Aaron Carlino 6888901468
NEW: Update docs to be compliant with Gatsby site (#9314)
* First cut

* Temporarily disable composer.json for netlify build


* New recursive directory query, various refinements

* Fix flexbox

* new styled components plugin

* Apply frontmatter delimiters

* Mobile styles, animation

* Search

* Redesign, clean up

* Nuke the cache, try again

* fix file casing

* Remove production env file

* ID headers

* Move app to new repo

* Add frontmatter universally

* Hide children changelogs

* Add how to title

* New callout tags

* Revert inline code block change

* Replace note callouts

* Fix icons

* Repalce images

* Fix icon

* Fix image links

* Use proper SQL icon
2019-11-18 17:58:33 +13:00

470 lines
18 KiB

title: Requirements
summary: How to include and require other assets in your templates such as javascript and CSS files.
iconBrand: js
# Requirements
The requirements class takes care of including CSS and JavaScript into your applications. This is preferred to hard
coding any references in the `<head>` tag of your template, as it enables a more flexible handling through the
[Requirements](api:SilverStripe\View\Requirements) class.
The examples below are using certain folder naming conventions (CSS files in `css/`, JavaScript files in `javascript/`).
SilverStripe core modules like `cms` use a different naming convention (CSS and JavaScript files in `client/src/`).
The `Requirements` class can work with arbitrary file paths.
## Exposing static assets
Before requiring static asset files in PHP code or in a template, those assets need to be "exposed". This process allows SilverStripe projects and SilverStripe modules to make static asset files available via the web server from locations that would otherwise be blocked from web server access, such as the `vendor` folder.
### Configuring your project "exposed" folders
Exposed assets are made available in your web root in a dedicated "resources" directory. Prior to SilverStripe 4.4, the name of this directory was hardcoded to `resources`. In SilverStripe 4.4 and above, the name of the resources directory can be configured by defining the `extra.resources-dir` key in your `composer.json`. SilverStripe projects created from `silverstripe/installer` 4.4 and above will automatically be configured to use `_resources` as their resource directory.
Each folder that needs to be exposed must be entered under the `extra.expose` key in your `composer.json` file. Module developers should use a path relative to the root of their module (don't include the "vendor/package-developer/package-name" path).
This is a sample SilverStripe project `composer.json` file configured to expose some assets.
"name": "app/myproject",
"type": "silverstripe-project",
"require": {
"silverstripe/recipe-cms": "4.4.x-dev"
"extra": {
"resources-dir": "_resources",
"expose": [
Files contained inside the `app/client/dist` and `app/images` will be made publicly available under the `_resources` directory.
SilverStripe projects should not track the "resources" directory in their source control system.
### Exposing assets in the web root
SilverStripe projects ship with [silverstripe/vendor-plugin](
This Composer plugin automatically tries to expose assets from your project and installed modules after installation, or after an update.
Developers can explicitly expose static assets by calling `composer vendor-expose`. This is necessary after updating your `resources-dir` or `expose` configuration in your `composer.json` file.
`composer vendor-expose` accepts an optional `method` argument (e.g.: `composer vendor-expose auto`). This controls how the files are exposed in the "resources" directory:
* `none` disables all symlink / copy
* `copy` copies the exposed files
* `symlink` create symbolic links to the exposed folder
* `junction` uses a junction (Windows only)
* `auto` creates symbolic links (or junctions on Windows), but fails over to copy.
### Referencing exposed assets
When referencing exposed static assets, use either the project file path (relative to the project root folder) or a module name and relative file path to that module's root folder. E.g.:
// When referencing project files, use the same path defined in your `composer.json` file.
// When referencing theme files, use a path relative to the root of your project
// When referencing files from a module, you need to prefix the path with the module name.
When rendered in HTML code, these URLs will be rewritten to their matching path inside the "resources" directory.
## Template Requirements API
<% require css("<my-module-dir>/css/some_file.css") %>
<% require themedCSS("some_themed_file") %>
<% require javascript("<my-module-dir>/javascript/some_file.js") %>
Requiring assets from the template is restricted compared to the PHP API.
## PHP Requirements API
It is common practice to include most Requirements either in the *init()*-method of your [controller](../controllers/), or
as close to rendering as possible (e.g. in [FormField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\FormField)).
use SilverStripe\Control\Director;
use SilverStripe\View\Requirements;
class MyCustomController extends Controller
protected function init()
### CSS Files
use SilverStripe\View\Requirements;
Requirements::css($path, $media);
If you're using the CSS method a second argument can be used. This argument defines the 'media' attribute of the
`<link>` element, so you can define 'screen' or 'print' for example.
Requirements::css("<my-module-dir>/css/some_file.css", "screen,projection");
### Javascript Files
Requirements::javascript($path, $options);
A variant on the inclusion of custom javascript is the inclusion of *templated* javascript. Here, you keep your
JavaScript in a separate file and instead load, via search and replace, several PHP-generated variables into that code.
$vars = [
"MemberID" => Security::getCurrentUser()->ID,
Requirements::javascriptTemplate("<my-module-dir>/javascript/some_file.js", $vars);
In this example, `some_file.js` is expected to contain a replaceable variable expressed as `MemberID`.
If you are using front-end script combination mechanisms, you can optionally declare
that your included files provide these scripts. This will ensure that subsequent
Requirement calls that rely on those included scripts will not double include those
Requirements::javascript('<my-module-dir>/javascript/dist/bundle.js', ['provides' => [
Requirements::javascript('<my-module-dir>/javascript/jquery.js'); // Will will skip this file
You can also use the second argument to add the 'async' and/or 'defer attributes to the script tag generated:
"async" => true,
"defer" => true,
### Custom Inline CSS or Javascript
You can also quote custom script directly. This may seem a bit ugly, but is useful when you need to transfer some kind
of 'configuration' from the database in a raw format. You'll need to use the `heredoc` syntax to quote JS and CSS,
this is generally speaking the best way to do these things - it clearly marks the copy as belonging to a different
alert("hi there");
.tree li.$className {
background-image: url($icon);
## Combining Files
You can concatenate several CSS or javascript files into a single dynamically generated file. This increases performance
by reducing HTTP requests.
To make debugging easier in your local environment, combined files is disabled when running your application in `dev`
mode. You can re-enable dev combination by setting `Requirements_Backend.combine_in_dev` to true.
### Configuring combined file storage
In some situations or server configurations, it may be necessary to customise the behaviour of generated javascript
files in order to ensure that current files are served in requests.
By default, files will be generated on demand in the format `assets/_combinedfiles/name-<hash>.js`,
where `<hash>` represents the hash of the source files used to generate that content. The default flysystem backend,
as used by the `[AssetStore](api:SilverStripe\Assets\Storage\AssetStore)` backend, is used for this storage, but it can be substituted for any
other backend.
You can also use any of the below options in order to tweak this behaviour:
* `Requirements.disable_flush_combined` - By default all combined files are deleted on flush.
If combined files are stored in source control, and thus updated manually, you might want to
turn this on to disable this behaviour.
* `Requirements_Backend.combine_hash_querystring` - By default the `<hash>` of the source files is appended to
the end of the combined file (prior to the file extension). If combined files are versioned in source control,
or running in a distributed environment (such as one where the newest version of a file may not always be
immediately available) then it may sometimes be necessary to disable this. When this is set to true, the hash
will instead be appended via a querystring parameter to enable cache busting, but not in the
filename itself. I.e. `assets/_combinedfiles/name.js?m=<hash>`
* `Requirements_Backend.default_combined_files_folder` - This defaults to `_combinedfiles`, and is the folder
within the configured asset backend that combined files will be stored in. If using a backend shared with
other systems, it is usually necessary to distinguish combined files from other assets.
* `Requirements_Backend.combine_in_dev` - By default combined files will not be combined except in test
or live environments. Turning this on will allow for pre-combining of files in development mode.
In some cases it may be necessary to create a new storage backend for combined files, if the default location
is not appropriate. Normally a single backend is used for all site assets, so a number of objects must be
replaced. For instance, the below will set a new set of dependencies to write to `app/javascript/combined`
Name: myrequirements
disable_flush_combined: true
combine_in_dev: true
combine_hash_querystring: true
default_combined_files_folder: 'combined'
# Create adapter that points to the custom directory root
class: SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem\PublicAssetAdapter
Root: ./app/javascript
# Set flysystem filesystem that uses this adapter
class: 'League\Flysystem\Filesystem'
Adapter: '%$SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem\PublicAdapter.custom-adapter'
# Create handler to generate assets using this filesystem
class: SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem\GeneratedAssets
Filesystem: %$League\Flysystem\Filesystem.custom-filesystem
# Assign this generator to the requirements builder
AssetHandler: '%$SilverStripe\Assets\Storage\GeneratedAssetHandler.custom-generated-assets'
In the above configuration, automatic expiry of generated files has been disabled, and it is necessary for
the developer to maintain these files manually. This may be useful in environments where assets must
be pre-cached, where scripts must be served alongside static files, or where no framework php request is
guaranteed. Alternatively, files may be served from instances other than the one which generated the
page response, and file synchronisation might not occur fast enough to propagate combined files to
mirrored filesystems.
In any case, care should be taken to determine the mechanism appropriate for your development
and production environments.
### Combined CSS Files
You can also combine CSS files into a media-specific stylesheets as you would with the `Requirements::css` call - use
the third paramter of the `combine_files` function:
$loader = SilverStripe\View\ThemeResourceLoader::inst();
$themes = SilverStripe\View\SSViewer::get_themes();
$printStylesheets = [
$loader->findThemedCSS('print_HomePage.css', $themes),
$loader->findThemedCSS('print_Page.css', $themes)
SilverStripe\View\Requirements::combine_files('print.css', $printStylesheets, 'print');
By default, all requirements files are flushed (deleted) when ?flush querystring parameter is set.
This can be disabled by setting the `Requirements.disable_flush_combined` config to `true`.
When combining CSS files, take care of relative urls, as these will not be re-written to match
the destination location of the resulting combined CSS.
### Combined JS Files
You can also add the 'async' and/or 'defer' attributes to combined Javascript files as you would with the
`Requirements::javascript` call - use the third paramter of the `combine_files` function:
$loader = SilverStripe\View\ThemeResourceLoader::inst();
$themes = SilverStripe\View\SSViewer::get_themes();
$scripts = [
$loader->findThemedJavascript('some_script.js', $themes),
$loader->findThemedJavascript('some_other_script.js', $themes)
SilverStripe\View\Requirements::combine_files('scripts.js', $scripts, ['async' => true, 'defer' => true]);
### Minification of CSS and JS files
You can minify combined Javascript and CSS files at runtime using an implementation of the
`SilverStripe\View\Requirements_Minifier` interface.
namespace MyProject;
use SilverStripe\View\Requirements_Minifier;
class MyMinifier implements Requirements_Minifier
* Minify the given content
* @param string $content
* @param string $type Either js or css
* @param string $filename Name of file to display in case of error
* @return string minified content
public function minify ($content, $type, $fileName)
// Minify $content;
return $minifiedContent;
Then, inject this service in `Requirements_Backend`.
MinifyCombinedFiles: true
Minifier: %$MyProject\MyMinifier
While the framework does afford you the option of minification at runtime, we recommend using one of many frontend build
tools to do this for you, e.g. [Webpack](, [Gulp](, or [Grunt](
## Clearing assets
Clears all defined requirements. You can also clear specific requirements.
Depending on where you call this command, a Requirement might be *re-included* afterwards.
## Blocking
Requirements can also be explicitly blocked from inclusion, which is useful to avoid conflicting JavaScript logic or
CSS rules. These blocking rules are independent of where the `block()` call is made. It applies both for already
included requirements, and ones included after the `block()` call.
One common example is to block the core `jquery.js` added by various form fields and core controllers, and use a newer
version in a custom location. This assumes you have tested your application with the newer version.
The CMS also uses the `Requirements` system, and its operation can be affected by `block()` calls. Avoid this by
limiting the scope of your blocking operations, e.g. in `init()` of your controller.
## Inclusion Order
Requirements acts like a stack, where everything is rendered sequentially in the order it was included. There is no way
to change inclusion-order, other than using *Requirements::clear* and rebuilding the whole set of requirements.
Inclusion order is both relevant for CSS and Javascript files in terms of dependencies, inheritance and overlays - be
careful when messing with the order of requirements.
## Javascript placement
By default, SilverStripe includes all Javascript files at the bottom of the page body, unless there's another script
already loaded, then, it's inserted before the first `<script>` tag. If this causes problems, it can be configured.
`Requirements.force_js_to_bottom`, will force SilverStripe to write the Javascript to the bottom of the page body, even
if there is an earlier script tag.
If the Javascript files are preferred to be placed in the `<head>` tag rather than in the `<body>` tag,
`Requirements.write_js_to_body` should be set to false.
## Direct resource urls
In templates you can use the `$resourcePath()` or `$resourceURL()` helper methods to inject links to
resources directly. If you want to link to resources within a specific module you can use
the `vendor/module:some/path/to/file.jpg` syntax.
<div class="loading">
<img src="$resourceURL('silverstripe/admin:client/dist/images/spinner.gif')" />
In PHP you can directly resolve these urls using the `ModuleResourceLoader` helper.
$file = ModuleResourceLoader::singleton()
## Related Lessons
* [Creating your first theme](
* [AJAX behaviour and ViewableData](
## API Documentation
* [Requirements](api:SilverStripe\View\Requirements)
* [CMS Architecture and Build Tooling](/developer_guides/customising_the_admin_interface/cms_architecture)