2009-12-16 06:58:50 +01:00
# Log in
Given /log in as (.*)$/ do |user|
Given "I fill out the log in form with user \"#{user}\" and password \"password\""
And 'I see "Your are logged in as"'
Given /log into the CMS as (.*)/ do |user|
Given "I log in as #{user}"
And "I visit admin/"
And "I load the root node"
Given /log out$/ do
Given "I visit Security/logout"
2010-10-04 08:10:59 +02:00
Given /fill out the log(?:\s*)in form with user "(.*)" and password "(.*)"/ do |user, password|
2009-12-16 06:58:50 +01:00
Given 'I visit Security/logout'
And 'I visit Security/login?BackURL=Security/login'
And "I put \"#{user}\" in the \"Email\" field"
And "I put \"#{password}\" in the \"Password\" field"
And "I click the \"Log in\" button"