2013-01-10 00:15:35 +01:00

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The UploadField will let you upload one or multiple files of all types, including images. But that's not all it does - it will also link the uploaded file(s) to an existing relation and let you edit the linked files
as well. That makes it flexible enough to sometimes even replace the Gridfield,
like for instance in creating and managing a simple gallery.


The field can be used in two ways: To upload a single file into a has_one relationship, or allow multiple files into a fixed folder (or relationship).

Single fileupload

The following example adds an UploadField to a page for single fileupload, based on a has_one relation:

class GalleryPage extends Page {

	static $has_one = array(
    	'SingleImage' => 'Image'
	function getCMSFields() {
		$fields = parent::getCMSFields(); 
			$uploadField = new UploadField(
				$name = 'SingleImage',
				$title = 'Upload a single image'
		return $fields;			

The UploadField will autodetect the relation based on it's name property, and save it into the GalleyPages' SingleImageID field. Setting the allowedMaxFileNumber to 1 will make sure that only one image can ever be uploaded and linked to the relation.

Multiple fileupload

Enable multiple fileuploads by using a many_many relation. Again, the UploadField will detect the relation based on its $name property value:

class GalleryPage extends Page {

	static $many_many = array(
		'GalleryImages' => 'Image'
	function getCMSFields() {
		$fields = parent::getCMSFields(); 
			$uploadField = new UploadField(
				$name = 'GalleryImages',
				$title = 'Upload one or more images (max 10 in total)'
		$uploadField->setConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber', 10);
		return $fields;			
class GalleryPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {

WARNING: Currently the UploadField doesn't fully support has_many relations, so use a many_many relation instead!



The field can either be configured on an instance level through setConfig(<key>, <value>), or globally by overriding the YAML defaults.

Example: mysite/_config/uploadfield.yml

after: framework#uploadfield
    canUpload: false

Set a custom folder

This example will save all uploads in the /assets/customfolder/ folder. If the folder doesn't exist, it will be created.

	$uploadField = new UploadField(
		$name = 'GalleryImages',
		$title = 'Please upload one or more images'		)	

Limit the allowed filetypes

AllowedExtensions is by default File::$allowed_extensions but can be overwritten for each UploadField:

$uploadField->getValidator()->setAllowedExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'));

Limit the maximum file size

AllowedMaxFileSize is by default set to the lower value of the 2 php.ini configurations: upload_max_filesize and post_max_size The value is set as bytes.

NOTE: this only sets the configuration for your UploadField, this does NOT change your server upload settings, so if your server is set to only allow 1 MB and you set the UploadFIeld to 2 MB, uploads will not work.

$sizeMB = 2; // 2 MB
$size = $sizeMB * 1024 * 1024; // 2 MB in bytes

Preview dimensions

Set the dimensions of the image preview. By default the max width is set to 80 and the max height is set to 60.

$uploadField->setConfig('previewMaxWidth', 100);
$uploadField->setConfig('previewMaxHeight', 100);

Automatic or manual upload

By default, the UploadField will try to automatically upload all selected files. Setting the autoUpload property to false, will present you with a list of selected files that you can then upload manually one by one:

$uploadField->setConfig('autoUpload', false);

A gallery most times needs more then simple images. You might want to add a description, or maybe some settings to define a transition effect for each slide. First create a DataExtension like this:

class GalleryImage extends DataExtension {

	static $db = array(
		'Description' => 'Text'
	public static $belongs_many_many = array(
		'GalleryPage' => 'GalleryPage'

Now register the DataExtension for the Image class in your _config.php:

Object::add_extension('Image', 'GalleryImage');

NOTE: although you can subclass the Image class instead of using a DataExtension, this is not advisable. For instance: when using a subclass, the 'From files' button will only return files that were uploaded for that subclass, it won't recognize any other images!

Edit uploaded images

By default the UploadField will let you edit the following fields: Title, Filename, Owner and Folder. The fileEditFields configuration setting allows you you alter these settings. One way to go about this is create a getCustomFields function in your GalleryImage object like this:

class GalleryImage extends DataExtension {
	function getCustomFields() {
		$fields = new FieldList();
		$fields->push(new TextField('Title', 'Title'));
		$fields->push(new TextareaField('Description', 'Description'));
		return $fields;

Then, in your GalleryPage, tell the UploadField to use this function:

$uploadField->setConfig('fileEditFields', 'getCustomFields');

In a similar fashion you can use 'fileEditActions' to set the actions for the editform, or 'fileEditValidator' to determine the validator (eg RequiredFields).

Configuration Reference

  • autoUpload: (boolean)
  • allowedMaxFileNumber: (int) php validation of allowedMaxFileNumber only works when a db relation is available, set to null to allow unlimited if record has a has_one and allowedMaxFileNumber is null, it will be set to 1
  • canUpload: (boolean) Can the user upload new files, or just select from existing files. String values are interpreted as permission codes.
  • previewMaxWidth: (int)
  • previewMaxHeight: (int)
  • uploadTemplateName: (string) javascript template used to display uploading files, see javascript/UploadField_uploadtemplate.js
  • downloadTemplateName: (string) javascript template used to display already uploaded files, see javascript/UploadField_downloadtemplate.js
  • fileEditFields: (FieldList|string) FieldList $fields or string $name (of a method on File to provide a fields) for the EditForm (Example: 'getCMSFields')
  • fileEditActions: (FieldList|string) FieldList $actions or string $name (of a method on File to provide a actions) for the EditForm (Example: 'getCMSActions')
  • fileEditValidator: (string) Validator (eg RequiredFields) or string $name (of a method on File to provide a Validator) for the EditForm (Example: 'getCMSValidator')

TODO: Using the UploadField in a frontend form

At this moment the UploadField not yet fully supports being used on a frontend form.