
8.2 KiB

2.0.2 (2007-07-14)

SilverStripe 2.0.2 was released on '''14 July 2007''' and had the following changes:


  • BlackCandy is the new default theme
  • Added pagination for page comments
  • Updated date field in CMS-edited forms to use CalendarDateField
  • Added 'open in new window' checkbox to link inserter
  • Added dimension fields when inserting images

Features and Enhancements

  • Much more API Documentation
  • Modules must now have _config.php files in order to be loaded
  • New Classes
    • PermissionProvider
  • Improved Classes
    • CalendarDateField
      • Added a calendar icon
    • CheckboxSetField
      • Prepared for use editing a many-many join in the CMS, popualted with a SQLMap object
    • ClassInfo
      • Added implementorsOf()
    • ContentNegotiator
      • Added set_encoding() to choose a character set other than utf-8
    • DatabaseAdmin
      • Removed populate() as it was a security risk, the initial content is now loaded via requireDefaultRecords()
    • DataObject
      • Added add_extension() for adding decorators in _config.php
    • DataObjectDecorator
      • Added extraDBFields() for modifying the decorated data objects, adding extra database fields
    • Email
      • Added send_all_emails_to()
      • Added cc_all_emails_to()
      • Added bcc_all_emails_to()
      • Replaced sentLiveErrorsTo() with send_errors_to(), for more flexibility
    • Form
      • Added current_action()
      • Added single_field_required()
    • FormField
      • Added Required(), so that you can put asterisks into a form template if you wish
    • GenericDataAdmin
      • Updated to use new permission model
    • LeftAndMain
      • Added second argument to setApplicationName() so that the name in the top corner and the name shown elsewhere can be 2 different strings
    • Permission
      • Added get_codes()
    • Profiler
      • Added trace argument to show()
      • Added profiling scaffolds
      • Added ?profile_trace=1 url variable tool to show a trace on the profiler
      • Sorted the output of profiler
      • Improvements to profiling information
    • TableField
      • Added option to aid putting TableFields inside the ComplexTableField popup
    • TreeDropdownField
      • Added setTreeBaseID(), for showing a sub-tree in your field
  • Javascript
    • Added event.setStyle to prototype_improvements.js
    • Add class text field to image properties dialog in TinyMCE
    • Added ?debug_behaviour=1 URL option for debugging behaviour calls with Firebug


  • CMS
    • Forms in newsletter & security section were incorrectly submitting when enter was pressed
    • Fixed search in MemberTableField
    • Don't show popup when validation fails in Security section
    • Fixed bug where scrollbars aren't shown in the CMS
    • Let CMSMain be used to manage objects without Sort
    • The help button now redirects to
    • Version displayed in CMS now works correctly
    • Fixed CMS action button support when text size increases
    • Added message when report is empty
    • fixed (overrides) to CSS to avoid larger font-size due to em values
    • Fixed tree scrolling and resizing issues
    • Fixed sizing issues with CMS right content area
    • Fixed bug with image insertion
    • Fixed bug where new pages weren't being highlighted in the CMS
    • Fixed bug where the last page in the site tree wasn't being highlighted in the CMS
    • Fixed reordering of groups in security section
    • Improvements to image inserter
  • Sapphire
    • Reduced warnings when E_NOTICE is enabled
    • Fixed validation of date fields in a user defined form
    • Fixed multiple security groups being created when logging in with default admin
    • Fixed permissions for administrating page comments
    • Fixed ContentController::PageComments() method to die if spammers are POSTing form data when comments are disabled
    • Fixed permission checking on PHP 5.0.5
    • Fixed 'cannot access protected property' error in Security section on PHP 5.0.5
    • Fixed javascript validation of forms
    • Fixed error when asp_tags = On
    • Fixed bug where you have a non-required field with numeric validation
    • Added a limit of 20 steps in Breadcrumbs generation
    • Changed SiteTree.Title length from 100 to 255
    • Fixed random password generator in Member::createNewPassword()
    • Fixed BatchProcess to not display an error if no objects could be processed
    • Fixed a bug where a user is redirected incorrectly after logging in
    • Changed temp-folder selection to not leave temp files lying around, and put silverstripe temp files into a silverstripe-cache folder
    • Made guid of PageComments in rss feed unique
    • Removed duplicate XML class
    • Fixed bugs caused by missing html elements
    • Fixed code to remove need for short_open_tag
    • Fixed FileSize generation for sizes of just over 1 meg
    • only show $messageBlock in FormField::FieldHolder() if $Message is existing
    • fixed rightTitle and id in FormField::FieldHolder()
    • Fixed ?isDev=1 mode
    • Set default of sendWarnings on Debug::send_errors_to
    • Fixed formatting of error emails sent from ajax requests
    • Removed debug plumbing from the results of Debug::backtrace()
    • Simplified return data of htmlEmail, an inconsequential internal optimisation
    • Create assets folder if it doesn't exist when uploading a file
    • Fixed bug in SiteTree::NestedTitle()
    • Don't append /home to the home page URL
    • Small fix for windows installations
    • Fixed efficiency problems in Versioned::get_latest_version
    • Fixed File::sync(), to let it recurse into new directories in a single execution
    • Fixed bug with getting form action that was breaking form submission and complextablefield pop-up
    • Fixed SQLMap iteration
    • Simplified EmailField validation error message
    • Fixed some bugs in the debug emailer
    • Reduced amount of ajax-refetching that the TreeSelectorFields do
    • Fix macron support in reports
    • Improved debug message (remove big blocks of redundant data)
    • Allow for the disabling of default buttons. Apply this to CMSMain and GenericDataAdmin in the administration, so that we don't default to clicking the DELETE button.
    • Added default value to first arg of permissionFailure(); it's not actually used!
    • Improved handling of EditableFormFields on new UserDefinedForms
    • Improved search results message shown on first load
    • Made calendar control register a date change when the calendar is used
    • Set some good defaults in DataObjectSet::TotalPages() if they have not been set
    • Changes to support forum
    • Require authenficiation to do a db/build on live sites
    • Close directories before trying to remove them
    • Fixed a bug where CheckboxSetField wouldn't save if there was a method the same as the field name
    • Fix multiple "broken" in class attribute of HTML Content
    • Fixed bug with TreeDropdownField when you clicked the expand link 3 or more times, it wouldn't close
    • Fixed bug when editing properties of new text fields
    • Fixed duplicate of UserDefinedForm objects
  • JSParty
    • Fixed a bug where you couldn't always edit the bottom of an WYSIWYG editor field
    • Ensure that WYSIWYG context menu always appears on the screen
    • Javascript performance improvements
    • Fix weird bug in behaviour to do with class.applyToChildren
    • Improved console.log alternative
  • Installer
  • Added option of installing either the default template, or the tutorial template
  • mod_rewrite check now works with http authentification
  • Workaround for 'URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration' using curl for mod_rewrite test
  • Better error message if the installer can't detect the web server
  • Added an alternative .htaccess configuration
  • Less file permissions required by the installer
  • Made deleting the installer files more prominent, it now deletes all the installations files, not just php.
  • MySQL password is now a hidden field.