
974 B


Built-In Caches

The framework uses caches to store infrequently changing values. By default, the storage mechanism is simply the filesystem, although other cache backends can be configured. All caches use the [api:SS_Cache] API.

The most common caches are manifests of various resources:

  • PHP class locations ([api:SS_ClassManifest])
  • Template file locations and compiled templates ([api:SS_TemplateManifest])
  • Configuration settings from YAML files ([api:SS_ConfigManifest])
  • Language files ([api:i18n])

Flushing the various manifests is performed through a GET parameter (flush=1). Since this action requires more server resources than normal requests, executing the action is limited to the following cases when performed via a web request:

  • The environment is in "dev mode"
  • A user is logged in with ADMIN permissions
  • An error occurs during startup

Custom Caches

See [api:SS_Cache].