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Grid Field Extensions

The GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton component provides a more complete solution for adding existing records than a basic autocomplete. It uses the search context constructed by the model class to provide the search form.

$grid->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton());

Inline Editing

This example replaces the default data columns component with an inline editable one, and the default add new button with one that adds new records inline.

$grid = new GridField(
	'Example Grid',
		->addComponent(new GridFieldButtonRow('before'))
		->addComponent(new GridFieldToolbarHeader())
		->addComponent(new GridFieldTitleHeader())
		->addComponent(new GridFieldEditableColumns())
		->addComponent(new GridFieldDeleteAction())
		->addComponent(new GridFieldAddNewInlineButton())

You can customise the form fields that are used in the grid by calling setDisplayFields on the inline editing component. By default field scaffolding will be used.

	'FirstField'  => function($record, $column, $grid) {
		return new TextField($column);
	'SecondField' => array(
		'title' => 'Custom Title',
		'field' => 'ReadonlyField'
	'ThirdField' => array(
		'title' => 'Custom Title Two',
        'callback' => function($record, $column, $grid) {
            return TextField::create($column);

Editing data contained in many_many_extraFields is supported - just treat it as you would any other field.

Multi Class Adding

The GridFieldAddNewMultiClass allows the user to select the record type to create when creating a new record. By default it allows them to select the model class for the grid field, or any subclasses. You can control the createable classes using the setClasses method.

     ->addComponent(new GridFieldAddNewMultiClass());

Orderable Rows

The GridFieldOrderableRows component allows drag-and-drop reordering of any list type. The field used to store the sort is set by passing a constructor parameter to the component, or calling setSortField. For many_many relationships, the sort field should normally be an extra field on the relationship.

// Basic usage, defaults to "Sort" for the sort field.
$grid->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldOrderableRows());

// Specifying the sort field.
$grid->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldOrderableRows('SortField'));

By default, when you create a new item, it is created with a sort order of "0" - that is, it is added to the start of the list. The sort order is only set for the first time when the user reorders the items. If you wish to append newly created items to the end of the list, use an onBeforeWrite hook like:

class Item extends DataObject {
	private static $db = array('Sort' => 'Int');
	protected function onBeforeWrite() {
		if (!$this->Sort) {
			$this->Sort = Item::get()->max('Sort') + 1;

Please NOTE: There is a limitation when using GridFieldOrderableRows on unsaved data objects; namely, that it doesn't work as without data being saved, the list of related objects has no context. Please check $this->ID before adding the GridFieldOrderableRows component to the grid field config (or even, before adding the gridfield at all).

Configurable Paginator

The GridFieldConfigurablePaginator component allows you to have a page size dropdown added to your GridField pagination controls. The page sizes are configurable via the configuration system, or at call time using the public API. To use this component you should remove the original paginator component first:

    ->addComponent(new GridFieldConfigurablePaginator());

You can configure the page sizes with the configuration system. Note that merging is the default strategy, so to replace the default sizes with your own you will need to unset the original first, for example:

# File: mysite/_config.php
Config::inst()->remove('GridFieldConfigurablePaginator', 'default_page_sizes');
Config::inst()->update('GridFieldConfigurablePaginator', 'default_page_sizes', array(100, 200, 500));

You can also override these at call time:

$paginator = new GridFieldConfigurablePaginator(100, array(100, 200, 500));

$paginator->setPageSizes(array(200, 500, 1000));

The first shown record will be maintained across page size changes, and the number of pages and current page will be recalculated on each request, based on the current first shown record and page size.