2014-12-17 15:48:57 +13:00

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title: Rendering data to a template summary: Call and render SilverStripe templates manually.

Rendering data to a template

Templates do nothing on their own. Rather, they are used to render a particular object. All of the <% if %>, <% loop %> and other variables are methods or parameters that are called on the current object in scope. All that is necessary is that the object is an instance of [api:ViewableData] (or one of its subclasses).

The following will render the given data into a template. Given the template:


<strong>$Name</strong> is the $Role on our team.

Our application code can render into that view using renderWith. This method is called on the [api:ViewableData] instance with a template name or an array of templates to render.


$arrayData = new ArrayData(array(
	'Name' => 'John',
	'Role' => 'Head Coach'

echo $arrayData->renderWith('Coach_Message');

// returns "<strong>John</strong> is the Head Coach on our team."
Most classes in SilverStripe you want in your template extend `ViewableData` and allow you to call `renderWith`. This includes [api:Controller], [api:FormField] and [api:DataObject] instances.
$controller->renderWith(array("MyController", "MyBaseController"));


renderWith can be used to override the default template process. For instance, to provide an ajax version of a template.


class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	private static $allowed_actions = array('iwantmyajax');

	public function iwantmyajax() {
		if(Director::is_ajax()) {
			return $this->renderWith("AjaxTemplate");
		} else {
			return $this->httpError(404);

Any data you want to render into the template that does not extend ViewableData should be wrapped in an object that does, such as ArrayData or ArrayList.


class Page_Controller extends ContentController {


	public function iwantmyajax() {
		if(Director::is_ajax()) {
			$experience = new ArrayList();
			$experience->push(new ArrayData(array(
				'Title' => 'First Job'

			return $this->customize(new ArrayData(array(
				'Name' => 'John',
				'Role' => 'Head Coach',
				'Experience' => $experience
		} else {
			return $this->httpError(404);