
1.1 KiB


Used to generate forms, made up of field components and actions, from FormFieldSchema data.

This component will be moved to Framweork or CMS when dependency injection is implemented.


createFn (func)

Gives container components a chance to access a form component before it's constructed. Use this as an opportunity to pass a custom click handler to to a field for example.


The schema URL where the form will be scaffolded from e.g. '/admin/pages/schema/1'.

handleSubmit (func)

Event handler passed to the Form Component as a prop. Parameters received are:

  • event (Event) - The submit event, it is strongly recommended to call preventDefault()
  • fieldValues (object) - An object containing the field values captured by the Submit handler
  • submitFn (func) - A callback for when the submission was successful, if submission fails, this function should not be called. (e.g. validation error)

handleAction (func)

Event handler when a form action is clicked on, allows preventing submit and know which action was clicked on.