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- Lots of smaller usability changes resulting from our tests
- More user friendly editing of page URLs, through explicit "edit" button
- Changed tab paths in
(see upgrade notes - Combined "Content" and "Metadata" tabs in "Pages"
- Auto-hiding second level tabs if one one tab is available
- SQL Server and PostgreSQL core support
- Improved API for creating queries programmatically (through
) - Dependency injection API for more flexible code customization (early stage)
- PHPUnit 3.6 compatibility
Removed from release milestone
- Move SilverStripe classes into PHP namespaces.
- Gallery view for files.
- New batch action system with interactive dialogs.
See 3.0.0 for previous details.
API Changes
- 2012-05-19 94f50f5 Changes to make Director rules set through the new config system. Includes the addition of a new AdminRootController to take over handling of routing /admin/* routes to the correct LeftAndMain panel. (Hamish Friedlander)
- 2012-05-18 1025524 Added $insertBefore argument to GridFiedlConfig::addComponent() (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-18 7201f06 Added new config option Money.default_currency. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-14 9da92e0 Renamed setContainerFieldSet() to setContainerFieldList() to match the FieldList API. API CHANGE Renamed rootFieldSet() to rootFieldList() to match the FieldList API. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 dffae1a Do not rely on a specific OS mime type detection, use PHP finfo (Stig Lindqvist)
- 2012-05-11 8a46e38 Removed old HTTP::sendRequest() and HTTP::sendPostRequest() functions which are sparsely used, and not maintained or tested. Use custom code instead. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 42d404f Restructured SiteTree->getCMSFields() tabs from "Root.Content.Main" to "Root.Main", merged "Root.Content.Metadata" tab into "Root.Main" (fixes #7261) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-09 b1e1757 Removed assertType() and assertEmpty() workarounds. Use assertInstanceOf() instead of assertType(), assertEmpty() is available in PHPUnit 3.5+. PHPUnit 3.4 is no longer supported, so please upgrade your version to work. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-08 1e174b3 Made LeftAndMain::getResponseNegotiator() public so extensions can use it. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-07 89fc8e5 PasswordEncryptor::check() allows for more powerful password checking, deprecating PasswordEncryptor::compare() (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-05-05 d4154da Deprecate Member::sendInfo(), use Member_ChangePasswordEmail and Member_ForgotPasswordEmail class directly instead. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-04 fd0ec1c Removed Member_SignupEmail, use your own custom sign up Email class instead. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-03 051d9de Deprecated internal access to SQLQuery properties, update core code to reflect these changes. Using set/add instead in accessor methods, and use Database::sql*ToString() to allow easier per-database adapter SQL overloading. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-03 3b3b515 Read-only fields no longer include companion hidden fields (see pull request #399) BUGFIX Remove legacy code and template which is never picked-up so that TextareaField becomes 'readonly' when it is transfered to readonly field. Change TextareaFieldTest test cases to address a 'readonly' textarea field displaying the special html characters correctly. (Normann Lou)
- 2012-05-01 2207e3d Add SQLQuery::prepareSelect(), to further remove the need for direct property access. API CHANGE: Change the format of SQLQuery::$select to use aliases as keys. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-01 8661164 Add SQLQuery::clearSelect(), SQLQuery::selectField() and SQLQuery::itemisedSelect() to make it easier for other subsystems to use SQLQuery without resorting to direct property access. API CHANGE: Remove DataQuery::select() in place of DataQuery::selectField(). BUGFIX: Remove direct property access to SQLQuery::$select (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-01 0882741 Renamed setModel for DataModel instances to setDataModel for semantics, and also to allow a field name called "Model" (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-01 c84254c Rename SQLQuery prepareSelect to prepareWhere (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-30 c2339d2 Removed FormResponse handling for erroneous ajax requests in Form->validate(), use javascript validation instead, or reload the whole form with new HTML including the error messages (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-20 6469d83 add a remote relation class getter to DataObject (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-03-16 8bbfa97 Remove Controller::Now(), as it was only ever a template global provider, and use the new TemplateGlobalProvider interface on SS_Datetime instead. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-03-16 6c35588 Rename 'PastMember' to 'IsRepeatMember' in templates. API CHANGE: Move Controller::PastMember() to Member::is_repeat_member() in code. API CHANGE: Removed Controller::CurrentMember(), it was only ever intended as a template global provider. (Sam Minnee)
Features and Enhancements
- 2012-05-18 aa7bc23 refactoring template "control" loops into "loop" and "with" to fit with the new template syntax (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-05-18 5290b81 don't show the paginating elements in the paginator when only one page, and keep 'view 1 - 5 of 5' there (Normann Lou)
- 2012-05-16 458171f Gridfield usability (fixes 7215) (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-14 7f05add Make jQuery.Entwine inspector available in admin panels in dev mode (Hamish Friedlander)
- 2012-05-12 f561264 Update URLSegment from Title (closes #6981) (Ryan Wachtl)
- 2012-05-11 05cde92 Implemented a view action for GridField, and a record viewing GridFieldConfig. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-10 1863bb0 Refactored SiteTreeURLSegmentField JS to a more selector based approach (future proof field for reusability e.g. in ModelAdmin with custom DataObject URL previews) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-10 2753744 Moving X-Status message handling in CMS from global ajaxError to ajaxComplete handler, to allow success messages being passed this way as well. (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-09 11f4756 Auto-hiding tab bar in CMS forms if only a single tab is available (to save screen space and reduce UI clutter) (see #7261) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-09 8c9560d FieldList->setTabPathRewrites() for better backwards compatibility (see #7261) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-09 b269bad Added dependency injector for managing creation of new objects and their dependencies. API CHANGE: Pass Object::create() calls to Injector::create(). API CHANGE: Add "RequestProcessor" injection point in Director, that Director will call preRequest() and postRequest() on. (Marcus Nyeholt)
- 2012-05-09 d642eee UI Changes to FileUpload Area (TRAC-7219) (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-08 77e52d6 Url encoding URLSegments before matching them against database records in ModelAsController, to match behaviour of SiteTree with URLSegmentFilter::$default_allow_multibyte=true. Not an API change because all encodable characters have been removed by the default URLSegmentFilter already (see http://www.w3.org/International/articles/idn-and-iri/#iriproblem) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 9052cdc Making "Users", "Groups" and "Roles" tabs in SecurityAdmin bookmarkable. ENHANCEMENT Fixed SecurityAdmin->Breadcrumbs() to include link to individual tab, and disable backlink (signed off by Paul) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 a2dbd69 Allow Controllers to opt-out or modify the back link behaviour in GridFieldDetailForm (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 6d999aa addExtraClass() support for Tab and TabSet (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-07 bb9ffd2 SQLQuery::selectField() returns a SQLQuery object to be consistent with how the other add/set methods work. MINOR Fixing DbDatetimeTest to use the correct selectField to select an alias (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-07 85a69c0 add page icons for tree dropdown field when creating a new page and setting its parent (Normann Lou)
- 2012-05-07 5cf3720 Use the best blowfish encryption available - this fixes fragility between PHP versions and system installations (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-05-07 4b6c21b use the grid field compoent GridFieldLevelup for pages listveiw when the view is the children listing of a page (Normann Lou)
- 2012-05-07 7324712 add Levelup component to GridField as GridFieldLevelup (Normann Lou)
- 2012-05-06 304c3cd Fields can be excluded from change tracking using a ".no-change-track" class. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-04 abb5719 Style change to buttons for preview states. Removed open in new window (TRAC-7214) (Ryan O'Hara)
- 2012-05-04 9248458 Add disabled state to preview buttons and add watermark for the current state being viewed (TRAC:7214) (Ryan O'Hara)
- 2012-05-04 ad1f7c1 Add Watermark for preview states (TRAC-7214) (Ryan O'Hara)
- 2012-05-03 7c25754 Localization of installation success screen (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 2fdc4e5 Section icons in CMS (#7269) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 4029f96 Section icons in CMS (#7269) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 826878b add header icon to CMSFileAddController when uploading file and SecurityAdmin when editing a member record (Normann Lou)
- 2012-05-03 3cdca3e Trac 7266 - added an icon to the 'sync files' button in AssetAdmin + regenerated css files. (Jeremy Bridson)
- 2012-05-03 7f1e6de Trac 7266 - added an icon to the 'sync files' button in AssetAdmin + regenerated css files. (Jeremy Bridson)
- 2012-05-02 e29bb3c Allow opt-out of autofocus in CMS editor form, to avoid browser "auto scrolling" to bring the focused element into view (fixes #7242) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-02 f812e56 Moving action buttons in AssetAdmin to "details" tab (fixes #7221) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-02 fa60f9e Implement blowfish encryption and use it by default. (#7111) (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-05-02 bc36406 changed gallery icon to an edit icon for assetAdmin + regenerated UnitTesting.css (Jeremy Bridson)
- 2012-05-02 a895d0b changed gallery icon to an edit icon for assetAdmin (Jeremy Bridson)
- 2012-05-01 e949b6f Backwards compatible $priority parameter for i18n::_t(): Allow numeric arrays as parameters, as well as %s style replacements with a named parameter map (easier transition to new system with existing translation strings) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 84045cc Make filter closed (#7210) (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-01 af5bd4d Close filter panel(Track#7210) (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-30 a73e457 Titles for lozenges in page tree for more context (fixes #7206) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 f873707 Prepopulating group on new members (fixes #7217) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 72eadef GridFieldDetailForm->setItemEditFormCallback() (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 fdd5e71 Remove unnecessary NULL check. (Dominik Beerbohm)
- 2012-04-30 fed2785 Per-instance customisation of GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 bd6ca59 Adding list-style in addition to list-style-image for URL rewrites (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-26 f63d137 Session::start() now only called when there is changed session data to be saved, and started on Director::direct() when there is a cookie (or request var) containing the current PHP session name. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-26 4faf02e added folder icons to assetAdmin tree view (Jeremy Bridson)
- 2012-04-26 92f3d62 add extra <span> DOM with 'jstree-foldericon' class for tree view of folders (Normann Lou)
- 2012-04-24 322d392 adding checkout for the simple theme to the Phing checkout script (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-04-23 614f307 When loading CMS, ensure that "Parent page" tree dropdown is either hidden or shown depending on initial "Page location" state (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-20 e1372b3 toggle header and action label for image dialog popups (from content TinyMCE image icon) (Normann Lou)
- 2012-04-20 47e3052 allow folder selection when attaching files from the CMS (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-04-20 ff6909d Add lazy loading to DataQuery. (Robert Curry)
- 2012-04-20 bb20587 GridFieldExportButton allows an anon function to return the value of a related object. Useful for handling has_many/many_many data in a single CSV column. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-15 9938b64 implement SS_Sortable->reverse() API CHANGE: SQLQuery:: now an array object rather than string. Existing strings will continue to work (Will Rossiter)
- 2012-05-20 dd924f1 Removed duplicate 'change' event trigger from TreeDropdownField.js (fixes #7329) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-20 fedb337 Less strict checks for relative URL normalization in SS_HTTPRequest (regression from recent security fixes to Director::is_absolute_url()) (fixes #7359) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-19 f410ccf Make Page panel the default again after the recent addition of AdminRootController (Hamish Friedlander)
- 2012-05-19 563e0cf Make CMSes Director rules use new yaml config fragments system (Hamish Friedlander)
- 2012-05-19 18ddae3 Make config yaml fragments merge following the same rules as other config sources (Hamish Friedlander)
- 2012-05-19 aaf9115 If there is any error connecting to MySQL, expose this to the installer. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-18 8b4b896 add capability of redirecting form actions. (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-18 7112032 fixing the look of Settings tab in the CMS if it has multiple tabs (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-05-18 1e47b0f Don't include ._-prefixed config files. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-18 b65dff0 Allowing actions related to coverage tests (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-18 38e4bfd Force iOS Safari to send through click events on gridfield rows. (fixes #6993) (Robert Curry)
- 2012-05-18 c8e994d Allow modification of a config's components after the grid field is instantiated. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-18 7036abb Make WithinRangeFilter work with dates and related columns. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-18 aaeebd6 change namespace for the tree so all matchers are executed (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-18 6e436b5 change namespace for the tree so all matchers are executed (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-18 78423c1 Ensure HTTP::get_mime_type() checks the full path in file_exists() before using the finfo class (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-17 c9bcfd4 Only use finfo if the file exists, otherwise the MIME type detection won't work, such as in the case of HTTPRequest::send_file() (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-17 e2aa635 Ensure GridFieldExportButton uses "text/csv" as the MIME type (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-17 a412aa0 Filter IDs Change ID of action buttons in the filter panel to be unique (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-17 f0c61c2 GridField filter (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-16 d23e8ec Fixed cms menu expansion logic when shown alongside preview panel, retain cookie preference (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-16 b2fc117 Re-add status for successful upload (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-16 7363d8b Fix pagination buttons (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-16 6c8dbe1 Fix where filter appears (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-16 becdd85 Fix checking for flawed blowfish encryption (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-05-15 b9cae47 Don't link to views in CMS tabs, use data-href instead to avoid jQuery.tabs() interfering with its own ajax load magic (specifically fixes a problem where admin/pages/edit/99 was detected as different from admin/pages/edit/99/?locale=de_DE) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-15 9326d9e Fixing SQLQuery->getFilter() usage of non-existent method (removed during refactoring of pull request), more accurate deprecation notice (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-16 c04b01f Changed Date.php and DateTime.php to use DateTime->Format instead of strtotime to handle extended dates on 32bit environment(fixes #7311) (Yuki Awano)
- 2012-05-15 b1104da Don't try lazy loading fields when the record ID is set to something non-numeric, otherwise you'll get a SQL error. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-14 d42ea5a Encoding multibyte characters in custom X-Status HTTP headers used in CMS (headers don't allow multibyte data) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-14 20af440 Decode URLSegment before showing it through SiteTreeURLSegmentField, to separate presentation from its internal url encoded value (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-14 73e5c34 Encoding multibyte characters in custom X-Status HTTP headers used in CMS (headers don't allow multibyte data) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-14 e095950 Installer checks: warn if finfo class not available, re-instating hash check, and remove duplicate iconv check. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-14 00734f5 add missing onunmatches causing exceptions in entwine (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-13 3f3e34a Director::protocol() was returning https when $_SERVER['HTTPS'] was an empty value. (Simon Welsh)
- 2012-05-11 8e7d221 Trigger change event on hidden input in TreeDrodpownField.js (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-11 b75483e add missing _super calls to all matchers and unmatchers (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-11 97e00a3 add missing onunmatches causing exceptions in entwine (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-11 37399f8 add missing _super calls to all matchers and unmatchers (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-11 b28a625 clean up Chosen classess, so the cached panel can be rebuilt (os7304) (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-11 3d0876c put all CMS JS code into 'ss' namespace. (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-11 9844328 Fix error notification on files (fixes: 7295) (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-11 39bd898 Setting MIME type for TableListField export explicitly, as HTTP::get_mime_type() requires a path to an actual file, in this case we're exporting data directly to the browser. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 ab34688 Looping over a PaginatedList in the template caused a seg fault/bus error. (Simon Welsh)
- 2012-05-11 905115b Update the batch action select state also on load (os7304) (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-11 9b39acb Check the drag and drop radio by default. (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-11 28a1d0d Change styles on tabs to new format. (Robert Curry)
- 2012-05-10 2945f9d Updating URLSegment from Title field when new page is created (Ryan Wachtl)
- 2012-05-10 a5355a7 DateField with calender do not format the date correctly after it's picked from the calendar. (Stig Lindqvist)
- 2012-05-10 f2411cf Uploads save button not visible (Trac #7294) (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-10 c1f7e0e #7298 Fixed incorrect message in GridFieldDetailForm from en.yml language file. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-10 6c52552 typeof undefined error fix (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-10 106bd47 #7295 Long Filenames break layout (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-10 f30a3bd Database::doesSchemaNeedUpdating() if schemaUpdateTransaction is NULL, then return FALSE. If schemaUpdateTransaction is an array, then return TRUE. This replaces the automatic casting which is not clear. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-10 bbe3879 Member::mapInGroups() throws SQL error (Stig Lindqvist)
- 2012-05-10 68f9cde 7219-feedback-changes-file-upload (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-10 ce5684c Throwing an InvalidArgumentException without the new keyword results in a Fatal error (Stig Lindqvist)
- 2012-05-09 a1d676d Ensure PHPUnit 3.6 is available, show a nice message if not (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 8b607db Fixing bootstrap.php to work with FakeController properly for running tests using phpunit.xml file. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 21dda5f Fixing including of thirdparty tests when using phpunit.xml (requires PHPUnit 3.6, so marking that as the minimum requirement in comments) (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 82db288 Show progress indicator when uploads are added to AssetUploadField, to ensure that failed uploads (e.g. exceeding max filesize) can actually show their error message to the user (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-09 1671b9c Checking for mbstring PHP extension support in installer, as it has been a documented installation requirement for a while. Removing method_exists() checks from mbstring usage in core for the same reasons (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-09 7d5e46c IE Colours (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-09 fdebedd Ensure the form inside htmleditorfield-dialog element is redrawn when the form is lazy loaded by AJAX. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 1f992c5 unify the response method for record deletions (os7212) (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-08 18dbdd2 Loosened character replacement in static-main.php, to allow for multibyte paths (see URLSegmentFilter::$default_allow_multibyte) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 8563322 Fixed publication of multibyte URLSegment in SiteTree->onBeforeWrite(), was wrongly detecting a change and double encoding (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 181ea6c colour Adjustments (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-07 6ec6b10 Don't require ParentModeField in CMSpageAddController submissions, to allow for easier programmatical submission of "add page" form (via CMS tree). Reset any selected parent nodes in the interface instead (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-07 e50f90b Ensure end bracket for HAVING clause is put in the right place (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-07 cd13c0e updating the value of a tree dropdown field, its title is not updated accordingly if using TreeTitle as the drropdown item title (Normann Lou)
- 2012-05-07 f6c98b1 Increase size of varchar fields on MemberPassword to match those defined in Member. This fixes issues when the password hash is longer than 50 characters, and was being truncated when saved in MemberPassword. (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-05-05 4e18cc5 Ensure MySQLi is used consistently in MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper, not old mysql functions (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-04 1f7f8b8 Don't' set 'Referer' header in FunctionalTest->get()/post() if its explicitly passed to the method (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-04 440c96e replace "<!-- -->" with "<%-- --%>" for the blocks that are definately not needed to be processed by SSViewer to limit the chances of producing nested html comment tag "<!--<!-- -->-->" (Normann Lou)
- 2012-05-04 de4a865 Fixed blowfish encryption for PHP < 5.3.7 (#7276) (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-03 f7e19ca i18nTextCollector finds templates recursively, not only in <module>/templates folder. Added master language entities which were previously overlooked due to this bug. (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 42bc5ff Returning File->getTreeTitle() with user input XML escaped, mirroring functionality in SiteTree->getTreeTitle() (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 8eb0814 Put all php file inclusions/exclusions into a single file, because some servers don't seem to allow reenabling of file access in a subdirection .htaccess file. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-03 37369ab Fixing SortColumn alias to be recognised by MSSQL/PGSQL (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-02 0068b6d Showing only actually available languages for selection during install (fixes #7260) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-02 c732354 Return consistent data from ModelAdmin->getManagedModels(), fixing custom 'title' settings in $managed_models (fixes #7243) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-02 7fdfd4d Changing CheckboxField_holder_small template order back to 2.4 ordering: Show checkbox before label (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-02 db9806a Trac#7196 - Fixed styling issues with CMS page settings. (Jeremy Bridson)
- 2012-05-01 ca789ef Disable form submits through "enter" key in CMS, as they might trigger unwanted actions by the browser choosing the default button (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 431b958 Fixed arguments in global _t() function, added check for $returnValue fallback that its not the injection array as second parameter (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 dc5e36e 7117 Fixes (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-01 a8e8a60 Fixed errors caused by complex raw SQL sort() calls. (#7236) (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-01 5abf8cf Don't select any column() in DataQuery::initialiseQuery(); leave that until finaliseQuery(). It shouldn't be necessary and just risks field collisions. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-01 a610a8c Fixing ListViewForm using setDisplayFields on GridField, not the component (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-01 16fae77 Fix logic error (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-01 1663e96 Fixing stray . in the "Page type: x" tooltip hovering over a page (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-01 ee360c1 include derived classes for attaching in the UploadField. (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-04-30 85a331c Choose first "action" button on submission of CMS forms via enter key, to avoid a form field button being autoselected (fixes #7151) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 98a0331 Fixed "add page" action when invoked through tree context menu (and removed URL hardcoding in JS) (fixes #7155) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 61c18c5 ES: Fixes #7003 (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-28 b03cf04 Updating MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper to check for MySQLi instead of mysql_connect and other old function usage, as we've moved to MySQLi in MySQLDatabase.php now (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-27 e03d576 Tutorial template fixes (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-27 f5c26e7 Add padding to settings panel (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-27 4dc564b actions panel (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-27 b7d4ed8 Tutorial theme doctype (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-27 8a6671d Member::onChangeGroups() should allow ADMIN permission grant if the logged in user is an ADMIN (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-26 b822827 Start a PHP session in installer. (Fred Condo)
- 2012-04-26 4756b97 absoluteURLs() rewrites URLs in list-style-image elements (Fred Condo)
- 2012-04-26 df6a249 Change requirement rubrics to remove confusion (Fred Condo)
- 2012-04-24 bd74ba4 updating theme to "Simple" in change log creator and documentation (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-04-23 647d578 Cleanup of onclick() being called in onmatch for ParentType field. Use a redraw() function instead which is called in onmatch and onclick (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-23 e392cc2 Pop-up scrolling IE7 (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-23 a373703 Fix ?flush=1 not flushing en_US language (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-04-23 2b9b07a 7055 Filter buttons in IE9 (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-22 bda849a Check for SimpleXML support in PHP at the installation step (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-22 cc339c3 Ensure the SS3 installer checks for CType support in PHP, as language YAML parser uses this in framework. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-20 ca38b25 add CloseButton back, only hidde it when editing an image that loaded from content area. ENHANEMENT: remove call of toogleLooks() from redraw(), only call toggleLooks() when needed. MINOR: code minimazing / code convention. (Normann Lou)
- 2012-04-20 fbbdbbc list only files the autoset relation supports in UploadField (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-04-20 095b62a remove the 'close button' from template used to edit an image detail in HTMLEditor popup (Normann Lou)
- 2012-04-18 66d0673 Fixes #7003 (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-13 523c19e fixing core error that occurs when there are two or more proxy servers in front of the SilverStripe application server (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-03-16 acdd07a Allow template globals to be used in both object and value contexts (e.g. $Now.Year) BUGFIX: Allow template globals to return objects as well as values. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-02-06 8281678 Urlencode paths in URLSegmentFilter when $allowMultibyte=true to avoid creating invalid URLs (and breaking assumptions based on ascii-only URLs, such as static publishing filename creation) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-02-06 08a7bf0 Remove double URL/filename filtering in FilesystemPublisher to avoid breaking multibyte URLs (now possible through recently introduced URLSegmentFilter class). Multibyte safe url path processing in FilesystemPublisher. (Ingo Schommer)
Minor changes
- 2012-05-21 063f6bc Updated language master (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-20 1614bc4 Removed unknown "cancel draft" button icon (fixes #7333) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-20 69fbdad Removed non-functional "close popup" link from profile editing in CMS (fixes #7343) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-20 607a9e2 Reverted removal of horizontal panel scrollbars from
, as it makes important content like nested tree nodes inaccessible. UI elements inside the panel should adjust to the available width if visually required instead (fixes #7347) (Ingo Schommer) - 2012-05-20 bb72037 Don't double-trigger 'stop' event in UploadField.js (regression from
, fixes #7355) (Ingo Schommer) - 2012-05-20 0cbb1b1 Fixed async entwine redraw calls in HtmlEditorField.js (regression from
) (Ingo Schommer) - 2012-05-20 7ab47b6 Moved redundant toggleLooks() logic in HtmlEditorField.js to existing redraw() logic (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-20 0250524 Indentation (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-20 6f55b67 Removing duplicate "edit & organize" label from HTMLEditorField upload dialog, as its handled differently from the standard AssetAdmin: Fields go directly into edit mode, no need to duplicate this in a persistent upload status (fixes #7355) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-20 18fa9cd Fixed _t() message in AssetAdmin (fixes #7363) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-19 1bf6495 Partially reverted
as we don't need to check forTemplate() exists (Sean Harvey) - 2012-05-19 b68e426 Removing dodgy conditional tests in SSViewerTest (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-19 4d4f9e0 Code formatting in SSViewer (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-19 8e9ae37 Rename & tweak some existing config files to better reflect meaning of various names (Hamish Friedlander)
- 2012-05-18 7dc2d61 Removing whitespace (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-18 60e7a59 Adding default text to SAVEDUP entity (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-18 9201987 Removing unused template control (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-18 a762682 AssetAdmin tweaks to folder/file thumbnail columns to be tidier (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-18 6bb1218 Update entities via collector script. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-18 70a5b49 Fixed i18n coding for LeftAndMain save and delete. (Sam Minnee)
- 2012-05-18 88a222f Updated inline phpdoc while investigating trac/4113 (Russell Michell)
- 2012-05-18 d8b5b97 Upgrade notes on TinyMCE upgrade and how to resolve a common issue (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-16 7c589f0 Don't invoke layout() in onmatch() for cms-preview, as it causes a gap above the menu/logo div for some reason. It's also unnecessary processing, since the preview is always hidden by default, and layout() will be triggered through redraw() when required (e.g. preview panel expansion) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-16 e185a9b Adding title to menu items so they can be more easily identified in collapsed mode (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-16 8f2ede8 Fixed syntax errors from SQLQuery/DataQuery cleanup (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-16 6e99e18 Css coding conventions for CMS (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-16 3a11c69 Updated security documentation (phpdoc and markdown) around new DataList and SQLQuery APIs, additional automatic escaping on some stricter inputs like column names (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-16 5b223aa Use GridFieldToolbarHeader and GridFieldFilterHeader in AssetAdmin GridField, set title of the table to the current folder title. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-16 5a023f9 SCSS refactoring (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-05-16 f01ca80 More robust path concat in HtmlEditorField.js (means it doesn't break with translatable module enabled) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-15 4d97f75 Fixed form reset styles (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-15 7b40c5f Using search parameters in "edit tree" link (which ensures we include decorated parameters like 'locale' from the 'translatable' module) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-15 c185c73 More extension points in CMSMain (specifically to allow for 'locale' query parameter and language drop down of the 'translatable' extension) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-15 d57ede8 Fixed query param concatenation in LeftAndMain.js (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-15 5ff282e Allow extending LeftAndMain->SiteTreeAsUL() (specifically used to add the language drop down for the 'translatable' module) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-15 8e39e7d Allow extension of LeftAndMain->Link() (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-15 7d9cf5b Use File::get_file_extension for fallback mime-type detection (Stig Lindqvist)
- 2012-05-15 ea8eb7b Changed the configuration values for mime-type detection (Stig Lindqvist)
- 2012-05-14 7b8e254 Update jquery.entwine to latest version. Brings speed improvements in onmatch, and an inspector. (Hamish Friedlander)
- 2012-05-14 a53cca8 Renaming getFieldSet with getFieldList in FormScaffolder (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-14 c9bc485 Failover to configuration if the finfo module doesn't exists when getting file mime-type. (Stig Lindqvist)
- 2012-05-13 dc649c1 removed wrong icon (Zauberfisch)
- 2012-05-13 ad78d9a fixed missing cancel icon (Zauberfisch)
- 2012-05-12 9e6273c Fixed deprecated method usage in ToggleCompositeField. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-12 368081f Supressing deprecation warnings in FieldListTest for new FieldList->rewriteTabPath() invocations (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-12 61232ba Localization of new UploadField strings (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-12 6b87a6e Updated getResponseNegotiator visibility to match changed parent API. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-12 38075d8 Tweaked the main tab styling to fix the background and make text more readable. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-12 d17c4d0 Made all icons consistently 16x16, and show them inside .ui-widget-content elements. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-12 3c6e7bd Adding fileinfo extension to server-requirements.md documentation (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-12 91c356a Disabling offending MIME type test case on multiple operating systems. See pull request #432 for more information. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-12 20a51d6 Ensure finfo class exists in installer checks, we need it for MIME type detection of files. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 3f19f4c Removing special case handling for chosen.js from UploadField, using generic change listener (incl. some iframe scoping fixes) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-11 4a5603b Don't show a border below the last field. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-11 dc1ccfe Made the JS class used for gridfield detail actions apply to .action-detail rather than specific actions. (Andrew Short)
- 2012-05-11 01f8e38 Using correct URL for tutorial in installer (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 aae4f9e Adding .DS_Store to .gitignore (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 1616bae Adding phpdoc to HTTP::get_mime_type() (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 6f672e5 Fixing use of <% control %> with <% with %> or <% loop %> as necessary. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 46f51d5 Fixing deprecated use of SQLQuery (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 23c93b9 Fixing ArrayDataTest to use toMap() instead of getArray() which is deprecated. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 1859070 Fixing use of deprecated getAllFields(), mark field as deprecated properly. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-11 6dd94bd Changed classes on tabset li and a tags to match new standard. (Robert Curry)
- 2012-05-11 be06ae7 change the tree reorganisation message. (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-05-10 7f4c6e3 Fixed small button styles (now used in URLSegment "edit" button etc.) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-10 c9900b7 Upgrade jQuery UI dependency to 1.8.20 (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-10 1e8a89d Upgrade jQuery dependency to 1.7.2 (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-10 56e75b4 Revert changes for 5.4 (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-10 7dcfdb0 Fixing broken test on PHP 5.4 (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-10 68c5066 Remove old _ALL_CLASSES from old manifest builder (has been replaced since) (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 6655830 Upgrading notes around tab rewrites (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-09 c72bae3 Fixing assertType() assertions with assertInstanceOf() (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 dedb9d0 Removing use of _t() in test, assert the english text since en_US is the locale set for tests by default. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 46660e9 Fixing broken test (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 0f1f859 Updating docs to use Member::get() instead of DataList::create('Member') syntax (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-09 0af2d87 Cleaned up the GridFieldDataColumns to be easier on the eyes and fixed the some method docblocks for the interface (Stig Lindqvist)
- 2012-05-08 41b51a1 Isolating testRaw2URL settings (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 ce58e55 Consistent location for CSS classes on CMS tabsets (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 592d42e Stop using deprecated getTabIndex() in CreditCardField (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 2c878f5 Template consistency between TabSet.ss and overloaded LeftAndMain tabsets (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 f2d2f5b Changed CMS section name from "Users" back to its 2.4 label, "Security". Mainly to avoid breadcrumb weirdnesses when having a "Users/Users/My User" path. Signed off by Paul. (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 2212363 Using new extraClass support in tabs for CMSTabSet (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 c507efc Updated TinyMCE dependency from 3.4.6 to 3.5 (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-08 f766178 Added padding to CMSSettingsController view (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 82cf938 Reverting padding changes from pull request #377, way too global - solved through a .cms-panel-padded class in CMSSettingsController instead (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 76dd6d1 Fixed style sprites broken by pull request #402 (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-08 0c0a91e Fix coding conventions (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-05-07 d8e6222 Tree metadata naming (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-07 7e0d0a4 Tree metadata naming (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-07 7c272d3 SQLQuery doc cleanup (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-07 3bc1da0 Tidy up of SQLQuery constructor docs and default args, limit is stored internally as an array, not a string. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-07 45810a1 Using new API methods after SQLQuery API changes (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-04 a79032c Fixing broken test on Windows (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-04 f18b2f6 Docs mention of automatic master lang uploads (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-04 5702007 Fixing comment to be more concise. (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-04 20a8379 Using PHP version constants rather than version_compare() in Object::static_lookup(), since its called 10k times on an average CMS load that makes a difference of about 3% (with APC) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 f545f52 Updated master lang tables (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 f6c8468 Disabled MainMenu caching in LeftAndMain (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 d072f71 Don't show title on reports GridField (duplicates the section title) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-03 450bc25 Fixing broken SQLQueryTest cases (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-03 521d436 Fixing broken test in pgsql (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-03 e929753 Using correct $locale format in installer (regression from last commit) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-02 8c10539 Fixed unnecessary background in CMS tabs, causes wrong display in FF, and already implemented on parent "cms-content-header" (#7240) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-02 dc65954 Correct breadcrumbs in ModelAdmin when managing multiple models (#7240) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-02 a2e9c00 Fix style according to style guidelines, and add a comment about use of "$2y" instead of "$2a" (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-05-01 0597e91 Don't fail text collection for modules without any matching PHP files (only _config.php) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 7b18d9d Switching _t() calls from sprintf() to using injection parameters (#7170) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 38f1236 Switching _t() calls from sprintf() to using injection parameters (#7170) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 63cef2a Disable batch actions in pages list view until we've implemented checkboxes in GridField (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 9f16685 Remove usage of deprecated array access on SQLQuery in SiteTreeFolderExtension (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 4c2352f Don't trigger on click on construction of view-model toggles, as it bubbles up to the panel, where it causes a toggle action which overrides any previous user choices stored in cookies (fixes #7210) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 feab46e Marking ModelAdmin tools filters panel as expanded by default (related to #7210) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 c6cca21 Removed duplicate HTML ids from tools panels, which meant they were sharing a collapse state cookie (see #7210). Marking AssetAdmin filters and 'edit page" tree sidebar as expanded by default, but the filters on "pages" as collapsed. (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 f5d1831 Reverting panel collapse changes for filters (see pull requests #383 and #385) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 b428fa1 Reverting panel collapse changes for filters (see pull requests #383 and #385) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-01 390d3d3 Fixed broken notice (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-05-01 7c54c60 Rename setModel to setDataModel due to API changes (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-30 2784891 Fixed anchor markdown in upgrading guide, better formatting for config upgrade instructions (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 8c1651e Using GridField instead of TableListField for SiteTree->getCMSFields() DependentPages (fixes #7239) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 517a0c9 Moving FakeController class (required for bootstrap.php) into its own file, so that autoloading doesn't execute bootstrap (which is the case when invoking TestRunner->module()) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 ffe698c Placeholder text for adding a group in Member->getCMSFields() (fixes #7217) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 0e8c3ac Using SapphireInfo non-statically in RestfulService (fixes #7238) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-30 3ccaa1f Supress any error connecting to the database so the installer doesn't show it in the page header (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-27 c7ca63e Updated translation-process docs, migrated FAQs from translate.silverstripe.org (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 7e22239 Updated docs with getlocalization.com instructions (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 60b2e69 Regenerating lang master files with fixed entity collection logic (fixes "CMSPagesController" menu title in interface) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 f48346d Regenerating lang master files with fixed entity collection logic (fixes "CMSPagesController" menu title in interface) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 f47cf33 Fixed i18nTextCollector module disambiguation, was looking at wrong array key (shifted one due to removed priority setting) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 98c2517 Fixed i18n:;get_owner_module(), broken by changed manifest returns (paths with leading slash) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 80575a0 Re-adding getFilter as a deprecated method instead of removing it (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-27 6ee7c84 Updating language master files (slightly different format due to generation through i18nTextCollector, rather than the i18n_yml_converter module) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 2c3c410 Updating language master files (slightly different format due to generation through i18nTextCollector, rather than the i18n_yml_converter module) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-26 b561786 change the ugly user-facing CSRF message to more friendly (Mateusz Uzdowski)
- 2012-04-26 70adfc1 Fix chosen Coffeescript files (Naomi Guyer)
- 2012-04-26 810b01d adjusting documentation according to remove references to 'new-project' script (thanks Ingo) (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-04-24 227473b updating documentation to give details about how to install SilverStripe using the Phing script (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-04-24 e486ec4 updating documentation to use "Simple" theme (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-04-24 d2f5fc4 adding PHPStorm IDE files to the .gitignore (Julian Seidenberg)
- 2012-04-23 6d38798 Documentation changes (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-23 452b2aa Fix "Pages" CMS title (Andrew O'Neil)
- 2012-04-21 b9854df Removing @todo in CMSMain.EditForm.js which has been done (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-21 e12a82e Documentation on EmailField type attribute change (Sean Harvey)
- 2012-04-20 db3332e Modify VirtualPage to work with lazy loading. (Robert Curry)
- 2012-02-06 63536af Documentation (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-02-06 59d31c2 Removed mbstring support checks, its an installation requirement (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-16 eeef41e SECURITY Fixed remote code execution vuln in install.php due to inserting unescaped user data into mysite/_config.php. Not critical because install.php is required to be removed on a SilverStripe installation anyway (fixes #7205) (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-05-09 a58dad8 Compiled CSS without line comments (Ryan Wachtl)
- 2012-05-09 bd94c6f Trac 6981: Opt-in URL Updating (Ryan Wachtl)
- 2012-05-04 d5b3dbc SECURITY Return true for Director::is_absolute_url() checks if they're prefixed with two or more slashes (as browsers interpret this as a valid URL) SECURITY More solid URL checks in Director::is_site_url(), using a conservative parse_url() hostname comparison rather than Director::makeRelative(), which is not designed for security purposes (Ingo Schommer)
- 2012-04-27 d47821a Change git add command to also include the changes to .gitignore (Fred Condo)
- 2012-04-27 0e9dd92 Augment/correct phing installation instructions (Fred Condo)
- 2012-04-20 611cd53 inst_clearAll() does not return anything so clear_all() method should not expect any return value from inst_clearAll invocation (joaosantos81)
- 2012-02-18 eb5961d added ignore (John Milmine)