2012-07-19 13:41:05 +12:00

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Solr connector for SilverStripe fulltextsearch module

This module provides a fulltextsearch module connector to Solr.

It works with Solr in multi-core mode. It needs to be able to update Solr configuration files, and has modes for doing this by direct file access (when Solr shares a server with SilverStripe) and by WebDAV (when it's on a different server).

Since Solr is Java based, this module requires a Java runtime to be present on the server Solr is running on (not necessarily the same physical machine the SilverStripe server is on).

Getting started quickly (dev mode)

Configure Solr in file mode



Solr::configure_server(isset($solr_config) ? $solr_config : array(
	'host' => 'localhost',
	'indexstore' => array(
		'mode' => 'file',
		'path' => BASE_PATH . '/fulltextsearch/thirdparty/solr/server/solr'

Create an index



class MyIndex extends SolrIndex {
	function init() {
  • Open a terminal, change to thirdparty/solr/server and start Solr by running java -jar start.jar
  • In another terminal run the configure task sake dev/tasks/Solr_configure
  • Then run the configure task sake dev/tasks/Solr_reindex

You can now visit http://localhost:8983/solr/MyIndex/admin/ to search the contents of the now created Solr index via the native SOLR UI


It is possible to manually replicate the data automatically sent to Solr when saving/publishing in SilverStripe, which is useful when debugging front-end queries, see: thirdparty/solr/server/silverstripe-solr-test.xml but roughly:

#> java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/MyIndex/update/ -Dtype=text/xml -jar post.jar silverstripe-solr-test.xml

These instructions will get you running quickly, but the Solr indexes will be stored as binary files inside your SilverStripe project. You can also copy the thirdparty/solr directory somewhere else. The instructions above will still apply - just set the path value in mysite/_config.php to point to this other location, and of course run java -jar start.jar from the new directory, not the thirdparty one.