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Grid Field Extensions

The GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton component provides a more complete solution for adding existing records than a basic autocomplete. It uses the search context constructed by the model class to provide the search form.

$grid->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton()));

Inline Editing

This example replaces the default data columns component with an inline editable one, and the default add new button with one that adds new records inline.

$grid = new GridField(
	'Example Grid',
		->addComponent(new GridFieldButtonRow('before'))
		->addComponent(new GridFieldToolbarHeader())
		->addComponent(new GridFieldTitleHeader())
		->addComponent(new GridFieldEditableColumns())
		->addComponent(new GridFieldDeleteAction())
		->addComponent(new GridFieldAddNewInlineButton())

You can customise the form fields that are used in the grid by calling setDisplayFields on the inline editing component. By default field scaffolding will be used.

	'FirstField'  => function($record, $column, $grid) {
		return new TextField($column);
	'SecondField' => array(
		'title' => 'Custom Title',
		'field' => 'ReadonlyField'

Editing data contained in many_many_extraFields is supported - just treat it as you would any other field.

Multi Class Adding

The GridFieldAddNewMultiClass allows the user to select the record type to create when creating a new record. By default it allows them to select the model class for the grid field, or any subclasses. You can control the createable classes using the setClasses method.

     ->addComponent(new GridFieldAddNewMultiClass());

Orderable Rows

The GridFieldOrderableRows component allows drag-and-drop reordering of any list type. The field used to store the sort is set by passing a constructor parameter to the component, or calling setSortField. For many_many relationships, the sort field should normally be an extra field on the relationship.

// Basic usage, defaults to "Sort" for the sort field.
$grid->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldOrderableRows());

// Specifying the sort field.
$grid->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldOrderableRows('SortField'));