Damian Mooyman be239896d3 API Refactor of File / Folder to use DBFile
API Remove filesystem sync
API to handle file manipulations
2015-10-13 11:57:39 +13:00

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summary: Learn how to crop and resize images in templates and PHP code
# Image
Image files can be stored either through the `[api:Image]` dataobject, or though `[api:DBFile]` fields.
In either case, the same image resizing and manipulation functionality is available though the common
`[api:ImageManipulation]` trait.
## Usage
### Managing images through form fields
Images can be uploaded like any other file, through `[api:FileField]`.
More advanced usage is possible through `[api:UploadField]`,
which provides thumbnails, a detail view of the image properties,
and management of relationships to other DataObject instances.
Allows upload of images through limiting file extensions with `setAllowedExtensions()`.
### Inserting images into the WYSIWYG editor
See [Topics: Rich Text Editing](/topics/rich-text-editing).
### Manipulating images in Templates
You can manipulate images directly from templates to create images that are
resized and cropped to suit your needs. This doesn't affect the original
image or clutter the CMS with any additional files, and any images you create
in this way are cached for later use. In most cases the pixel aspect ratios of
images are preserved (meaning images are not stretched).
Here are some examples, assuming the `$Image` object has dimensions of 200x100px:
// Scaling functions
$Image.ScaleWidth(150) // Returns a 150x75px image
$Image.ScaleMaxWidth(100) // Returns a 100x50px image (like ScaleWidth but prevents up-sampling)
$Image.ScaleHeight(150) // Returns a 300x150px image (up-sampled. Try to avoid doing this)
$Image.ScaleMaxHeight(150) // Returns a 200x100px image (like ScaleHeight but prevents up-sampling)
$Image.Fit(300,300) // Returns an image that fits within a 300x300px boundary, resulting in a 300x150px image (up-sampled)
$Image.FitMax(300,300) // Returns a 200x100px image (like Fit but prevents up-sampling)
// Warning: This method can distort images that are not the correct aspect ratio
$Image.ResizedImage(200, 300) // Forces dimensions of this image to the given values.
// Cropping functions
$Image.Fill(150,150) // Returns a 150x150px image resized and cropped to fill specified dimensions (up-sampled)
$Image.FillMax(150,150) // Returns a 100x100px image (like Fill but prevents up-sampling)
$Image.CropWidth(150) // Returns a 150x100px image (trims excess pixels off the x axis from the center)
$Image.CropHeight(50) // Returns a 200x50px image (trims excess pixels off the y axis from the center)
// Padding functions (add space around an image)
$Image.Pad(100,100) // Returns a 100x100px padded image, with white bars added at the top and bottom
$Image.Pad(100, 100, CCCCCC) // Same as above but with a grey background
// Metadata
$Image.Width // Returns width of image
$Image.Height // Returns height of image
$Image.Orientation // Returns Orientation
$Image.Title // Returns the friendly file name
$Image.Name // Returns the actual file name
$Image.FileName // Returns the actual file name including directory path from web root
$Image.Link // Returns relative URL path to image
$Image.AbsoluteLink // Returns absolute URL path to image
Image methods are chainable. Example:
<body style="background-image:url($Image.ScaleWidth(800).CropHeight(800).Link)">
### Manipulating images in PHP
The image manipulation functions can be used in your code with the same names, example: `$image->Fill(150,150)`.
Some of the MetaData functions need to be prefixed with 'get', example `getHeight()`, `getOrientation()` etc.
Please refer to the `[api:ImageManipulation]` API documentation for specific functions.
### Creating custom image functions
You can also create your own functions by decorating the `Image` class.
class MyImage extends DataExtension {
public function Landscape() {
return $this->owner->getWidth() > $this->owner->getHeight();
public function Portrait() {
return $this->owner->getWidth() < $this->owner->getHeight();
public function PerfectSquare() {
$variant = $this->owner->variantName(__FUNCTION__);
return $this->owner->manipulateImage($variant, function(Image_Backend $backend) {
return $backend->croppedResize(100,100);
public function Exif(){
$mime = $this->owner->getMimeType();
$content = $this->owner->getAsString();
$image = "data://{$mime};base64," . base64_encode($content);
$d = new ArrayList();
$exif = exif_read_data($image, 0, true);
foreach ($exif as $key => $section) {
$a = new ArrayList();
foreach ($section as $name => $val) {
$a->push(new ArrayData(array(
$d->push(new ArrayData(array(
return $d;
- MyImage
- MyImage
### Form Upload
For usage on a website form, see `[api:FileField]`.
If you want to upload images within the CMS, see `[api:UploadField]`.
### Image Quality
To adjust the quality of the generated images when they are resized add the
following to your mysite/config/config.yml file:
default_quality: 90
# or
default_quality: 90
The default value is 75.
By default SilverStripe image functions will not resample an image if no
cropping or resizing is taking place. You can tell SilverStripe to always to
always produce resampled output by adding this to your
mysite/config/config.yml file:
# Configure resampling for File dataobject
force_resample: true
# DBFile can be configured independently
force_resample: true
If you are intending to resample images with SilverStripe it is good practice
to upload high quality (minimal compression) images as these will produce
better results when resampled. Very high resolution images may cause GD to
crash so a good size for website images is around 2000px on the longest edge.
## API Documentation
* `[api:File]`
* `[api:Image]`
* `[api:DBFile]`
* `[api:ImageManipulation]`