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RSS Feed


Generating RSS/Atom-feeds is just a matter of rendering a [api:DataObject] and the Page Comment Interface. Handled through the [api:RSSFeed] class.

RSSFeed doesn't limit you to generating "article-based" feeds, it is just as easy to create a feed of your current staff-members. The only logical limitation here is that every item in the RSS-feed should be accessible through a URL on your website, so its advisable to just create feeds from subclasses of [api:SiteTree].


Showing latest Blog posts

  • The first part will add an appropriate link tag for autodetecting RSS feeds

  • The second part sets up /this-page/rss to return the RSS feed. This one returns the children of the current page.

    :::php function init() { RSSFeed::linkToFeed($this->Link() . "rss", "RSS feed of this blog"); parent::init(); }

     function rss() {
     	$rss = new RSSFeed($this->Children(), $this->Link(), "My feed", "This is an example feed.", "Title", "Content", "Author");

Example of showing the 10 most recently updated pages

You can use RSSFeed to easily create a feed showing your latest Page updates. Just change mysite/code/Page.php to something like this:

class Page extends SiteTree {
	static $db = array(
	static $has_one = array(

class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	function init() {
		RSSFeed::linkToFeed($this->Link() . "rss", "10 Most Recently Updated Pages");
	function rss() {
		$rss = new RSSFeed($this->LatestUpdates(), $this->Link(), "10 Most Recently Updated Pages", "Shows a list of the 10 most recently updated pages.", "Title", "Content", "Author");

	function LatestUpdates() {
		// 10 is the number of pages
		return DataObject::get("Page", "", "LastEdited DESC", "", 10);


Viewing Comment RSS Feeds

You can view RSS feeds for comments for a certain page or for all comments on your site by visiting . That produces a RSS Feed of the most recent comments to all of your site. You can also do where pageid is the id of the page you want to follow

External Sources

RSSFeed only creates feeds from your own data. We've included the SimplePie RSS-parser for accessing feeds from external sources.

API Documentation
