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For separating content into tabs without the need for separate pages.

This extends from react-bootstrap with similar expected behaviours, only difference is that when there is only one tab (or none) in the Tabset, then only the content will show without the clickable tab.


<Tabs defaultActiveKey="Main" id="Root">
    <TabItem name="Main" title="Main">
        My first tab content
    <TabItem name="Settings" title="Settings">
        My settings tab here

Tabs Properties

  • id (string) (required): The ID for the Tabset.
  • defaultActiveKey (string): The default tab to open, should match the name of a child TabItem, will default to the first Tab child.
  • extraClass (string): Extra classes the Tabset should have.
  • activeKey (string): Used with onSelect action handler, forces the given tab to open, should match the name of a child TabItem.
  • onSelect (function): Action handler for when a tab is clicked, if an override for the default functionality is required, will need to handle own state.
  • animation (boolean): Whether to animate when transitioning between tabs.
  • bsStyle (enum): "tabs"|"pills" change the style of the tabs.
  • unmountOnExit (boolean): Whether to remove the Tab content from the DOM when it's hidden.

TabItem Properties

  • name (string) (required): A key to match the activeKey or defaultActiveKey property in the Tabs component to show the content. This replaces the eventKey property.
  • title (string): The label to display for the tab, can be set null to hide the tab.
  • disabled (boolean): Whether the Tab is clickable, or greyed out.
  • extraClass (string): Extra classes the Tab should have.
  • bsClass (string): Changes tab-pane bootstrap class to use something else.
  • tabClassName (string): Class to give tab title.

Animation callbacks

  • onEnter onEntering onEntered - different stages for when a tab is opened.
  • onExit onExiting onExited - different stages for when a tab is closed.

Not recommended properties, if using Tabs component:

  • animation (boolean|ReactElement): Animation when transitioning between tabs.
  • id (string): Identifier for TabItem, this is generated by the Tabs component.
  • aria-labelledby (string): Accessibility, provides information about the TabItem, generated by the Tabs component.
  • unmountOnExit (boolean): Whether to remove the Tab content from the DOM when it's hidden.