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A single database record & abstract class for the data-access-model.


  • datamodel: The basic pricinples
  • data-types: Casting and special property-parsing
  • [api:DataObject]: A "container" for DataObjects


The call to DataObject->getCMSFields() is the centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a [api:FieldSet]''.

class MyPage extends Page {
  function getCMSFields() {
    $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
    $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content',new CheckboxField('CustomProperty'));
    return $fields;

Scaffolding Formfields

These calls retrieve a [api:FieldSet] for the area where you intend to work with the scaffolded form.

For the CMS

  • Requirements: SilverStripe 2.3.*

// bla

$fields = singleton('MyDataObject')->getCMSFields();

For the Frontend

Used for simple frontend forms without relation editing or [api:TabSet] behaviour. Uses scaffoldFormFields()by default. To customize, either overload this method in your subclass, or decorate it byDataObjectDecorator->updateFormFields()`.

  • Requirements: SilverStripe 2.3.*

    :::php $fields = singleton('MyDataObject')->getFrontEndFields();

Customizing Scaffolded Fields

  • Requirements: SilverStripe 2.3.*

This section covers how to enhance the default scaffolded form fields from above. It is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the [api:ModelAdmin] in the CMS to make relevant data administration interfaces.

Searchable Fields

  • Requirements: SilverStripe 2.3.*

The $searchable_fields property uses a mixed array format that can be used to further customize your generated admin system. The default is a set of array values listing the fields.

Example: Getting predefined searchable fields

$fields = singleton('MyDataObject')->searchableFields();

Example: Simple Definition

class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
   static $searchable_fields = array(

Searchable fields will be appear in the search interface with a default form field (usually a TextField) and a default search filter assigned (usually an ExactMatchFilter). To override these defaults, you can specify additional information on $searchable_fields:

class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
   static $searchable_fields = array(
       'Name' => 'PartialMatchFilter',
       'ProductCode' => 'NumericField'

If you assign a single string value, you can set it to be either a FormField or SearchFilter. To specify both, you can assign an array:

class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
   static $searchable_fields = array(
       'Name' => array(
          'field' => 'TextField',
          'filter' => 'PartialMatchFilter',
       'ProductCode' => array(
           'title' => 'Product code #',
           'field' => 'NumericField',
           'filter' => 'PartialMatchFilter',

To include relations (''$has_one'', $has_many and $many_many) in your search, you can use a dot-notation.

class Team extends DataObject {
  static $db = array(
    'Title' => 'Varchar'
  static $many_many = array(
    'Players' => 'Player'
  static $searchable_fields = array(
class Player extends DataObject {
  static $db = array(
    'Name' => 'Varchar',
    'Birthday' => 'Date'
  static $belongs_many_many = array(
    'Teams' => 'Team'

Summary Fields

  • Requirements: SilverStripe 2.3.*

Summary fields can be used to show a quick overview of the data for a specific DataObject record. Most common use is their display as table columns, e.g. in the search results of a [api:ModelAdmin] CMS interface.

Example: Getting predefined summary fields

$fields = singleton('MyDataObject')->summaryFields();

Example: Simple Definition

class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
  static $db = array(
    'Name' => 'Text',
    'OtherProperty' => 'Text',
    'ProductCode' => 'Int',
  static $summary_fields = array(

To include relations in your summaries, you can use a dot-notation.

class OtherObject extends DataObject {
  static $db = array(
    'Title' => 'Varchar'
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
  static $db = array(
    'Name' => 'Text'
  static $has_one = array(
    'OtherObject' => 'OtherObject'
   static $summary_fields = array(

API Documentation
