2022-05-05 13:34:50 +12:00

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Raw Blame History


A full list of module versions included in CMS Recipe 4.11.0-beta1 is provided below. We recommend referencing recipes in your dependencies, rather than individual modules, to simplify version tracking. See Recipes.


Included module versions
Module Version
silverstripe/admin 1.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/asset-admin 1.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/assets 1.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/campaign-admin 1.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/cms 4.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/config 1.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/errorpage 1.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/framework 4.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/graphql 4.0.0-beta
silverstripe/login-forms 4.7.0-beta1
silverstripe/mimevalidator 2.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/reports 4.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/siteconfig 4.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/versioned 1.11.0-beta1
silverstripe/versioned-admin 1.11.0-beta1
Supported module versions
Module Version
bringyourownideas/silverstripe-composer-update-checker 3.0.0
bringyourownideas/silverstripe-maintenance 2.6.0
cwp/agency-extensions 2.7.0
cwp/cwp 2.10.0
cwp/cwp-core 2.10.0
cwp/cwp-pdfexport 1.4.0
cwp/cwp-search 1.7.0-beta1
cwp/starter-theme 3.2.0
cwp/watea-theme 3.1.0
dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental 4.9.0-beta1
dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental-userforms 3.2.0
silverstripe/akismet 4.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/auditor 2.5.0
silverstripe/blog 3.10.0-beta1
silverstripe/ckan-registry 1.5.0-rc1
silverstripe/comment-notifications 2.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/comments 3.8.0-beta1
silverstripe/content-widget 2.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/contentreview 4.5.0-beta1
silverstripe/crontask 2.5.0-beta1
silverstripe/documentconverter 2.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/elemental-bannerblock 2.5.0-beta1
silverstripe/elemental-fileblock 2.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/environmentcheck 2.5.0
silverstripe/externallinks 2.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/fulltextsearch 3.10.1
silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport 2.7.0-beta1
silverstripe/html5 2.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/hybridsessions 2.5.0
silverstripe/iframe 2.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/ldap 1.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/mfa 4.6.0
silverstripe/realme 4.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/registry 2.5.0-beta1
silverstripe/restfulserver 2.5.0-beta1
silverstripe/security-extensions 4.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/securityreport 2.5.0-beta1
silverstripe/segment-field 2.6.0-beta1
silverstripe/sharedraftcontent 2.7.0-beta1
silverstripe/sitewidecontent-report 3.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/spamprotection 3.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/spellcheck 2.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/subsites 2.6.0
silverstripe/tagfield 2.9.0-beta1
silverstripe/taxonomy 2.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/textextraction 3.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/totp-authenticator 4.4.0-beta1
silverstripe/userforms 5.13.0-beta1
silverstripe/versionfeed 2.3.0-beta1
silverstripe/webauthn-authenticator 4.5.0-beta1
silverstripe/widgets 2.3.0-beta1
symbiote/silverstripe-advancedworkflow 5.7.0
symbiote/silverstripe-multivaluefield 5.3.0
symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs 4.10.0
tractorcow/silverstripe-fluent 4.7.0-beta1

Upgrading to GraphQL v4

Silverstripe CMS Recipe 4.11 defaults to installing silverstripe/graphql v4. Previous releases installed version 3.

What does silverstripe/graphql do and why are you changing this?

GraphQL is a query language for APIs. It was initially designed by Facebook but it is now used widely across the internet by all sorts of organisations including GitHub, AirBnB, Lyft, PayPal, Shopify and Silverstripe CMS … to name just a few.

silverstripe/graphql is an implementation of GraphQL specific to Silverstripe CMS. It is used to power some aspects of the CMS UI. It can also be used by developers to create APIs that other web services can use to read or update data in your CMS sites. This opens a lot of use cases like using Silverstripe CMS as “headless” CMS.

Until the 4.10 release, Silverstripe CMS would default to using silverstripe/graphql v3. While silverstripe/graphql v3 was sufficient to support the basic CMS use cases it was being used for, it was not performant enough to build more complex applications.

silverstripe/graphql v4 is a complete rewrite and provides substantial performance improvements.

silverstripe/graphql v4 provides developers a first class tool for building APIs and allowing third party services to integrate with their Silverstripe CMS websites.

That sounds risky, do I absolutely have to use version 4?

Silverstripe CMS has been shipping with dual support for silverstripe/graphql v3 and v4 since the 4.8 release. Until now silverstripe/graphql v4 had been in alpha and you had to explicitly opt-in to get it. At Silverstripe, we are already using silverstripe/graphql v4 in production on several projects.

All the supported Silverstripe CMS modules that use silverstripe/graphql have dual-support. If you wish to stay on silverstripe/graphql v3, you can do so and it will not block you from upgrading to Silverstripe CMS 4.11.

Opting out of silverstripe/graphql v4 and sticking to version 3

If your project composer.json file already explicitly requires silverstripe/graphql, you dont need to do anything.

If your project uses silverstripe/recipe-cms, it will install silverstripe/graphql:^4.0 when you upgrade to the 4.11 release. To stay on silverstripe/graphql:^3, you'll need to "inline" the silverstripe/recipe-cms requirements in your root composer.json and change silverstripe/graphql to ^3.

You can inline silverstripe/recipe-cms by running this command:

composer update-recipe silverstripe/recipe-cms

If your project does not directly require silverstripe/recipe-cms or silverstripe/graphql, you may still be getting silverstripe/graphql installed if you require other modules that depend on it. To fix your silverstripe/graphql to version 3, run this composer command:

composer require silverstripe/graphql:^3

To validate which version of silverstripe/graphql your project is using, run this composer command:

composer show silverstripe/graphql

To view which dependencies require silverstripe/graphql, run this composer command:

composer why silverstripe/graphql

Adding support for PHP 8.1

The Silverstripe CMS recipe now officially supports PHP 8.1. This version of PHP introduced various deprecation warnings, most notably when passing null arguments to many native PHP functions. Silverstripe CMS now makes liberal use of the null coalescing operator when calling native PHP functions to convert null arguments to scalars. Other changes including adding the __serialize and __unserialize methods to classes implementing the Serializable interface and adding the [#\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute to methods on classes implementing various PHP interfaces such as Iterator.

Dropping support for PHP 7.3

In accordance with our PHP support policy, Silverstripe CMS Recipe release 4.11.0 drops support for PHP 7.3. We expect to drop support for PHP 7 altogether around January 2023.

Features and enhancements

Upload and use WebP images

WebP is an alternative image format for displaying picture on websites. It provides generally better results in most use cases to JPEG and PNG.

Read An image format for the Web for more information about WebP.

WebP has wide but not universal support across web browsers. Internet Explorer is the main browser that does not support WebP at this stage.

Read Can I use WebP? to see which browsers can render WebP images.

Until now, Silverstripe CMS would default to blocking content authors from uploading WebP images. Given that Internet Explorer will be end-of-life in June 2022 and that its market share are now under 1% according to most surveys, we decided the time had come to enable WebP by default in the CMS.

Once your project is upgraded to Silverstripe Recipe CMS 4.11, your content authors will automatically be able to upload WebP images and add them to web pages. We recommend you have a conversation with your users about the pros and cons of WebP so they can make an informed decisions about when to use this image format.

If your website still caters to a significant number of visitors with browsers that do not support WebP, you can disable WebP image upload by adding this snippet to your YML config:

Name: myproject-assetsfiletypes
After: '#assetsfiletypes'
    webp: false

Read Allowed file types in the Silverstripe CMS documentation for more information on how to enable or disable new image file formats.

Preview any DataObject in any admin section

The CMS preview panel has historically been available for Versioned DataObjects in the Pages admin section. This has now been expanded to allow any DataObject (regardless of whether it uses theVersioned extension) to be previewed in any section of the CMS.

This can be used to allow content authors to see the content they are creating in the context it will be presented to users. Example use cases include previewing DataObjects which belong to a page (e.g. the dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental module allows previewing elemental blocks which are not inline-editable), and previewing DataObjects in a custom admin section, such as templates for emails or system-generated PDF documents.

The Preview Documentation has been updated with code examples which show how to enable CMS preview on DataObjects in a couple of different scenarios.

Meta generator tag now shows framework version number

The meta generator tag, which can be seen in the meta tags when you view source on a regular page, now includes the framework version truncated to show just the major and minor version, e.g. 4.11.

This version number will provide aggregate installation numbers to the product team who maintain Silverstripe CMS which will be used to make informed product decisions.

If you dislike this behaviour, the entire meta generator tag can be disabled via:

  meta_generator: ''

The version portion of the metagenerator tag can be disabled via:

  show_meta_generator_version: false

Allow-plugins configuration option in Composer versions 2.2.0 and up

  • As of Composer 2.2.0, the allow-plugins option adds a layer of security. Developers will be prompted to allow plugins when running composer install for the first time on existing projects, or for any new projects not using silverstripe/installer or silverstripe/recipe-kitchen-sink.
  • The plugins needed for all silverstripe projects are: composer/installers silverstripe/recipe-plugin silverstripe/vendor-plugin New installations using silverstripe/silverstripe-installer and silverstripe/recipe-kitchen-sink from 4.11 onwards will have the above plugins added to the allowed-plugins configuration by default.
  • From July 2022 composer will no longer prompt to allow plugins when running composer install. This won't affect new installs using silverstripe/installer or silverstripe-recipe-kitchen-sink, but will affect other new projects, and existing projects where allowed-plugins hasn't yet been defined. In those cases developers will need to declare the allowed plugins manually in the project's composer.json file.

Other new features

  • A new AbstractGridFieldComponent class has been added to make it easier to globally add fundamental functionality to GridFieldComponents. All classes packaged with the Silverstripe framework which implement the GridFieldComponent interface are subclasses of the new abstract class, making them all Injectable. Maintainers of third-party packages which include classes that implement GridFieldComponent are encouraged to subclass the AbstractGridFieldComponent abstract class.
  • New options have been added to the dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental module to control what content is indexed for searching elemental blocks. see the documentation for details.


This release includes a number of bug fixes to improve a broad range of areas. Check the change logs for full details of these fixes split by module. Thank you to the community members that helped contribute these fixes as part of the release!

Dependency and internal API changes

  • If guzzlehttp/guzzle is required, it must now be at least 7.3.0. This was done to ensure that v2 of guzzlehttp/psr7 is installed, which is used by embed/embed v4
  • embed/embed has been upgraded from v3 to v4. The internal implementation of the internal Embeddable interface has been changed from EmbedResource to EmbedContainer

Change Log

Features and Enhancements

  • silverstripe/installer (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-01-20 55f6e03 Explicitly allow SilverStripe composer plugins (#313) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/assets (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 7eb8085 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-07 d8492ea Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-06 a850ecc Fix deprecation issues for PHP 8.1 compatibility (#484) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-20 8ed643d Add config to optionally disable image resampling (#479) (Leo Chen)
    • 2022-02-07 9ba3ad4 WebP support in CMS (Maxime Rainville)
  • silverstripe/config (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-20 f2ce712 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/framework (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-21 337c6e583 Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-14 511b3bb06 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-11 f1678781a Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-05 814c5b2fd Fix deprecation issues for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-23 9add50871 Use embed/embed v4 (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-22 78c9aea61 Faster method for creating injected instances (#10265) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-08 f488f38f7 Get the version for an individual module (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-07 badc17891 Create fallback email from address (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-09 6b1c5eb6d Allow methods to be used for flexible searchable_fields (#10199) (Tyler Trout)
    • 2022-02-04 89c87ddbf Static validation for relationships. (#9874) (Mojmir Fendek)
    • 2022-02-03 d8499a24d NullDatabase (#10016) (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2022-02-01 5c54276b6 Make all GridField components injectable (using abstract class) (#10204) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-31 fc2160fa3 Provide hook for updating the parent used for absoluteURL (#10168) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-17 3db1435df Allow DateTime to be immutable (#10125) (Mojmir Fendek)
    • 2022-01-16 d1cac485b Speed up DataObject::get_by_id by checking if there is an ID at all (Nicolaas / Sunn Side Up)
    • 2022-01-10 048eb4b61 Improve gridfield export pefromance by using DataList generator (Mojmir Fendek)
    • 2021-12-11 97ab957de Use ::create to get DropdownField instance in DBEnum (#10175) (Thomas Portelange)
    • 2021-06-28 365998f44 Add extension point for modifying readonly GridFields. (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2021-06-28 009a32fbe Allow GridField readonly components to be globally modified. (Guy Sartorelli)
  • silverstripe/mimevalidator (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 f5634db PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-20 d3ae28b PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-14 96270d1 Allow setting options for extra css/js in LeftAndMain. (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-02-07 2f9a244 Prefer dependency injection for GridFieldComponents. (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-01-31 759b06b Allow unversioned preview state. (#1258) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-30 318b49b Allow CMS preview for items in GridFieldDetailForms. (#1250) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-27 adebf2c Allow use of the preview panel in any LeftAndMain subclass. (#1252) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/asset-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-20 5f4a01e0 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-20 3546bd79 Use embed/embed v4 (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-19 1f5fad4e Allow developers to decide if resampling is needed (Leo Chen)
  • silverstripe/campaign-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 65da7f1 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-03 dfd53fe New bundle (Sabina Talipova)
  • silverstripe/versioned-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-20 7130e5e PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/cms (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 1b0b2154 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-11 ee69d759 add ability to redirect to a file on the website (Will Rossiter)
    • 2022-04-08 6bea5778 Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-09 3b623361 Include version number in meta generator tag (#2721) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-12 b4e3a08b Prefer dependency injection for GridFieldComponents (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-01-31 803f19b3 Add preview state for non-versioned DataObjects. (#2692) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-16 1338538c better coding standards (#2710) (Nicolaas / Sunn Side Up)
  • silverstripe/reports (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 0bceb090 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-03 6d565028 Prefer dependency injection for GridFieldComponents. (#147) (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-01-31 375c3190 Add configuration to cap report counts for large datasets. (#139) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/versioned (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-20 12cd872 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-12 4a182a9 Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-05 6899a88 Fix deprecation issues for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-21 1827c4f Refactor DataDifferencer to reduce duplicate code. (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-02-16 10d0871 Avoid running queries to retrieve versions on unsaved object (#352) (Maxime Rainville)
  • silverstripe/graphql (3.7.1 -> 4.0.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-29 f955747 PHP 8.1 compatibility fix (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-20 17ed242 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-20 191ac40 Bulk loader (#432) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2022-01-20 e189879 custom filter fields (#431) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-23 af370a7 New dir name (#427) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-23 b3676f9 Obfuscate filenames to prevent IDE search issues (#426) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-22 925df4f src must be array (#425) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-21 5ec8c1b Allow typeAsModel to be wrapped (#424) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-21 71bae21 Schema logger, set verbosity (#422) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-11-11 ba2a238 Support --no-database build option (#414) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-09-06 d2a0318 DBField arguments, Enum, Composite support (#398) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-08-06 8a3e5be Force low-level errors to throw in dev to prevent errors leaking into JSON response (#397) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-07-12 e7bf394 New non-nullable types (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-05-13 2a121e2 Add TestSessionEnvironmentExtension to support behat tests (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-02-17 7af1294 New empty schema handling (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-15 85a59e6 New NaiveSchemaBuilder for testing peripheral modules (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-09 0e91cfb Remove basic-auth (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-02-03 2b451a1 New test for fieldaccessor (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-22 cc62eab Revert generic middleware refactor, readd tests (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-01-21 1629206 New schema factory API (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-16 8432ed2 Resolver strategy isn't logical (#337) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-07 02f57fd Stateless plugins, plugin registry as simple list (#327) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-01 98eae83 SchemaConfig layer, configuration overhaul (#329) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-11-30 53d37cd New 5.x-dev alias (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-11-10 85e58df New exists for schema (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-14 6971e92 New requireActiveBuild(), various improvements to get tests passing (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-13 88b38c3 New generic sort plugin (Aaron Carlino)
  • silverstripe/session-manager (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-27 e3b2936 Add ability for admin to revoke all sessions (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-04-13 a21b43d PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/login-forms (4.6.0 -> 4.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 32fbb88 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/documentconverter (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 556a192 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/iframe (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 31fa96e PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/spellcheck (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 d2b6e0b PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/tagfield (2.8.0 -> 2.9.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 1b7dba1 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-04 0a04e35 Make the write call of StringTagField::saveInto method configurable (#208) (Daniel Kliemsch)
  • silverstripe/blog (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-14 6d8822c Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-14 8f3778f PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-03 b55c7aa Add config to control if a default author is added to posts on creation (Jellygnite)
  • silverstripe/widgets (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 51d29b3 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/spamprotection (3.2.0 -> 3.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 d452367 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/akismet (4.2.0 -> 4.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 4251818 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/comments (3.7.2 -> 3.8.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 e7f9e60 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/comment-notifications (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 ae23272 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/contentreview (4.4.0 -> 4.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 8566601 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-10 141e8d0 Respect sort and limit arguments (#158) (Guy Sartorelli)
  • silverstripe/sharedraftcontent (2.6.0 -> 2.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 d09641f PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-02 21f4282 Session grant files without permissions (#150) (Steve Boyd)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-advancedworkflow (5.6.0 -> 5.7.0)

    • 2022-04-13 9edde30 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-03 0349b40 Extend new AbstractGridFieldComponent class (#458) (Guy Sartorelli)
  • silverstripe/segment-field (2.5.0 -> 2.6.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 e7284d8 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/userforms (5.11.1 -> 5.13.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 792d61f PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-07 33e9a25 Add config to hide invisible fields from email output (Florian Thoma)
    • 2021-09-02 663bfa6 move OnCompleteMessage from $defaults to populateDefaults() for translations (Lukas Erni)
  • silverstripe/externallinks (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 1bfaf12 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/securityreport (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 7943eb7 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/sitewidecontent-report (3.2.0 -> 3.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 bfb103e PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • bringyourownideas/silverstripe-maintenance (2.4.1 -> 2.6.0)

    • 2022-04-13 b8fc56b PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • bringyourownideas/silverstripe-composer-update-checker (2.1.0 -> 3.0.0)

    • 2022-04-26 cf8e387 Use composer 2 (#62) (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/restfulserver (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 5bff584 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/versionfeed (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 600a4b2 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental (4.8.0 -> 4.9.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-19 1ddc16f PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-19 41fb24e Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-23 f8103d1 Render some buttons for blocks that can not be edited inline (#963) (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-02-04 87c3e36 Provide more control over elemental block indexing. (#913) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-17 a16873d Better type default. (#830) (Mojmir Fendek)
  • silverstripe/elemental-bannerblock (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 729a425 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • cwp/cwp-search (1.6.0 -> 1.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 a884a2a PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/fulltextsearch (3.9.0 -> 3.10.1)

    • 2022-04-12 302af21 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs (4.9.0 -> 4.10.0)

    • 2022-04-20 792d567 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-13 03ded57 Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (#370) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-03 416d69e Extend new AbstractGridFieldComponent class (#367) (Guy Sartorelli)
  • silverstripe/registry (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 3668164 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/totp-authenticator (4.3.0 -> 4.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-25 158dabd PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/mfa (4.5.1 -> 4.6.0)

    • 2022-04-13 46888bc PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-08 eb8d813 Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport (2.6.1 -> 2.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 d362535 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/ldap (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 059fd87 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/textextraction (3.3.0 -> 3.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 df8b17a PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/realme (4.2.0 -> 4.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 1b2c7c7 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/ckan-registry (1.4.0 -> 1.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-12 0f162e1 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/webauthn-authenticator (4.4.1 -> 4.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 bd42a91 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-08 339ee24 Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/subsites (2.5.0 -> 2.6.0)

    • 2022-04-13 ed4663b PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/html5 (2.2.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-14 709fef2 Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-14 3e9308f PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • cwp/agency-extensions (2.6.0 -> 2.7.0)

    • 2022-04-13 ecfccd6 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • cwp/cwp-core (2.9.0 -> 2.10.0)

    • 2022-04-13 8b21ecb PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/auditor (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0)

    • 2022-04-12 5c041bc PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/environmentcheck (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0)

    • 2022-04-12 b7554a5 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/hybridsessions (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0)

    • 2022-04-12 30cac6e PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • cwp/cwp (2.9.0 -> 2.10.0)

    • 2022-04-13 192a902 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • cwp/cwp-pdfexport (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0)

    • 2022-04-13 7fc57d2 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-multivaluefield (5.2.0 -> 5.3.0)

    • 2022-04-13 3d60d78 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)
  • tractorcow/silverstripe-fluent (4.6.0 -> 4.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-13 36a86c7 PHP 8.1 compatibility (Steve Boyd)


  • silverstripe/assets (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-17 c22473b Don't auto grant session access when resampling images (#477) (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-01-16 74c94a9 Properly handle empty image attributes (Maxime Rainville)
  • silverstripe/framework (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-25 345173343 Revert adding extension hook (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-22 740d087e9 Default GridField search fields with an index of 0 to use StartWithFilter (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-09 204b39bfd Handle admin_email array config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-08 60795cd0a Fix file resolver example (Johann Dickson)
    • 2022-01-21 0cfd98d87 support search filter instances (#9991) (Thomas Portelange)
    • 2022-01-13 cbf2987a6 Disallow negative values for FailedLoginCount (#10200) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-11 29bdce98b Fix lazy load height attribute typo (Corey Sewell)
    • 2021-12-16 cb37e5fb8 Ensure extra classes are copied over to readonly/disabled fields (Loz Calver)
    • 2021-12-10 0b0c13764 allow custom SELECT to be used for sorting in DataQuery::column(). (GuySartorelli)
    • 2021-11-15 9e2d66168 Make MySQLSchemaManager::shouldUseIntegerWidth() private (Sergey Shevchenko)
    • 2021-07-12 5699db306 Remove limits in removeAll method. (GuySartorelli)
    • 2021-06-22 21c27154d subTemplates should be an array (Will Rossiter)
    • 2020-10-29 2c9ba8bc4 fix: conform with linter (Sergey Shevchenko)
    • 2020-10-29 62725a5db fix: added exception for MariaDB (Sergey Shevchenko)
    • 2020-10-28 51402a9c4 fix: don't use int width for mysql > 8.0.17 #9453 (Sergey Shevchenko)
  • silverstripe/admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-11 22e7665 Start react event delegation before page router. (#1299) (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-02-22 272609d Add missing dependency to build pattern library (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-01-31 397ceee Right-align preview on the first record (#1285) (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/asset-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-26 2cf82d48 Remove preview panel from asset admin (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-04-11 a9a7a211 Cleanup and validate breadcrumb click event handling (#1265) (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-04-01 6bab0d58 Update UploadField redux state when form schema data changes (fixes #960) (Loz Calver)
    • 2022-03-15 ff6322ec Update asset-admin to use the correct allowed extension list for dropzone (#1256) (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-01-17 1a60cb62 file history not displaying (#1233) (JamesZhu)
    • 2022-01-16 9c020b4e Use regular string instead of heredoc so textcollector runs (#1249) (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/campaign-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-04 8a4c320 Fix after PR (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-03 7730db3 Fix test issue (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-31 f2a07a5 Fix PGSQL issue (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-31 3ad016d Fix ESLint issue (Sabina Talipova)
  • silverstripe/versioned-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-11 d13bb65 Highlight paragraph changes in diff. (#237) (Guy Sartorelli)
  • silverstripe/cms (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-19 4e757759 Translate pagetype names in list view (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-01-25 b5399245 SiteTree visibility field name (Florian Thoma)
    • 2022-01-21 0db24fc0 SiteTree::getCMSActions unpublish action (#2703) (Sergey Shevchenko)
  • silverstripe/errorpage (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 2954224 Fixed issue where a crash could occur when an error page is generated by the CMS (#59) (Ed Chipman)
  • silverstripe/versioned (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-15 28e4080 Return correct changed fields when fromRecord is null. (Guy Sartorelli)
  • silverstripe/graphql (3.7.1 -> 4.0.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-21 aa59f53 Change Logger default verbosity to info (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-04-19 969307e Only use Logger when build tasks are invoake via a dev admin controller (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-04-12 2b33bc3 Don't override Build link in /dev (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-02-14 e24dd87 Always nuke cache when manually rebuildng schema (#444) (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2021-08-23 0cd3b84 Fix type error in Controller::validateOrigin (Roman Schmid)
    • 2021-06-18 a549a56 Fix Enum overwriting local variable and breaking enumerated arrays (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-03-04 a53aea5 NestedInputBuilder correctly builds filters for models with multiple relations of the same type (#363) (Matthias Leutenegger)
    • 2021-03-03 eace0fa input building in cyclic graphs (#371) (Matthias Leutenegger)
    • 2021-02-15 41d729e Fix controller bugs (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-14 147a9c4 Fix test (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-02 5289207 Handle case where params is empty (#358) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-01-27 0c7b4d1 Use require instead of require_once for type mapping function (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-01-12 29d0d9e Fix missing exception import (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-11 727f20d Make trailing parameter optional to resolve deprecation (Garion Herman)
    • 2020-12-01 87d2ad6 Fix composer phpunit constraint (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-29 04c2b19 Fix interfact incompatability (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-21 29bc58a Fix enabled logic in dev/build (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-21 e45e51d Fix typing on QueryFilter (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-06-26 d21091a Fix bad merge up on phpunit constraints (Robbie Averill)
    • 2018-10-15 efd9ddb autoload and autoload-dev, add phpcs and fix Travis phpcs linting (Robbie Averill)
  • silverstripe/session-manager (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-01-20 a2013ca Missing entwine argument console warning (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/spamprotection (3.2.0 -> 3.3.0-beta1)

    • 2021-08-12 643feda Allow fields without parents to be programatically created (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/userforms (5.11.1 -> 5.13.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-24 6f34d27 Fix hardcoded admin urls (Rens)
    • 2022-03-16 a97fb57 strings instead of CLASS for translation keys in trait (#1101) (Lukas)
    • 2022-03-03 60cd3d0 Ensure all fields are available for updateCMSFields(). (#1089) (Guy Sartorelli)
  • dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental (4.8.0 -> 4.9.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-10 1fc25c5 Fix PSR issue (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-10 af17f8a Fix behat test for AddBlockHoverBar (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-08 0277d07 Fix travis test (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-08 8f50f01 Fix behat test case (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-05 58ba60d Hoverbar ID made uniq (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-02-04 c5eecbf Match search terms at the start of a string (#957) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-30 5298524 Get CMS preview working for non inline-editable elements. (#936) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-18 d5f21ec getElementsForSearch() to replace tags with spaces (#897) (Andrew Paxley)
    • 2021-10-29 fb14f30 Version number hidden on HistoryViewerField (Kirk Mayo)
  • silverstripe/fulltextsearch (3.9.0 -> 3.10.1)

    • 2022-03-23 b544d93 Ensure DB is active before processing (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-04 30ed311 Don't double-escape state field (#317) (Tim Oliver)
    • 2022-01-26 2c0e2df Don't assume DataObject::canView always returns bool (#306) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-26 b1675d4 Separate out all command components so Solr_Reindex works in dev mode. (GuySartorelli)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs (4.9.0 -> 4.10.0)

    • 2022-03-23 a625846 Ensure DB is active before processing (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/mfa (4.5.1 -> 4.6.0)

    • 2022-01-16 fe32efe Export registered methods in enabled members report (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/subsites (2.5.0 -> 2.6.0)

    • 2022-02-15 dfe1ba5 replace in_array check with hasTable check. (Will Rossiter)
  • silverstripe/html5 (2.2.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-07 b66434b fix: allow html elements within noscript tag (Florian Thoma)
  • cwp/cwp-core (2.9.0 -> 2.10.0)

    • 2021-12-07 6bd28bf Allow double digit minor version numbers (Steve Boyd)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-multivaluefield (5.2.0 -> 5.3.0)

    • 2021-09-07 6d3ef71 Increment numerical id, don't just append string (Barry)
    • 2021-08-23 158fd2c Correctly increment ID (Michal Kleiner)

API Changes

  • silverstripe/assets (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-01-26 640f8da Create extension hook for updating session grant on files (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/config (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-20 63dc104 Implement updated Serializable API (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/framework (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-08 b73a3cdd7 Extension hook for email default from (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-14 031837264 Implement updated Serializable API (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/graphql (3.7.1 -> 4.0.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-26 a99055b Strongly type everything (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2021-11-04 7602dbd New $class arg for DataObjectModel->getModelTypeForField() (#395) (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-11-02 e060705 phpunit 9 support (Steve Boyd)
    • 2020-10-07 1c4e623 GraphQL v4: Schemageddon (#266) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2019-04-15 4084355 Don't create "peripheral" operations by default (#206) (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2018-10-04 d00c455 Increase visibility of private properties, used by ReadVersions in silverstripe/versioned (#180) (Robbie Averill)
  • silverstripe/userforms (5.11.1 -> 5.13.0-beta1)

    • 2022-01-13 c762835 Additional data passed to updateAfterProcess hook (#1130) (Marco Hermo)
  • silverstripe/sitewidecontent-report (3.2.0 -> 3.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-11 e652412 Use updated report API, set PHP 7.4 as minimum version (Steve Boyd)


  • silverstripe/recipe-kitchen-sink (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-03 ba98860 Require php 7.4 (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/installer (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-20 d75e848 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-02 0bc751a 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-cms (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 e3f80d5 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-11-29 82be460 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-core (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 84de101 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-02 e73390e 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/assets (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-20 9aa0c6b Bump minimum version of intervention/image (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-08 9ac7bde Update minimum version of intervention/image (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 126299c Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/config (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-01-26 c89a8e4 Set minimum symfony version to 3.4 (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/framework (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-08 588c095e7 Require guzzlehttp/psr7 ^2 (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-08 b800927d9 Set minimum symfony version to 3.4 (#10209) (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/mimevalidator (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 5a8af3c Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 970533a Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-03-11 7dbd07c Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 876af75 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/asset-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-11 2ecb99c2 Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 2bf3d488 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-26 ca23ccd8 Pin colors to 1.1.2 (#1246) (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/campaign-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 b6978d8 Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-03-11 9403a59 Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 73a70fc Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/versioned-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 062c55f Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-03-11 8d9a729 Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 270a0d6 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-26 63527e0 Pin colors to 1.1.2 (#227) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-10-05 05ba8c2 Bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 (dependabot[bot])
  • silverstripe/cms (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 4419f1ff Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-03-11 c745b7ce Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 3321f386 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-26 f824e9f6 Pin colors to 1.1.2 (#2715) (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/errorpage (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 37aeff9 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/reports (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 013c5d74 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/siteconfig (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 3bd851df Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/versioned (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 84d121d Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/graphql (3.7.1 -> 4.0.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 4c0f8d2 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/session-manager (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-11 89ef481 Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 8ccb66f Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-09-22 73f782e Bump nth-check from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (dependabot[bot])
  • silverstripe/login-forms (4.6.0 -> 4.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 0ba9e08 Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-03-11 6925d12 Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 4abd15d Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-26 10c21a8 Pin colors to 1.1.2 (#107) (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-authoring-tools (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 b2f797b Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-11-29 68c1b56 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/documentconverter (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 9dc6d35 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/iframe (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 577b690 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/spellcheck (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 5c6fa67 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/tagfield (2.8.0 -> 2.9.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 7a19b70 Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-28 6de73ba Bump url-parse from 1.5.7 to 1.5.10 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-18 d7539be Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.7 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-10 206740a Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/taxonomy (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 b5fceab Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-blog (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 ae03deb Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-02 131e054 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/blog (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 8d6a03b Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-10 7508ae6 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/content-widget (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 0392ad2 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/spamprotection (3.2.0 -> 3.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 f7febc1 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/akismet (4.2.0 -> 4.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 148879e Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/comments (3.7.2 -> 3.8.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 9ef77e3 Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-10 536d965 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/comment-notifications (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 eda605b Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-collaboration (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 7b44d01 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-11-29 8bf5bdd 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/contentreview (4.4.0 -> 4.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 69cf355 Bump async from 2.5.0 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-11 7def6f8 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/sharedraftcontent (2.6.0 -> 2.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 902e8e5 Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-28 e06ccc1 Bump url-parse from 1.5.7 to 1.5.10 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-18 40f739a Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.7 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-10 1598576 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-advancedworkflow (5.6.0 -> 5.7.0)

    • 2022-02-10 1d468c5 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-form-building (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 acd22ac Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-11-29 5426818 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/segment-field (2.5.0 -> 2.6.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 dee2fbb Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-10 46d3be3 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/userforms (5.11.1 -> 5.13.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 8e04a6d Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-10 3254d57 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-reporting-tools (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-20 b841a0c Use v3 of silverstripe-composer-update-checker (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-13 520c61e Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-11-29 93a43f7 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/externallinks (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 b1cd65d Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/securityreport (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 357b6cb Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • bringyourownideas/silverstripe-maintenance (2.4.1 -> 2.6.0)

    • 2022-02-20 7bc6899 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (#176) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-26 a2aab4e Allow guzzle ^7 (GuySartorelli)
  • bringyourownideas/silverstripe-composer-update-checker (2.1.0 -> 3.0.0)

    • 2022-02-20 9f34efe Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (#58) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-13 8b30e1b Require composer ^1.10, remove branch-alias (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-services (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 4e4e614 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-11-29 cc152a5 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/restfulserver (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 e0bab7d Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/versionfeed (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 8171761 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-content-blocks (2.10.0 -> 2.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 e5eeb72 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-11-29 cecc15c 4.10 requirements (Steve Boyd)
  • dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental (4.8.0 -> 4.9.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-11 5c84f97 Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 f4d9c5f Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/elemental-fileblock (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 ad7d179 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-09 bfc27d6 Require PHP8 compatible version of elemental (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/elemental-bannerblock (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 cdc5bc1 Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-03-11 1af47ab Update eslint-config (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 f6c0753 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-solr-search (2.10.0 -> 2.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 42f343f Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/fulltextsearch (3.9.0 -> 3.10.1)

    • 2022-05-02 bd9501a Require proxy-db ^1 (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-25 24b53e6 Use silverstripe fork (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 eac962d Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs (4.9.0 -> 4.10.0)

    • 2022-02-10 0944d73 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/registry (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 c3e8ea4 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/totp-authenticator (4.3.0 -> 4.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 dd8b3ac Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-10 919b6e0 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/mfa (4.5.1 -> 4.6.0)

    • 2022-04-09 02dd95f Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-02-10 72b4b50 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/crontask (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 0140114 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport (2.6.1 -> 2.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 87ed653 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/ldap (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 d20b461 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/textextraction (3.3.0 -> 3.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 e8f015d Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-25 7ad3fc9 Loosen constraints for guzzlehttp/guzzle (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/realme (4.2.0 -> 4.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 435d488 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/ckan-registry (1.4.0 -> 1.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-09 7bdbd67 Use guzzle ^7.3 (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 d19cb65 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/webauthn-authenticator (4.4.1 -> 4.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-28 b7f8056 Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 (dependabot[bot])
    • 2022-03-09 371c5bb Use guzzlehttp/psr7 ^2 (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 5424953 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/security-extensions (4.2.1 -> 4.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 f5bf7ab Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/subsites (2.5.0 -> 2.6.0)

    • 2022-02-10 07aefb1 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/html5 (2.2.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 61be962 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • cwp/agency-extensions (2.6.0 -> 2.7.0)

    • 2021-09-21 de219d5 Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 (dependabot[bot])
  • silverstripe/recipe-ccl (2.10.0 -> 2.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-10 9d70be4 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • cwp/cwp-core (2.9.0 -> 2.10.0)

    • 2021-11-17 137a571 Require admin ^1.10 (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/auditor (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0)

    • 2022-05-02 e52e474 Require proxy-db ^1 (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-10 51cf3e5 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/environmentcheck (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0)

    • 2022-02-10 3902a1d Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/hybridsessions (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0)

    • 2022-02-10 c668896 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental-userforms (3.1.0 -> 3.2.0)

    • 2022-02-13 d7fa465 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-multivaluefield (5.2.0 -> 5.3.0)

    • 2022-02-10 255bfd9 Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version (Steve Boyd)


  • silverstripe/installer (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 9a342a5 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#314) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/recipe-cms (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 ea3c4b1 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#53) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/recipe-core (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 a824a33 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#70) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/framework (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-22 7d2bfc6fc Fix page not found in Builtin Middlewares (FreezerNick)
    • 2022-04-21 107c7196a Address broken code samples (FreezerNick)
    • 2022-04-14 e9d3fe5c0 Explain how to add new Image formats. (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-04-13 e05fed46e Add changelog entry for WebP support (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-04-12 c2c6e5392 Remove reference to GraphQL verbosity (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-03-23 eda52d167 Add Matt Peel to core committers (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-03-08 e05142dba Remove warning about typos (#10256) (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-03-07 41df2a22e Clarify that Silverstripe CMS does not have a bug bounty program (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-02-15 9773f0d8c Fix link to PHPunit docs (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-02-09 73fd4b185 Add Steve to Core Committer list (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-02-08 6e1bc807e GraphQL src must always be an array. (#10213) (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-02-08 4044573ae Clarify which branch to target for third-party dependency changes (#10216) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-08 95be6ed07 Update old pre-namespaces PHPDoc (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-02-06 2e5a988f4 Add blurbs about several new features to 4.11 changelog (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-02-03 8f1c68db4 Document how to enable the preview panel for custom DataObjects. (#10124) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-02-02 6d90eec0c Injector syntax docs update (#10221) (Bernard Hamlin)
    • 2022-02-01 21c279ba5 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#10206) (GuySartorelli)
    • 2022-01-27 83156dd9c Add admin_email config recommendation to 4.9.0 upgrade (#10212) (Andrew Paxley)
    • 2022-01-25 85519b7a1 Update 4.10.0 changelog (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-24 962ff9307 Final 4.10 pre-release changelog tweaks (#10210) (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-01-20 2841e1bd3 Fix type in 4.9.0 changelog (#10152) (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-01-20 5bb203e16 Bulk loader graphql docs (#10203) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2022-01-18 05e57bdc3 Remove italics in headings (#10205) (Ed Wilde)
    • 2022-01-18 ce3e07a18 DBComposite reword to make a little more sense. (#10193) (LiamKearn)
    • 2021-12-23 a7b8c9f03 Docs for various new graphql features (#10186) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-21 53bb0a82e Close xml tag (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-20 e1b33e639 fix formatting error (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-16 d24607427 Add 4.10.0-rc1 changelog (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-12 d5de29ffa Remove outdated changelog entry (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2021-12-09 698629cac Add section for upgrading to PHPUnit 9.5 (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-02 8ca492092 Unquote title (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-02 ee224a95c Fix module version details (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-12-01 a1092b860 Add clearer instructions for prerelease installation (#10164) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-11-15 be623349e Apply suggested typos fixes (Sergey Shevchenko)
    • 2021-10-07 5ad7d5169 Update all occurrences of /app/code/ to /app/src/ for correct v4 structure (Michael Pritchard (HEIW))
    • 2021-09-01 612f140bd Documenting the capability of 'envorconstant' to be checked against specific values (Patrick Nelson)
    • 2021-05-16 13357c33d Explain the new MySQLSchemaManager::schema_use_int_width flag (Maxime Rainville)
  • silverstripe/mimevalidator (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 9d024f5 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#51) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 ed227e7 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#1284) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/cms (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 86d27daa Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#2716) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/errorpage (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 48c8f87 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#62) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/graphql (3.7.1 -> 4.0.0-beta1)

    • 2018-08-08 11f945a Typo correction (#172) (Guy Marriott)
  • silverstripe/session-manager (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-04-29 58dad7a Clarify logout across devices config (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/taxonomy (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-01 492471b Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#78) (GuySartorelli)
  • dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental (4.8.0 -> 4.9.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-07 238f36e fix link to SS 3.x compatible branch (Christopher Darling)
  • silverstripe/fulltextsearch (3.9.0 -> 3.10.1)

    • 2022-02-01 767fa29 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#307) (GuySartorelli)
  • silverstripe/textextraction (3.3.0 -> 3.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-03-09 d03a9f0 Fix incorrect PHPDoc about what null lifetime means. (Guy Sartorelli)
    • 2022-03-06 04e4b60 Fix class reference for cache class (Guy Sartorelli)
  • silverstripe/hybridsessions (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0)

    • 2022-02-01 3392c61 Change "SilverStripe" to "Silverstripe" in readme (#66) (GuySartorelli)

Other changes

  • silverstripe/framework (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 51c8ff648 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-22 eebe8c625 Changelog for Composer 2.2.0 allow-plugins option (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-19 d7b7b58e5 Tweaks from peer review (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-03-15 334bd48d2 PATCH: add MemberAuthenticator::checkPassword() to backtrace::$ignore_function_args (Nicolaas / Sunn Side Up)
    • 2022-02-22 231063fd0 ORM is Object-Relational Mapping. (Eduardo Viñuela)
    • 2022-02-07 34118efbc BUGFIX: Fixed issue where an undefined class error would be thrown when getting objects or ids from fixtures (UndefinedOffset)
    • 2022-02-03 3b5c72f3f V4: Fix documentation for Enum declaration Syntax (#10223) (Roman Schmid)
    • 2022-01-16 c6ee8c0b3 Obtain module path from module manifest (#9720) (Christian Bünte)
    • 2022-01-16 e40a95af2 MINOR: add filterable and sortable field indexes (#10189) (Nicolaas / Sunn Side Up)
    • 2022-01-13 2ed9e8f67 Per request from Paul, removing his name from the list of core committers (Matt Peel)
    • 2022-01-04 41530f0be MINOR: adding index to PermissionRoleCode.Code for faster filtering and sorting (Nicolaas / Sunn Side Up)
    • 2021-12-10 bf183c809 TestMailer - Add Headers attribute in order for tests to asserts its (Marco Hermo)
    • 2021-11-15 235ebe3c3 TEST: Simulated test for MySQLSchemaManager::shouldUseIntegerWidth() (Sergey Shevchenko)
    • 2021-07-01 2a845e420 added comment to be more specific (zemiacsik)
    • 2021-05-16 eb5dc731a Move MySQL 8 changelog note to 4.9.0 changelog (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2021-04-23 e68e65bad feat: added config value to force certain behaviour & added a note to the docs (Sergey Shevchenko)
    • 2021-03-23 600f8e5b8 Move hasEmptySchem and emptyString to DataSchema on SingleSelectField (Brett Tasker)
  • silverstripe/mimevalidator (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 9c7e46a Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 3488ab7 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/asset-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 3f6965a6 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
    • 2021-11-23 513ba654 Add missing TypeCreator import to FolderTypeCreator (Chris Penny)
  • silverstripe/campaign-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 144e4ae Update translations (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-05 7ea835b PSR issue fixing (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-05 76acf74 PSR bugfixing (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-03 7302283 Test case optimisation (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-04-03 c2068fc Updated test cases. (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-31 eb52b1d Attempt to fix issue in PGSQL build (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-31 1d8d0d5 Test issue (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-31 c8e3b3b Commit bundles (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-31 eb16900 Test fail issue (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-31 83b131d Enhancements after peer review. Test coverage (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-30 30f8f20 Hadle HTTP Error response in CampaignAdminList (Sabina Talipova)
    • 2022-03-30 367d59a Filter by ChangeSet IsInferred value equals O (Sabina Talipova)
  • silverstripe/versioned-admin (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 0e407f2 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/cms (4.10.0 -> 4.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 f72f5dc0 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-03-27 ceeed654 Ensure start var is not a negative number (3Dgoo)
    • 2019-10-15 863ed249 add config var for namespace mapping page->control, add test to confirm (Andrew Aitken-Fincham)
  • silverstripe/errorpage (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 2de5e78 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-15 faa495e PATCH: fix typo (Nicolaas / Sunn Side Up)
  • silverstripe/versioned (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 e1df345 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/graphql (3.7.1 -> 4.0.0-beta1)

    • 2021-12-23 f06d9e6 MINOR: change graphql codegen dir, force clear (#423) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-20 f45be54 BUGFIX: Throw on duplicate derived model names (#421) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-12-01 6f5c752 Update README (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-11-28 b11582a BUGFIX: Use SchemaModelCreatorInterface instead of class (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-11-10 23953e2 BUGFIX: Allow Enum fields in input types (#413) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-11-04 64d8d46 Use public/_graphql/ subfolder (#385) (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-10-29 7af51b7 BUGFIX: Ensure inherited fields are overridden if their config doesn't match (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-10-29 79de5e8 BUGFIX: Ensure '*' is always first so that default fields can be overridden (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-10-26 64ee0ce Custom id fields for mutations and more (#412) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-09-27 b851362 Loosen constraint for enum ignore setting (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-09-06 0b7eff1 BUGFIX: hasWrapper() unnecessarily popping the path (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-08-18 285de89 BUGFIX: hasWarapper allows nested types (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-07-23 ed27d96 Allow dot syntax to return scalars on custom property name (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-07-13 ebcd52e ID is non nullable (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-06-30 ebf38c3 MINOR: linting (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-06-30 5717b5a MINOR: Fix unit tests (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-06-30 cf9c875 Pulls/master/ extendsive refactor (#393) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-06-24 841c4e2 Add access to belongs_many_many relation (#394) (Roman Schmid)
    • 2021-06-20 90b138f Add base resolver, allow native field to resolve (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-06-16 7abf90c MINOR: firstResult typed to SS_List for non-dataobject cases (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-04-01 0dc90fe BUGFIX: Allow mapFieldByClassName to be authoritative (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-03-18 baa89d1 MINOR: Improve version constraint for silverstripe/event-dispatcher (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-03-18 d38230c MINOR: Update event-dispatcher dependency (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-25 8b48b80 BUGFIX: insufficient args passed in resolveType (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-23 fbf75e8 MINOR: Make paginator injectable (#368) (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-23 290abb8 MINOR: Remove exclude directive from mutation input types (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-17 4011f0d BUGFIX: Malformed cache instance causing pollution and build errors (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-17 8ba76cc refactor createStoreableSchema (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-17 34cf6dc Test passing for new EmptySchema (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-17 f01ca93 Remove side effect for typename getter (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-16 f0c93e9 Update context/config references (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-16 aed655d Fixed schema transcription (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-16 3bd3e19 Remove write to ASSETS_PATH (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-15 177843b Expose query/mutation type on Schema (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-12 9a2dd37 StorableSchema, SchemaBuilder refactor (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-05 d362065 Improve "empty" Schema handling (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-04 1f520c0 Fixed sprintf() usage (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-04 648ec57 Removed closure invariant check (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-04 3dfcca7 Only keep SchemaContext reference in query exec (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-04 b4a57b4 Allow empty HTTP headers in TokenContextProvider (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-04 add8956 Don't rely on Schema->exists() in Build (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-04 55b9eaa Don't swallow misspelled or misconfigured schemas (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-03 86af137 Changes per @chillu feedback. SchemaTranscriber now composable for non-assets situations (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-02 6375885 Add better error handling for schema src (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-02 56424b3 Schema warning when model can't be found (#316) (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-02-02 1a6468e Relevant exception handling (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-02 17d2897 Add schema key check, pass type as object for discovery (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-02-01 0b45c2e Remove unused imports (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-22 1c6408a Clear store on tests (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-22 b1f3390 Refactor several APIs to improve stability (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-01-22 7baaff2 Allow Behat smoke test failures for now (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-01-20 377f4f7 Add schema factory (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-20 7027e46 Use latest frameworktest (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-01-20 b66453e Ignore test artifacts in linting (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-01-20 b40f3df Linting, remove versioned dependent test (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-20 ea13dbc Remove Schema->getSignature() (#343) (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2021-01-17 afc5f1c Backward compat for Build static methods (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-13 d93cd4f BUGFIX: tolerate null in paginator (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-12 44b0cfc Allow nullables in filter/sort (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2021-01-11 988ac4b BUGFIX: Incorrect NotEqualFilter mapping (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-17 dc0f0b1 Fixed cross test pollution (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2020-12-16 4a39548 Model config and integration testing (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-16 c0cd62c Removed unnecessary setters on Schema (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2020-12-16 9558164 Refactor config loading in Schema (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2020-12-16 245a589 Use constants for labels consistently in Schema (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2020-12-15 77a9996 BUGFIX: filter not working because list arrays were assumed not to be values (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-15 7784222 Config srcs don't need to be keyed arrays (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-10 7584bda Revert master branch composer to 4.x-dev (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-10 271a2b0 Removed non-functional scrutinizer badge (4.x) (Ingo Schommer)
    • 2020-12-10 d628e9d Move persisted request processing to injectable class (#303) (Bernard Hamlin)
    • 2020-12-08 fec38dd BUGFIX: ensure canView comes after firstResult (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-06 b66b76b BUGFIX: Improperly formed default schema config (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-12-01 972eccb Replace versioned dependency (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-11-30 6bd8fa3 Update core recipe constraint (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-11-30 7e7b4b9 Update versioned constraint (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-11-26 c1bcf3d Testing queries and resolver discovery (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-11-10 7663a3f Move default schema to graphql module (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-29 edf3d49 Several fixes for Graphql 3 BC (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-20 447abb6 Improvements to plugins to make them less dataObject centric, for versioned-admin (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-19 ce3d2fa Allow getField to return null on models (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-18 fafb426 Return of build cache, allow method names to be fields (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-15 508b1a4 First pass at autobuilding (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-13 0060fe0 Compatability with old Yaml library (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-09 f11cccc Remove getModelType, no longer needed (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-10-09 7e2c081 __extends on the lowest readable base model, improvements to sorting, filtering (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-06-26 78f081a Update constraint syntax in recipe-cms version definition (Robbie Averill)
    • 2020-06-25 5d9c609 Prepare dependencies for API chaging merge, same minor branches for core (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2020-03-30 48339fc Allow phpunit 9 (Dan Hensby)
    • 2020-03-30 4e133f2 Replace deprecated exception assertion (Dan Hensby)
    • 2020-03-30 f440213 Optimise imports (Dan Hensby)
    • 2020-03-29 d76b476 PHPUnit upgrade (Dan Hensby)
    • 2018-08-06 f9d2153 MINOR Update master branch to be v4.x-dev (Maxime Rainville)
  • silverstripe/session-manager (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 fa7d308 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/login-forms (4.6.0 -> 4.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 bf5785c Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/documentconverter (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 f88ae16 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/tagfield (2.8.0 -> 2.9.0-beta1)

    • 2021-11-24 07868ab Adding $schemaComponent to make react render correct component (Michael van Schaik)
  • silverstripe/blog (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 2b5d00b Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/widgets (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 3d89a29 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/spamprotection (3.2.0 -> 3.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 af01b0a Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/contentreview (4.4.0 -> 4.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 3359ab4 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/userforms (5.11.1 -> 5.13.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 0f12e1e Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/externallinks (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 3721dab Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental (4.8.0 -> 4.9.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 e846240 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-04-13 a763a2a Remove redundant step (Maxime Rainville)
    • 2022-01-20 ba0d759 BUGFIX: Use new typeMapping graphql API (Aaron Carlino)
    • 2022-01-20 bff0507 BUGFIX: Use new typeMapping graphql API (#955) (Aaron Carlino)
  • silverstripe/elemental-fileblock (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 6966c20 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/elemental-bannerblock (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 1b0451f Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/recipe-solr-search (2.10.0 -> 2.11.0-beta1)

    • 2021-12-03 3192b39 Update composer.json (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/fulltextsearch (3.9.0 -> 3.10.1)

    • 2022-03-03 0788dc4 [Backport] Let symfony/process escape each command part separately (#315) (Michal Kleiner)
    • 2022-02-18 4947961 Symfony process constructor fix (#312) (#313) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-02-18 adefb3f Symfony process constructor fix (#312) (Kirk Mayo)
    • 2022-01-07 fbe899e Close curl handles after use (Daniel Hensby)
  • symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs (4.9.0 -> 4.10.0)

    • 2022-01-17 b6be02c only log if theres something to log (#353) (Andrew Paxley)
    • 2021-07-01 0f7c604 Update src/Tasks/Engines/DoormanRunner.php (Andrew Aitken-Fincham)
    • 2020-11-20 a59a986 Check Doorman log path is a valid path (Andrew Aitken-Fincham)
  • silverstripe/totp-authenticator (4.3.0 -> 4.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 698b984 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/mfa (4.5.1 -> 4.6.0)

    • 2022-04-15 d1c419c build styles (Bram de Leeuw)
    • 2022-04-13 5ff6582 Add 'margin 0' to 'mfa-method-tile-group' (Bram de Leeuw)
  • silverstripe/gridfieldqueuedexport (2.6.1 -> 2.7.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 8fed2e4 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-09 1ccc442 Fixes #55: Ensure correct controller is used to render checkExport (#56) (#62) (Steve Boyd)
    • 2022-01-09 611f5ee Fixes #55: Ensure correct controller is used to render checkExport (#56) (Luke Fromhold)
  • silverstripe/realme (4.2.0 -> 4.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 1554ee0 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/ckan-registry (1.4.0 -> 1.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 ec1f585 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/webauthn-authenticator (4.4.1 -> 4.5.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 874c2d8 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/security-extensions (4.2.1 -> 4.3.0-beta1)

    • 2022-05-04 0f1cc91 Update translations (Steve Boyd)
  • silverstripe/html5 (2.2.0 -> 2.4.0-beta1)

    • 2022-02-22 062a7d1 add test for noscript tags (Florian Thoma)
    • 2022-02-22 42ed6fc remove obsolete comment (Florian Thoma)