage ) $stageURLField -> setValue ( $record -> URLSegment );
// getAllCMSActions can be used to completely redefine the action list
if ( $record -> hasMethod ( 'getAllCMSActions' )) {
$actions = $record -> getAllCMSActions ();
} else {
$actions = new FieldSet ();
if ( $record -> DeletedFromStage ) {
if ( $record -> can ( 'CMSEdit' )) {
$actions -> push ( new FormAction ( 'revert' , 'Restore' ));
$actions -> push ( new FormAction ( 'deletefromlive' , 'Delete from the published site' ));
} else {
if ( $record -> hasMethod ( 'getCMSActions' )) {
$extraActions = $record -> getCMSActions ();
if ( $extraActions ) foreach ( $extraActions as $action ) $actions -> push ( $action );
if ( $record -> canEdit ()) {
$actions -> push ( new FormAction ( 'save' , 'Save draft' ));
$form = new Form ( $this , " EditForm " , $fields , $actions );
$form -> loadDataFrom ( $record );
$form -> disableDefaultAction ();
if ( ! $record -> canEdit () || $record -> DeletedFromStage ) $form -> makeReadonly ();
return $form ;
} else if ( $id ) {
return new Form ( $this , " EditForm " , new FieldSet (
new LabelField ( " This page doesn't exist " )), new FieldSet ());
// Data saving handlers
public function addpage () {
$className = $_REQUEST [ 'PageType' ] ? $_REQUEST [ 'PageType' ] : " Page " ;
$parent = $_REQUEST [ 'ParentID' ] ? $_REQUEST [ 'ParentID' ] : 0 ;
$suffix = $_REQUEST [ 'Suffix' ] ? " - " . $_REQUEST [ 'Suffix' ] : null ;
if ( is_numeric ( $parent )) $parentObj = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $parent );
if ( ! $parentObj || ! $parentObj -> ID ) $parent = 0 ;
$p = $this -> getNewItem ( " new- $className - $parent " . $suffix );
// $p->write();
$p -> CheckedPublicationDifferences = $p -> AddedToStage = true ;
return $this -> returnItemToUser ( $p );
public function getNewItem ( $id , $setID = true ) {
list ( $dummy , $className , $parentID , $suffix ) = explode ( '-' , $id );
$newItem = new $className ();
if ( ! $suffix ) {
$sessionTag = " NewItems. " . $parentID . " . " . $className ;
if ( Session :: get ( $sessionTag )) {
$suffix = '-' . Session :: get ( $sessionTag );
Session :: set ( $sessionTag , Session :: get ( $sessionTag ) + 1 );
Session :: set ( $sessionTag , 1 );
$id = $id . $suffix ;
$newItem -> Title = " New $className " ;
$newItem -> URLSegment = " new- " . strtolower ( $className );
$newItem -> ClassName = $className ;
$newItem -> ParentID = $parentID ;
if ( $newItem -> fieldExists ( 'Sort' )) {
$newItem -> Sort = DB :: query ( " SELECT MAX(Sort) FROM SiteTree WHERE ParentID = ' " . Convert :: raw2sql ( $parentID ) . " ' " ) -> value () + 1 ;
if ( Member :: currentUser () )
$newItem -> OwnerID = Member :: currentUser () -> ID ;
if ( $setID ) $newItem -> ID = $id ;
return $newItem ;
public function Link ( $action = null ) {
return " admin/ $action " ;
public function publish ( $urlParams , $form ) {
$id = $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ];
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $id );
$form -> saveInto ( $record );
$this -> performPublish ( $record );
return $this -> tellBrowserAboutPublicationChange ( $record , " Published ' $record->Title ' successfully " );
public function deletefromlive ( $urlParams , $form ) {
$id = $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ];
Versioned :: reading_stage ( 'Live' );
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $id );
2007-07-27 05:26:00 +00:00
$descRemoved = '' ;
2007-07-19 10:40:05 +00:00
// before deleting the records, get the descendants of this tree
if ( $record ) {
$descendantIDs = $record -> getDescendantIDList ( 'SiteTree' );
// then delete them from the live site too
foreach ( $descendantIDs as $descID )
if ( $descendant = DataObject :: get_by_id ( 'SiteTree' , $descID ) ) {
$descendant -> delete ();
$descendantsRemoved ++ ;
// delete the record
$record -> delete ();
Versioned :: reading_stage ( 'Stage' );
2007-07-27 05:26:00 +00:00
if ( isset ( $descendantsRemoved )) {
2007-07-19 10:40:05 +00:00
$descRemoved = " and $descendantsRemoved descendants " ;
$title = Convert :: raw2js ( $record -> Title );
FormResponse :: add ( $this -> deleteTreeNodeJS ( $record ));
FormResponse :: status_message ( " Deleted ' $title ' $descRemoved from live site " , 'good' );
return FormResponse :: respond ();
* Actually perform the publication step
public function performPublish ( $record ) {
$record -> AssignedToID = 0 ;
$record -> RequestedByID = 0 ;
$record -> Status = " Published " ;
//$record->PublishedByID = Member::currentUser()->ID;
$record -> write ();
$record -> publish ( " Stage " , " Live " );
// Fix the sort order for this page's siblings
DB :: query ( " UPDATE SiteTree_Live
INNER JOIN SiteTree ON SiteTree_Live . ID = SiteTree . ID
SET SiteTree_Live . Sort = SiteTree . Sort
WHERE SiteTree_Live . ParentID = " . sprintf('%d', $record->ParentID ));
public function revert ( $urlParams , $form ) {
$id = $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ];
Versioned :: reading_stage ( 'Live' );
$obj = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $id );
Versioned :: reading_stage ( 'Stage' );
$obj -> publish ( " Live " , " Stage " );
$title = Convert :: raw2js ( $obj -> Title );
FormResponse :: get_page ( $id );
FormResponse :: add ( " $ ('sitetree').setNodeTitle( $id , ' $title '); " );
FormResponse :: status_message ( " Restored ' $title ' successfully " , 'good' );
return FormResponse :: respond ();
public function delete ( $urlParams , $form ) {
$id = $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ];
$record = DataObject :: get_one ( " SiteTree " , " SiteTree.ID = $id " );
$record -> delete ();
Director :: redirectBack ();
// Workflow handlers
* Send this page on to another user for review
function submit () {
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ]);
$recipient = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " Member " , $_REQUEST [ 'RecipientID' ]);
if ( ! $recipient ) user_error ( " CMSMain::submit() Can't find recipient # $_REQUEST[RecipientID] " , E_USER_ERROR );
$comment = new WorkflowPageComment ();
$comment -> Comment = $_REQUEST [ 'Message' ];
$comment -> PageID = $page -> ID ;
$comment -> AuthorID = Member :: currentUserID ();
$comment -> Recipient = $recipient ;
$comment -> Action = $_REQUEST [ 'Status' ];
$comment -> write ();
$emailData = $page -> customise ( array (
" Message " => $_REQUEST [ 'Message' ],
" Recipient " => $recipient ,
" Sender " => Member :: currentUser (),
" ApproveLink " => " admin/approve/ $page->ID " ,
" EditLink " => " admin/show/ $page->ID " ,
" StageLink " => " $page->URLSegment /?stage=Stage " ,
$email = new Page_WorkflowSubmitEmail ();
$email -> populateTemplate ( $emailData );
$email -> send ();
$page -> AssignedToID = $recipient -> ID ;
$page -> RequestedByID = Member :: currentUserID ();
$page -> Status = $_REQUEST [ 'Status' ];
$page -> writeWithoutVersion ();
FormResponse :: status_message ( " Sent to $recipient->FirstName $recipient->Surname for approval. " , " good " );
return FormResponse :: respond ();
function getpagemembers () {
$relationName = $_REQUEST [ 'SecurityLevel' ];
$pageID = $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ];
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( 'SiteTree' , $pageID );
if ( $page ) {
foreach ( $page -> $relationName () as $editorGroup ) $groupIDs [] = $editorGroup -> ID ;
if ( $groupIDs ) {
$groupList = implode ( " , " , $groupIDs );
$members = DataObject :: get ( " Member " , " " , " " ,
" INNER JOIN `Group_Members` ON `Group_Members`.MemberID = `Member`.ID AND `Group_Members`.GroupID IN ( $groupList ) " );
if ( $members ) {
if ( $page -> RequestedByID )
$members -> shift ( $page -> RequestedBy () );
foreach ( $members as $editor ) {
$options .= " <option value= \" $editor->ID\ " > $editor -> FirstName $editor -> Surname ( $editor -> Email ) </ option > " ;
} else {
$options = " <option>(no-one available)</option> " ;
return <<< HTML
< label class = " left " > Send to </ label >
< select name = " RecipientID " > $options </ select >
} else {
user_error ( " CMSMain::getpagemembers() Cannot find page # $pageID " , E_USER_ERROR );
function getMembersByGroup () {
$group = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " Group " , $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ]);
if ( $group ){
$memberList = new MemberList ( 'Users' , $group );
$memberList -> setController ( $this );
return $memberList -> renderWith ( 'MemberList' );
} else {
return user_error ( " CMSMain::getpagemembers() Cannot find Group # $group->ID " , E_USER_ERROR );
function addmember () {
SecurityAdmin :: addmember ( $this -> stat ( 'subitem_class' ));
function tasklist () {
$tasks = DataObject :: get ( " Page " , " AssignedToID = " . Member :: currentUserID (), " Created DESC " );
if ( $tasks ) {
$data = new ArrayData ( array (
" Tasks " => $tasks ,
" Message " => " You have work to do on these <b> " . $tasks -> Count () . " </b> pages. " ,
} else {
$data = new ArrayData ( array (
" Message " => " You have nothing assigned to you. " ,
return $data -> renderWith ( " TaskList " );
function waitingon () {
$tasks = DataObject :: get ( " Page " , " RequestedByID = " . Member :: currentUserID (), " Created DESC " );
if ( $tasks ) {
$data = new ArrayData ( array (
" Tasks " => $tasks ,
" Message " => " You are waiting on other people to work on these <b> " . $tasks -> Count () . " </b> pages. " ,
} else {
$data = new ArrayData ( array (
" Message " => " You aren't waiting on anybody. " ,
return $data -> renderWith ( " WaitingOn " );
function comments () {
if ( $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ]) {
$comments = DataObject :: get ( " WorkflowPageComment " , " PageID = " . $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ], " Created DESC " );
$data = new ArrayData ( array (
" Comments " => $comments ,
return $data -> renderWith ( " CommentList " );
* Return a dropdown for selecting reports
function ReportSelector () {
$reports = ClassInfo :: subclassesFor ( " SideReport " );
$options [ " " ] = " (Choose a report) " ;
foreach ( $reports as $report ) {
if ( $report != 'SideReport' ) $options [ $report ] = singleton ( $report ) -> title ();
return new DropdownField ( " ReportSelector " , " Report " , $options );
* Get the content for a side report
function sidereport () {
$reportClass = $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ];
$report = new $reportClass ();
return $report -> getHTML ();
* Get the versions of the current page
function versions () {
$pageID = $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ];
$page = $this -> getRecord ( $pageID );
if ( $page ) {
$versions = $page -> allVersions ( $_REQUEST [ 'unpublished' ] ? " " : " `SiteTree_versions`.WasPublished = 1 " );
return array (
'Versions' => $versions ,
} else {
return " Can't find page # $pageID " ;
* Roll a page back to a previous version
function rollback () {
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'Version' ]) {
$record = $this -> performRollback ( $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ], $_REQUEST [ 'Version' ]);
echo " Rolled back to version # $_REQUEST[Version] . New version number is # $record->Version " ;
} else {
$record = $this -> performRollback ( $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ], " Live " );
echo " Rolled back to published version. New version number is # $record->Version " ;
function unpublish () {
$SQL_id = Convert :: raw2sql ( $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ]);
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $SQL_id );
$page -> deleteFromStage ( 'Live' );
$page -> flushCache ();
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $SQL_id );
$page -> Status = " Unpublished " ;
$page -> write ();
return $this -> tellBrowserAboutPublicationChange ( $page , " Removed ' $page->Title ' from the published site " );
* Return a few pieces of information about a change to a page
* - Send the new status message
* - Update the action buttons
* - Update the treenote
* - Send a status message
function tellBrowserAboutPublicationChange ( $page , $statusMessage ) {
$JS_title = Convert :: raw2js ( $page -> TreeTitle ());
$JS_stageURL = Convert :: raw2js ( DB :: query ( " SELECT URLSegment FROM SiteTree WHERE ID = $page->ID " ) -> value ());
$JS_liveURL = Convert :: raw2js ( DB :: query ( " SELECT URLSegment FROM SiteTree_Live WHERE ID = $page->ID " ) -> value ());
FormResponse :: add ( $this -> getActionUpdateJS ( $page ));
FormResponse :: update_status ( $page -> Status );
FormResponse :: add ( " \$ ('sitetree').setNodeTitle( $page->ID , ' $JS_title ') " );
FormResponse :: status_message ( $statusMessage , 'good' );
FormResponse :: add ( " $ ('Form_EditForm').elements.StageURLSegment.value = ' $JS_stageURL ' " );
FormResponse :: add ( " $ ('Form_EditForm').elements.LiveURLSegment.value = ' $JS_liveURL ' " );
FormResponse :: add ( " $ ('Form_EditForm').notify('PagePublished', $ ('Form_EditForm').elements.ID.value); " );
return FormResponse :: respond ();
function performRollback ( $id , $version ) {
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $this -> stat ( 'tree_class' ), $id );
$record -> publish ( $version , " Stage " , true );
$record -> AssignedToID = 0 ;
$record -> RequestedByID = 0 ;
$record -> Status = " Saved (update) " ;
$record -> writeWithoutVersion ();
return $record ;
function getversion () {
$id = $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ];
$version = $this -> urlParams [ 'OtherID' ];
$record = Versioned :: get_version ( " SiteTree " , $id , $version );
if ( $record ) {
$fields = $record -> getCMSFields ( $this );
$fields -> removeByName ( " Status " );
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( " ID " ));
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( " Version " ));
$fields -> insertBefore ( new HeaderField ( " You are viewing version # $version , created " . $record -> obj ( 'LastEdited' ) -> Ago ()), " Root " );
$actions = new FieldSet (
new FormAction ( " email " , " Email " ),
new FormAction ( " print " , " Print " ),
new FormAction ( " rollback " , " Roll back to this version " )
// encode the message to appear in the body of the email
$archiveURL = Director :: absoluteBaseURL () . $record -> URLSegment . '?archiveDate=' . $record -> obj ( 'LastEdited' ) -> URLDate ();
$archiveEmailMessage = urlencode ( $this -> customise ( array ( 'ArchiveDate' => $record -> obj ( 'LastEdited' ), 'ArchiveURL' => $archiveURL ) ) -> renderWith ( 'ViewArchivedEmail' ) );
$archiveEmailMessage = preg_replace ( '/\+/' , '%20' , $archiveEmailMessage );
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( 'ArchiveEmailMessage' , '' , $archiveEmailMessage ) );
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( 'ArchiveEmailSubject' , '' , preg_replace ( '/\+/' , '%20' , urlencode ( 'Archived version of ' . $record -> Title ) ) ) );
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( 'ArchiveURL' , '' , $archiveURL ) );
$form = new Form ( $this , " EditForm " , $fields , $actions );
$form -> loadDataFrom ( $record );
$form -> loadDataFrom ( array (
" ID " => $id ,
" Version " => $version ,
$form -> makeReadonly ();
$templateData = $this -> customise ( array (
" EditForm " => $form
SSViewer :: setOption ( 'rewriteHashlinks' , false );
$result = $templateData -> renderWith ( $this -> class . '_right' );
$parts = split ( '</?form[^>]*>' , $result );
return $parts [ sizeof ( $parts ) - 2 ];
function compareversions () {
$id = $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ];
$version1 = $_REQUEST [ 'From' ];
$version2 = $_REQUEST [ 'To' ];
if ( $version1 > $version2 ) {
$toVersion = $version1 ;
$fromVersion = $version2 ;
} else {
$toVersion = $version2 ;
$fromVersion = $version1 ;
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $id );
$record = $page -> compareVersions ( $fromVersion , $toVersion );
if ( $record ) {
$fields = $record -> getCMSFields ( $this );
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( " ID " ));
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( " Version " ));
$fields -> insertBefore ( new HeaderField ( " You are comparing versions # $fromVersion and # $toVersion " ), " Root " );
$actions = new FieldSet ();
$form = new Form ( $this , " EditForm " , $fields , $actions );
$form -> loadDataFrom ( $record );
$form -> loadDataFrom ( array (
" ID " => $id ,
" Version " => $version ,
$form -> makeReadonly ();
foreach ( $form -> Fields () -> dataFields () as $field ) {
$field -> dontEscape = true ;
return $this -> sendFormToBrowser ( array (
" EditForm " => $form
function sendFormToBrowser ( $templateData ) {
if ( Director :: is_ajax ()) {
SSViewer :: setOption ( 'rewriteHashlinks' , false );
$result = $this -> customise ( $templateData ) -> renderWith ( $this -> class . '_right' );
$parts = split ( '</?form[^>]*>' , $result );
return $parts [ sizeof ( $parts ) - 2 ];
} else {
return array (
" Right " => $this -> customise ( $templateData ) -> renderWith ( $this -> class . '_right' ),
function dialog () {
Requirements :: clear ();
$buttons = new DataObjectSet ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'Buttons' ]) foreach ( $_REQUEST [ 'Buttons' ] as $button ) {
list ( $name , $title ) = explode ( ',' , $button , 2 );
$buttons -> push ( new ArrayData ( array (
" Name " => $name ,
" Title " => $title ,
return array (
" Message " => htmlentities ( $_REQUEST [ 'Message' ]),
" Buttons " => $buttons ,
" Modal " => $_REQUEST [ 'Modal' ] ? true : false ,
function savedialog () {
Requirements :: clear ();
Requirements :: css ( 'cms/css/dialog.css' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'jsparty/prototype.js' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'jsparty/behaviour.js' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'jsparty/prototype_improvements.js' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'cms/javascript/dialog.js' );
$message = " You have unsaved changes. Would you like to save them? " ;
$buttons = " <button name= \" save \" >Save changes</button><button name= \" discard \" >Discard changes</button><button name= \" cancel \" >Stay on this page</button> " ;
return $this -> customise ( array (
'Message' => $message ,
'Buttons' => $buttons ,
'DialogType' => 'alert'
)) -> renderWith ( 'Dialog' );
function canceldraftchangesdialog () {
Requirements :: clear ();
Requirements :: css ( 'cms/css/dialog.css' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'jsparty/prototype.js' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'jsparty/behaviour.js' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'jsparty/prototype_improvements.js' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'cms/javascript/dialog.js' );
$message = " Do you really want to copy the published content to the stage site? " ;
$buttons = " <button name= \" OK \" >OK</button><button name= \" Cancel \" >Cancel</button> " ;
return $this -> customise ( array (
'Message' => $message ,
'Buttons' => $buttons ,
'DialogType' => 'alert'
)) -> renderWith ( 'Dialog' );
* Delete a number of items .
* This code supports notification
public function deleteitems () {
// This method can't be called without ajax.
if ( ! Director :: is_ajax ()) {
Director :: redirectBack ();
return ;
$ids = split ( ' *, *' , $_REQUEST [ 'csvIDs' ]);
$notifications = array ();
$idList = array ();
// make sure all the ids are numeric.
// Add all the children to the list of IDs if they are missing
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
$brokenPageList = '' ;
if ( is_numeric ( $id )) {
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $this -> stat ( 'tree_class' ), $id );
// if(!$record) Debug::message( "Can't find record #$id" );
if ( $record ) {
// add all the children for this record if they are not already in the list
// this check is a little slower but will prevent circular dependencies
// (should they exist, which they probably shouldn't) from causing
// the function to not terminate
$children = $record -> AllChildren ();
if ( $children )
foreach ( $children as $child )
if ( array_search ( $child -> ID , $ids ) !== FALSE )
$ids [] = $child -> ID ;
if ( $record -> hasMethod ( 'BackLinkTracking' )) {
$brokenPages = $record -> BackLinkTracking ();
foreach ( $brokenPages as $brokenPage ) {
$brokenPageList .= " <li style= \" font-size: 65% \" > " . $brokenPage -> Breadcrumbs ( 3 , true ) . " </li> " ;
$brokenPage -> HasBrokenLink = true ;
$notifications [ $brokenPage -> OwnerID ][] = $brokenPage ;
$brokenPage -> writeWithoutVersion ();
$record -> delete ();
$record -> destroy ();
// DataObject::delete_by_id($this->stat('tree_class'), $id);
$record -> CheckedPublicationDifferences = $record -> DeletedFromStage = true ;
// check to see if the record exists on the live site, if it doesn't remove the tree node
// $_REQUEST['showqueries'] = 1 ;
$liveRecord = Versioned :: get_one_by_stage ( $this -> stat ( 'tree_class' ), 'Live' , " ` { $this -> stat ( 'tree_class' ) } `.`ID`= { $id } " );
if ( $liveRecord ) {
$title = Convert :: raw2js ( $record -> TreeTitle ());
FormResponse :: add ( " $ ('sitetree').setNodeTitle( $record->OldID , ' $title '); " );
FormResponse :: add ( " $ ('Form_EditForm').reloadIfSetTo( $record->OldID ); " );
} else {
FormResponse :: add ( " var node = $ ('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx(' $id '); " );
FormResponse :: add ( " if(node.parentTreeNode) node.parentTreeNode.removeTreeNode(node); " );
FormResponse :: add ( " $ ('Form_EditForm').reloadIfSetTo( $record->OldID ); " );
if ( $notifications ) foreach ( $notifications as $memberID => $pages ) {
if ( class_exists ( 'Page_BrokenLinkEmail' )) {
$email = new Page_BrokenLinkEmail ();
$email -> populateTemplate ( new ArrayData ( array (
" Recipient " => DataObject :: get_by_id ( " Member " , $memberID ),
" BrokenPages " => new DataObjectSet ( $pages ),
$email -> debug ();
$email -> send ();
$s = sizeof ( $ids ) > 1 ? " s " : " " ;
$message = sizeof ( $ids ) . " page $s deleted. " ;
if ( $brokenPageList != '' ) {
$message .= " The following pages now have broken links:<ul> " . addslashes ( $brokenPageList ) . " </ul>Their owners have been emailed and they will fix up those pages. " ;
FormResponse :: status_message ( $message );
return FormResponse :: respond ();
function buildbrokenlinks () {
if ( $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ]) {
$newPageSet [] = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " Page " , $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ]);
} else {
$pages = DataObject :: get ( " Page " );
foreach ( $pages as $page ) $newPageSet [] = $page ;
$pages = null ;
$content = new HtmlEditorField ( 'Content' );
$download = new HtmlEditorField ( 'Download' );
foreach ( $newPageSet as $i => $page ) {
$page -> HasBrokenLink = 0 ;
$page -> HasBrokenFile = 0 ;
$lastUsage = ( memory_get_usage () - $lastPoint );
$lastPoint = memory_get_usage ();
$content -> setValue ( $page -> Content );
$content -> saveInto ( $page );
$download -> setValue ( $page -> Download );
$download -> saveInto ( $page );
echo " <li> $page->Title (link: $page->HasBrokenLink , file: $page->HasBrokenFile ) " ;
$page -> writeWithoutVersion ();
$page -> destroy ();
$newPageSet [ $i ] = null ;
function AddPageOptionsForm () {
$pageTypes = array ();
foreach ( $this -> PageTypes () as $arrayData ) {
$pageTypes [ $arrayData -> getField ( 'ClassName' )] = $arrayData -> getField ( 'AddAction' );
return new Form ( $this , " AddPageOptionsForm " , new FieldSet (
new HiddenField ( " ParentID " ),
new DropdownField ( " PageType " , " " , $pageTypes )
// "Page to copy" => new TreeDropdownField("DuplicateSection", "", "SiteTree"),
new FieldSet (
new FormAction ( " addpage " , " Go " )
* Helper function to get page count
function getpagecount () {
ini_set ( 'max_execution_time' , 300 );
$excludePages = split ( " *, * " , $_GET [ 'exclude' ]);
$pages = DataObject :: get ( " SiteTree " , " ParentID = 0 " );
foreach ( $pages as $page ) $pageArr [] = $page ;
while ( list ( $i , $page ) = each ( $pageArr )) {
if ( ! in_array ( $page -> URLSegment , $excludePages )) {
if ( $children = $page -> AllChildren ()) {
foreach ( $children as $child ) $pageArr [] = $child ;
if ( ! $_GET [ 'onlywithcontent' ] || strlen ( Convert :: xml2raw ( $page -> Content )) > 100 ) {
echo " <li> " . $page -> Breadcrumbs ( null , true ) . " </li> " ;
$count ++ ;
} else {
echo " <li style= \" color: #777 \" > " . $page -> Breadcrumbs ( null , true ) . " - no content</li> " ;
echo " <p>Total pages: $count </p> " ;
function publishall () {
ini_set ( " memory_limit " , " 100M " );
ini_set ( 'max_execution_time' , 300 );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'confirm' ])) {
$pages = DataObject :: get ( " SiteTree " );
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
$this -> performPublish ( $page );
$page -> destroy ();
unset ( $page );
$count ++ ;
echo " <li> $count " ;
echo " Done: Published $count pages " ;
} else {
echo <<< HTML
< h1 > " Publish All " functionality </ h1 >
< p > Pressing this button will do the equivalent of going to every page and pressing " publish " . It ' s
intended to be used after there have been massive edits of the content , such as when the site was
first built .</ p >
< form method = " post " action = " publishall " >
< input type = " submit " name = " confirm " value = " Please publish every page in the site, copying content stage to live " />
</ form >
function restorepage () {
if ( $id = $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ]) {
$restoredPage = Versioned :: get_latest_version ( " SiteTree " , $id );
$restoredPage -> ID = $restoredPage -> RecordID ;
if ( ! DB :: query ( " SELECT ID FROM SiteTree WHERE ID = $restoredPage->ID " ) -> value ()) {
DB :: query ( " INSERT INTO SiteTree SET ID = $restoredPage->ID " );
$restoredPage -> forceChange ();
$restoredPage -> writeWithoutVersion ();
Debug :: show ( $restoredPage );
} else {
echo " visit restorepage/(ID) " ;
function duplicate () {
if (( $id = $this -> urlParams [ 'ID' ]) && is_numeric ( $id )) {
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $id );
$newPage = $page -> duplicate ();
return $this -> returnItemToUser ( $newPage );
} else {
user_error ( " CMSMain::duplicate() Bad ID: ' $id ' " , E_USER_WARNING );
// HACK HACK HACK - Dont remove without telling simon ;-)
* This is only used by parents inc .
* TODO Work out a better way of handling control to the individual page objects .
function sethottip ( $data , $form ) {
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ]);
return $page -> sethottip ( $data , $form );
* This is only used by parents inc .
* TODO Work out a better way of handling control to the individual page objects .
function notifyInvitation ( $data , $form ) {
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ]);
return $page -> notifyInvitation ( $data , $form );
function testInvitation ( $data , $form ) {
$page = DataObject :: get_by_id ( " SiteTree " , $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ]);
return $page -> testInvitation ( $data , $form );
* Provide the permission codes used by LeftAndMain .
* Can 't put it on LeftAndMain since that' s an abstract base class .
function providePermissions () {
$classes = ClassInfo :: subclassesFor ( 'LeftAndMain' );
foreach ( $classes as $class ) {
$perms [ " CMS_ACCESS_ " . $class ] = " Access to $class in CMS " ;
return $perms ;