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# Data Types and Casting
Properties on any SilverStripe object can be type casted automatically,
by transforming its scalar value into an instance of the `[api:DBField]` class,
providing additional helpers. For example, a string can be cast as
a `[api:Text]` type, which has a `FirstSentence()` method to retrieve the first
sentence in a longer piece of text.
## Available Types
* `[api:Boolean]`: A boolean field.
* `[api:Currency]`: A number with 2 decimal points of precision, designed to store currency values.
* `[api:Date]`: A date field
* `[api:Decimal]`: A decimal number.
* `[api:Enum]`: An enumeration of a set of strings
* `[api:HTMLText]`: A variable-length string of up to 2 megabytes, designed to store HTML
* `[api:HTMLVarchar]`: A variable-length string of up to 255 characters, designed to store HTML
* `[api:Int]`: An integer field.
* `[api:Percentage]`: A decimal number between 0 and 1 that represents a percentage.
* `[api:SS_Datetime]`: A date / time field
* `[api:Text]`: A variable-length string of up to 2 megabytes, designed to store raw text
* `[api:Time]`: A time field
* `[api:Varchar]`: A variable-length string of up to 255 characters, designed to store raw text
## Casting arbitrary values
On the most basic level, the class can be used as simple conversion class
from one value to another, e.g. to round a number.
DBField::create_field('Double', 1.23456)->Round(2); // results in 1.23
Of course that's much more verbose than the equivalent PHP call.
The power of `[api:DBField]` comes with its more sophisticated helpers,
like showing the time difference to the current date:
DBField::create_field('Date', '1982-01-01')->TimeDiff(); // shows "30 years ago"
## Casting ViewableData
Most objects in SilverStripe extend from `[api:ViewableData]`,
which means they know how to present themselves in a view context.
Through a `$casting` array, arbitrary properties and getters can be casted:
class MyObject extends ViewableData {
static $casting = array(
'MyDate' => 'Date'
public function getMyDate() {
return '1982-01-01';
$obj = new MyObject;
$obj->getMyDate(); // returns string
$obj->MyDate; // returns string
$obj->obj('MyDate'); // returns object
$obj->obj('MyDate')->InPast(); // returns boolean
## Casting DataObject
The `[api:DataObject]` class uses `DBField` to describe the types of its
properties which are persisted in database columns, through the `[$db](api:DataObject::$db)` property.
In addition to type information, the `DBField` class also knows how to
define itself as a database column. See the ["datamodel" topic](/topics/datamodel#casting) for more details.
<div class="warning" markdown="1">
Since we're dealing with a loosely typed language (PHP)
as well as varying type support by the different database drivers,
type conversions between the two systems are not guaranteed to be lossless.
Please take particular care when casting booleans, null values, and on float precisions.
## Casting in templates
In templates, casting helpers are available without the need for an `obj()` call.
Example: Flagging an object of type `MyObject` (see above) if it's date is in the past.
<% if $MyObjectInstance.MyDate.InPast %>Outdated!<% end_if %>
## Casting HTML Text
The database field types `[api:HTMLVarchar]` and `[api:Varchar]` are exactly the same in the database. However, the
templating engine knows to escape the `[api:Varchar]` field and not the `[api:HTMLVarchar]` field. So, it's important you
use the right field if you don't want to be putting $FieldType.XML everywhere.
If you're going to put HTML content into the field, please use the field type with the HTML prefix. Otherwise, you're
going to risk double-escaping your data, forgetting to escape your data, and generally creating a confusing situation.
## Related
* ["datamodel" topic](/topics/datamodel)
* ["security" topic](/topics/security)