Maxime Rainville 22d992a22b
DOC Update documentation for GraphQL v4 (#10325)
* DOC Add upgrade guidance for GraphQL v4

* Move docs around

The existing upgrading docs are for upgrading to v4, whereas the new docs are more about how to handle the new .graphql-generated directory.

* Update graphql documentation

* More updates to doc

Co-authored-by: Guy Sartorelli <>
2022-06-08 17:23:48 +12:00

13 KiB

title summary
Upgrading to GraphQL 4 Upgrade your Silverstripe CMS project to use graphQL version 4

Upgrading to GraphQL 4

[alert] You are viewing docs for a pre-release version of silverstripe/graphql (4.x). Help us improve it by joining #graphql on the Community Slack, and report any issues at Docs for the current stable version (3.x) can be found here [/alert]

The 4.0 release of silverstripe/graphql underwent a massive set of changes representing an entire rewrite of the module. This was done as part of a year-long plan to improve performance. While there is no specific upgrade path, there are some key things to look out for and general guidelines on how to adapt your code from the 3.x release to 4.x.

Note that this document is aimed towards developers who have a custom graphql schema. If you are updating from graphql 3 to 4 but do not have a custom schema, you should familiarise yourself with the building the schema documentation, but you do not need to read this document.

In this section, we'll cover each of these upgrade issues in order of impact.

GraphQL schemas require a build step

The most critical change moving from 3.x to 4.x affects the developer experience. The key to improving performance in GraphQL requests was eliminating the overhead of generating the schema at runtime. This didn't scale. As the GraphQL schema grew, API response latency increased.

To eliminate this overhead, the GraphQL API relies on generated code for the schema. You need to run a task to build it.

vendor/bin/sake dev/graphql/build schema=default

Check the building the schema documentation to learn about the different ways to build your schema.

The Manager class, the godfather of GraphQL 3, is gone

silverstripe/graphql 3.x relied heavily on the Manager class. This became a catch-all that handled scaffolding, registration of types, running queries and middleware, error handling, and more. This class has been broken up into two separate concerns:

  • Schema <- register your stuff here
  • QueryHandlerInterface <- Handles GraphQL queries, applies middlewares and context. You'll probably never have to touch it.



      types: {}
      queries: {}
      mutations: {}


        - app/_graphql # A directory of your choice

Add the appropriate yaml files to the directory. For more information on this pattern, see the configuring your schema section.


TypeCreator, QueryCreator, and MutationCreator are gone

A thorough look at how these classes were being used revealed that they were really just functioning as value objects that effectively created configuration in a static context. That is, they had no real reason to be instance-based. Most of the time, they can easily be ported to configuration.



class GroupTypeCreator extends TypeCreator
    public function attributes()
        return [
            'name' => 'group'

    public function fields()
        return [
            'ID' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::id())],
            'Title' => ['type' => Type::string()],
            'Description' => ['type' => Type::string()]



    ID: ID!
    Title: String
    Description: String

That's a simple type, and obviously there's a lot more to it than that. Have a look at the working with generic types section of the documentation to learn more.

Resolvers must be static callables

You can no longer use instance methods for resolvers. They can't be easily transformed into generated PHP code in the schema build step. These resolvers should be refactored to use the static declaration and moved into a class.


Move your resolvers into one or many classes, and register them. Notice that the name of the method determines what is being resolved, where previously that would be the name of a resolver class. Now, multiple resolver methods can exist within a single resolver class.


class LatestPostResolver implements OperationResolver
    public function resolve($object, array $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info)
        return Post::get()->sort('Date', 'DESC')->first();



  - MyProject\Resolvers\MyResolverClassA
  - MyProject\Resolvers\MyResolverClassB
class MyResolverClassA
    public static function resolveLatestPost($object, array $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info)
        return Post::get()->sort('Date', 'DESC')->first();

This method relies on resolver discovery, which you can learn more about in the documentation.

Alternatively, you can hardcode the resolver into your config.


  type: Post
  resolver: ['MyApp\Resolvers\MyResolvers', 'latestPost']

ScaffoldingProviders are now SchemaUpdaters

The ScaffoldingProvider interface has been replaced with SchemaUpdater. If you were updating your schema with procedural code, you'll need to implement SchemaUpdater and implement the updateSchema() method.


Register your schema builder, and change the code.


        - 'MyProject\MyProvider'
class MyProvider implements ScaffoldingProvider
    public function provideGraphQLScaffolding(SchemaScaffolder $scaffolder)
        // updates here...


        - 'MyProject\MyProvider'
class MyProvider implements SchemaUpdater
    public function updateSchema(Schema $schema): void
        // updates here...

[alert] The API for procedural code has been completely rewritten. You'll need to rewrite all of the code in these classes. For more information on working with procedural code, read the using procedural code documentation. [/alert]

Goodbye scaffolding, hello models

In silverstripe/graphql 3.x, a massive footprint of the codebase was dedicated to a DataObject-specific API called "scaffolding" that was used to generate types, queries, fields, and more from the ORM. In 4.x, that approach has been replaced with a concept called model types.

A model type is just a type that is backed by a class that has awareness of its schema (like a DataObject!). At a high-level, it needs to answer questions like:

  • Do you have field X?
  • What type is field Y?
  • What are all the fields you offer?
  • What operations do you provide?
  • Do you require any extra types to be added to the schema?


The 4.x release ships with a model type implementation specifically for DataObjects, which you can use a lot like the old scaffolding API. It's largely the same syntax, but a lot easier to read.


            fields: '*'
            operations: '*'
              title: true
              content: true
              read: true



  fields: '*'
  operations: '*'

    title: true
    content: true
    read: true

DataObject GraphQL field names are lowerCamelCase by default

The 3.x release of the module embraced an anti-pattern of using UpperCamelCase field names so that they could map directly to the conventions of the ORM. This makes frontend code look awkward, and there's no great reason for the Silverstripe CMS GraphQL server to break convention. In this major release, the lowerCamelCase approach is encouraged.


Change the casing in your queries.


query readPages {
  edges {
    nodes {


query readPages {
  edges {
    node {

edges no longer required

We don't have cursor-based pagination in Silverstripe CMS, so the use of edges is merely for convention. You can eliminate a layer here and just use nodes, but edges still exists for backward compatibility.

query readPages {
  nodes {

DataObject type names are simpler

To avoid naming collisions, the 3.x release of the module used a pretty aggressive approach to ensuring uniqueness when converting a DataObject class name to a GraphQL type name, which was <vendorName><shortName>.

In the 4.x release, the typename is just the shortName by default, which is based on the assumption that most of what you'll be exposing is in your own app code, so collisions aren't that likely.


Change any references to DataObject type names in your queries

before query SilverStripeSiteTrees {}

after query SiteTrees {}

[info] If this new pattern is not compatible with your set up (e.g. if you use feature-based namespacing), you have full control over how types are named. You can use the type_formatter and type_prefix on DataObjectModel to influence the naming computation. Read more about this in the DataObject model type docs. [/info]

The Connection class has been replaced with plugins

In the 3.x release, you could wrap a query in the Connection class to add pagination features. In 4.x, these features are provided via the new plugin system.

The good news is that all DataObject queries are paginated by default, and you shouldn't have to worry about this. But if you are writing a custom query and want it paginated, check out the section on adding pagination to a custom query.

Additionally, the sorting features that were provided by Connection have been moved to a plugin dedicated to SS_List results. Again, this plugin is applied to all DataObject classes by default, and will include all of their sortable fields by default - though this is configurable. See the query plugins section for more information.


There isn't much you have to do here to maintain compatibility. If you prefer to have a lot of control over what your sort fields are, check out the linked documentation above.

Query filtering has been replaced with a plugin

The previous QueryFilter API has been vastly simplified in a new plugin. Filtering is provided to all read queries by default, and should include all filterable fields including nested relationships - though this is configurable. See the query plugins section for more information.


There isn't much you have to do here to maintain compatibility. If you prefer to have a lot of control over what your filter fields are, check out the linked documentation above.

Query permissions have been replaced with a plugin

This was mostly an internal API, and shouldn't be affected in an upgrade - but if you want more information on how it works you can read the permissions documentation.

Enums are first-class citizens

In the 3.x release, there was no clear path to creating enum types, but in 4.x, they have a prime spot in the configuration layer.


(A type creator that has been hacked to return an Enum singleton?)



  SHIPPED: Shipped
  CANCELLED: Cancelled
  PENDING: Pending

See the Enums, unions, and interfaces documentation for more information.