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* @requires json2.js - http://www.json.org/json2.js
* @example layoutState.options = { layoutName: "myLayout", keys: "west.isClosed,east.isClosed" }
* @example layoutState.save( "myLayout", "west.isClosed,north.size,south.isHidden", {expires: 7} );
* @example layoutState.load( "myLayout" );
* @example layoutState.clear();
* @example var hash_SavedState = layoutState.load();
* @example var hash_SavedState = layoutState.data;
var layoutState = {
options: {
layoutName: 'myLayout' // default name (optional)
// *** IMPORTANT *** specify your keys in same format as your layout options...
/* Sub-Key-Format State Options
, keys: 'north.size,south.size,east.size,west.size,' +
'north.isClosed,south.isClosed,east.isClosed,west.isClosed,' +
// Flat-Format State Options
, keys: 'north__size,south__size,east__size,west__size,' +
'north__isClosed,south__isClosed,east__isClosed,west__isClosed,' +
// Cookie Options
, domain: ''
, path: ''
, expires: '' // 'days' to keep cookie - leave blank for 'session cookie'
, secure: false
, data: {}
, clear: function (layoutName) {
this.save( layoutName, 'dummyKey', { expires: -1 });
, save: function (layoutName, keys, opts) {
o = jQuery.extend( {}, this.options, opts||{} )
, layout = window[ layoutName || o.layoutName ]
if (!keys) keys = o.keys;
if (typeof keys == 'string') keys = keys.split(',');
if (!layout || !layout.state || !keys.length) return false;
isNum = typeof o.expires == 'number'
, date = new Date()
, params = ''
, clear = false
if (isNum || o.expires.toUTCString) {
if (isNum) {
if (o.expires <= 0) {
clear = true;
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (o.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
date = o.expires;
// use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
params += ';expires='+ date.toUTCString();
if (o.path) params += ';path='+ o.path;
if (o.domain) params += ';domain='+ o.domain;
if (o.secure) params += ';secure';
if (clear) {
this.data = {}; // clear the data struct too
document.cookie = (layoutName || o.layoutName) +'='+ params;
else {
this.data = readState( layout, keys ); // read current panes-state
document.cookie = (layoutName || o.layoutName) +'='+ encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(this.data)) + params;
//alert( 'JSON.stringify(this.data) = '+ (layoutName || o.layoutName) +'='+ JSON.stringify( this.data ) );
return this.data;
function readState (layout, keys) {
state = layout.state // alias to the 'layout state'
, data = {}
, panes = 'north,south,east,west,center' // validation
, alt = { isClosed: 'initClosed', isHidden: 'initHidden' }
, delim = (keys[0].indexOf('__') > 0 ? '__' : '.')
, pair, pane, key, val
for (var i=0; i < keys.length; i++) {
pair = keys[i].split(delim);
pane = pair[0];
key = pair[1];
if (panes.indexOf(pane) < 0) continue; // bad pane!
if (key=='isClosed') // if 'temporarily open' (sliding), then isClosed=false, so...
val = state[ pane ][ key ] || state[ pane ][ 'isSliding' ];
val = state[ pane ][ key ];
if (val != undefined) {
if (delim=='.') { // sub-key format
if (!data[ pane ]) data[ pane ] = {};
data[ pane ][ alt[key] ? alt[key] : key ] = val;
else // delim = '__' - flat-format
data[ pane + delim + (alt[key] ? alt[key] : key) ] = val;
return data;
, load: function (layoutName) {
if (!layoutName) layoutName = this.options.layoutName;
if (!layoutName) return {};
data = {}
, c = document.cookie
, cs, pair, i // loop vars
if (c && c != '') {
cs = c.split(';');
for (i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
c = jQuery.trim(cs[i]);
pair = c.split('='); // name=value pair
if (pair[0] == layoutName) { // this is the layout cookie
data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(pair[1]));
break; // DONE
return (this.data = data);