2017-08-07 15:11:17 +12:00

932 B

title: How to Create a Navigation Menu

How to Create a Navigation Menu

In this how-to, we'll create a simple menu which you can use as the primary navigation for your website. This outputs a top level menu with a nested second level using the Menu loop and a Children loop.


		<% loop $Menu(1) %>
				<a href="$Link" title="Go to the $Title page" class="<% if $isCurrent %>current<% else_if $isSection %>section<% end_if %>">

				<% if $isSection %>
					<% if $Children %>
						<ul class="secondary">
							<% loop $Children %>
								<li class="<% if $isCurrent %>current<% else_if $isSection %>section<% end_if %>"><a href="$Link">$MenuTitle</a></li>
							<% end_loop %>
					<% end_if %>
				<% end_if %>
		<% end_loop %>