
885 B

LookupField Component

Generates a CSV list of values inside a Readonly styled box.


<LookupField name="my-select" source={[
	{ value: 'one', title: '1' },
	{ value: 'two', title: '2' },
	{ value: 'four', title: '4' }
]} value="one" />


  • id (string): The ID for the component.
  • extraClass (string): Extra classes the component should have.
  • name (string) (required): The name for the component.
  • value (string|array): The values to look up in the source.
  • source (array): Array of items to appear in the list with the following properties.
    • value (string|number): The value for item.
    • title (any): The displayed value for item.

NOTE: For other properties, please refer to the react-bootstrap FormControl.Static documentation.