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(function($) {
* Main LeftAndMain interface with some control
* panel and an edit form.
* Events:
* - beforeSave
* - afterSave
* - beforeValidate
* - afterValidate
$('.LeftAndMain').concrete('ss', function($){return{
PingIntervalSeconds: 5*60,
onmatch: function() {
_setupPinging: function() {
// setup pinging for login expiry
setInterval(function() {
}, this.PingIntervalSeconds() * 1000);
* Make all buttons "hoverable" with jQuery theming.
_setupButtons: function() {
// Initialize buttons
this.find(':submit, button, :reset').livequery(function() {
'ui-state-default ' +
function() {
function() {
.focus(function() {
.blur(function() {
* Resize elements in center panel
* to fit the boundary box provided by the layout manager
_resizeChildren: function() {
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset', this).fitHeightToParent();
// Order of resizing is important: Outer to inner
// TODO Only supports two levels of tabs at the moment
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset > .ss-tabset', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset > .ss-tabset > .tab', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset > .ss-tabset > .tab > .ss-tabset', this).fitHeightToParent();
$('#Form_EditForm fieldset > .ss-tabset > .tab > .ss-tabset > .tab', this).fitHeightToParent();
* Base edit form, provides ajaxified saving
* and reloading itself through the ajax return values.
* Takes care of resizing tabsets within the layout container.
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
// artificially delay the resize event 200ms
// to avoid overlapping height changes in different onresize() methods
$(window).resize(function () {
var timerID = "timerLeftAndMainResize";
if (window[timerID]) clearTimeout(window[timerID]);
window[timerID] = setTimeout(function() {self._resizeChildren();}, 200);
// trigger resize whenever new tabs are shown
// @todo This is called multiple times when tabs are loaded
this.find('.ss-tabset').bind('tabsshow', function() {self._resizeChildren();});
* Suppress submission unless it is handled through ajaxSubmit()
onsubmit: function(e) {
return false;
* @param DOMElement button The pressed button (optiona)
ajaxSubmit: function(button) {
// default to first button if none given - simulates browser behaviour
if(!button) button = this.find(':submit:first');
var $form = this;
this.trigger('beforeSubmit', [button]);
// set button to "submitting" state
// @todo TinyMCE coupling
if(typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') tinyMCE.triggerSave();
// validate if required
if(!this.validate()) {
this.trigger('validationError', [button]);
// TODO Automatically switch to the tab/position of the first error
statusMessage("Validation failed.", "bad");
if($('Form_EditForm_action_save') && $('Form_EditForm_action_save').stopLoading) $('Form_EditForm_action_save').stopLoading();
return false;
// get all data from the form
var data = this.serializeArray();
// add button action
data.push({name: $(button).attr('name'), value:'1'});
function(result) {
$form.trigger('afterSubmit', [result]);
// @todo Currently all responses are assumed to be evaluated
return false;
* Hook in (optional) validation routines.
* Currently clientside validation is not supported out of the box in the CMS.
* @return boolean
validate: function() {
var isValid = true;
this.trigger('afterValidate', [isValid]);
return isValid;
loadNewPage: function(result) {
// TinyMCE coupling
if(typeof tinymce_removeAll != 'undefined') tinymce_removeAll();
// Rewrite # links
result = result.replace(/(<a[^>]+href *= *")#/g, '$1' + window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/,'') + '#');
// Rewrite iframe links (for IE)
result = result.replace(/(<iframe[^>]*src=")([^"]+)("[^>]*>)/g, '$1' + $('base').attr('href') + '$2$3');
// Prepare iframes for removal, otherwise we get loading bugs
this.find('iframe').each(function() {
this.contentWindow.location.href = 'about:blank';
if(this.hasClass('validationerror')) {
statusMessage(ss.i18n._t('ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR', 'Validation Error'), 'bad');
} else {
statusMessage(ss.i18n._t('ModelAdmin.SAVED', 'Saved'), 'good');
Behaviour.apply(); // refreshes ComplexTableField
// If there's a title field and it's got a "new XX" value, focus/select that first
// This is really a little too CMS-specific (as opposed to LeftAndMain), but the cleanup can happen after jQuery refactoring
if($('input#Form_EditForm_Title') && $('input#Form_EditForm_Title').value.match(/^new/i)) {
* All buttons in the right CMS form go through here by default.
* We need this onclick overloading because we can't get to the
* clicked button from a form.onsubmit event.
$('#Form_EditForm .Actions :submit').concrete('ss', function($){return{
onclick: function(e) {
return false;
$('#TreeActions').concrete('ss', function($){return{
onmatch: function() {
// Setup "create", "search", "batch actions" layers above tree.
// All tab contents are closed by default.
collapsible: true,
selected: parseInt(jQuery.cookie('ui-tabs-TreeActions')) || null,
cookie: { expires: 30, path: '/', name: 'ui-tabs-TreeActions' }
* Link for editing the profile for a logged-in member
* through a popup. Required "greybox" javascript library.
$('#EditMemberProfile').concrete('ss', function($){return{
onclick: function(e) {
GB_show('Edit Profile', this.attr('href'), 290, 500);
return false;
var _AJAX_LOADING = false;
'#MainMenu li' : {
onclick : function(event) {
return LeftAndMain_window_unload(); // Confirm if there are unsaved changes
window.location.href = this.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
LeftAndMain_window_unload = function() {
window.exiting = true; // this is used by prototype
if(typeof autoSave == 'function') {
return autoSave(true);
// Event.observe(window, 'beforeunload', LeftAndMain_window_unload);
* Unlock the locked status message.
* Show a queued message, if one exists
function unlockStatusMessage() {
statusMessage.locked = false;
if(statusMessage.queued) {
statusMessage.queued = null;
* Submit the given form and evaluate the Ajax response.
* Needs to be bound to an object with the following parameters to work:
* - form
* - action
* - verb
* The bound function can then be called, with the arguments passed
function ajaxSubmitForm(automated, callAfter, form, action, verb) {
var alreadySaved = false;
if($(form).elements.length < 2) alreadySaved = true;
if(alreadySaved) {
if(callAfter) callAfter();
} else {
statusMessage(verb + '...', '', true);
var success = function(response) {
if(callAfter) callAfter();
if(callAfter) success = success.bind({callAfter : callAfter});
Ajax.SubmitForm(form, action, {
onSuccess : success,
onFailure : function(response) {
errorMessage('Error ' + verb, response);
return false;
* Behaviour of the statuts message.
'#statusMessage' : {
showMessage : function(message, type, waitTime, clearManually) {
if(this.fadeTimer) {
this.fadeTimer = null;
if(this.currentEffect) {
this.currentEffect = null;
this.innerHTML = message;
this.className = type;
Element.setOpacity(this, 1);
// = 'absolute'; = ''; = '';
if(!clearManually) {
this.fade(0.5,waitTime ? waitTime : 5);
clearMessage : function(waitTime) {
this.fade(0.5, waitTime);
fade: function(fadeTime, waitTime) {
if(!fadeTime) fadeTime = 0.5;
// Wait a bit before fading
if(waitTime) {
this.fadeTimer = setTimeout((function() {
}).bind(this), waitTime * 1000);
// Fade straight away
} else {
this.currentEffect = new Effect.Opacity(this,
{ duration: 0.5,
transition: Effect.Transitions.linear,
from: 1.0, to: 0.0,
afterFinish : this.afterFade.bind(this) });
afterFade : function() { = 'hidden'; = 'none';
this.innerHTML = '';
* Show a status message.
* @param msg String
* @param type String (optional) can be 'good' or 'bad'
* @param clearManually boolean Don't automatically fade message.
* @param container custom #statusMessage element to show message.
function statusMessage(msg, type, clearManually, container) {
var statusMessageEl = $('statusMessage');
if(container != null) statusMessageEl = container;
if(statusMessageEl) {
if(msg) {
statusMessageEl.showMessage(msg, type, msg.length / 10, clearManually);
} else {
function clearStatusMessage() {
* Called when something goes wrong
function errorMessage(msg, fullMessage) {
// Show complex error for developers in the console
if(fullMessage) {
// Get the message from an Ajax response object
try {
if(typeof fullMessage == 'object') fullMessage = fullMessage.status + '//' + fullMessage.responseText;
} catch(er) {
fullMessage = "";
msg = msg.replace(/\n/g,'<br>');
function ajaxErrorHandler(response) {
errorMessage('Server Error', response);
* Applying StatusTitle to an element will mean that the title attribute is shown as a statusmessage
* upon hover
/* Commenting out because on IE6, IE7, and Safari 3, the statusmessage becomes
* 'null' on 2nd hover and because there is not room for long titles when
* action buttons are on the same line.
StatusTitle = Class.create();
StatusTitle.prototype = {
onmouseover : function() {
if(this.title) {
this.message = this.title;
this.title = null;
if(this.message) {
onmouseout : function() {
if(this.message) {
* ChangeTracker is a class that can be applied to forms to support change tracking on forms.
ChangeTracker = Class.create();
ChangeTracker.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
* Reset all the 'changed field' data.
resetElements: function(debug) {
var elements = Form.getElements(this);
var i, element;
for(i=0;element=elements[i];i++) {
// Initialise each element
if(element.resetChanged) {
} else {
element.originalSerialized = Form.Element.serialize(element);
field_changed: function() {
// Something a value will go from 'undefined' to ''. Ignore such changes
if((this.originalSerialized+'') == 'undefined') return Form.Element.serialize(this) ? true : false;
else return this.originalSerialized != Form.Element.serialize(this);
* Returns true if something in the form has been changed
isChanged: function() {
var elements = Form.getElements(this);
var i, element;
for(i=0;element=elements[i];i++) {
// NOTE: TinyMCE coupling
// Ignore mce-generated elements
if(element.className.substr(0,3) == 'mce') continue;
if(!element.isChanged) element.isChanged = this.field_changed;
if(!this.changeDetection_fieldsToIgnore[] && element.isChanged()) {
//console.log('Changed:'+ + '(' + this.originalSerialized +')->('+Form.Element.serialize(element)+')' );
return true;
return false;
changeDetection_fieldsToIgnore : {
'Sort' : true
* Serialize only the fields to change.
* You can specify the names of fields that must be included as arguments
serializeChangedFields: function() {
var elements = Form.getElements(this);
var queryComponent, queryComponents = new Array();
var i, element;
var forceFields = {};
if(arguments) {for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++) forceFields[arguments[i]] = true;}
for(i=0;element=elements[i];i++) {
if(!^action_(.+)$/i)) // For dropdown those 'action_xxx' fields.
{ if(!element.isChanged) element.isChanged = this.field_changed;
if(forceFields[] || (element.isChanged()) ||\[.*\]/g) ) {
queryComponent = Form.Element.serialize(element);
if (queryComponent)
} else {
// Used by the Sapphire code to preserve the form field value
if( '/\]$/' ) )
queryComponents.push( 0, - 1 ) + '_unchanged' + ']=1' );
queryComponents.push( + '_unchanged=1');
return queryComponents.join('&');
* Serialize all the fields on the page
serializeAllFields: function() {
return Form.serializeWithoutButtons(this);
function hideLoading() {
if($('Loading')) $('Loading').style.display = 'none';
Element.removeClassName(document.body, 'stillLoading');
function baseHref() {
var baseTags = document.getElementsByTagName('base');
if(baseTags) return baseTags[0].href;
else return "";
returnFalse = function() {
return false;
showResponseAsSuccessMessage = function(response) {
statusMessage(response.responseText, 'good');
* This function is called by prototype when it receives notification that the user was logged out.
* It redirects back to the login form.
function onSessionLost() {
w ='Security/login');
if(w) {
alert("Please log in and then try again");
} else {
alert("Please enable pop-ups for this site");
* Create a new context menu
* @param event The event object
* @param owner The DOM element that this context-menu was requested from
* @param menuItems A map of title -> method; context-menu operations to get called
function createContextMenu(event, owner, menuItems) {
var menu = document.createElement("ul");
menu.className = 'contextMenu'; = 'absolute'; = event.clientX + 'px'; = event.clientY + 'px';
var menuItemName, menuItemTag, menuATag;
for(menuItemName in menuItems) {
menuItemTag = document.createElement("li");
menuATag = document.createElement("a");
menuATag.href = "#";
menuATag.onclick = menuATag.oncontextmenu = contextmenu_onclick;
menuATag.innerHTML = menuItemName;
menuATag.handler = menuItems[menuItemName];
menuATag.owner = owner;
document.body.onclick = contextmenu_close;
return menu;
function contextmenu_close() {
function contextmenu_onclick() {
return false;
* Shows an ajax loading indicator.
* @param id String Identifier for the newly created image
* @param container ID/DOM Element
* @param imgSrc String (optional)
* @param insertionType Object (optional) Prototype-style insertion-classes, defaults to Insertion.Bottom
* @param displayType String (optional) "inline" or "block"
function showIndicator(id, container, imgSrc, insertionType, displayType) {
if(!id || !$(container)) return false;
if(!imgSrc) imgSrc = "cms/images/network-save.gif";
if(!displayType) displayType = "inline";
if(!insertionType) insertionType = Insertion.Bottom;
if(!$(id)) {
var html = '<img src="' + imgSrc + '" class="indicator ' + displayType + '" id="' + id + '" style="display: none" />';
new insertionType(container, html);
function hideIndicator(id) {
Effect.Fade(id, {duration: 0.3});
* Find and enable TinyMCE on all htmleditor fields
* Pulled in from old tinymce.template.js
function nullConverter(url) {
return url;
'textarea.htmleditor' : {
initialize : function() {
tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddControl", true,;
this.isChanged = function() {
return tinyMCE.getInstanceById(;
this.resetChanged = function() {
inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(;
if (inst) inst.startContent = tinymce.trim(inst.getContent({format : 'raw', no_events : 1}));