2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
< ? php
2008-03-10 23:55:57 +00:00
* Polish ( Poland ) language pack
* @ package cms
* @ subpackage i18n
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
i18n :: include_locale_file ( 'cms' , 'en_US' );
global $lang ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
if ( array_key_exists ( 'pl_PL' , $lang ) && is_array ( $lang [ 'pl_PL' ])) {
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ] = array_merge ( $lang [ 'en_US' ], $lang [ 'pl_PL' ]);
} else {
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ] = $lang [ 'en_US' ];
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ '' ][ 'CHOOSEPAGE' ] = 'Proszę wybrać element znajdujący się z lewej strony.' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'CHOOSEFILE' ] = 'Wybierz plik' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'DELETEDX' ] = 'Usunięto %s plików. %s' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'FILESREADY' ] = 'Pliki gotowe do wgrania' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'FOLDERDELETED' ] = 'katalog został usunięty.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'FOLDERSDELETED' ] = 'katalogi zostały usunięte.' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Pliki i Obrazy' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Pliki i Obrazy' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'MOVEDX' ] = 'Przeniesiono %s plików' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'NEWFOLDER' ] = 'Nowy Folder' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'NOTEMP' ] = 'Nie ma ustawionego folderu tymczasowego dla uploadu plików. Ustaw upload_tmp_dir w php.ini.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'NOTHINGTOUPLOAD' ] = 'Nie ma nic do wgrania' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'NOWBROKEN' ] = 'Te strony mają zepsute linki' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'NOWBROKEN2' ] = 'Ich właściciele zostali powiadomieni przez e-maile i poprawią te strony.' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'SAVEDFILE' ] = 'Zapisano plik %s' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'SAVEFOLDERNAME' ] = 'Zapisz nazwę folderu' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'THUMBSDELETED' ] = 'Wszystkie nieużywane miniatury zostały usunięte.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'UPLOAD' ] = 'Wgraj pliki z listy poniżej' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin' ][ 'UPLOADEDX' ] = 'Wgrano pliki (%s)' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'CREATE' ] = 'Stwórz' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'DELETE' ] = 'Usuń ...' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'DELFOLDERS' ] = 'Usuń zaznaczone foldery' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'ENABLEDRAGGING' ] = 'Zezwól na przeciąganie elementów' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'FILESYSTEMSYNC' ] = 'Rozejrzyj się za nowymi plikami' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'FILESYSTEMSYNC_DESC' ] = 'SilverStripe utrzymuje własną baze danych plików przechowywanych w katalogu assets/ . Kliknij na ten przycisk aby dodać do tej bazy danych informację o plikach dodanych do katalogu assets/ przez inne programy, jak np. FTP' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'FOLDERS' ] = 'Foldery' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'GO' ] = 'Ok' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'SELECTTODEL' ] = 'Wybierz foldery, które chcesz usunąć i kliknij przycisk poniżej' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'TOREORG' ] = 'Aby zreorganizować twoje foldery, przenieś je w wybrane miejsca' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'CHOOSEPAGE' ] = 'Proszę wybrać stronę po lewej' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOME' ] = 'Witamy w ' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetAdmin_uploadiframe.ss' ][ 'PERMFAILED' ] = 'Nie masz uprawnień do wgrania plików do tego folderu ' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'CAPTION' ] = 'Nagłówek' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'CREATED' ] = 'Pierwszy wgrany' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'DIM' ] = 'Rozmiar' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'DIMLIMT' ] = 'Określ Limit Wymiarów Okienka Popup' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'FILENAME' ] = 'Nazwa pliku' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'GALLERYOPTIONS' ] = 'Opcje Galerii' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'IMAGE' ] = 'Obrazek' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'ISFLASH' ] = 'Jest Dokumentem Flash' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'LASTEDIT' ] = 'Ostatnia zmiana' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'MAIN' ] = 'Główna' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'NOLINKS' ] = 'Do tego pliku nie prowadzą żadne odnośniki.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'OWNER' ] = 'Właściciel' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'PAGESLINKING' ] = 'Następujące strony zawierają linki do tej strony:' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'POPUPHEIGHT' ] = 'Wysokość Okienka Popup' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'POPUPWIDTH' ] = 'Szerokość Okienka Popup' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'SIZE' ] = 'Rozmiar' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField.ss' ][ 'DELFILE' ] = 'Usuń ten plik' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField.ss' ][ 'DRAGTOFOLDER' ] = 'Przenieś folder do pliku po lewej' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField.ss' ][ 'EDIT' ] = 'Edytuj obiekt' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField.ss' ][ 'SHOW' ] = 'Pokaż obiekt' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'SWFFILEOPTIONS' ] = 'Opcje Pliku SWF' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'TITLE' ] = 'Tytuł' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'TYPE' ] = 'Rodzaj' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'AssetTableField' ][ 'URL' ] = 'URL' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'BROKENLINKS' ] = 'Raport uszkodzonych linków' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'CheckSiteDropdownDraft' ] = 'Strona nieopublikowana' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'CheckSiteDropdownPublished' ] = 'Opublikowana Strona' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ColumnDateLastModified' ] = 'Ostatnia modyfikacja' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ColumnDateLastPublished' ] = 'Ostatnia publikacja' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ColumnProblemType' ] = 'Typ problemu' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ColumnURL' ] = 'Adres internetowy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'HasBrokenFile' ] = 'ma uszkodzony plik' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'HasBrokenLink' ] = 'ma uszkodzony link' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'HasBrokenLinkAndFile' ] = 'ma uszkodzone plik i link' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'HoverTitleEditPage' ] = 'Edytuj stronę' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ReasonDropdown' ] = 'Problem do sprawdzenia' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ReasonDropdownBROKENFILE' ] = 'Uszkodzony plik' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ReasonDropdownBROKENLINK' ] = 'Uszkodzony link' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ReasonDropdownRPBROKENLINK' ] = 'Odnośnik wskazuje na nieistniejącą stronę' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'ReasonDropdownVPBROKENLINK' ] = 'Strona wirtualna odnosi się do nieistniejącej strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'BrokenLinksReport' ][ 'VirtualPageNonExistent' ] = 'strona wirtualna odnosi się do nieistniejącej strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'DELETED_DRAFT_PAGES' ] = 'Usunięto %d stron z wersji roboczej serwisu, %d nieudanych usunięć' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'DELETED_PAGES' ] = 'Usunięto %d stron z opublikowanej wersji serwisu, %d nieudanych usunięć' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'DELETE_DRAFT_PAGES' ] = 'Usuń z wersji roboczej serwisu' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'DELETE_PAGES' ] = 'Usuń z wersji opublikowanej serwisu' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'DELETING_DRAFT_PAGES' ] = 'Usuwanie wybranych stron z wersji roboczej serwisu' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'DELETING_PAGES' ] = 'Usuwanie wybranych stron z wersji opublikowanej serwisu' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'PUBLISHED_PAGES' ] = 'Opublikowano %d stron, %d nieudanych publikacji' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'PUBLISHING_PAGES' ] = 'Publikowanie stron' ;
2010-03-11 05:01:30 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'PUBLISH_PAGES' ] = 'Opublikuj' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'UNPUBLISHED_PAGES' ] = 'Nieopublikowane strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'UNPUBLISHING_PAGES' ] = 'Wycofywanie publikacji stron' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSBatchActions' ][ 'UNPUBLISH_PAGES' ] = 'Wycofaj publikację stron' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'ACCESS' ] = 'Dostęp do sekcji \'%s\'' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'ACCESSALLINTERFACESHELP' ] = 'Nadpisuje dokładniejsze ustawienia dostępu.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'CANCEL' ] = 'Anuluj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'CHOOSEREPORT' ] = '(Wybierz raport)' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'COMPARINGV' ] = 'Porównaj wersję #%d i #%d' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'COPYPUBTOSTAGE' ] = 'Naprawdę chcesz skopiować publikowaną treść tej strony?' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'DELETE' ] = 'Usuń ze strony roboczej' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'DESCREMOVED' ] = 'i %s potomków' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'EMAIL' ] = 'E-mail' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'GO' ] = 'Ok' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Zawartość strony' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Zawartość Strony' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'METADESCOPT' ] = 'Opis' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'METAKEYWORDSOPT' ] = 'Słowa kluczowe' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'NEW' ] = 'Nowy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'NOCONTENT' ] = 'brak zawartości' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'NOTHINGASSIGNED' ] = 'Nie masz nic przydzielonego' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'NOWAITINGON' ] = 'Obecnie nie oczekujesz na nikogo.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'NOWBROKEN' ] = 'Poniższe strony mają nieprawidłowe linki:' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'NOWBROKEN2' ] = 'Właściciele zostaną powiadomieni mailem i naprawią strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'OK' ] = 'OK' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PAGEDEL' ] = 'Usunięto stronę %d' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PAGENOTEXISTS' ] = 'Ta strona nie istnieje' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PAGEPUB' ] = '%d opublikowana strona' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PAGESDEL' ] = 'Usunięto strony %d' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PAGESPUB' ] = '%d opublikowane strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PAGETYPEOPT' ] = 'Typ strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PRINT' ] = 'Drukuj' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PUBALLCONFIRM' ] = 'Opublikuj każdą stronę witryny, kopiując zawartość z brudnopisu' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PUBALLFUN' ] = 'Funkcja "Opublikuj wszystkie"' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PUBALLFUN2' ] = 'Naciśnięcie przycisku jest równoznaczne z naciśnięciem "publikuj" każdej strony. Używaj tego gdy zamierzasz edytować całą zawartość, np. kiedy strona jest tworzona po raz pierwszy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'PUBPAGES' ] = 'Gotowe: Opublikowano %d strony' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'REMOVED' ] = 'Usunięto \'%s\'%s z wersji online' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'REMOVEDFD' ] = 'Usuń ze strony roboczej' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'REMOVEDPAGE' ] = 'Usunięto \'%s\' z opublikowanej strony' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'REMOVEDPAGEFROMDRAFT' ] = 'Usunięto \'%s\' z wersji roboczej strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'REPORT' ] = 'Raport' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'RESTORED' ] = 'Odzyskiwanie\'%s\' udane' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'ROLLBACK' ] = 'Wróć do tej wersji.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'ROLLEDBACKPUB' ] = 'Poprzednia opublikowana wersja. Nowy numer wersji to #%d' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'ROLLEDBACKVERSION' ] = 'Poprzednia wersja to #%d. Nowy numer wersji to #%d' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'SAVE' ] = 'Zapisz' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'SENTTO' ] = 'Wysłano do %s %s po akceptację' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'STATUSOPT' ] = 'Status' ;
2010-03-11 05:01:30 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'TITLEOPT' ] = 'Tytuł' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'TOTALPAGES' ] = 'W sumie stron:' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'VERSIONSNOPAGE' ] = 'Nie można znaleźć strony #%d' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'VIEWING' ] = 'Oglądasz wersję #%s, stworzoną %s przez %s' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'VISITRESTORE' ] = 'zobacz restorepage/(ID)' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'WAITINGON' ] = 'Poczekaj na innych ludzi pracujących nad tymi <b>%</b> stronami' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain' ][ 'WORKTODO' ] = 'Pracujesz na tych <b>%</b> stronach' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_dialog.ss' ][ 'BUTTONNOTFOUND' ] = 'Nie znaleziono nazwy przycisku' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_dialog.ss' ][ 'NOLINKED' ] = 'Nie odnaleziono window.linkedObject aby wysłać sygnał przyciśnięcia przycisku z powrotem do głównego okna' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'ADDEDNOTPUB' ] = 'Dodałeś do oczekujących i jeszcze nie opublikowanych stron' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'ADDSEARCHCRITERIA' ] = 'Dodaj kryterium ...' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'BATCHACTIONS' ] = 'Wykonaj na wielu' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'CHANGED' ] = 'zmienione' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'CLEAR' ] = 'Wyczyść' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'CLEARTITLE' ] = 'Wyczyść wyniki wyszukiwania i wyświetl wszystkie elementy' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'CLOSEBOX' ] = 'kliknij aby zamknąć' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'COMPAREMODE' ] = 'Tryb porównania (wybierz 2 poniżej)' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'CREATE' ] = 'Stwórz' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'DEL' ] = 'usunięte' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'DELETECONFIRM' ] = 'Usuń zaznaczone strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'DELETEDSTILLLIVE' ] = 'Usunąłeś z oczekujących stron ale ciągle jest aktywna' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'EDITEDNOTPUB' ] = 'Zmieniłeś oczekującą stronę ale jeszcze nie opublikowałeś ' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'EDITEDSINCE' ] = 'Edytowane od' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'ENABLEDRAGGING' ] = 'Zezwól na zmianę przenieś i puść ' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'GO' ] = 'Ok' ;
2010-03-11 05:01:30 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'HIDDEN' ] = 'ukryte' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'KEY' ] = 'Klucz:' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'NEW' ] = 'nowy' ;
2010-03-11 05:01:30 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'NOTINMENU' ] = 'Nie pokazuj w menu' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'OPENBOX' ] = 'kliknij aby otworzyć' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'PAGEVERSIONH' ] = 'Wersja archiwalna strony' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'PUBLISHCONFIRM' ] = 'Publikuj zaznaczone strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SEARCH' ] = 'Szukaj' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SEARCHTITLE' ] = 'Szukaj przez URL, Tytuł, Tytuł Menu i Zawartość' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SELECTPAGESACTIONS' ] = 'Zaznacz strony które chcesz zmienić i kliknij polecenie: ' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SHOWITEMS' ] = 'Pokaż:' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SHOWONLYCHANGED' ] = 'Pokaż tylko zmienione strony' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SHOWUNPUB' ] = 'pokaż nieopublikowane wersje' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SITECONTENT TITLE' ] = 'Zawartość i struktura strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SITEREPORTS' ] = 'Raporty strony' ;
2012-04-12 12:43:11 +12:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_left.ss' ][ 'SHOW_DELETED_PAGES' ] = 'Pokaż usunięte strony' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_right.ss' ][ 'ANYMESSAGE' ] = 'Czy masz jakieś wiadomości do edytowania? ' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_right.ss' ][ 'CHOOSEPAGE' ] = 'Proszę wybrać stronę po lewej' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_right.ss' ][ 'LOADING' ] = 'wczytuję...' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_right.ss' ][ 'MESSAGE' ] = 'wiadomość' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_right.ss' ][ 'SENDTO' ] = 'Wyślij do ' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_right.ss' ][ 'STATUS' ] = 'Status' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_right.ss' ][ 'SUBMIT' ] = 'przedstaw do akceptacji' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOMETO' ] = 'Witamy w ' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_versions.ss' ][ 'AUTHOR' ] = 'Autor' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_versions.ss' ][ 'NOTPUB' ] = 'Nie opublikowany' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_versions.ss' ][ 'PUBR' ] = 'Publikujący' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_versions.ss' ][ 'UNKNOWN' ] = 'Nieznany' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSMain_versions.ss' ][ 'WHEN' ] = 'Kiedy' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSSiteTreeFilter' ][ 'ALL' ] = 'Wszystko' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CMSSiteTreeFilter' ][ 'DELETEDPAGES' ] = 'Wszystkie strony, także te usunięte' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'ACCEPT' ] = 'Akceptuj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'APPROVED' ] = 'Zaakceptowano %s komentarzy.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'APPROVEDCOMMENTS' ] = 'Zaakceptowane Komentarze' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'AUTHOR' ] = 'Autor' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'COMMENT' ] = 'Komentarz' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'COMMENTERURL' ] = 'Adres internetowy' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'COMMENTS' ] = 'Komentarze' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'COMMENTSAWAITINGMODERATION' ] = 'Komentarze oczekujące na moderację' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'DATEPOSTED' ] = 'Data Wysłania' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'DELETE' ] = 'Usuń' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'DELETEALL' ] = 'Usuń wszystkie' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'DELETED' ] = 'Usunięto %s komentarzy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'MARKASNOTSPAM' ] = 'To nie jest spam!' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'MARKEDNOTSPAM' ] = 'Oznaczono %s komentarzy jako nie-spam.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'MARKEDSPAM' ] = 'Oznaczono %s komentarzy jako spam.' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Komentarze' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Komentarze' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'NAME' ] = 'Nazwa' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'PAGE' ] = 'Strona' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'SPAM' ] = 'Spam' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin' ][ 'SPAMMARKED' ] = 'Oznacz jako spam' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'COMMENTS' ] = 'Komentarze' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOME1' ] = 'Witaj w' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOME2' ] = 'sekcji zarządzania komentarzami. Wybierz folder z listy po lewej.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin_SiteTree.ss' ][ 'APPROVED' ] = 'Zaakceptowane' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin_SiteTree.ss' ][ 'AWAITMODERATION' ] = 'Oczekujące na moderację' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin_SiteTree.ss' ][ 'COMMENTS' ] = 'Komentarze' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentAdmin_SiteTree.ss' ][ 'SPAM' ] = 'Spam' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentList.ss' ][ 'CREATEDW' ] = 'Komentarze są tworzone za każdym razem, gdy jest wykonywane jedno z poleceń - Opublikuj, Odrzuć, Zatwierdź' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentList.ss' ][ 'NOCOM' ] = 'Nie ma komentarzy na tej stronie' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField' ][ 'FILTER' ] = 'Filtr' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField' ][ 'SEARCH' ] = 'Szukaj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'APPROVE' ] = 'zaakceptuj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'APPROVECOMMENT' ] = 'Zaakceptuj ten komentarz' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'DELETE' ] = 'usuń' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'DELETEROW' ] = 'Usuń ten rząd' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'EDIT' ] = 'edytuj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'HAM' ] = 'ham' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'MARKASSPAM' ] = 'Oznacz ten komentarz jako spam' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'MARKNOSPAM' ] = 'Oznacz ten komentarz jako nie-spam' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'NOITEMSFOUND' ] = 'Nie znaleziono żadnych obiektów' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'CommentTableField.ss' ][ 'SPAM' ] = 'spam' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ComplexTableField' ][ 'CLOSEPOPUP' ] = 'Zamknij Okienko' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ComplexTableField' ][ 'SUCCESSADD' ] = 'Dodano %s %s %s' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'Group' ][ 'IMPORTTABTITLE' ] = 'Importuj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'Group' ][ 'RolesAddEditLink' ] = 'Dodaj/edytuj role' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'GroupImportForm' ][ 'ResultCreated' ] = 'Utworzono %d grup' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'GroupImportForm' ][ 'ResultDeleted' ] = 'Usunięto %d grup' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'GroupImportForm' ][ 'ResultUpdated' ] = 'Zaktualizowano %d grup' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'ACTIONS' ] = 'akcje' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'ADJUST' ] = 'dostosuj' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'APPLY' ] = 'zastosuj' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'BRIGHTNESS' ] = 'jasność' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'CANCEL' ] = 'skasuj' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'CONTRAST' ] = 'kontrast' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'CROP' ] = 'wytnij' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'CURRENTACTION' ] = 'aktualna akcja' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'EDITFUNCTIONS' ] = 'funkcje edycji' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'EFFECTS' ] = 'efekty' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'EXIT' ] = 'wyjdź' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'GAMMA' ] = 'gamma' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'GREYSCALE' ] = 'odcień szarości' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'HEIGHT' ] = 'wysokość' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'REDO' ] = 'powtórz' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'ROT' ] = 'odwróć' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'SAVE' ] = 'zapisz obraz' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'SEPIA' ] = 'sepia' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'UNDO' ] = 'cofnij ' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'UNTITLED' ] = 'Nienazwany dokument' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ImageEditor.ss' ][ 'WIDTH' ] = 'szerokość' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'CANT_REORGANISE' ] = 'Nie masz uprawnień do zmiany drzewa witryny. Twoje zmiany nie zostaną zapisane.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'CHANGEDURL' ] = 'Zmieniony URL to \'%s\'' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'COMMENTS' ] = 'Komentarze' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'FILESIMAGES' ] = 'Pliki i Obrazy' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'HELP' ] = 'Pomoc' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'PAGETYPE' ] = 'Rodzaj strony:' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'PERMAGAIN' ] = 'Zostałeś wylogowany z CMSa. Jeśli chcesz zalogować się ponownie, wpisz username i hasło poniżej' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'PERMALREADY' ] = 'Niestety nie masz dostępu do tej części CMS. Jeśli chcesz zaloguj się jako inny użytkownik poniżej.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'PERMDEFAULT' ] = 'Proszę wybrać metodę identyfikacji i wpisać swoje dane, aby uruchomić CMSa.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'PLEASESAVE' ] = 'Proszę zapisać stronę: Ta strona nie może być nadpisana ponieważ nie została jeszcze zapisana.' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'REPORTS' ] = 'Raporty' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'REQUESTERROR' ] = 'Błąd zapytania' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'SAVED' ] = 'zapisane' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'SAVEDUP' ] = 'Zapisane' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'SECURITY' ] = 'Bezpieczeństwo' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'SITECONTENT' ] = 'Zawartość Strony' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'SITECONTENTLEFT' ] = 'Zawartość strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'APPVERSIONTEXT1' ] = 'To jest' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'APPVERSIONTEXT2' ] = 'wersja, której aktualnie używasz, jest gałęzią CVS' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'ARCHS' ] = 'Archiwalne strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'DRAFTS' ] = 'Wersje robocze' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'EDIT' ] = 'Edytuj' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'EDITINCMS' ] = 'Edytuj tą stronę w CMSie' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'EDITPROFILE' ] = 'Profil' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'LOADING' ] = 'Wczytywanie...' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'LOGGEDINAS' ] = 'Zalogowany jako' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'LOGOUT' ] = 'Wyloguj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'PUBLIS' ] = 'Opublikowane strony' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'REQUIREJS' ] = 'CMS wymaga włączonej obsługi JavaScript' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'SSWEB' ] = 'Strona Silverstripe' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'VIEWINDRAFT' ] = 'Zobacz tą stronę na Próbnej Stronie' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'VIEWINPUBLISHED' ] = 'Zobacz tą stronę na Opublikowanej Witrynie' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain.ss' ][ 'VIEWPAGEIN' ] = 'Widok strony:' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'STATUSPUBLISHEDSUCCESS' ] = 'Opublikowano \'%s\' poprawnie' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'STATUSTO' ] = 'Status zmieniony na \'%s\'' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain' ][ 'TREESITECONTENT' ] = 'Zawartość strony' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'LeftAndMain_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOMETO' ] = 'Witamy na ' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'EIGHT' ] = 'osiem' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'EIGHTEEN' ] = 'osiemnaście' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'ELEVEN' ] = 'jedenaście' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'FIFTEEN' ] = 'piętnaście' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'FIVE' ] = 'pięć' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'FOUR' ] = 'cztery' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'FOURTEEN' ] = 'czternaście' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'NINE' ] = 'dziewięć' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'ONE' ] = 'jeden' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'SEVEN' ] = 'siedem' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'SEVENTEEN' ] = 'siedemnaście' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'SIX' ] = 'sześć' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'SIXTEEN' ] = 'szesnaście' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'TEN' ] = 'dziesięć' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'THIRTEEN' ] = 'trzynaście' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'THREE' ] = 'trzy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'TWELVE' ] = 'dwanaście' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'TWO' ] = 'dwa' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'WHATIS' ] = 'Ile wynosi %s plus %s?' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MathSpamProtection' ][ 'ZERO' ] = 'zero' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberImportForm' ][ 'ResultCreated' ] = 'Utworzono %d użytkowników' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberImportForm' ][ 'ResultDeleted' ] = 'Usunięto %d użytkowników' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberImportForm' ][ 'ResultNone' ] = 'Bez zmian' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberImportForm' ][ 'ResultUpdated' ] = 'Uaktualniono %d użytkowników' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList.ss' ][ 'FILTER' ] = 'Filtr' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'DISPLAYING' ] = 'Wyświetlono' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'FIRSTMEMBERS' ] = 'użytkownicy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'LASTMEMBERS' ] = 'użytkownicy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'NEXTMEMBERS' ] = 'użytkownicy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'OF' ] = 'z' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'PREVIOUSMEMBERS' ] = 'użytkownicy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'TO' ] = 'do' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'VIEWFIRST' ] = 'Zobacz pierwsze' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'VIEWLAST' ] = 'Zobacz ostatnie' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'VIEWNEXT' ] = 'Zobacz następnych' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_PageControls.ss' ][ 'VIEWPREVIOUS' ] = 'Zobacz ostatnie' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_Table.ss' ][ 'EMAIL' ] = 'Adres e-mail' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_Table.ss' ][ 'FN' ] = 'Imię' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_Table.ss' ][ 'PASSWD' ] = 'Hasło' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberList_Table.ss' ][ 'SN' ] = 'Nazwisko' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'ADD' ] = 'Dodaj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'ADDEDTOGROUP' ] = 'Dodaj użytkownika do grupy' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'ADDINGFIELD' ] = 'Dodawanie zakończone niepowodzeniem' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'ANYGROUP' ] = 'Dowolna grupa' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'ASC' ] = 'Rosąco' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'DESC' ] = 'Malejąco' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'EMAIL' ] = 'E-mail' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'ERRORADDINGUSER' ] = 'Wystąpił błąd w trakcie dodawania użytkownika do grupy: %s' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'FILTER' ] = 'Filtr' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'FILTERBYGROUP' ] = 'Filtruj wg grupy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'FIRSTNAME' ] = 'Imię' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'ORDERBY' ] = 'Sortuj według' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'SEARCH' ] = 'Szukaj' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField.ss' ][ 'ADDNEW' ] = 'Dodaj nowość' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField.ss' ][ 'DELETEMEMBER' ] = 'Usuń tego użytkownika' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField.ss' ][ 'EDITMEMBER' ] = 'Edytuj tego użytkownika' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField.ss' ][ 'NOITEMSFOUND' ] = 'Nie znaleziono elementów.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField.ss' ][ 'SHOWMEMBER' ] = 'Pokaż tego użytkownika' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'MemberTableField' ][ 'SURNAME' ] = 'Nazwisko' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'ADDBUTTON' ] = 'Dodaj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'ADDFORM' ] = 'Wypełnij formularz aby dodać %s do bazy danych' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'CHOOSE_COLUMNS' ] = 'Wybierz kolumny wyniku...' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'CLEAR_SEARCH' ] = 'Wyczyść Wyszukiwanie' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'CREATEBUTTON' ] = 'Stwórz \'%s\'' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'DELETE' ] = 'Usuń' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'DELETEDRECORDS' ] = 'Usunięto %s rekordów.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'FOUNDRESULTS' ] = 'Twoje wyszukiwanie zwróciło %s wyników' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'GOBACK' ] = 'Wstecz' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'GOFORWARD' ] = 'Naprzód' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'IMPORT' ] = 'Importuj z CSV' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'IMPORTEDRECORDS' ] = 'Zaimportowano %s rekordów.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'ITEMNOTFOUND' ] = 'Nie mogę znaleźć tego elementu' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'LOADEDFOREDITING' ] = 'Załadowano \'%s\' do edycji' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'NOCSVFILE' ] = 'Wybierz plik CSV do zaimportowania' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'NOIMPORT' ] = 'Nie ma niczego do zaimportowania' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'NORESULTS' ] = 'Twoje wyszukiwanie nie zwróciło żadnych wyników' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'SAVE' ] = 'Zapisz' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'SEARCHFOR' ] = 'Szukaj dla:' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'SEARCHRESULTS' ] = 'Wyniki wyszukiwania' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'SELECTALL' ] = 'wybierz wszystko' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'SELECTNONE' ] = 'odznacz wszystko' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin' ][ 'UPDATEDRECORDS' ] = 'Poprawiono %s rekordów.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin_ImportSpec.ss' ][ 'IMPORTSPECFIELDS' ] = 'Kolumny bazy danych' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin_ImportSpec.ss' ][ 'IMPORTSPECLINK' ] = 'Pokaż specyfikację %s' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin_ImportSpec.ss' ][ 'IMPORTSPECRELATIONS' ] = 'Relacje' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin_ImportSpec.ss' ][ 'IMPORTSPECTITLE' ] = 'Specyfikacja %s' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'ADDLISTING' ] = 'Dodaj Listing' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'IMPORT_TAB_HEADER' ] = 'Importuj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'SEARCHLISTINGS' ] = 'Przeszukaj Listingi' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOME1' ] = 'Witaj w %s. Wybierz jeden z wpisów po lewej.' ;
2010-03-11 05:01:30 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelSidebar.ss' ][ 'ADDLISTING' ] = 'Dodaj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelSidebar.ss' ][ 'IMPORT_TAB_HEADER' ] = 'Importuj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ModelSidebar.ss' ][ 'SEARCHLISTINGS' ] = 'Szukaj' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageComment' ][ 'Comment' ] = 'Komentarz' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageComment' ][ 'COMMENTBY' ] = 'Komentarz \'%s\' do %s' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageComment' ][ 'IsSpam' ] = 'Spam?' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageComment' ][ 'Name' ] = 'Imię Autora' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageComment' ][ 'NeedsModeration' ] = 'Wymaga Moderacji?' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageComment' ][ 'PLURALNAME' ] = 'Komentarze do strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageComment' ][ 'SINGULARNAME' ] = 'Komentarz do strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface' ][ 'COMMENTERURL' ] = 'Adres URL strony' ;
2010-04-30 04:38:06 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface' ][ 'POST' ] = 'Post' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface' ][ 'SPAMQUESTION' ] = 'Pytanie anty-spamowe: %s' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'COMMENTLOGINERROR' ] = 'Nie możesz pisać komentarzy zanim się nie zalogujesz.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'COMMENTPERMISSIONERROR' ] = 'oraz że posiadasz odpowiedni poziom uprawnień' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'COMMENTPOSTLOGIN' ] = 'Logowanie tutaj' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'COMMENTS' ] = 'Komentarze' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'COMMENTSDISABLED' ] = 'Umieszczanie komentarzy zostało wyłączone.' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'NEXT' ] = 'następny' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'NOCOMMENTSYET' ] = 'Nikt nie skomentował jeszcze tej strony' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'POSTCOM' ] = 'Dodaj komentarz' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'PREV' ] = 'poprzedni' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'RSSFEEDALLCOMMENTS' ] = 'RSS dla wszystkich komentarzy' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'RSSFEEDCOMMENTS' ] = 'Subskrybuj komentarze przez RSS na tej stronie' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface.ss' ][ 'RSSVIEWALLCOMMENTS' ] = 'Zobacz wszystkie komentarze' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface' ][ 'YOURCOMMENT' ] = 'Komentarze' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface' ][ 'YOURNAME' ] = 'Twoje imię' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_Controller' ][ 'SPAMQUESTION' ] = 'Pytanie anty-spamowe: %s' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_Form' ][ 'AWAITINGMODERATION' ] = 'Twój komentarz został wysłany i oczekuje na moderację.' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_Form' ][ 'MSGYOUPOSTED' ] = 'Twoja wiadomość to:' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_Form' ][ 'SPAMDETECTED' ] = 'Wykryto spam!!' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_singlecomment.ss' ][ 'APPROVE' ] = 'zaakceptuj ten komentarz' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_singlecomment.ss' ][ 'ISNTSPAM' ] = 'ten komentarz nie jest spamem' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_singlecomment.ss' ][ 'ISSPAM' ] = 'ten komentarz jest spamem' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_singlecomment.ss' ][ 'PBY' ] = 'Dodane przez' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'PageCommentInterface_singlecomment.ss' ][ 'REMCOM' ] = 'zmień ten komentarz' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'Permission' ][ 'CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY' ] = 'Dostęp CMS' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'Permissions' ][ 'PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY' ] = 'Uprawnienia ról i dostępu' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ReportAdmin' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Raporty' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ReportAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'REPORTS' ] = 'Raporty' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ReportAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOME1' ] = 'Witamy w' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ReportAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOME2' ] = 'Sekcja raportów. Proszę wybrać jeden z raportów po lewej' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ReportAdmin_SiteTree.ss' ][ 'REPORTS' ] = 'Raporty' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'ACCESS_HELP' ] = 'Zezwól na oglądanie, dodawanie i edycję użytkowników, jak i na dodawanie do nich uprawnień i ról.' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'ADDMEMBER' ] = 'Dodaj użytkownika' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'APPLY_ROLES' ] = 'Zatwierdź role dla grupy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'APPLY_ROLES_HELP' ] = 'Zdolność edycji ról przypisanych do grup. Wymaga uprawnienia "Dostęp do sekcji \'Bezpieczeństwo\' "' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'EDITPERMISSIONS' ] = 'Edytuj zezwolenia i adresy IP dla każdej z grup' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Bezpieczeństwo' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'MENUTITLE' ] = 'Bezpieczeństwo' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'NEWGROUP' ] = 'Nowa grupa' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'SAVE' ] = 'Zapisz' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'SGROUPS' ] = 'Grupa bezpieczeństwa' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'TABIMPORT' ] = 'Import' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin' ][ 'TABROLES' ] = 'Role' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'CREATE' ] = 'Stwórz' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'DEL' ] = 'Usuń ...' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'DELGROUPS' ] = 'Usuń zaznaczone grupy' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'ENABLEDRAGGING' ] = 'Zezwól na przeciąganie elementów' ;
2010-04-30 04:38:06 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'GO' ] = 'Idź' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'SECGROUPS' ] = 'Grupa bezpieczeństwa' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'SELECT' ] = 'Zaznacz strony które chcesz usunąć i kliknij przycisk poniżej' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_left.ss' ][ 'TOREORG' ] = 'Aby zmienić układ witryny, przeciągnij strony w odpowiadające Ci miejsca.' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_MemberImportForm' ][ 'BtnImport' ] = 'Import' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOME1' ] = 'Witamy w' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SecurityAdmin_right.ss' ][ 'WELCOME2' ] = 'Sekcja administracji bezpieczeństwem. Proszę wybrać jedną z grup po lewej' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'BROKENFILES' ] = 'Strony z uszkodzonymi plikami' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'BROKENLINKS' ] = 'Strony z uszkodzonymi linkami' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'BrokenLinksGroupTitle' ] = 'Raport uszkodzonych linków' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'BROKENVIRTUALPAGES' ] = 'Strony wirtualne odnoszą się do usuniętych stron' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'ContentGroupTitle' ] = 'Raport treści' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'EMPTYPAGES' ] = 'Puste strony' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'LAST2WEEKS' ] = 'Strony zmienione w ostatnich 2 tygodniach' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'OtherGroupTitle' ] = 'Inne' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'ParameterLiveCheckbox' ] = 'Sprawdź stronę online' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'REPEMPTY' ] = '%s raport jest pusty' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'SideReport' ][ 'TODO' ] = 'Do zrobienia' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'StaticExporter' ][ 'BASEURL' ] = 'Podstawowy URL' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'StaticExporter' ][ 'EXPORTTO' ] = 'Eksportuj do tego folderu' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'StaticExporter' ][ 'FOLDEREXPORT' ] = 'Folder przeniesiony do' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'StaticExporter' ][ 'NAME' ] = 'Statyczny eksport' ;
2010-07-14 02:51:11 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField.ss' ][ 'NOITEMSFOUND' ] = 'Nie znaleziono elementów' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField.ss' ][ 'SORTASC' ] = 'Posortuj w porządku rosnącym' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField.ss' ][ 'SORTDESC' ] = 'Posortuj w porządku malejącym' ;
MINOR Updated translations
MINOR Added translations for Catalan - thanks to Bernat and Alex
MINOR Added translations for English (uk) - thanks to Matt and Marti
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Latin America) - thanks to Antonio, ruben, Miguel, Luis, Carlos, Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Mexico) - thanks to Nacho and Antonio
MINOR Added translations for Spanish (Arguentinia) - thanks to Carlos and Luciano
MINOR Added translations for Indonesian - thanks to Fajrin, Lewi, Wirawan, Bima
MINOR Added translations for Norwegian Bokmal - thanks to Emil, Siv, Eskild, Andreas, Johannes, Jana, Carl G.
MINOR Added translations for Serbian (Serbia) - thanks to Jonan and Oliver
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@72774 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2009-03-10 12:41:50 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField_PageControls.ss' ][ 'DISPLAYING' ] = 'Wyświetlane' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField_PageControls.ss' ][ 'OF' ] = 'z' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField_PageControls.ss' ][ 'TO' ] = 'do' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField_PageControls.ss' ][ 'VIEWFIRST' ] = 'Zobacz pierwszy' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField_PageControls.ss' ][ 'VIEWLAST' ] = 'Zobacz ostatni' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField_PageControls.ss' ][ 'VIEWNEXT' ] = 'Zobacz następny' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'TableListField_PageControls.ss' ][ 'VIEWPREVIOUS' ] = 'Zobacz poprzedni' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ThumbnailStripField' ][ 'NOFLASHFOUND' ] = 'Nie znaleziono żadnych plików flash' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ThumbnailStripField' ][ 'NOFOLDERFLASHFOUND' ] = 'Nie znaleziono plików flash w' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ThumbnailStripField' ][ 'NOFOLDERIMAGESFOUND' ] = 'Nie znaleziono obrazków w' ;
2009-01-05 06:17:59 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ThumbnailStripField' ][ 'NOIMAGESFOUND' ] = 'Nie znaleziono obrazków w' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ThumbnailStripField.ss' ][ 'CHOOSEFOLDER' ] = ' ( Wybierz powyższy folder )
' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ViewArchivedEmail.ss' ][ 'CANACCESS' ] = 'Masz dostęp do archiwalnej strony pod adresem:' ;
2007-12-13 22:10:34 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'ViewArchivedEmail.ss' ][ 'HAVEASKED' ] = 'Zobacz zawartość naszej strony na' ;
2008-02-25 02:10:37 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'WaitingOn.ss' ][ 'ATO' ] = 'przypisane do' ;
2008-10-03 12:56:17 +00:00
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'WidgetAreaEditor.ss' ][ 'AVAILABLE' ] = 'Dostępne Widgety' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'WidgetAreaEditor.ss' ][ 'INUSE' ] = 'Aktualnie używane widgety' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'WidgetAreaEditor.ss' ][ 'NOAVAIL' ] = 'Aktualnie nie są dostępne żadne widgety' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'WidgetAreaEditor.ss' ][ 'TOADD' ] = 'Aby dodać widgety, przeciągnij je z lewej strony tutaj' ;
$lang [ 'pl_PL' ][ 'WidgetEditor.ss' ][ 'DELETE' ] = 'Usuń' ;
2007-11-12 22:53:36 +00:00