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* AssetAdmin is the 'file store' section of the CMS.
* It provides an interface for maniupating the File and Folder objects in the system.
* @package cms
* @subpackage assets
class AssetAdmin extends LeftAndMain {
static $url_segment = 'assets';
static $url_rule = '/$Action/$ID';
static $menu_title = 'Files & Images';
public static $tree_class = 'Folder';
* @see Upload->allowedMaxFileSize
* @var int
public static $allowed_max_file_size;
* @see Upload->allowedExtensions
* @var array
public static $allowed_extensions = array();
* If this is true, then restrictions set in $allowed_max_file_size and
* $allowed_extensions will be applied to users with admin privileges as
* well.
public static $apply_restrictions_to_admin = false;
static $allowed_actions = array(
'deleteUnusedThumbnails' => 'ADMIN',
* Return fake-ID "root" if no ID is found (needed to upload files into the root-folder)
public function currentPageID() {
if(isset($_REQUEST['ID']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['ID'])) {
return $_REQUEST['ID'];
} elseif (is_numeric($this->urlParams['ID'])) {
return $this->urlParams['ID'];
} elseif(is_numeric(Session::get("{$this->class}.currentPage"))) {
return Session::get("{$this->class}.currentPage");
} else {
return "root";
* Set up the controller, in particular, re-sync the File database with the assets folder./
function init() {
// Create base folder if it doesnt exist already
if(!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) Filesystem::makeFolder(ASSETS_PATH);
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/javascript/AssetAdmin.js");
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/javascript/CMSMain_upload.js");
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/javascript/Upload.js");
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/thirdparty/swfupload/swfupload.js");
Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . "/css/AssetAdmin.css");
_TREE_ICONS['Folder'] = {
fileIcon: 'sapphire/javascript/tree/images/page-closedfolder.gif',
openFolderIcon: 'sapphire/javascript/tree/images/page-openfolder.gif',
closedFolderIcon: 'sapphire/javascript/tree/images/page-closedfolder.gif'
CMSBatchActionHandler::register('delete', 'AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction', 'Folder');
* Show the content of the upload iframe. The form is specified by a template.
function uploadiframe() {
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/thirdparty/prototype/prototype.js");
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/thirdparty/behaviour/behaviour.js");
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/javascript/prototype_improvements.js");
//Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/javascript/LeftAndMain.js");
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . "/thirdparty/multifile/multifile.js");
Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . "/thirdparty/multifile/multifile.css");
Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . "/css/typography.css");
Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . "/css/layout.css");
Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . "/css/cms_left.css");
Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . "/css/cms_right.css");
if(isset($data['ID']) && $data['ID'] != 'root') $folder = DataObject::get_by_id("Folder", $data['ID']);
else $folder = singleton('Folder');
// Don't modify the output of the template, or it will become invalid
return array( 'CanUpload' => $folder->canEdit());
* Return the form object shown in the uploadiframe.
function UploadForm() {
// disabled flash upload javascript (CMSMain_upload()) below,
// see r54952 (originally committed in r42014)
$form = new Form($this,'UploadForm', new FieldSet(
new HiddenField("ID", "", $this->currentPageID()),
new HiddenField("FolderID", "", $this->currentPageID()),
// needed because the button-action is triggered outside the iframe
new HiddenField("action_doUpload", "", "1"),
new FileField("Files[0]" , _t('AssetAdmin.CHOOSEFILE','Choose file: ')),
new LiteralField('UploadButton',"
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"". _t('AssetAdmin.UPLOAD', 'Upload Files Listed Below'). "\" name=\"action_upload\" id=\"Form_UploadForm_action_upload\" class=\"action\" />
new LiteralField('MultifileCode',"
<p>" . _t('AssetAdmin.FILESREADY','Files ready to upload:') ."</p>
<div id=\"Form_UploadForm_FilesList\"></div>
), new FieldSet(
// Makes ajax easier
return $form;
* This method processes the results of the UploadForm.
* It will save the uploaded files to /assets/ and create new File objects as required.
function doUpload($data, $form) {
$processedFiles = array();
if(!isset($data['Files'])) return Director::set_status_code("404");
if(is_array($data['Files'])) {
foreach($data['Files'] as $param => $files) {
if(!is_array($files)) $files = array($files);
foreach($files as $key => $value) {
$processedFiles[$key][$param] = $value;
else {
$proccessedFiles[] = $data['Files'];
// get the folder to upload to.
if(isset($data['FolderID']) && $data['FolderID'] != "root") {
$folder = DataObject::get_by_id('Folder', $data['FolderID']);
else {
$folder = DataObject::get_one('Folder');
$newFiles = array();
$fileSizeWarnings = '';
$errorsArr = '';
$status = '';
$statusMessage = '';
foreach($processedFiles as $tmpFile) {
if($tmpFile['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR) {
$errorsArr[] = _t('AssetAdmin.NOTEMP', 'There is no temporary folder for uploads. Please set upload_tmp_dir in php.ini.');
if($tmpFile['tmp_name']) {
// Workaround open_basedir problems
if(ini_get("open_basedir")) {
$newtmp = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $tmpFile['name'];
move_uploaded_file($tmpFile['tmp_name'], $newtmp);
$tmpFile['tmp_name'] = $newtmp;
// validate files (only if not logged in as admin)
if(!self::$apply_restrictions_to_admin && Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
$valid = true;
} else {
$upload = new Upload();
$valid = $upload->validate($tmpFile);
if(!$valid) {
$errorsArr = $upload->getErrors();
// move file to given folder
if($valid) $newFiles[] = $folder->addUploadToFolder($tmpFile);
if($newFiles) {
$numFiles = sizeof($newFiles);
$statusMessage = sprintf(_t('AssetAdmin.UPLOADEDX',"Uploaded %s files"),$numFiles) ;
$status = "good";
} else if($errorsArr) {
$statusMessage = implode('\n', $errorsArr);
$status = 'bad';
} else {
$statusMessage = _t('AssetAdmin.NOTHINGTOUPLOAD','There was nothing to upload');
$status = "";
$fileIDs = array();
$fileNames = array();
foreach($newFiles as $newFile) {
$fileIDs[] = $newFile;
$fileObj = DataObject::get_one('File', "\"File\".\"ID\"=$newFile");
// notify file object after uploading
if (method_exists($fileObj, 'onAfterUpload')) $fileObj->onAfterUpload();
$fileNames[] = $fileObj->Name;
// TODO Replace with clientside logic which doesn't have assumptions in the response
echo <<<HTML
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = parent.document.getElementById('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx( "{$folder->ID}" ).getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
* Custom currentPage() method to handle opening the 'root' folder
public function currentPage() {
$id = $this->currentPageID();
if($id && is_numeric($id)) {
return DataObject::get_by_id('File', $id);
} else if($id == 'root') {
return singleton('File');
public function SiteTreeAsUL() {
return $this->getSiteTreeFor($this->stat('tree_class'), null, 'ChildFolders');
function getSiteTreeFor($className, $rootID = null, $childrenMethod = null, $filterFunction = null, $minNodeCount = 30) {
if (!$childrenMethod) $childrenMethod = 'ChildFolders';
return parent::getSiteTreeFor($className, $rootID, $childrenMethod, $filterFunction, $minNodeCount);
public function getCMSTreeTitle() {
return Director::absoluteBaseURL() . "assets";
// Data saving handlers
* @return Form
function SyncForm() {
$form = new Form(
new FieldSet(
new FieldSet(
$btn = new FormAction('doSync', _t('FILESYSTEMSYNC','Look for new files'))
$btn->describe(_t('', 'SilverStripe maintains its own database of the files &amp; images stored in your assets/ folder. Click this button to update that database, if files are added to the assets/ folder from outside SilverStripe, for example, if you have uploaded files via FTP.'));
return $form;
* #################################
* Garbage collection.
* #################################
* Removes all unused thumbnails from the file store
* and returns the status of the process to the user.
public function deleteunusedthumbnails() {
$count = 0;
$thumbnails = $this->getUnusedThumbnails();
if($thumbnails) {
foreach($thumbnails as $thumbnail) {
unlink(ASSETS_PATH . "/" . $thumbnail);
$message = sprintf(_t('AssetAdmin.THUMBSDELETED', '%s unused thumbnails have been deleted'), $count);
FormResponse::status_message($message, 'good');
echo FormResponse::respond();
* Creates array containg all unused thumbnails.
* Array is created in three steps:
* 1. Scan assets folder and retrieve all thumbnails
* 2. Scan all HTMLField in system and retrieve thumbnails from them.
* 3. Count difference between two sets (array_diff)
* @return array
private function getUnusedThumbnails() {
$allThumbnails = array();
$usedThumbnails = array();
$dirIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(ASSETS_PATH));
$classes = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SiteTree');
if($dirIterator) {
foreach($dirIterator as $file) {
if($file->isFile()) {
if(strpos($file->getPathname(), '_resampled') !== false) {
$pathInfo = pathinfo($file->getPathname());
if(in_array(strtolower($pathInfo['extension']), array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'jpe', 'png', 'gif'))) {
$path = str_replace('\\','/', $file->getPathname());
$allThumbnails[] = substr($path, strpos($path, '/assets/') + 8);
if($classes) {
foreach($classes as $className) {
$SNG_class = singleton($className);
$objects = DataObject::get($className);
if($objects !== NULL) {
foreach($objects as $object) {
foreach($SNG_class->db() as $fieldName => $fieldType) {
if($fieldType == 'HTMLText') {
$url1 = HTTP::findByTagAndAttribute($object->$fieldName,array('img' => 'src'));
if($url1 != NULL) {
$usedThumbnails[] = substr($url1[0], strpos($url1[0], '/assets/') + 8);
if($object->latestPublished > 0) {
$object = Versioned::get_latest_version($className, $object->ID);
$url2 = HTTP::findByTagAndAttribute($object->$fieldName, array('img' => 'src'));
if($url2 != NULL) {
$usedThumbnails[] = substr($url2[0], strpos($url2[0], '/assets/') + 8);
return array_diff($allThumbnails, $usedThumbnails);
* Delete multiple {@link Folder} records (and the associated filesystem nodes).
* Usually used through the {@link AssetAdmin} interface.
* @package cms
* @subpackage batchactions
class AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction extends CMSBatchAction {
function getActionTitle() {
// _t('','Select the folders that you want to delete and then click the button below')
return _t('AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction.TITLE', 'Delete folders');
function run(DataObjectSet $records) {
$status = array(
foreach($records as $record) {
$id = $record->ID;
// Perform the action
if($record->canDelete()) $record->delete();
$status['deleted'][$id] = array();
return Convert::raw2json($status);