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# TableListField
## Introduction
Form field that embeds a list of `[api:DataObject]`s into a form, such as a member list or a file list.
Provides customizeable columns, record-deletion by ajax, paging, sorting, CSV-export, printing, input by
`[api:DataObject]` or raw SQL.
## Example
Here's an example of a full featured `[api:TableListField]` implementation. It features editing members in the database
directly as a button on each record, as well as filtering, and sorting. It also makes use of the 'export' permission,
allowing export of data as a CSV.
function getReportField() {
$resultSet = new DataObjectSet();
$filter = `;
$sort = "Member.ID ASC";
$join = `;
$instance = singleton('Member');
$query = $instance->buildSQL($filter, $sort, null, $join);
$query->groupby[] = 'Member.ID';
$report = new TableListField(
'ID' => 'ID',
'FirstName' => 'First Name',
'Surname' => 'Surname',
'Email' => 'Email',
'MembershipType' => 'Membership Type',
'MembershipStatus' => 'Membership Status',
'DateJoined' => 'Date Joined',
'PaidUntil' => 'Paid Until',
'Edit' => ''
'Email' => '<a href=\"mailto: $Email\" title=\"Email $FirstName\">$Email</a>',
'Edit' => '<a href=\"admin/security/index/1?executeForm=EditForm&ID=1&ajax=1&action_callfieldmethod&fieldName=Members&ctf[childID]=$ID&ctf[ID]=1&ctf[start]=0&methodName=edit\"><img src=\"cms/images/edit.gif\" alt=\"Edit this member\" /></a>'
'DateJoined' => 'Date->Nice',
'PaidUntil' => 'Date->Nice'
if(isset($_REQUEST['printable'])) {
} else {
return $report;
For more information on each of the features used in the example, you can read below.
## Usage
### Source Input
// default: DataObject selection (e.g. all 'Product's)
$myTableListField = new TableListField(
array('Price', 'Code')
// custom DataObjectSet
$myProducts = DataObject::get('Product','Code = "MyCode"');
// custom SQL
$customCsvQuery = singleton('Product')->buildSQL();
$customCsvQuery->select[] = "CONCAT(col1,col2) AS MyCustomSQLColumn";
`[api:TableListField]` also tries to resolve Component-relations(has_one, has_many) and custom getters automatically:
$myTableListField = new TableListField(
// Product.php Example
class Product extends DataObject {
$has_one = array('Buyer'=>'Member');
function getPriceWithShipping() {
return $this->Price + $this->Shipping;
### Pagination
Paging works by AJAX, but also works without javascript on link-basis.
$myTableListField->setPageSize(100); // defaults to 20
### Sorting
The easiest method is to add the sorting criteria as a constructor parameter. Sorting should be applied manually, where
appropriate. Only direct columns from the produced SQL-query are supported.
Example (sorting by "FirstName" column):
$report = new TableListField(
'CorporateReport', // name
'Member', // sourceClass
'ID' => 'ID',
'FirstName' => 'First Name',
'LastName' => 'Last Name',
), // fieldList
null, // sourceFilter
'FirstName' // sourceSort
If you want to sort by custom getters in your `[api:DataObject]`, please reformulate them to a custom SQL column. This
restriction is needed to avoid performance-hits by caching and sorting potentially large datasets on PHP-level.
### Casting
Column-values can be casted, based on the casting-types available through DBObject (sapphire/core/model/fieldtypes).
### Permissions
Permissions vary in different `[api:TableListField]`-implementations, and are evaluated in the template.
By default, all listed permissions are enabled.
### Formatting
Specify custom formatting for fields, e.g. to render a link instead of pure text.
Caution: Make sure to escape special php-characters like in a normal php-statement.
"myFieldName" => '<a href=\"custom-admin/$ID\">$ID</a>'
### Highlighting
"Highlighting" is similiar to "Formatting", but applies to the whole row rather than a column.
Definitions for highlighting table-rows with a specific CSS-class. You can use all column-names
in the result of a query. Use in combination with {@setCustomQuery} to select custom properties and joined objects.
"rule" => '$Flag == "red"',
"class" => "red"
"rule" => '$Flag == "orange"',
"class" => "orange"
### Export
Export works only to CSV currently, with following specs:
* Line delimiter: "\n"
* Separator: ";"
* Column-quotes: none
'Price' => 'Price',
'ItemCount' => 'Item Count',
'ModelNumber' => 'Model Number'
You can influence the exported values by adjusting the generated SQL.
$customCsvQuery = singleton('Product')->buildSQL();
$customCsvQuery->select[] = "CONCAT(col1,col2) AS MyCustomSQLColumn";
### Row-Summaries
You can summarize specific columns in your result-set. The term "summary" is used in a broad sense, you can also
implement averages etc.
'Total Revenue and Sales Count',
"Price" => array("sum","Currency->Nice"),
"ItemCount" => "sum"
In `[api:TableListField]`-implementation, these summaries also react to changes in input-fields by javascript.
Available methods:
* sum
* avg
### Grouping
Used to group by a specific column in the `[api:DataObject]` and create partial summaries.
Please use only together with addSummary().
(Automatically disables sorting).
$myTableListField->groupByField = 'MyColumnName';
## Best Practices
### Custom Sorting
Please subclass `[api:TableListField]` to implement custom sorting, following the naming-convention
class CustomTableListField extends TableListField {
// referenced through "dateAverage"
function colFunction_dateAverage($values) {
// custom date summaries
### Adding Utility-functions
In case you want to perform utility-functions like "export" or "print" through action-buttons,
make sure to subclass Utility() which collates all possible actions.
### Customizing Look & Feel
You can exchange the used template, e.g. to change applied CSS-classes or the HTML-markup:
## API Documentation