Damian Mooyman 3873e4ba00 API Refactor bootstrap, request handling

Squashed commit of the following:

commit 8f65e56532
Author: Ingo Schommer <>
Date:   Thu Jun 22 22:25:50 2017 +1200

    Fixed upgrade guide spelling

commit 76f95944fa
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 22 16:38:34 2017 +1200

    BUG Fix non-test class manifest including sapphiretest / functionaltest

commit 9379834cb4
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 22 15:50:47 2017 +1200

    BUG Fix nesting bug in Kernel

commit 188ce35d82
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 22 15:14:51 2017 +1200

    BUG fix db bootstrapping issues

commit 7ed4660e7a
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 22 14:49:07 2017 +1200

    BUG Fix issue in DetailedErrorFormatter

commit 738f50c497
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 22 11:49:19 2017 +1200

    Upgrading notes on mysite/_config.php

commit 6279d28e5e
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 22 11:43:28 2017 +1200

    Update developer documentation

commit 5c90d53a84
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 22 10:48:44 2017 +1200

    Update installer to not use global databaseConfig

commit f9b2ba4755
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Wed Jun 21 21:04:39 2017 +1200

    Fix behat issues

commit 5b59a912b6
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Wed Jun 21 17:07:11 2017 +1200

    Move HTTPApplication to SilverStripe\Control namespace

commit e2c4a18f63
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Wed Jun 21 16:29:03 2017 +1200

    More documentation
    Fix up remaining tests
    Refactor temp DB into TempDatabase class so it’s available outside of unit tests.

commit 5d235e64f3
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Wed Jun 21 12:13:15 2017 +1200

    API HTTPRequestBuilder::createFromEnvironment() now cleans up live globals
    BUG Fix issue with SSViewer
    Fix Security / View tests

commit d88d4ed4e4
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 20 16:39:43 2017 +1200

    API Refactor AppKernel into CoreKernel

commit f7946aec33
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 20 16:00:40 2017 +1200

    Docs and minor cleanup

commit 12bd31f936
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 20 15:34:34 2017 +1200

    API Remove OutputMiddleware
    API Move environment / global / ini management into Environment class
    API Move getTempFolder into TempFolder class
    API Implement HTTPRequestBuilder / CLIRequestBuilder
    BUG Restore SS_ALLOWED_HOSTS check in original location
    API CoreKernel now requires $basePath to be passed in
    API Refactor installer.php to use application to bootstrap
    API move memstring conversion globals to Convert
    BUG Fix error in CoreKernel nesting not un-nesting itself properly.

commit bba9791146
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Mon Jun 19 18:07:53 2017 +1200

    API Create HTTPMiddleware and standardise middleware for request handling

commit 2a10c2397b
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Mon Jun 19 17:42:42 2017 +1200

    Fixed ORM tests

commit d75a8d1d93
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Mon Jun 19 17:15:07 2017 +1200

    FIx i18n tests

commit 06364af3c3
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Mon Jun 19 16:59:34 2017 +1200

    Fix controller namespace
    Move states to sub namespace

commit 2a278e2953
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Mon Jun 19 12:49:45 2017 +1200

    Fix forms namespace

commit b65c21241b
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 15 18:56:48 2017 +1200

    Update API usages

commit d1d4375c95
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Thu Jun 15 18:41:44 2017 +1200

    API Refactor $flush into HTPPApplication
    API Enforce health check in Controller::pushCurrent()
    API Better global backup / restore
    Updated Director::test() to use new API

commit b220534f06
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 13 22:05:57 2017 +1200

    Move app nesting to a test state helper

commit 603704165c
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 13 21:46:04 2017 +1200

    Restore kernel stack to fix multi-level nesting

commit 2f6336a15b
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 13 17:23:21 2017 +1200

    API Implement kernel nesting

commit fc7188da7d
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 13 15:43:13 2017 +1200

    Fix core tests

commit a0ae723514
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 13 15:23:52 2017 +1200

    Fix manifest tests

commit ca03395251
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 13 15:00:00 2017 +1200

    API Move extension management into test state

commit c66d433977
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 13 14:10:59 2017 +1200

    API Refactor SapphireTest state management into SapphireTestState
    API Remove Injector::unregisterAllObjects()
    API Remove FakeController

commit f26ae75c6e
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Mon Jun 12 18:04:34 2017 +1200

    Implement basic CLI application object

commit 001d559662
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Mon Jun 12 17:39:38 2017 +1200

    Remove references to SapphireTest::is_running_test()
    Upgrade various code

commit de079c041d
Author: Damian Mooyman <>
Date:   Wed Jun 7 18:07:33 2017 +1200

    API Implement APP object
    API Refactor of Session
2017-06-22 22:50:45 +12:00

6.3 KiB

summary: An overview of the steps involved in delivering a SilverStripe web page.

Execution Pipeline


In order to transform a HTTP request or a commandline exeuction into a response, SilverStripe needs to boot its core and run through several stages of processing.

Request Rewriting

The first step in most environments is a rewrite of a request path into parameters passed to a PHP script. This allows writing friendly URLs instead of linking directly to PHP files. The implementation depends on your web server; we'll show you the most common one here: Apache with mod_rewrite. Check our installation guides on how other web servers like IIS or nginx handle rewriting.

The standard SilverStripe project ships with a .htaccess file in your webroot for this purpose. By default, requests will be passed through for files existing on the filesystem. Some access control is in place to deny access to potentially sensitive files in the webroot, such as YAML configuration files. If no file can be directly matched, control is handed off to framework/main.php.


# Deny access to templates (but allow from localhost)
<Files *.ss>
	Order deny,allow
	Deny from all
	Allow from

# Deny access to IIS configuration
<Files web.config>
	Order deny,allow
	Deny from all

# Deny access to YAML configuration files which might include sensitive information
<Files ~ "\.ya?ml$">
	Order allow,deny
	Deny from all

# Route errors to static pages automatically generated by SilverStripe
ErrorDocument 404 /assets/error-404.html
ErrorDocument 500 /assets/error-500.html

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On

	# Deny access to potentially sensitive files and folders
	RewriteRule ^vendor(/|$) - [F,L,NC]
	RewriteRule silverstripe-cache(/|$) - [F,L,NC]
	RewriteRule composer\.(json|lock) - [F,L,NC]

	# Process through SilverStripe if no file with the requested name exists.
	# Pass through the original path as a query parameter, and retain the existing parameters.
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)$
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteRule .* framework/main.php?url=%1 [QSA]

	# If requesting the main script directly, rewrite to the installer
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/framework/main.php$
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteRule . %1/install.php? [R,L]


SilverStripe can also operate without this level of rewriting, in which case all dynamic requests go through an index.php script in the webroot.

Running SilverStripe without web server based rewriting is not recommended since it can leave sensitive files exposed to public access (the `RewriteRule` conditions from above don't apply).


The constants.php file is included automatically in any project which requires silverstripe/framework. This is included automatically when the composer vendor/autoload.php is included, and performs its tasks silently in the background.

  • Tries to locate an .env configuration file in the webroot.
  • Sets constants based on the filesystem structure (e.g. BASE_URL, BASE_PATH and TEMP_FOLDER)

All requests go through framework/main.php, which sets up the core [api:Kernel] and [api:HTTPApplication] objects. See [/developer_guides/execution_pipeline/app_object_and_kernel] for details on this. The main process follows:

  • Include autoload.php
  • Construct [api:HTTPRequest] object from environment.
  • Construct a Kernel instance
  • Construct a HTTPApplication instance
  • Add any necessary middleware to this application
  • Pass the request to the application, and request a response

While you usually don't need to modify the bootstrap on this level, some deeper customizations like adding your own manifests or a performance-optimized routing might require it. An example of this can be found in the "staticpublisher" module. The modules instructs web servers to route through its own main.php to determine which requests can be cached before handing control off to SilverStripe's own main.php.

Routing and Request Handling

The main.php script relies on [api:Director] to work out which controller should handle this request. It parses the URL, matching it to one of a number of patterns, and determines the controller, action and any argument to be used (Routing).

  • Creates a [api:HTTPRequest] object containing all request and environment information
  • The session holds an abstraction of PHP session
  • Instantiates a controller object
  • The [api:Injector] is first referenced, and asks the registered RequestFilter to pre-process the request object (see below)
  • The Controller executes the actual business logic and populates an [api:HTTPResponse]
  • The Controller can optionally hand off control to further nested controllers
  • The Controller optionally renders a response body through SSViewer templates
  • The [api:RequestProcessor] is called to post-process the request to allow further filtering before content is sent to the end user
  • The response is output to the client

Request Preprocessing and Postprocessing

The framework provides the ability to hook into the request both before and after it is handled to allow binding custom logic. This can be used to transform or filter request data, instantiate helpers, execute global logic, or even short-circuit execution (e.g. to enforce custom authentication schemes). The "Request Filters" documentation shows you how.

Flushing Manifests

If a ?flush=1 query parameter is added to a URL, a call to flush() will be triggered on any classes that implement the Flushable interface. This enables developers to clear manifest caches, for example when adding new templates or PHP classes. Note that you need to be in dev mode or logged-in as an administrator for flushing to take effect.