FILESYSTEMSYNCTITLE:'Update the CMS database entries of files on the filesystem. Useful when new files have been uploaded outside of the CMS, e.g. through FTP.'
FROMTHEINTERNET:'From the internet'
FROMYOURCOMPUTER:'From your computer'
Filetype:'File type'
ListView:'List View'
THUMBSDELETED:'{count} unused thumbnails have been deleted'
ACCESS_HELP:'Allow viewing of the section containing page tree and content. View and edit permissions can be handled through page specific dropdowns, as well as the separate "Content permissions".'
AddNew:'Add new page'
AddNewButton:'Add new'
ChoosePageParentMode:'Choose where to create this page'
PUBALLCONFIRM:'Please publish every page in the site, copying content stage to live'
PUBALLFUN:'"Publish All" functionality'
PUBALLFUN2:'Pressing this button will do the equivalent of going to every page and pressing "publish". It''s intended to be used after there have been massive edits of the content, such as when the site was first built.'
PUBPAGES: 'Done:Published {count} pages'
PageAdded:'Successfully created page'
REMOVED:'Deleted ''%s''%s from live site'
REMOVEDPAGE:'Removed ''{title}'' from the published site'
REMOVEDPAGEFROMDRAFT:'Removed ''%s'' from the draft site'
RESTORED:'Restored ''{title}'' successfully'
ROLLBACK:'Roll back to this version'
ROLLEDBACKPUB:'Rolled back to published version. New version number is #{version}'
ROLLEDBACKVERSION:'Rolled back to version #%d. New version number is #%d'
DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION:'Þú verður að innskrá þig með lykilorðinu þínu til að geta séð drög eða innihald skjalasafns. <a href="%s">Smelltu hér til að fara til baka á útgefnu síðuna.</a>'
InstallFilesDeleted:'Installation files have been successfully deleted.'
InstallSecurityWarning:'For security reasons you should now delete the install files, unless you are planning to reinstall later (<em>requires admin login, see above</em>). The web server also now only needs write access to the "assets" folder, you can remove write access from all other folders. <a href="{link}" style="text-align: center;">Click here to delete the install files.</a>'
DEFAULTERRORPAGECONTENT:'<p>Afsakið, það virðist vera að þú ert að reyna opna síðu sem er ekki til.</p><p>Vinsamlegast athugaðu hvort að slóðin sé rétt skrifuð og prófaðu aftur</p>'
DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGECONTENT:'<p>Sorry, there was a problem with handling your request.</p>'
DESCRIPTION:'Custom content for different error cases (e.g. "Page not found")'
ERRORFILEPROBLEM:'Error opening file "{filename}" for writing. Please check file permissions.'
ACCESSHEADER:'Hver má skoða þessa síðu á heimasíðunni minni?'
ACCESSLOGGEDIN:'Innskráðir notendur'
ACCESSONLYTHESE:'Aðeins þetta fólk (veldu úr listanum)'
ADDEDTODRAFTHELP:'Page has not been published yet'
ALLOWCOMMENTS:'Leyfa lesendum að skrifa athugasemdir á þessa síðu?'
APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES:'This content also appears on the virtual pages in the {title} sections.'
BUTTONCANCELDRAFT:'Hætta við breytingar á drögum'
BUTTONCANCELDRAFTDESC:'Eyða drögunum þínum og fara aftur ál núverandi bitar síðu'
BUTTONUNPUBLISH:'Taka úr birtingu'
BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC:'Fjarlægja þessa síðu úr birtum síðum'
CREATED:'Date Created'
DEFAULTABOUTCONTENT:'<p>Þú getur fyllt út þessa síðu með þínu efni eða eytt henni og búið til þína eigin síðu.<br/></p>'
DEFAULTCONTACTCONTENT:'<p>Þú getur fyllt út þessa síðu með þínu efni eða eytt því og búið til þína eigin síður<br/></p>'
DEFAULTHOMECONTENT:'<p>Velkomin(n) á SilverStripe! Þetta er sjálfvalda heimasíðan. Þú getur breytt þessari síðu með því að opna <a href="admin/">kerfið</a>. Þú getur skoðað <a href="">hönnunar leiðbeiningarnar</a>, eða skoðað<a href="">kennsluna</a></p>'
DELETEDPAGEHELP:'Page is no longer published'
DEPENDENT_NOTE:'The following pages depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, redirector pages, and pages with content links.'
EDITANYONE:'Allir þeir sem geta innskráð sig í kerfið'
EDITHEADER:'Hver getur breytt þessu í kerfinu?'
EDITONLYTHESE:'Aðeins þetta fólk (veldu úr listanum)'
EDITORGROUPS:'Editor Groups'
EDIT_ALL_HELP:'Ability to edit any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to ''Pages'' section" permission'
Editors:'Editors Groups'
HASBROKENLINKS:'Þessi síða inniheldur óvirkann hlekk.'
INHERIT:'Erfa frá foreldra síðu'
LASTUPDATED:'Last Updated'
LINKCHANGENOTE:'Changing this page''s link will also affect the links of all child pages.'